661 research outputs found

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    Creative Design and Working Drawing: Challenges of Fashion Design and Textile Students in Technical Universities in Ghana

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    Creativity is an integral and essential part of the fashion design process. Without creativity in design, there is no potential for innovation, which is where creative ideas are applied and transformed into commercial value. The purpose of the current study was sought to identify the challenges student face in Creative Design and Working Drawing and suggest measures that can make the teaching and learning of the course meaningful and effective. The descriptive survey research design was employed as the research design for the study. Questionnaires were the primary data collection instrument. The target population was all students at Ho Technical University. Using purposive sampling technique, a total of 122 students were sampled to participate in the study. The study found that students at the Technical university level find it difficult to perceive the main features of the source of inspiration and immediately link those features to design elements in the fashion domain. It was also discovered that the study found that students have challenges regarding the originality of creative designs as they emerge and how they can enhance creativity during the actual process of apparel design. It was observed that the difficulties encountered by the students relative to their creative design and drawing competencies could be attributed to the unavailability of modern studios with the state-of-the-art architecture that can support practical training of the course. Hence imperative that infrastructural improvements remain critical to the sustainability of the Fashion departments. Keywords: Creativity, Creative Process, apparel design DOI: 10.7176/ADS/81-02 Publication date:March 31st 2020

    Consumer evaluation of multiple brand alliance partners : the moderating roles of consumer and brand gender

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    This thesis examines the concept of brand alliances and the effects of multiple partners. In addition, the moderating roles of consumer and brand gender are investigated in a brand alliance context. Results from the experimental study indicate that an increase in the number of alliance partners positively influences consumer evaluation of the focal brand. This effect was also more prominent for unknown brands than for well-known brands, which supports prior research within the field. Furthermore, there is a tendency that women evaluate brands that are engaged in several alliances more positively than men. In addition, the positive effect seems to be more prominent for feminine brands. Overall, the results support a notion that a brand participating in several alliances is displaying relationship-building abilities and care for its partners, which are perceived as feminine traits

    Snappy Sammy Smoot

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    [32] pages : chiefly illustrations. At head of cover title: Skip Williamson\u27s comix & stories featuring ... Adults only. Snappy Sammy Smoot is an American underground comix character created by Skip Williamson in 1968. A counterculture Candide who never loses his innocence, Smoot appeared in his own strips in a number of comix titles, most notably Bijou Funnies, Comix Book, and Blab!. Cultural critic David Manning White wrote about the strip, But what is . . . interesting about \u27Snappy Sammy Smoot\u27 is that it manages to be politically radical at the same time it is satirical and funny, and that it is one of more highly stylized in the field .--Wikipedia. Color cover illustrations, b&w interior.Anthology. Contributors: Skip Williamson, Bijou. The Adler Archive of Underground Comix, Gift of Bill Adler.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/specialcollections_adlerarchive_undergroundcomix/1128/thumbnail.jp

    Effect of statins on lipoprotein (a) in dyslipidemic patients

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    Background: Elevated plasma lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) levels, which act synergistically with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), are an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The effect of statin drugs on Lp(a) levels has not been well-demonstrated in clinical studies. This prospective, randomized, comparative clinical study with parallel treatment groups was conducted to assess the effect of simvastatin, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, on serum Lp(a) levels and serum lipid profile, in treatment-naive dyslipidemic patients without CVD.Methods: A 12 weeks study, with 85 patients, aged 40-70 years, diagnosed with borderline high LDL-C, were assigned to three groups with their informed consents. Group A (n=28) was treated on simvastatin 20 mg/day; Group B (n=29) on atorvastatin 10 mg/day; and Group C (n=28) on rosuvastatin 5 mg/day. Patients’ lipid profile and Lp(a) levels were assessed at 0, 4th and 12th week of treatment period. Statistical analysis was done using Duncan’s test (p<0.05) and one-way ANOVA (p<0.001).Results: At the end of 12 weeks, serum Lp(a) reduction was substantial at 18.73% in atorvastatin group; at insignificant levels (3.15%) in simvastatin group, whereas an elevated level of 8.58% in Lp(a) was recorded in rosuvastatin group. All three treatment groups showed a significant positive impact on the lipid profile. No adverse drug reactions were reported.Conclusion: The impact of statin monotherapy on lipid profile doesn’t correlate with its effect on Lp(a). Atorvastatin has shown a significant reduction in Lp(a) unlike the other statins, and should be preferred in patients with increased risk of CVD

