18 research outputs found

    Red induces hyperalgesia and white induces hypoalgesia regardless of pain modality

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    Colors are an important factor that influences different aspects of people's lives. However, little is known about the effects of colors on pain. This preregistered study aimed to investigate whether the type of pain affects the impact of colors on pain intensity. 74 participants were randomly divided into 2 groups according to the type of pain: electrical or thermal. In both groups, pain stimuli of the same intensity were preceded by different colors. Participants rated the pain intensity induced by each pain stimulus. Additionally, pain expectations related to each color were rated at the beginning and the end of the procedure. A significant effect of color on pain intensity ratings was found. Pain was most intense in both groups after red, whereas the lowest ratings were given after white. A similar pattern of results was observed for pain expectations. Expectations also correlated with and were found to be a predictor of experienced pain for white, blue, and green. The study shows that white can reduce, while red can alter the experienced pain. Moreover, it shows that the effect of colors is affected to a greater extent by the pain expectations rather than the pain modality. We conclude that the way colors influence pain broadens the current knowledge on effects of colors on human behavior and could help in the future both patients and practitioners

    Therapeutic treatment in the elderly with heart failure

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    Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome that is the last common stage in many cardiovascular diseases. The main causes leading to the development of HF are, among others, primary impairment of myocardial contractility, volume and / or ventricular congestion, and obstruction of the diastolic duct due to pericardial diseases. The methods of detecting heart failure include: an accurate interview with the patient, laboratory tests and echocardiography. Treatment options include non-pharmacological, pharmacological and surgical treatment. A very important aspect of cure is also physical activity and appropriate nutritional treatment

    A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of treatment of acne with oral isotretinoin therapy

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    Wstęp: Trądzik pospolity to przewlekła choroba zapalna mieszków łojowo-włosowych wywołana między innymi zmianami hormonalnymi, w tym nadmierną stymulacją androgenową. W postaciach o średnim lub ciężkim nasileniu stosuje się leczenie miejscowe i ogólne. Podstawą leczenia ogólnego są antybiotyki oraz stereoizomer kwasu all-trans-retinowego (tretinoiny) — izotretinoina. Cel pracy: Celem badania było przeprowadzenie obiektywnej analizy porównawczej skuteczności leczenia preparatami izotretinoiny w porównaniu z innymi lekami systemowymi stosowanymi w trądziku pospolitym, a także ocena działań niepożądanych izotretinoiny w populacji łódzkich chorych na trądzik. Materiał i metody: Badanie retrospektywne zostało przeprowadzone metodą ankietową: objęło 132 osoby (90 kobiet i 42 mężczyzn, średnia wieku 25,9 roku) leczące się na trądzik w przyszpitalnej poradni Kliniki Dermatologii i Wenerologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi w latach 2000–2014. Wyniki: Średnia wieku rozpoznania choroby to 15,7 roku. Dodatni wywiad rodzinny w kierunku trądziku zgłosiło 36,3% ankietowanych. Preparaty izotretinoiny stosowało 63,6% respondentów. Poprawę odnotowało 95% z nich. Średni czas od rozpoczęcia leczenia do zauważenia poprawy to 2 miesiące. Nawrót wystąpił u 33% chorych, średnio po 3 miesiącach od zaprzestania przyjmowania leku. U 85% osób wystąpiły działania niepożądane. Ponad 91% respondentów było zadowolonych z zastosowanej terapii. Z pacjentów nieprzyjmujących izotretinoiny 58% stosowało limecyklinę (poprawę zauważyło 71%). Klindamycynę stosowało 17% pacjentów, azytromycynę — 6%: w obu przypadkach poprawę zgłosiło 66% chorych. Lekarze poinformowali o konieczności stosowania antykoncepcji 74% kobiet. Wnioski: Izotretinoina jest skutecznym lekiem w leczeniu trądziku zwykłego. Pomimo wielu działań niepożądanych pacjenci są zadowoleni z jej działania.Introduction: Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease induced by hormonal changes — excessive androgen stimulation. Currently local and systemic treatment is used in average and severe form of juvenile acne. The basis of the systemic therapy are antibiotics and stereoisomer of all-trans-retinoic acid — isotretinoine. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of isotretinoin therapy with other acne treatment regimens and the analysis of the side effects of isotretinoin in acne patients from Lodz. Material and methods: The study was carried out through a questionnaire in a group of 132 acne patients (90 women and 42 men, with mean age 25,9 years) from the outpatient clinic of Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Lodz treated between 2000–2014. Results: The average age at first diagnosis among respondents was 15,7 years. A positive family history of the occurrence of juvenile acne was reported by 36.3% of the respondents, 63.6% of patients used isotretinoin. The improvement after using this drug was noted among 95% of people The average time to notice the improvement was 2 months from the start of application. Juvenile acne recurred after the discontinuation of isotretinoin in 33% of cases. The average time to recurrence was 3 months. The occurrence of at least one side effect was noticed by 85% of patients. More than 91% of patients were satisfied with isotretinoin treatment effects. Among the patients who did not used isotretinoin, 58% used lymecycline (71% noted improvement); 17% of patients used clindamycine, while azithromycin — 6%: in both cases improvement was reported by 66% of patients; 74% of women were informed about necessity of taking oral contraceptives. Conclusions: Isotretinoin is an effective drug used in acne treatment. Despite many side effects, patients were satisfied with the treatment

