317 research outputs found

    Stepchildren of German Literature?:Political causes and cultural consequences of the way to handle German-language Literatures of South-East Europe in Germany

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    Chinese Environmental Protection Policies and Implementation

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    While the majority of people are aware of the pollution hovering atop China’s eastern coast and throughout their waterways, they are largely unaware of the policies and implementation efforts of the Chinese government to reign in these threats. Several plans have been enacted by the Chinese government to curb pollution, and these policies have been analyzed herein. The history of environmental protection in China is outlined, followed by the evolution of Chinese environmental law. An analysis of China’s major environmental laws is conducted, and the main challenges to effective law are introduced

    Porcupine homolog is required for canonical Wnt signaling and gastrulation in mouse embryos

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    AbstractWnt signaling plays important roles in development and disease. The X-chromosomal Porcupine homolog gene (Porcn) encodes an evolutionary conserved member of the membrane bound O-acyl transferase (MBOAT) superfamily that has been shown to be required for the palmitoylation and secretion of Wnt3a, a mechanism that has been suggested to be conserved for all mammalian Wnt ligands. PORCN mutations in humans cause Focal Dermal Hypoplasia (FDH), a disorder causing developmental defects in heterozygous females and embryonic lethality in hemizygous males. In this study, Porcn mutant mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells were used to analyze the role of Porcn in mammalian embryonic development. In vitro, we show an exclusive requirement for Porcn in Wnt secreting cells and further, that any of the four Porcn isoforms is sufficient to allow for the secretion of functional Wnt3a. Embryos generated by aggregation of Porcn mutant ES cells with wildtype embryos fail to complete gastrulation in vivo, but remain in an epiblast-like state, similar to Wnt3 and Gpr177/Wls mutants. Consistent with this phenotype, in vitro differentiated mutant ES cells fail to generate endoderm and mesoderm derivatives. Taken together, these data confirm the importance of Porcn for Wnt secretion and gastrulation and suggest that disruption of early development underlies the male lethality of human PORCN mutants

    Ungewöhnliche Homosexuelle: Schwulsein ohne die community

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    Aus fast dreißig Jahren Schwulenforschung ist das Bild des "gewöhnlichen Homosexuellen" überliefert. Das ist ein gut ausgebildeter, beruflich integrierter Mann im Alter von 20 bis 40, vielleicht 50 Jahren, der in einer Großstadt lebt, sich klar als homosexuell definiert und mehr oder weniger intensiv in der schwulen Subkultur bewegt. Dieser Blick aus der Perspektive der Mittelschicht trügt jedoch. Gerade schwule Männer aus der Unterschicht leben häufig im Windschatten dieser gay community und halten Distanz zu ihren Einrichtungen. Der entsprechende Lebensstil ist ihnen zu kostspielig, die Moden zu exzentrisch, die Kommunikationsrituale zu undurchsichtig. Wichtiger ist es, in der heterosexuellen Umwelt nicht aufzufallen und an Orten, die eindeutig der sexuellen Kontaktaufnahme dienen, sexuelle Befriedigung zu finden und personale Begegnungen zu erleben

    Anmerkungen zum interkulturellen Bildverstehen

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    Die Autorin beschäftigt sich mit der Frage der Kulturabhängigkeit von Bildrezeption und präsentiert didaktisch-methodische Ansätze zum Lernen mit Bildern im Fremdsprachenunterricht

    The Effect of Night Duty of Pharmacists on Sleepiness and Concentration at Daytime

