82 research outputs found

    Analysis of farmers’ risk aversion in southern Borno, Nigeria.

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    This study examined risk aversion among farmers in Southern Part of Borno State, Nigeria. The study used mainly primary data collected from one hundred and twenty (120) farmers using structural questionnaire administered using multistage random technique. Tools used for the analyses were descriptive statistics and asymmetry of income distribution of the farmers. Analysis of results revealed that majority of the farmers were males and are above 30 years. It was also discovered that 40%, 26% and 34% of the farmers had Western education, Koranic (Islamic) and no education respectively. The asymmetry of income revealed that 78.4% of the respondents were risk averse (Asym. = 0.01 to 1), with 5.8% risk neutral (Asym. = 0.0) and 15.8% risk proclivity (Asym. = -1 to -0.01). Among those that had risk proclivity, about 73.7% were below the age of forty years, with 5.3% of the number being females. The study recommended that farmers should be educated on risk aversion and its attendant negative effects on decision making

    An Assessment of Risk Management And Coping Strategies Of Farm Families In Southern Borno

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    This work assessed the behaviour of farm families in anticipation of a shock and after its occurrence.The study utilized primary data obtained through the use of questionnaire administered on the respon-dent. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents were sampled and interviewe through a multistage random sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Re- sult of the analysis revealed that farmers in the area suffered from crop failure, flood, drought, price fluctuation, bush fires and pests infestation. Management strategie identified include farm migration, savings and diversification. Coping strategies identified include remittances, extended working hours and diversification. A large number of the respondents reported no management strategy (60.8%) or coping strategy (77.4%), ignorance, fear to acknowledge the presence of risk, and beliefs were found to be the reasons why majority of the farmers have no risk management or coping strategy. This find- ing revealed that the vulnerability of the farm families to adverse effects of shocks is high. It was rec-ommended that extension should educate farm families on risk, its management and coping strategies to help place them at a vantage point against shocks.        &nbsp

    Women’s Accessibility to Resources of Agricultural Productivity in Borno State, Nigeria

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    This study set out to investigate the extent of women’s accessibility to resources of agricultural productivity in Borno state, Nigeria. Data for the study were obtained from primary sources by the use of structured questionnaire. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 266 women farmers. The data obtained from the study was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics. The results showed that the respondents had mean age of 39.5 years, mean farming experience of 17.2 years, while mean family size was 10 persons. Over 80% of the respondents were married. Furthermore, the findings showed that the respondents had the highest access to farm income, farm management decision making powers, farm land and off farm income. However, their access to extension services, education, cooperatives, production inputs and credit were limited. It was recommended among others that agricultural input distribution should be gender sensitive to afford women increased access to resources. Keywords: Women, Access, Productive resources, Productivity

    Women’s accessibility to resources of agricultural productivity in Borno state, Nigeria

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    This study set out to investigate the extent of women’s accessibility to resources of agricultural productivity in Borno state, Nigeria. Data for the study were obtained from primary sources by the use of structured questionnaire. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 266 women farmers. The data obtained from the study was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics. The results showed that the respondents had mean age of 39.5 years, mean farming experience of 17.2 years, while mean family size was 10 persons. Over 80% of the respondents were married. Furthermore, the findings showed that the respondents had the highest access to farm income, farm management decision making powers, farm land and off farm income. However, their access to extension services, education, cooperatives, production inputs and credit were limited. It was recommended among others that agricultural input distribution should be gender sensitive to afford women increased access to resources. Key Words: Women, Access, Productive resources, Productivit

    Analysis of the Impact of Deforestation on Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria: An Error Correction Modeling Approach