    Diagnostic des quelques parasites intestinaux chez les patients frĂ©quentant l’Hopital GĂ©nĂ©ral de Reference de Kintambo Ă  Kinshasa en RDCONGO

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    This study was focused on the diagnosis of some intestinal parasites in patients attending the General Reference Hospital of Kintambo. The results showed that, among the causative agents of these pathologies, protozoa were diagnosed in large numbers, with the genus Antamoeba. Helminths were dominated by Ascaris lumbricoides.These results confirm that intestinal parasitosis remains a public health problem in the Democratic Republic of Congo in general and in Kinshasa in particular.This situation is explained by the absence of personal hygiene (washing of hands, cleanliness of food), good management of faecal peril which had to go through the installation of latrines, sewers and treatment of waste water.

    Breast Cancer Prevalence and Mortality among Hispanic Subgroups in the United States, 2009–2013

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    Background. This paper presents data on breast cancer prevalence and mortality among US Hispanics and Hispanic subgroups, including Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Central American, and South American. Methods. Five-year average annual female breast cancer prevalence and mortality rates for 2009–2013 were examined using data from the National Health Interview Survey (prevalence) and the National Center for Health Statistics and the American Community Survey (mortality rates). Results. Overall breast cancer prevalence among US Hispanic women was 1.03%. Although the estimates varied slightly by Hispanic subgroup, these differences were not statistically significant. The breast cancer mortality rate for Hispanics overall was 17.71 per 100,000 women. Higher rates were observed among Cubans (17.89), Mexicans (18.78), and Puerto Ricans (19.04), and a lower rate was observed among Central and South Americans (10.15). With the exception of the rate for Cubans, all Hispanic subgroup rates were statistically significantly different from the overall Hispanic rate. Additionally, all Hispanic subgroups rates were statistically significantly higher than the Central and South American rate. Conclusion. The data reveal significant differences in mortality across Hispanic subgroups. These data enable public health officials to develop targeted interventions to help lower breast cancer mortality among the highest risk populations

    Genre et leadership dans les Ă©coles de la RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo

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    RĂ©sumĂ© : L’étude de genre et leadership dĂ©coule d’un questionnement qui porte sur la problĂ©matique de l’exercice du pouvoir dans nos organisations et plus particuliĂšrement sur les prĂ©jugĂ©s et stĂ©rĂ©otypes culturels relatifs Ă  l’image de la femme et de l’homme en situation de leadership. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 313 dirigeants d’écoles de la Division Urbaine de Kinshasa - Est montrent que ce qui constituent un frein pour l’accĂšs des femmes au poste de responsabilitĂ©, sont les prĂ©jugĂ©s et les stĂ©rĂ©otypes relatifs au sexe, les mauvais traitements des femmes par les hommes, la non-application des diffĂ©rentes lois sur la paritĂ© dans notre pays

    Analisa Efektivitas Konten Instagram Hostel di Yogyakarta Sebagai Media Promosi Pada Kalangan Millennial

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    Instagram merupakan jejaring sosial untuk berbagi foto dan video sehingga platform tersebut cocok digunakan untuk memasarkan produk, baik oleh pribadi maupun bidang usaha hingga brand besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi akun media sosial instagram pada hostel-hostel di Yogyakarta dengan melihat apa saja konten yang digunakan sebagai media promosi khususnya pada kalangan Milenial yang lebih memanfaatkan waktu untuk menikmati hidup, salah satunya dengan cara berwisata. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif analisis isi (content analysis) yang dilakukan terhadap lima penginapan dengan konsep edgy paling populer di Instagram, dilihat dari jumlah pengikut dan tingkat keaktifan dalam bermedia sosial. Konten akan dianalisa menggunakan software NVivo, dimana NVivo membantu menganalisa data kualitatif dari caption konten-konten yang akan diteliti. Sebagai uji silang, komparasi terhadap hasil focus group discussion dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keyakinan terhadap temuan data. Dari konten yang telah diunggah oleh akun Hostel, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa generasi Millenial melihat konten yang “realness” dari sebuah unggahan foto kamar hostel sebagai tempat menginap dan konten estetika juga perlu ditambahkan sebagai engagement dan juga awareness pada akun sosial media
