725 research outputs found

    Harmonisation of social policy in the European Community

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    With the completion of the Common Market by the end of 1992 the issue of harmonisation of EC law and the Member States is being intensively discussed. Most articles concentrate on discussing the direct effects that EC law has on the law of the Member States. However, in the field of social policy EC competences are very limited as this is still within the prerogative power of the Member States. This paper analyses the problem that the regulatory power and weight of the EC are much greater than its direct competences and regulations mainly through the legal, economic and social influences a common market will exert on the legal order of the Member States. One point is the "natural" tendency of (con-)federated political systems to extend the existing limited competences of the centre. This is not only a matter of "implied powers" granted to the larger political unit, but also of the predominance of EC competence to establish a free market over the Member States' competence to regulate their social policy. The second point is the various influences the free market of the Community will have on the structure of the respective social policies of the Member States : social dumping ; limits to national regulations of social services which disturb the free market for services and goods ; the mobility of labour and the exports of social benefits. Although most mechanisms of harmonisation are illustrated by examples of German labour and social security law, the problems apply to all other Member States of the EC and even to a country, like Canada, which is part of a larger zone of free trade and which itself forms a federal system with a fragile balance between the competences of the Federation and the Member States.Avec le parachèvement du Marché commun, à la fin de 1992, s'intensifient les discussions portant sur l'harmonisation du droit communautaire et celui des différents États membres. La littérature s'intéresse surtout aux effets directs du droit communautaire sur les droits nationaux. Pour ce qui est du domaine des politiques sociales, la juridiction communautaire est cependant très limitée ; ce domaine relève encore des pouvoirs discrétionnaires des États membres. Le présent texte fait toutefois ressortir le fait que le pouvoir de réglementation et l'influence de la Communauté européenne excèdent de beaucoup ses compétences directes et sa réglementation, compte tenu de l'influence économique, juridique et sociale qu'exercera un marché commun sur l'ordre juridique interne des États membres. Un de ses principaux aspects réside dans la tendance naturelle qu'ont les systèmes politiques (con-)fédérés à étendre les pouvoirs centraux limités. Il ne s'agit pas seulement des « pouvoirs implicites » accordés à la grande entité politique, mais aussi de la prépondérance du pouvoir de la Communauté d'établir un libre marché sur celui de chacun des États membres de déterminer sa propre politique sociale. Un autre aspect consiste dans la portée diversifiée qu'aura ce libre marché communautaire sur la structure des politiques sociales des différents États membres : dumping social, limites aux réglementations nationales de services sociaux qui portent atteinte à la libre circulation des biens et services, mobilité des travailleurs et exportation des avantages sociaux. Bien que la plupart des exemples d'harmonisation portent sur le droit allemand du travail et de la sécurité sociale, la problématique vaut aussi pour les autres États membres de la Communauté européenne. Elle s'étend même à des pays qui, comme le Canada, font partie d'une grande zone de libre-échange et qui constituent eux-mêmes des entités fédérales au sein desquelles règne un délicat équilibre entre les pouvoirs centraux et ceux des États membres

    Translating Research into Clinical Scale Manufacturing of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    It sounds simple to obtain sufficient numbers of cells derived from fetal or adult human tissues, isolate and/or expand the stem cells, and then transplant an appropriate number of these cells into the patient at the correct location. However, translating basic research into routine therapies is a complex multistep process which necessitates product regulation. The challenge relates to managing the expected therapeutic benefits with the potential risks and to balance the fast move to clinical trials with time-consuming cautious risk assessment. This paper will focus on the definition of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), and challenges and achievements in the manufacturing process enabling their use in clinical studies. It will allude to different cellular sources, special capacities of MSCs, but also to current regulations, with a special focus on accessory material of human or animal origin, like media supplements. As cellular integrity and purity, formulation and lot release testing of the final product, validation of all procedures, and quality assurance are of utmost necessity, these topics will be addressed

    Junctional Adhesion Molecule-C Mediates the Recruitment of Embryonic-Endothelial Progenitor Cells to the Perivascular Niche during Tumor Angiogenesis

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    The homing of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) to tumor angiogenic sites has been described as a multistep process, involving adhesion, migration, incorporation and sprouting, for which the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms are yet to be fully defined. Here, we studied the expression of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-C (JAM-C) by EPCs and its role in EPC homing to tumor angiogenic vessels. For this, we used mouse embryonic-Endothelial Progenitor Cells (e-EPCs), intravital multi-fluorescence microscopy techniques and the dorsal skin-fold chamber model. JAM-C was found to be expressed by e-EPCs and endothelial cells. Blocking JAM-C did not affect adhesion of e-EPCs to endothelial monolayers in vitro but, interestingly, it did reduce their adhesion to tumor endothelium in vivo. The most striking effect of JAM-C blocking was on tube formation on matrigel in vitro and the incorporation and sprouting of e-EPCs to tumor endothelium in vivo. Our results demonstrate that JAM-C mediates e-EPC recruitment to tumor angiogenic sites, i.e., coordinated homing of EPCs to the perivascular niche, where they cluster and interact with tumor blood vessels. This suggests that JAM-C plays a critical role in the process of vascular assembly and may represent a potential therapeutic target to control tumor angiogenesis

