11 research outputs found

    Capturing Aesthetic Experiences With Installation Art: An Empirical Assessment of Emotion, Evaluations, and Mobile Eye Tracking in Olafur Eliasson’s “Baroque, Baroque!”

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    Installation art is one of the most important and provocative developments in the visual arts during the last half century and has become a key focus of artists and of contemporary museums. It is also seen as particularly challenging or even disliked by many viewers, and—due to its unique in situ, immersive setting—is equally regarded as difficult or even beyond the grasp of present methods in empirical aesthetic psychology. In this paper, we introduce an exploratory study with installation art, utilizing a collection of techniques to capture the eclectic, the embodied, and often the emotionally-charged viewing experience. We present results from an investigation of two pieces, both part of Olafur Eliasson’s exhibition “Baroque, Baroque” held at the Belvedere museum in Vienna. These were assessed by pre- and post-viewing questionnaires focusing on emotion, meaning-making, and appraisals, in tandem with mobile eye tracking to consider viewers’ attention to both installed artworks and/or to the museum environment. The data showed differences in participants’ emotional states, appraisals, and visual exploration, which together paint a picture of the aesthetic reactions to the works. These differences also showed how viewers’ appraisal strategies, meaning making, and physical actions facilitated relatively more or less deep engagement with, and enjoyment of, the art. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for museum studies, art education, and theory in empirical aesthetics

    Evaluación de la brecha digital de segundo nivel en Austria: Un estudio representativo de las diferencias demográficas en competencias digitales

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    La bretxa digital de segon nivell afecta els nivells individuals de competències digitals i els indicadors demogràfics de les diferències digitals. En aquest treball hem analitzat dades empíriques que permeten una mirada exhaustiva i diferenciada de la bretxa digital de segon nivell amb un enfocament metodològic quantitatiu rigorós. Hem investigat la relació entre els resultats d'una autoavaluació de les competències digitals pròpies i una prova de coneixements sobre eines digitals entre ciutadans austríacs (N=1109). L'estudi explora les bretxes digitals de segon nivell quant a gènere, nivell educatiu, edat, llengua materna i temps de residència al país en relació amb els respectius nivells i àrees de competència, en referència al Model de Competència Digital per a Àustria - DigComp 2.2 AT. Els resultats mostren que la bretxa digital de gènere és primordial a totes les àrees de competència, mentre que la bretxa d'edat continua sent forta quan es comparen els menors de 18 anys amb els més grans de 60 anys. A més, els efectes positius estan relacionats amb el nivell educatiu i la llengua materna.The second-level digital divide concerns individual levels of digital competences and demographic indicators of digital gaps. In this paper, we have analysed empirical data that allow a thorough and differentiated look into the second-level digital divide with a rigorous methodological quantitative approach. We investigated the relationship between results from a self-assessment of one’s own digital competences, and a knowledge test about digital tools among Austrian citizens (N=1109). The study explores second-level digital divides in gender, education level, age, first language, and length of time living in the country regarding respective competence levels and areas, referring to the Digital Competence Model for Austria - DigComp 2.2 AT. Results show that the digital gender divide is paramount across all competence areas, while the age divide remains strong when comparing under 18-year-olds with over 60-year-olds. Moreover, positive effects are related to education level and first language.La brecha digital de segundo nivel afecta a los niveles individuales de competencias digitales y a los indicadores demográficos de las diferencias digitales. En este trabajo hemos analizado datos empíricos que permiten una mirada exhaustiva y diferenciada de la brecha digital de segundo nivel con un riguroso enfoque metodológico cuantitativo. Hemos investigado la relación entre los resultados de una autoevaluación de las propias competencias digitales y una prueba de conocimientos sobre herramientas digitales entre ciudadanos austriacos (N=1109). El estudio explora las brechas digitales de segundo nivel en cuanto a género, nivel educativo, edad, lengua materna y tiempo de residencia en el país en relación con los respectivos niveles y áreas de competencia, en referencia al Modelo de Competencia Digital para Austria - DigComp 2.2 AT. Los resultados muestran que la brecha digital de género es primordial en todas las áreas de competencia, mientras que la brecha de edad sigue siendo fuerte cuando se comparan los menores de 18 años con los mayores de 60 años. Además, los efectos positivos están relacionados con el nivel educativo y la lengua materna

    Capturing Aesthetic Experiences with Installation Art: An Empirical Assessment of Emotion, Evaluations, and Mobile Eye Tracking in Olafur Eliasson\u27s Baroque, Baroque!

