28 research outputs found


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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie podstawowej terminologii i frazeologii dotyczącej instytucji pełnomocnictwa na potrzeby przekładu w polsko-włoskiej parze językowej. Artykuł zapoznaje czytelnika z ogólną charakterystyką instytucji prawnej pełnomocnictwa w polskim i włoskim systemie prawnym, w tym z kwestiami definicyjnymi, które mogą stanowić bazę do wypracowania pewnych ram metodologicznych i zasobu praktycznych wytycznych w zakresie ukierunkowania przekładu dokumentu pełnomocnictwa. Z racji zmienności i polisemicznego charakteru terminu „pełnomocnictwo” podjęto próbę zestawienia podstawowych terminów funkcjonujących w obu językach. Szczegółowe informacje odnoszące się do dokumentu pełnomocnictwa sporządzanego w formie aktu notarialnego przewidziane na gruncie włoskiej ustawy o notariacie skonfrontowane zostały z ustawowymi wymogami dotyczącymi struktury pełnomocnictwa sporządzanego w kwalifikowanej formie aktu notarialnego na gruncie prawa polskiego. W artykule prezentowane są wyniki analiz terminologicznych, opracowanych na podstawie wybranych przykładowych dokumentów pełnomocnictw w języku włoskim, które pozwoliły na stworzenie glosariusza włosko-polskiego. Prezentacji i omówieniu przykładów charakterystycznych terminów oraz zwrotów stosowanych we włoskich pełnomocnictwach towarzyszy refleksja dotycząca dydaktyki przekładu włosko-polskiego. The aim of the article is to study the basic terminology and phraseology referring to the institution of the power of attorney. The article gives outline information about the legal institution of power of attorney in Polish and Italian legal systems, as well as definitions of some related concepts, which can constitute a basis for a methodological frame of reference and a repertory of practical guidelines and suggestions regarding the process of translation. Due to the changeability of the term in question and its polysemous character, an attempt has been made to show the basic terminology present in both languages: Polish and Italian and their equivalents. Detailed information concerning the power of attorney in the form of notary deed in the Italian legal order have been compared with the requirements as to construction of the notary deedenvisaged in the Polish act on notaryship. The article presents the results of the analysis carried out on ten selected documents of the power of attorney in Italian, which led to the making of a Polish-Italian glossary of the terminology in question. Presentation and explanation of the importance of linguistic and dogmatic meaning of selected Italian phrases and rules referring to the documents of the power of attorney has been accompanied by reflection on translator training practice.

    Kształcenie tłumaczy specjalistycznych w sieci EMT. Sprawa Kellgrena – przykład nabywania kompetencji tłumaczeniowej

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    W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono założenia sieci EMT, utworzonej w grudniu 2009 roku przez Komisję Europejską. Przeprowadzono krótką analizę kształcenia tłumaczy pisemnych w perspektywie wymogów KE. W drugiej części artykułu autorka na podstawie scenariusza Sprawy Kellgrena Janusza Poznańskiego zapoznaje czytelnika z przebiegiem czynności procesowych w postępowaniu karnym. Zwraca uwagę na złożoność procesu nauczania przekładu specjalistycznego języka prawnego i prawniczego na przykładzie pary językowej włoski–polski, opisuje typowe dokumenty, z którymi spotyka się tłumacz w trakcie postępowania karnego. W artykule przedstawiono także terminologię specjalistyczną polsko-włoską wykorzystywaną przez tłumaczy w trakcie postępowania karnego.Foundations of the EMT (European Master’s in Translation) network, specifi ed by the European Commission Directorate-General for Translation in December 2009, are presented in the fi rst part of the article. The EMT refers to two-semester and foursemester MA study programmes with translation as major. Actually, 53 higher education institutions from the entire European Union, including one from Poland and three from Italy, belong to the EMT network. In the article the focus was laid on skills acquired by students of the EMT-member colleges, and needs for the Polish teaching programmes at modern language departments to be adjusted with a view to Polish higher education institutions being incorporated into the EMT network were presented. The criminal trial course in Poland and in Italy was presented in the second part of the article, and the attention was focused on diffi culties that may be encountered by the Polish translator of Italian in translating texts on criminal law. The analysis of Janusz Poznański’s “Kellgren’s case” has become the ground for the creation of idioms and legal terminology glossary with a view to provisions laid down by the EMT network for higher education institutions and translators-to-be

    "Quo vadis" in Italian : a stylometric investigation of Milanese translations of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s bestseller

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    Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel Quo Vadis made its way into Italy at the end of the 19th century through the efforts of Neapolitan translator Federigo Verdinois. The first part of this paper outlines the history of the popularity of Quo Vadis by focusing on the operations of Milanese publishers that made the Polish novel part of their offer in a variety of ways (as translations, adaptations, reworkings, plagiarisms, etc.). Bibliometric methods are used to establish why so many publishing houses decided to publish Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Roman romance. The analysis of the bibliometric data of the published translations helped assess and describe the extent and the character of the popularity that the novel garnered among Milanese publishers. The second part of the paper relates the findings of a multi-method quantitative study of the same material. The number of word tokens was compared between the original and the translations. The lexical richness across the texts under study was compared by means of the moving average type-token ratio (MATTR). Sentence lengths were also compared, as was sentence length distribution as time series. Two different programmes (WCopyFind and Tracer) yielded very similar results on the degree of the similarity of five-word phrases in pairs of translations, which was determined in network analysis