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    Hintergrund: In Deutschland ist seit Jahren ein Rückgang von Apotheken und Apothekern zu beobachten, der insbesondere ländliche Regionen trifft. Dies führt zu der Übernahme zusätzlicher Aufgaben und Dienstschichten durch den Apothekenleiter, was wiederum zu Schlafmangel und Überlastung führt. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es daher, anhand der Tagesschläfrigkeit und Konzentrationsfähigkeit von Apothekern nach einem Nachdienst die Auswirkungen dieser Entwicklung zu evaluieren. Methode: An der Studie nahmen 22 Apotheker und Apothekerinnen teil. Für jeden Teilnehmer wurde die Tagesschläfrigkeit und Konzentrationsfähigkeit nach einer Dienstnacht und nach einer Kontrollnacht ohne Dienst gemessen und verglichen. Die Aktivität während der Nacht wurde mittels Aktigraphie erfasst, die Tagesschläfrigkeit anhand der Epworth Schläfrigkeits-Skala (ESS) und der Karolinska Schläfrigkeits-Skala (KSS), und die Konzentrationsfähigkeit anhand des d2-R-Tests. Ergebnisse: Die aktimetrischen Daten unterschieden sich signifikant zwischen der Dients- und Kontrollnacht, mit einer kürzeren Schlafzeit, höherer Motilität und geringerer Schlafeffizienz in der Dienstnacht. Die Tagesschläfrigkeit nach einer Dienstnacht war gegenüber der Kontrollnacht erhöht: Auf der neunstufigen KSS erreichten die Teilnehmer nach der Kontrollnacht einen Durchschnittswert von 2,4, nach einer Dienstnacht einen Wert von 6,8. Der ESS-Wert nach der Kontrollnacht lag durchschnittlich bei 2,1 und somit im Normbereich, nach einer Dienstnacht bei 11,6 und außerhalb des Normbereichs. Auch die Konzentrationsfähigkeit war durch die Dienstnacht beeinträchtigt: Die Teilnehmer machten im Vergleich zur Kontrollnacht deutlich mehr Verwechslungsfehler im d2R-Test, erkannten weniger Zielobjekte und hatten eine doppelt so hohe Fehlerquote. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse dieser Pilotstudie demonstrieren, dass eine Nachtschicht zu Tagesschläfrigkeit von Apothekern beitragen und die Konzentration während der Tagesschicht herabsetzen kann. Dies weist auf einen Handlungsbedarf bezüglich der Arbeitssicherheit von Apothekern hin, um die Patientensicherheit zu gewährleisten und die Gesundheit des Apothekers im Arbeitsumfeld zu fördern.Background: A decline in pharmacies and pharmacists has been observed in Germany for years, affecting rural regions in particular. This leads to the pharmacy manager taking on additional tasks and duty shifts, which in turn causes sleep deprivation and burnout. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of this development on the basis of pharmacists' daytime sleepiness and ability to concentrate after a night shift. Methods: 22 male and female pharmacists participated in the study. For each participant, daytime sleepiness and concentration ability were measured after a night on duty and after a control night off duty. Activity during the night was assessed using actigraphy, daytime sleepiness using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), and concentration ability using the d2-R test. Results: Actimetric data differed significantly between the duty and control nights, with shorter sleep time, higher motility, and lower sleep efficiency on the duty night. Daytime sleepiness after a night shift was increased compared with the control night: On the nine-item KSS, participants scored an average of 2.4 after the control night and 6.8 after a night on duty. The ESS score averaged 2.1 after the control night, which was within the normal range, and 11.6 after a night on duty, which was outside the normal range. Concentration was also impaired by the night shift: Participants made significantly more confusion errors on the d2R test compared to the control night, recognized fewer targets, and the error rate was twice as high. Conclusions: The results of this pilot study demonstrate that a night shift can contribute to daytime sleepiness in pharmacists and decrease concentration during the day shift. This indicates a need for action regarding pharmacist work safety to promote the pharmacist’s health in the work environment and ensure patient safety

    Low-cost Sensor System for Non-invasive Monitoring of Cell Growth in Disposable Bioreactors

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    AbstractTo ensure productivity and product quality, the parameters of biotechnological processes need to be monitored. Along temperature or pH, one important parameter is the cell density in the culture medium. In this work, we present a low-cost sensor system for online cell growth monitoring in bioreactors via permittivity measurements based on coplanar transmission lines. To evaluate the sensor, E. coli cultivations are performed. We found a good correlation between optical density of the culture medium and the effective permittivity at a frequency of 1kHz when the sensor is submerged into the culture medium. Measurements at higher frequencies additionally allow monitoring the osmolarity. Furthermore, an improved sensor was successfully used for first non-invasive measurements through the polymer wall of a disposable bioreactor

    A Patient with Metastatic Lung Cancer and Dysphagia

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    The Effect of Night Duty of Pharmacists on Sleepiness and Concentration at Daytime

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    Background: The changing responsibilities of pharmacists contribute to a lack of qualified pharmacists to fill vacant positions, particularly in rural areas. Consequently, pharmacy managers cover various duties, including an increasing number of nights being on duty that can impair daytime concentration and performance. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of night duties on daytime sleepiness, sleep quality, and concentration abilities of pharmacists. Methods: 22 pharmacists, both sexes, aged 27 to 60 years, were recruited and their sleep time, sleep efficiency, and mobility (actigraphy) were assessed during a night on duty and a control night using an actimetry. Daytime sleepiness and concentration were assessed using standardized questionnaires (ESS, KSS, d2‐R). Results: Significant differences were observed between the night shift and control nights with respect to sleep time, sleep efficiency, and mobility. Daytime sleepiness was significantly increased after night shifts (ESS: 11.64 vs. 2.09; KSS: 6.77 vs. 2.41 after a night shift and control night, respectively; p < 0.001) and concentration diminished compared to control nights (d2‐R KL: 220.95 vs. 260.36 after a night shift and control night, respectively; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The results provide evidence that night duties lead to high daytime sleepiness in pharmacists, which in turn may negatively affect their ability to concentrate and their error rate. Existing regulations on emergency pharmacy services should be reconsidered regarding the safety of the pharmaceutical supply.Peer Reviewe