296 research outputs found

    Pathway to oxide photovoltaics via band-structure engineering of SnO

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    The prospects of scaling current photovoltaic technologies to terawatt levels remain uncertain. All-oxide photovoltaics could open rapidly scalable manufacturing routes, if only oxide materials with suitable electronic and optical properties were developed. A potential candidate material is tin monoxide (SnO), which has exceptional doping and transport properties among oxides, but suffers from a low adsorption coefficient due to its strongly indirect band gap. Here, we address this shortcoming of SnO by band-structure engineering through isovalent but heterostructural alloying with divalent cations (Mg, Ca, Sr, Zn). Using first-principles calculations, we show that suitable band gaps and optical properties close to that of direct-gap semiconductors are achievable in such SnO based alloys. Due to the defect tolerant electronic structure of SnO, the dispersive band-structure features and comparatively small effective masses are preserved in the alloys. Initial Sn1-xZnxO thin films deposited by sputtering exhibit crystal structure and optical properties in accord with the theoretical predictions, which confirms the feasibility of the alloying approach. Thus, the implications of this work are important not only for terawatt scale photovoltaics, but also for other large-scale energy technologies where defect-tolerant semiconductors with high quality electronic properties are required

    The Effect of Routine Adult PHQ-2 Depression Screen and Scheduled Follow-Up Protocol in the Primary Care Setting

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    Healthy People has projected depression to be the primary cause of disability by 2020; therefore routine depression screening has been prioritized as a national healthcare initiative. The purpose of this Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project is to demonstrate that routine implementation of the 2-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) depression screener, along with a scheduled follow-up protocol for adults in the primary care setting, can improve current mental health practices regarding the identification of depression by clinicians. The evidence supports use of the PHQ-2 for routine adult depression screening, as long as a scheduled follow-up protocol is available for positive screens. This practice change enables clinicians to accurately identify depressed adults, promptly intervene, and implement an appropriate plan of care. The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice and Kotter’s (1996) Eight Stages of Change model expedited the implementation of this project. Data were collected during a one-month implementation period and analyzed by the Statistical Package for Social Services (SPSS) Version 23. Baseline data included the number of identified depressed adult patients based on clinical judgment in the same timeframe the year prior. A total of 27 (N) patients were identified as depressed per the EBP intervention. Comparing clinical judgment (3.49%) to the EBP intervention (20.19%) there was a significant increase in the number of identified depressed adult patients. In summary, this EBP project intervention increased the accuracy of the clinician’s identification of depression among adult patients in the primary care setting. Implications for future practice would improve mental health assessment by the clinician thus increasing the frequency and accuracy for diagnosing depression

    Interactive digital textbooks and engagement: A learning strategies framework

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    This mixed-methods study explored non-native English speaking students’ learning processes and engagement as they used a customized interactive digital textbook housed on a mobile device. Think aloud protocols, surveys of anticipated and actual engagement with the digital textbook, reflective journals, and member checking constituted data collection. Participants included 13 students in a large U.S. university Business English class. This study responds to the call for further research on how interacting with digital textbooks and mobile devices may affect student reading behaviors and the learning process, using the cultures-of-use conceptual framework by Thorne (2003) as a lens for analysis. Results of a paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test found that participants entered the course with high expectations for the digital textbook and ratings remained high over the term, with only one area showing a significant decrease in engagement. Analysis of think aloud protocol and reflective journal data resulted in the creation of the Framework for Learning with Digital Resources. This framework of learning processes and strategies can be used by materials designers in creating digital textbooks and resources and by educators in supporting students as they move from using digital devices mainly for personal use to utilizing them effectively in their learning

    Effects of web-based collaborative writing on individual L2 writing development

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    Collaborative writing among second language learners in academic web-based projects

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    The paper aims to present the financial position and condition of banking institutions on Polish market which remain under the direct influence of current trends in global financial markets. It briefly describes the mechanisms leading to a crisis situation and subsequent stages of its progress. Illustrates how the Polish banking system is linked to the global market and what are the implications of these linkages. Referring to the results of the survey describes the level of confidence of the Polish to banks operating in the current global financial crisis. In the consequence can to facilitate the selection of the design guidelines of banking offer and adapt it to their current economic situation and economic, as well as to the expectations of current and potential customers.Referat ma na celu przedstawienie sytuacji finansowej oraz kondycji instytucji bankowych działających na polskim rynku, które pozostają pod bezpośrednim wpływem aktualnych tendencji występujących na światowych rynkach finansowych. W zwięzły sposób opisuje mechanizmy prowadzące do powstania sytuacji kryzysowej oraz kolejne etapy jej przebiegu. Obrazuje w jaki sposób polski system bankowy powiązany jest z rynkiem globalnym, a także jakie są konsekwencje owych powiązań. Powołując się na wyniki badań ankietowych opisuje poziom zaufania Polaków do banków funkcjonujących w dobie ogólnoświatowego kryzysu finansowego. W konsekwencji może stanowić ułatwienie przy wyborze kierunków projektowania oferty bankowej i dostosowania jej zarówno do własnej bieżącej sytuacji gospodarczej i ekonomicznej, jak też do oczekiwań aktualnych oraz potencjalnych klientów

    A Comparison of Techniques Measuring Stress in Birds

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    Free-living birds are subjected to both external and internal stresses which can affect their health, activity, and reproductive success. To study stress in free living birds, they must be captured in nets and handled by the researcher to take blood samples for commonly used measures of stress, an activity which itself can induce stress and confound results. This study compares the effects of handling time on three different measures of stress: levels of the stress hormone corticosterone (CORT), levels of Heat Shock Protein 60 (HSP 60) and the ratio of heterophils to lymphocytes (H/L ratio) in tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) captured at feeders between December and January (2011-2013) in Fredericksburg, VA. Blood samples collected between two and 15 minutes from 12 birds were assayed for levels of CORT and HSP and from 24 birds for H/L ratios. Relationships were examined between these stress indicators and handling time, body mass and body condition. CORT was significantly correlated with handling time (p\u3c0.01), which reinforces existing evidence of CORT’s sensitivity to the way subjects are handled immediately prior to blood collection. HSP or H/L ratios were not affected by handling time, suggesting that they may be preferable indicators of stress in free living birds under some circumstances