    Platelet Lysate as Replacement for Fetal Bovine Serum in Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Cultures

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) emerged as highly attractive in cell-based regenerative medicine. Initially thought to provide cells capable of differentiation towards mesenchymal cell types (osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes etc.), by and by potent immunoregulatory and pro-regenerative activities have been discovered, broadening the field of potential applications from bone and cartilage regeneration to wound healing and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Due to the limited frequency in most tissue sources, ex vivo expansion of MSC is required compliant with good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines to yield clinically relevant cell doses. Though, still most manufacturing protocols use fetal bovine serum (FBS) as cell culture supplement to isolate and to expand MSC. However, the high lot-to-lot variability as well as risk of contamination and immunization call for xenogenic-free culture conditions. In terms of standardization, chemically defined media appear as the ultimate achievement. Since these media need to maintain all key cellular and therapy-relevant features of MSC, the development of chemically defined media is still – albeit highly investigated – only in its beginning. The current alternatives to FBS rely on human blood-derived components: plasma, serum, umbilical cord blood serum, and platelet derivatives like platelet lysate. Focusing on quality aspects, the latter will be addressed within this review

    Functional and differential proteomic analyses to identify platelet derived factors affecting ex vivo expansion of mesenchymal stromal cells

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    Background: Multilineage differentiation, immunomodulation and secretion of trophic factors render mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) highly attractive for clinical application. Human platelet derivatives such as pooled human platelet lysate (pHPL) and thrombin-activated platelet releasate in plasma (tPRP) have been introduced as alternatives to fetal bovine serum (FBS) to achieve GMP-compliance. However, whereas both pHPL and tPRP support similar proliferation kinetics of lipoaspirate-derived MSC (LA-MSC), only pHPL significantly accelerates bone marrow-derived MSC (BM-MSC) expansion. To identify functionally bioactive factors affecting ex vivo MSC expansion, a differential proteomic approach was performed and identified candidate proteins were evaluated within a bioassay. Results: Two dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), MALDI-TOF analyses and complementary Western blotting revealed 20 differential protein species. 14 candidate proteins occured at higher concentrations in pHPL compared to tPRP and 6 at higher concentrations in tPRP. The candidate proteins fibrinogen and apolipoprotein A1 differentially affected LA- and BM-MSC proliferation. In a second set of experiments, reference cytokines known to foster proliferation in FBS were tested for their effects in the human supplements. Interestingly although these cytokines promoted proliferation in FBS, they failed to do so when added to the humanized system. Conclusions: The differential proteomic approach identified novel platelet derived factors differentially acting on human MSC proliferation. Complementary testing of reference cytokines revealed a lack of stimulation in the human supplements compared to FBS. The data describe a new coherent approach to combine proteomic technologies with functional testing to develop novel, humanized, GMP-compliant conditions for MSC expansion

    Lipid ratios as a marker for red blood cell storage quality and as a possible explanation for donor gender differences in storage quality

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    Background and objectives Red blood cells that are stored for transfusions as red cell concentrates (RCCs) undergo changes during the storage period, culminating in the lysis of the cells. The goal of this work is to find markers that are linked to high haemolysis, in order to explain the inter‐donor variability that is known to occur in storage quality, and also the known differences between RCCs from male and female donors. Materials and methods The relative amounts of lipids at the end of the storage period were compared for one group of low haemolysis samples (24 units, all ≤0·15% haemolysis), and one group of high haemolysis samples (26 units, all ≥0·5% haemolysis). Representative lipids were analysed from different lipid classes, including cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin and ceramide. Whole membrane preparations were analysed with one mass spectrometry technique, and lipid extracts were analysed with a second mass spectrometry technique. Results The ratio of palmitoyl‐oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) to sphingomyelin was different for the high and low haemolysis groups (P = 0·0001) and for the RCCs from male and female donors (P = 0·0009). The ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids showed only minimal links to haemolysis. Higher relative amounts of sphingomyelin were associated with lower haemolysis, and higher relative amounts of ceramides were associated with increased haemolysis. Conclusion The level of sphingomyelinase activity and the resulting ratio of sphingomyelin to POPC is proposed as a possible marker for RCC storage quality

    3D models of the hematopoietic stem cell niche under steady-state and active conditions

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the bone marrow are able to differentiate into all types of blood cells and supply the organism each day with billions of fresh cells. They are applied to cure hematological diseases such as leukemia. The clinical need for HSCs is high and there is a demand for being able to control and multiply HSCs in vitro. The hematopoietic system is highly proliferative and thus sensitive to anti-proliferative drugs such as chemotherapeutics. For many of these drugs suppression of the hematopoietic system is the dose-limiting toxicity. Therefore, biomimetic 3D models of the HSC niche that allow to control HSC behavior in vitro and to test drugs in a human setting are relevant for the clinics and pharmacology. Here, we describe a perfused 3D bone marrow analog that allows mimicking the HSC niche under steady-state and activated conditions that favor either HSC maintenance or differentiation, respectively, and allows for drug testing