    Vitamin K and calcification of blood vessels

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    Witamina K, opisywana jako „witamina koagulacji”, należy do grypy witamin rozpuszczalnych w tłuszczach, obejmującej szereg związków, do których są zaliczane: filochinon (postać witaminy K1, syntezowana przez rośliny), menachinon (postać K2, syntetyzowana przez bakterie), menadion (postać K3, syntetyczny analog witaminy K). Do głównych źródeł witaminy K w żywności należą: oleje roślinne, zielone warzywa, owoce, zboża i produkty mleczne. Witamina K pełni funkcję kofaktora w posttranslacyjnej modyfikacji białek dzięki czemu powstają reszty kwasu g-karboksyglutaminowego (Gla), niezbędnego do przekształcenia protrombiny (w której występuje) do jej aktywnej postaci — trombiny. Do innych białek zależnych od witaminy K należą: osteokalcyna, matrycowe białko Gla (MGP), czynnik wzrostu (Gas6), nerkowe białka Gla, czynniki krzepnięcia krwi VII, IX, X, protrombina, białka C, S oraz Z. Istnieją badania naukowe opisujące działanie białek zależnych od witaminy K, między innymi w metabolizmie kości oraz naczyń krwionośnych, w procesach wzrostu i apoptozy komórek, prewencji zwapnienia naczyń i kalcyfikacji tkanek miękkich oraz adhezji komórkowej. Witaminie K przez wiele lat przypisywano wyłączną rolę w procesie krzepnięcia krwi. Jednak swoje działanie witamina ta wykazuje również w obrębie innych tkanek pozawątrobowych, w których jej niedobór zwiększa ryzyko rozwoju osteoporozy, miażdżycy, chorób nowotworowych i choroby Alzheimera. Biorąc pod uwagę tak szerokie pole działania witaminy K, autorzy artykułu skupili się na roli tej witaminy w procesie kalcyfikacji naczyń krwionośnych.Vitamin K, described also as coagulation vitamin belongs to fat soluble vitamins and include such substances as: phylloquinone (vitamin K1, synthetized by plants), menaquinone (vitamin K2, synthetized by bacteria) and also menadione (vitamin K3, synthetic analog of vitamin K). The main sources of vitamin K in food are: vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products. Vitamin K play a role of cofactor in the post translational modification of proteins thus creating rest of g-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) necessary to convert of prothrombin to its active form — thrombin. Other proteins depends from vitamin K are: osteocalcin, matrix Gla protein (MGP), a growth factor (Gas6), kidney Gla protein, clotting factors VII, IX, X, prothrombin, protein C, S and Z. Proteins depend from vitamin K additionally take part in metabolism of bones, blood vessels, growth processes, cell apoptosis, calcification of vascular prevention, cells adhesion. Vitamin K for last years was described in context of blood clotting. Vitamin K is active not only in liver tissue but also play an important role in other tissues where deficiencies of vitamin K could increase the risk of development of many disease: like osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, cancer disease and Alzheimer disease. The broad field of action of vitamin K encourage the authors of the article to focus on the role of this vitamin in the process of calcification of blood vessels

    „Bel Air” wystawa prac prof. Leona Podsiadłego we współpracy z Magdą Podsiadły

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    Coloured Crayons

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    Expansion of Islam in Rwanda after 1994 in Light of Secularization Theories

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    The article discusses Islam in Rwanda and three secularization theories: Durkheim's religious supply theory; religious demand theory put forward by Finke and Stark; and proposed by Inglehart -security theory. The research the article is based upon was carried out just before 1994 genocide and in 2001. We seek the answer to whether the 1994 genocide brought about any changes in the religious structure in Rwanda and how relevant the above mentioned theories are in explaining the changes. In the first section, the theoretical background is provided; then the history of Rwanda up to 1994 is briefly discussed; the penultimate section focuses on how Islam spread in Rwanda and finally we examine whether the three secularization theories are relevant in explaining the changes in the Rwandan religious structure