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    This study analyzed the impacts of deforestation on agricultural productivity in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to assess the trend of deforestation and the impact of deforestation on agricultural productivity. Time series data on all the variables in the study spanning from 1975 to 2010 were used.  Descriptive statistic and Error Correction Model were the analytical techniques used for the study. The Unit root test results reveal that all the variables of deforestation, agricultural productivity, average rainfall and number of tractors were found to be non-stationary at 5% level but stationary at first difference, which give way for long-run co-integration. Analysis of Error Correction Model (ECM) results indicated an inverse long- run relationship between deforestation and agricultural productivity. The result reveals that 1% increase in deforestation will result in 1.7% decrease in agricultural productivity. Average rainfall and number of tractors show a long-run positive relationship with agricultural productivity. With 1% increase in average rainfall and number of tractors, agricultural productivity will increase by 0.5% and 2.4%, respectively. The result of the short- run analysis shows positive relationship between previous year’s agricultural productivity and rainfall on current agricultural productivity with elasticity of 0.9 and 0.2, while deforestation portrayed a negative effect on agricultural productivity with elasticity of -0.7. Error Correction Model shows a permanent impact of deforestation and agricultural productivity. Policies should gear up towards finding alternative sources of energy, while unnecessary clearing of forests should be legislated against to minimized causes of deforestation and its impacts on agricultural productivity. Keywords: Deforestation, Productivity, Error- correction and Nigeri

    Identification of Factors that Influence Technical Efficiency of Food Crop Production in West Africa: Empirical Evidence from Borno State, Nigeria

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    The objective of this study was to examine the determinants of food crop production and technical efficiency in the guinea savannas of Borno State, Nigeria. A stochastic frontier production function, using the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique was applied in the analysis of data collected from 1086 sample farmers in 2004. The MLE results reveal that farm size; fertilizer and hired labour are the major factors that are associated with changes in the output of food crops. The effect of land area on output is positive and the coefficient found to be significant (p = 0.01). Fertilizer and hired labour have positive effects on output and their coefficients are significant (p = 0.01). Mean farmers’ technical efficiency index was found to be 0.68. Farmer-specific efficiency factors, which comprise age, education, credit, extension and crop diversification, were found to be the significant factors that account for the observed variation in efficiency among the farmers. The implication of the study is that technical efficiency in food crop production could be increased by 32 percent through better use of available resources, given the current state of technology

    Sensory indicators of suluguni cheese when using enzyme preparations of different origins in the technology of soft cheeses

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    Cheeses are food products obtained by concentration and biotransformation of the main components of milk under the influence of physicochemical factors of rennet enzyme preparations and microorganisms. Suluguni occupies an important place among cheeses in Ukraine. Suluguni cheese has been known for a long time, it was first mentioned in the book of the Pope's personal chef Bartolomeo Scipri. Industrial production of the product was established at the end of the 18th century. The main operation in the production of rennet cheese is the enzymatic coagulation of milk under the action of chymosin, resulting in the formation of a milk clot with a large part of casein and whey. In the body of animals, chymosin, similar to cheese-making technology, coagulates milk at the beginning of its digestion. Thus, the processing of milk in the process of cheese production corresponds to natural physiological processes. III groups of milk samples (n = 5) were formed to conduct the experiment. In the control group of samples, rennet enzyme of microbial origin was used for curdling milk. In the 1st experimental group of samples, an enzyme preparation from the rennet of dairy calves, extracted according to the method of Yu. Ya. Svyridenko, was used. In the II experimental group, an enzyme preparation was used, which was extracted from the rennet of dairy calves according to the method of S. V. Merzlova. The duration of protein coagulation during the production of “Suluguni” cheese using a microbial enzyme preparation is 23 min., when using enzymes of the first research group – 27 min. and when using rennet enzymes of the II research group – 33 min. In view of the output of ready-made Suluguni cheese with a commercial purpose to obtain more profit, it is advisable to use an enzyme of microbial origin. According to sensory analysis, samples using calf rennet enzyme extracted according to the method of S. V. Merzlova (I research group of samples) were characterized by pronounced cheesy, sour-milk, without extraneous tastes and smells, taste and smell characteristic of soft fresh cheese; the surface is clean without mechanical damage, elastic; the consistency of the smear is gentle, moderately dense; the color is white, uniform throughout the mass. Samples of the II experimental group were characterized by the worst organoleptic indicators