    Polish Children’s and Young Adult Literature on the Italian Publishing Market: The Case of the Nasza Księgarnia Publishing House

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    The history and publishing output of Nasza Księgarnia, Poland’s biggest publisher of children’s and young adult literature founded in 1921 and still operating, has been extensively researched by bibliologists and literature scholars over the last decades (Bylina, 1961; Aleksandrzak, 1972; Rogoż, 2009; Jamróz-Stolarska, 2014; Biernacka-Licznar, 2018a; Gawryluk, Lajborek & Korobkiewicz, 2021). However, the post-2000 productions of contemporary Polish writers and their translations into Italian have not attracted interest from Polish researchers yet. The paper aims to examine the publishing repertory of Nasza Księgarnia and identify the list of titles that made their way into the hands of the Italian reading public between 2012 and 2022. Based on the bibliometric method and interviews with the NK staff, the study generated reliable data and yielded a detailed account of the repertory released on the Italian publishing market in the last decade.La storia e la produzione editoriale della casa editrice Nasza Księgarnia fondata nel 1921 a Varsavia e operante fino ad oggi, è un tema che è stato oggetto di intense ricerche condotte da bibliologi e studiosi di letteratura per l’infanzia negli ultimi decenni (Bylina, 1961; Aleksandrzak, 1972; Rogoż, 2009; Jamróz-Stolarska, 2014; Biernacka-Licznar, 2018a; Gawryluk, Lajborek & Korobkiewicz, 2021). La questione del repertorio editoriale di autori polacchi contemporanei le cui opere sono state scritte dopo il 2000, e la loro traduzione in italiano, non ha finora incontrato l’interesse dei ricercatori polacchi. L’obiettivo dell’articolo è quello di analizzare il repertorio editoriale di Nasza Księgarnia e stabilire un elenco di titoli che sono stati pubblicati in Italia nel periodo 2012–2022. L’uso del metodo statistico nello studio e le interviste con le persone responsabili dell’introduzione dell’offerta editoriale sul mercato italiano hanno permesso di ottenere dati affidabili e dettagliati per descrivere il repertorio che si è affacciato sul mercato editoriale italiano nell’ ultimo decennio

    Antonio Fogazzaro’s big and small worlds as shown by Polish translators

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    The purpose of this article is to present translators of Polish literary works of Antonio Fogazzaro. The reading of the correspondence preserved in the Archives of the Library Bertoliana in Vicenza has led to the discovery of the true names of the translators, who for such a long time remained unknown. In the article we present the works of Fogazzaro in the order they were published and their translations as they appeared in Polish during the years of 1898–1984.Lo scopo dell’articolo è quello di presentare i traduttori polacchi delle opere letterarie di Antonio Fogazzaro. Grazie alla ricerca svoltasi nel 2006 presso l’Archivio della Biblioteca Bertoliana a Vicenza, è stato possibile conoscere il contenuto della corrispondenza dello scrittore con i traduttori polacchi delle sue opere. La lettura delle lettere ha portato alla scoperta dei veri nomi dei traduttori, che per tanto tempo erano rimasti sconosciuti. Nell’articolo presentiamo le opere di Fogazzaro nell’ordine in cui sono state pubblicate e le rispettive traduzioni apparse in lingua polacca durante gli anni 1898–198

    Le traduzioni polacche della letteratura italiana per l’infanzia negli anni 1887-1939

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    The article discusses selected male and female Italian writers whose works were published in Polish between 1887 and 1939. The history of translations of distinguished authors (Collodi, De Amicis, Salgari) and selected female Italian writers is analysed. The article presents also “short” life histories of Polish translators who worked in the years 1923-1939. It was through their effort and dedication that Polish children of the inter-war period were introduced to Italian literature for young readers

    La vera storia del “Giornale per i bambini”

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    The birth of children’s literature in United Italy

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    This paper talks about the moment of birth of not only Italy as a country (1861) but also Italian literature for children. The author tries to present and make Polish readers familiar with some works and their authors that are quite often unknown in Poland. The article also shows the history of creating the first important didactic work by Luigi Alessandro Parravicini "Giannetto", which reigned for almost 50 years in the Italian literary scene as a prototype of school literary work. The aim of this paper is to present the history of creating a book about a wooden puppet – "Pinocchio" written by Parravicini’s succesor Collodi, as well as other works by the same writer, e.g. "Giannettino". The article points out the specific conditions in which the unification of Italy took place and the reforms that had to be carried out so that the country could rise from the economic and social ruin. Literature for children became one of the important elements which united the new generation of Italians