1,992 research outputs found

    Fast complexified quaternion Fourier transform

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    A discrete complexified quaternion Fourier transform is introduced. This is a generalization of the discrete quaternion Fourier transform to the case where either or both of the signal/image and the transform kernel are complex quaternion-valued. It is shown how to compute the transform using four standard complex Fourier transforms and the properties of the transform are briefly discussed

    Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition based on Bidiagonalization to a Real Matrix using Quaternion Householder Transformations

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    We present a practical and efficient means to compute the singular value decomposition (svd) of a quaternion matrix A based on bidiagonalization of A to a real bidiagonal matrix B using quaternionic Householder transformations. Computation of the svd of B using an existing subroutine library such as lapack provides the singular values of A. The singular vectors of A are obtained trivially from the product of the Householder transformations and the real singular vectors of B. We show in the paper that left and right quaternionic Householder transformations are different because of the noncommutative multiplication of quaternions and we present formulae for computing the Householder vector and matrix in each case

    Quaternion Polar Representation with a Complex Modulus and Complex Argument Inspired by the Cayley-Dickson Form

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    We present a new polar representation of quaternions inspired by the Cayley-Dickson representation. In this new polar representation, a quaternion is represented by a pair of complex numbers as in the Cayley-Dickson form, but here these two complex numbers are a complex 'modulus' and a complex 'argument'. As in the Cayley-Dickson form, the two complex numbers are in the same complex plane (using the same complex root of - 1), but the complex phase is multiplied by a different complex root of - 1 in the exponential function. We show how to calculate the 'modulus' and 'argument' from an arbitrary quaternion in Cartesian form. © 2008 Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland

    Clifford Multivector Toolbox (for MATLAB)

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    matlab ® is a numerical computing environment oriented towards manipulation of matrices and vectors (in the linear algebra sense, that is arrays of numbers). Until now, there was no comprehensive toolbox (software library) for matlab to compute with Clifford algebras and matrices of multivectors. We present in the paper an account of such a toolbox, which has been developed since 2013, and released publically for the first time in 2015. The paper describes the major design decisions made in implementing the toolbox, gives implementation details, and demonstrates some of its capabilities, up to and including the LU decomposition of a matrix of Clifford multivectors

    Instantaneous frequency and amplitude of complex signals based on quaternion Fourier transform

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    The ideas of instantaneous amplitude and phase are well understood for signals with real-valued samples, based on the analytic signal which is a complex signal with one-sided Fourier transform. We extend these ideas to signals with complex-valued samples, using a quaternion-valued equivalent of the analytic signal obtained from a one-sided quaternion Fourier transform which we refer to as the hypercomplex representation of the complex signal. We present the necessary properties of the quaternion Fourier transform, particularly its symmetries in the frequency domain and formulae for convolution and the quaternion Fourier transform of the Hilbert transform. The hypercomplex representation may be interpreted as an ordered pair of complex signals or as a quaternion signal. We discuss its derivation and properties and show that its quaternion Fourier transform is one-sided. It is shown how to derive from the hypercomplex representation a complex envelope and a phase. A classical result in the case of real signals is that an amplitude modulated signal may be analysed into its envelope and carrier using the analytic signal provided that the modulating signal has frequency content not overlapping with that of the carrier. We show that this idea extends to the complex case, provided that the complex signal modulates an orthonormal complex exponential. Orthonormal complex modulation can be represented mathematically by a polar representation of quaternions previously derived by the authors. As in the classical case, there is a restriction of non-overlapping frequency content between the modulating complex signal and the orthonormal complex exponential. We show that, under these conditions, modulation in the time domain is equivalent to a frequency shift in the quaternion Fourier domain. Examples are presented to demonstrate these concepts

    Fundamental representations and algebraic properties of biquaternions or complexified quaternions

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    The fundamental properties of biquaternions (complexified quaternions) are presented including several different representations, some of them new, and definitions of fundamental operations such as the scalar and vector parts, conjugates, semi-norms, polar forms, and inner and outer products. The notation is consistent throughout, even between representations, providing a clear account of the many ways in which the component parts of a biquaternion may be manipulated algebraically

    The Hepatic Compensatory Response to Elevated Systemic Sulfide Promotes Diabetes

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    Impaired hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism are hallmarks of type 2 diabetes. Increased sulfide production or sulfide donor compounds may beneficially regulate hepatic metabolism. Disposal of sulfide through the sulfide oxidation pathway (SOP) is critical for maintaining sulfide within a safe physiological range. We show that mice lacking the liver- enriched mitochondrial SOP enzyme thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (Tst−/− mice) exhibit high circulating sulfide, increased gluconeogenesis, hypertriglyceridemia, and fatty liver. Unexpectedly, hepatic sulfide levels are normal in Tst−/− mice because of exaggerated induction of sulfide disposal, with associated suppression of global protein persulfidation and nuclear respiratory factor 2 target protein levels. Hepatic proteomic and persulfidomic profiles converge on gluconeogenesis and lipid metabolism, revealing a selective deficit in medium-chain fatty acid oxidation in Tst−/− mice. We reveal a critical role of TST in hepatic metabolism that has implications for sulfide donor strategies in the context of metabolic disease
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