    Microbiological indicators of cottage cheese using different rennet leavens

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    Rennet cheeses occupy an important place in the diets of the population of Ukraine. The technology of cheese production depends both on the quality of raw materials and on the quality of the enzymes used to curdle milk. Therefore, the study of the effect of rennet enzymes obtained by improved biotechnology on the microbial state of the finished product is of scientific and practical importance. III groups of samples (n = 3) were formed to conduct the experiment. Cow's milk for research was collected from clinically healthy cows during the calving period. In the control group of samples, rennet enzyme of microbial origin was used for curdling milk. In the 1st experimental group of samples, an enzyme preparation was used, extracted from the rennet of dairy calves according to the method of Yu. Ya. Svyridenko In the II experimental group, an enzyme preparation obtained by the method of extraction according to the method of was used. S. V. Merzlova. Laboratory research was carried out in the conditions of the Research Institute of Food Technologies and Technologies of Processing Livestock Products and the Laboratory of Microbiological Research Methods of the Department of Microbiology of the Bilotserk National Agrarian University, which is certified according to (DSTU ISO 10012:2005). To determine the qualitative and quantitative microbial composition, culture was carried out from cheeses obtained with the help of various enzyme preparations. Microbiological research was carried out using the methods defined by DSaNPiN 4.4.5-078-2001 “Microbiological standards and methods of control of food products”. To determine bacterial insemination, two nutrient media such as Lees agar and Streptococcus thermophilus agar were used. The method of serial dilutions was used for seeding the suspension. Sowing was carried out by applying 1.0 cm³ of suspension (dilutions from 1 to 10-5) in melted and cooled agar in Petri dishes, followed by thermostating for 48 hours at 37 °

    Improvement of the quality of treatment of the complicated maxillary dental caries due to the use of cone-beam tomography in the process of planning the endodontic treatment

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    Трудности, связанные с эндодонтическим лечением моляров верхней челюсти, очень распространены в современной стоматологии. В стоматологической практике, чаще всего, для определения количества корневых каналов используют внутриротовую рентгенографию или ортопантомографию. Некачественно проведенное эндодонтическое лечение моляров верхней челюсти приводит к осложнениям не только со стороны зубочелюстной системы, но и влечет за собой поражение рядом расположенных структур. Цель нашего исследования — профилактика осложнений, возникающих после эндодонтического лечения, за счет использования конусно-лучевой томографии во время его планирования. Согласно полученным результатам, второй мезиально-щечный корневой канал в первом моляре верхней челюсти встречается в 78 % случаев, а во втором моляре — в 43 %. Эти показатели отличаются от данных, приведенных в литературе.In the stages of planning of the endodontic treatment of teeth it is necessary to have a notion about the number and location of the root canals. It is especially important during the endodontic treatment of molars. According to different authors, it is known that the number and location of root canal molars of the upper jaw are individual for each person. Thus, the first upper molar has three roots of root canals, but 50% of the mesial buccal root has two root canals. The second maxillary molar has three root canals in 70% of cases, and four in 30%. Options for the location and structure of the root canals in these teeth are also quite diverse. Therefore, the difficulties associated with endodontic treatment of molars of the upper jaw, are very common in modern dentistry. In dental practice, most of all, to determine the number of root canals intraoral radiography or orthopantomography are used. Low quality of endodontic treatment of the maxillary molars causes complications not only of the dentition system, but also the loss of adjacent structures. The aim of our study is the prevention of complications that were caused by the endodontic treatment, by using cone-beam tomography during the process of planning. According to our research, the second mesio-buccal root canal in the first maxillary molar is found in 78% of cases, and in the second molar — in 43%. These data differ from those given in the literature. The overwhelming number of patients aged over 40 years is marked by the loss of the first molars of the upper jaw on the right or left side, or both sides at the same time, which is associated with ineffective endodontic treatment of these teeth