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    Installation art is one of the most important and provocative developments in the visual arts during the last half century and has become a key focus of artists and of contemporary museums. It is also seen as particularly challenging or even disliked by many viewers, and-due to its unique in situ, immersive setting-is equally regarded as difficult or even beyond the grasp of present methods in empirical aesthetic psychology. In this paper, we introduce an exploratory study with installation art, utilizing a collection of techniques to capture the eclectic, the embodied, and often the emotionally-charged viewing experience. We present results from an investigation of two pieces, both part of Olafur Eliasson\u27s exhibition Baroque, Baroque held at the Belvedere museum in Vienna. These were assessed by pre- and post-viewing questionnaires focusing on emotion, meaning-making, and appraisals, in tandem with mobile eye tracking to consider viewers\u27 attention to both installed artworks and/or to the museum environment. The data showed differences in participants\u27 emotional states, appraisals, and visual exploration, which together paint a picture of the aesthetic reactions to the works. These differences also showed how viewers\u27 appraisal strategies, meaning making, and physical actions facilitated relatively more or less deep engagement with, and enjoyment of, the art. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for museum studies, art education, and theory in empirical aesthetics

    Implementation and Effects of an Information Technology–Based Intervention to Support Speech and Language Therapy Among Stroke Patients With Aphasia: Protocol for a Virtual Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BackgroundMobile app–based therapies are increasingly being employed by speech-language pathologists in the rehabilitation of people with aphasia as adjuncts or substitutes for traditional in-person therapy approaches. These apps can increase the intensity of treatment and have resulted in meaningful outcomes across several domains. ObjectiveVoiceAdapt is a mobile therapy app designed with user and stakeholder feedback within a user-centered design framework. VoiceAdapt uses two evidence-based lexical retrieval treatments to help people with aphasia in improving their naming abilities through interactions with the app. The purpose of the randomized controlled trial (RCT) proposed here is to examine the feasibility and clinical efficacy of training with VoiceAdapt on the language and communication outcomes of people with aphasia. MethodsA multicenter RCT is being conducted at two locations within Canada. A total of 80 people with aphasia will be recruited to participate in a two-arm, waitlist-controlled, crossover group RCT. After baseline assessment, participants will be randomized into an intervention group or a waitlist control group. The intervention group participants will engage in 5 weeks of training with the app, followed by posttreatment and follow-up assessments after an additional 5 weeks. Those in the waitlist control group will have no training for 5 weeks; this is followed by pretreatment assessment, training for 5 weeks, and posttreatment assessment. All trial procedures are being conducted remotely given the COVID-19 pandemic. ResultsRecruitment of participants started in September 2020, and the study is expected to be completed by March 2022. Publication of results is expected within 6 months of study completion. ConclusionsThe results of the RCT will provide information on evidence-based practice using technology-based solutions to treat aphasia. If positive results are obtained from this RCT, the VoiceAdapt app can be recommended as an efficacious means of improving lexical retrieval and communicative functioning in people with aphasia in an easily accessible and a cost-effective manner. Moreover, the implementation of this RCT through remote assessment and delivery can provide information to therapists on telerehabilitation practices and monitoring of app-based home therapy programs. Trial RegistrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT04108364; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04108364 International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID)DERR1-10.2196/3062

    Enabling End-Users in Designing and Executing of Complex, Collaborative Robotic Processes