    Innovative biodegradable dibutyrylchitin dressing for the treatment of ulcers occurring during chronic venous insufficiency in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    The aim of this study was to assess the course of the healing process following the use of dibutyrylchitin (DBC) dressing, a fully degradable material used in the treatment of ulcers which occur during chronic venous insufficiency common in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. These diseases have a significant impact on the patients’ standard of living, including the potential employment, and on the declining attendance at the current workplace. The implementation of this innovative therapeutic solution may positively affect the above-mentioned difficulties. An analysis of the healing process, following the application of the DBC dressing, was performed. Once the dressing was positioned on the wound, the analysis indicated that it underwent a process of degradation facilitated by the enzymes occurring naturally in the wound. When fully degraded, a further layer was applied. This process was repeated until the wound was fully healed. The study group consisted of 4 patients previously diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. During the observation period, the ulcers in all 4 cases had healed. The examined wound dressings adhered well to the wound surface and degraded within it. No side effects or adverse effects of the applied innovative therapy were observed. An addition of the biodegradable DBC dressing to the standard therapy procedure of ulcers occurring during chronic venous insufficiency among patients with type 2 diabetes indicate safe and effective treatment, which may have a direct reflection in the patient’s professional capacity enhancement. It resulted in the complete healing of all ulcers in each of the observed cases

    Kinetics of Biotic and Abiotic CO Production during the Initial Phase of Biowaste Composting

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    Knowledge of kinetic parameters of CO production during biowaste composting is significantly important for the prediction of its course and estimation of total gas quantity. This allows increasing the control of the process, to minimize its negative impact on the environment and to protect the occupational safety of employees exposed to CO in the biowaste composting plant. For the first time, a full study of the influence of temperature and biowaste sterilization on the kinetics of CO production is presented. The lab-scale experiments used a mixture of green waste, dairy cattle manure, and sawdust in two variants: sterilized and non-sterilized samples. The process was carried out in controlled temperature reactors with measuring the concentrations of CO, O2, and CO2 every 12 h.CO production and k value increased with temperature. However, higher CO production was observed in biotic conditions between 10~50 °C, suggesting the biotic CO formation and 1st-order kinetics. The abiotic (thermochemical) process was more efficiently generating CO above 50 °C, described with a 0-order kinetic model. Additionally, the rate constant (k) value of CO production under biotic conditions was increasing up to a temperature of 60 °C, above which a slight decrease in CO production rate was observed at 70 °C. The presented results are the basis for further studies focused on the feasibility of (1) the mitigation and (2) valorization of CO production during the biowaste biostabilization are warranted

    When one suffers less, all suffer less : Individual pain ratings are more effective than group ratings in producing placebo hypoalgesia

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    Background: Placebo hypoalgesia can be induced by observing a person (model) whose pain relief is the result of the use of an inert substance or procedure. This study examined whether verbal modelling, that is, showing pain ratings provided by other people, is sufficient to induce placebo hypoalgesia. Methods: Participants from the experimental groups were acquainted with pain ratings (presented on VASs) derived from a single person (groups 1 and 3) or a group of people (groups 2 and 4) that were allegedly subjected to the same painful procedure. The ratings of pain stimuli that were allegedly applied with placebo were lower than the ratings of stimuli applied without placebo. In two of the experimental groups (group 3 and 4), participants also watched a video recording showing individuals who allegedly provided pain ratings; however, they did not observe them undergoing pain stimulation. The control group did not undergo any manipulation. Then, the participants received a series of the same thermal pain stimuli that were applied either with or without placebo and rated their intensity. Results: Placebo hypoalgesia was induced only in participants presented with pain ratings provided by a single person, regardless of whether this person was previously seen. However, the pain ratings presented to the participants generally decreased individual pain sensations, regardless of whether they came from a group of people or a single person. Conclusions: Verbal modelling can produce placebo hypoalgesia and reduce pain sensations. It may be effectively used in clinical practice to modify patients' responses to pain treatment. Significance: This study shows that knowledge about pain ratings provided by another person is sufficient to induce placebo hypoalgesia; thus, neither direct nor indirect observation of a person experiencing pain is necessary to induce this effect. Pain ratings derived from a group of people can decrease pain sensations but they do not produce placebo hypoalgesia