    Вплив карбонату калію і лимонної кислоти на показники якості вермішелі як складової меню готельно-ресторанних комплексів Київщини

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    Most pasta products in the hotel and restaurant sector of Kyiv region are made of flour and water; of course, their chemical composition is relatively poor. Most such products, according to DSTU 7043:2009 Pasta products. General technical conditions refer to group C, produced at domestic enterprises. According to the results of the assortment research, it was established that 85 % of pasta products of classes A and B from durum wheat are represented by imported products. According to various estimates, durum wheat pasta exceeds group C pasta in terms of nutritional composition by approximately 1.5 times. Pasta products from durum wheat contain 13% moisture, 10–13 % proteins, up to 2 % fat, 64–75 % carbohydrates, 0.1–0.2 % fiber, B vitamins, and PP. However, instant pasta also plays an important role, actively gaining popularity among the population. Due to their ease of preparation and richness of taste, these products are widely distributed in the hotel and restaurant sector of the Kyiv region. Instant pasta is consumed in over 80 countries and has become an internationally recognized food. It is believed that the whole world owes the invention of instant pasta to Japan. In this country, instant vermicelli was recognized as the most significant invention of the twentieth century. The main goal of this work is to reduce the fat content in pasta products – instant vermicelli (VSHP), prepared by frying in oil, which is produced on the production line of a pasta enterprise, to 17 %. At the first stage of the research, the rational range of potassium carbonate (К3СО3) introduction into the brine recipe was determined for the quality of the VSHP. After conducting a series of experiments, it was confirmed that the fat content in vermicelli briquettes was reduced. The introduction of potassium carbonate is accompanied by a decrease in the fat content of VSHP from 1.2 %. Therefore, the amount of K3СО3 influences the fat content in vermicelli briquettes. According to the results of the conducted research, the feasibility of implementing the technology of changing the brine recipe is shownБільшість макаронних виробів у готельно-ресторанній сфері Київщини – це вироби з борошна і води, зазвичай їхній хімічний склад є доволі бідним. Більшість таких виробів, що за ДСТУ 7043:2009 Вироби макаронні. Загальні технічні умови, належать до групи С, виробляються на вітчизняних підприємствах. За результатами дослідження асортименту було встановлено, що макаронні вироби класів А та Б з твердих сортів пшениці на 85 % представлені імпортованою продукцією. За різними оцінками – макаронні вироби з твердих сортів пшениці перевищують макаронні вироби групи С за поживним складом приблизно у 1,5 раза. Макаронні вироби з твердих сортів пшениці містять 13 % вологи, 10–13 % білків, до 2 % жиру, 64–75 % вуглеводів, 0,1–0,2 % клітковини, вітаміни В, РР. Проте важливе місце посідають і макаронні вироби швидкого приготування. Вони активно набирають популярності серед населення, адже завдяки простоті приготування та насиченості смаку дані продукти є широко розповсюдженими у готельно-ресторанній сфері Київщини.Макаронні вироби швидкого приготування (МВШП) споживаються в більш ніж 80 країнах і стали міжнародно визнаною їжею. Вважається, що винаходом макаронних виробів швидкого приготування весь світ зобов’язаний Японії. Саме в цій країні вермішель швидкого приготування була визнана найбільш значним винаходом двадцятого століття. Головною ціллю даної роботи є зменшення вмісту жиру в макаронних виробах – вермішелі швидкого приготування (ВШП), приготовлених обсмажуванням в олії, які виготовляються на виробничій лінії макаронного підприємства, до 17 %. На першому етапі досліджень визначали раціональний діапазон внесення карбонату калію (К3СО3) в рецептуру розсолу на якість ВШП. Після проведення серії експериментів було підтверджено зменшення вмісту жиру в брикеті вермішелі. Внесення карбонату калію супроводжується зменшенням вмісту жиру у ВШП з на 1,2 %. Отже, кількість К3СО3 справляє вплив на вміст жиру в брикеті вермішелі. За результатами проведених досліджень показано доцільність впровадження технології зміни рецептури розсолу