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    Over the last years, capabilities of robotic systems have quantitatively and qualitatively improved. But going beyond isolated robotic systems, the integration and interoperability of robotic capabilities in complex work processes remains a major challenge. This lack of tools to integrate robots needs to be addressed on technical, semantic and organizational level. In the ROBxTASK research project, we developed an approach to support cooperation between different types of users in order to enable domain experts, with no robotic know-how, to work with robot-assisted workflows. By engineering robotic skills at a useful and usable level of abstraction for experts in different domains, we aim to increase re-usability of these skills on two different levels, (robotic) device level, and on level of application specific workflows. The researched prototype consists of a web platform, which allows (a) engineers to register (robotic) devices and the implemented skills of the devices, (b) domain experts to use a graphical task design environment to create workflows across multiple robotic devices and lastly (c) robot co-workers to download and execute the workflow code in a local environment with digital twins or real robots. Additionally skills and workflows can be shared across organisations. Initial user studies have shown that the visual programming environment is accessible and the defined skill-set is easy to understand even for domain experts that are inexperienced in the field of robotics

    Gene Expression in Solitary Fibrous Tumors (SFTs) Correlates with Anatomic Localization and NAB2-STAT6 Gene Fusion Variants

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    Solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) harbor recurrent NAB2-STAT6 gene fusions, promoting constitutional up-regulation of oncogenic early growth response 1 (EGR1)-dependent gene expression. SFTs with the most common canonical NAB2 exon 4-STAT6 exon 2 fusion variant are often located in the thorax (pleuropulmonary) and are less cellular with abundant collagen. In contrast, SFTs with NAB2 exon 6-STAT6 exon 16/17 fusion variants typically display a cellular round to ovoid cell morphology and are often located in the deep soft tissue of the retroperitoneum and intra-abdominal pelvic region or in the meninges. Here, we employed next-generation sequencingebased gene expression profiling to identify significant differences in gene expression associated with anatomic localization and NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion variants. SFTs with the NAB2 exon 4-STAT6 exon 2 fusion variant showed a transcriptional signature enriched for genes involved in DNA binding, gene transcription, and nuclear localization, whereas SFTs with the NAB2 exon 6-STAT6 exon 16/17 fusion variants were enriched for genes involved in tyrosine kinase signaling, cell proliferation, and cytoplasmic localization. Specific transcription factor binding motifs were enriched among differentially expressed genes in SFTs with different fusion variants, implicating coetranscription factors in the modification of chimeric NGFI-A binding protein 2 (NAB2)-STAT6-dependent deregulation of EGR1-dependent gene expression. In summary, this study establishes a potential molecular biologic basis for clinicopathologic differences in SFTs with distinct NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion variants

    Capturing Aesthetic Experiences With Installation Art: An Empirical Assessment of Emotion, Evaluations, and Mobile Eye Tracking in Olafur Eliasson’s “Baroque, Baroque!”

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    Installation art is one of the most important and provocative developments in the visual arts during the last half century and has become a key focus of artists and of contemporary museums. It is also seen as particularly challenging or even disliked by many viewers, and—due to its unique in situ, immersive setting—is equally regarded as difficult or even beyond the grasp of present methods in empirical aesthetic psychology. In this paper, we introduce an exploratory study with installation art, utilizing a collection of techniques to capture the eclectic, the embodied, and often the emotionally-charged viewing experience. We present results from an investigation of two pieces, both part of Olafur Eliasson’s exhibition “Baroque, Baroque” held at the Belvedere museum in Vienna. These were assessed by pre- and post-viewing questionnaires focusing on emotion, meaning-making, and appraisals, in tandem with mobile eye tracking to consider viewers’ attention to both installed artworks and/or to the museum environment. The data showed differences in participants’ emotional states, appraisals, and visual exploration, which together paint a picture of the aesthetic reactions to the works. These differences also showed how viewers’ appraisal strategies, meaning making, and physical actions facilitated relatively more or less deep engagement with, and enjoyment of, the art. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for museum studies, art education, and theory in empirical aesthetics.© 2018 Pelowski, Leder, Mitschke, Specker, Gerger, Tinio, Vaporova, Bieg and Husslein-Arc