37 research outputs found

    Report of the Working Group on Possible Follow-up Action for the CGIAR on UNCED Agenda 21

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    Paper prepared by Stein Bie of NORAGRIC at the request of the CGIAR Chairman, with the assistance of Cassandra Bergstrom, on a possible CGIAR response to the Agenda 21 action plan developed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).The paper enumerates the CGIAR's strengths and comparative advantages as a potential executing agency for Agenda 21 objectives, and the parallels between those objectives and the mandate of the CGIAR, particularly in the areas of poverty reduction, agricultural production, and the environment.The authors suggest the CGIAR promote three global programs explicitly related to Agenda 21 objectives: a Global Soils and Water Program, a Global Genetic Resources Program, and a Global Human Resources Capacity Building Program.Agenda document, CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May 1993

    Action Plan to Follow-up on UNCED: Report of the CGIAR Task Force

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    Report of a task force assigned to formulate a CGIAR response to UNCED's Agenda 21, and the conventions on biological diversity, climate change, and desertification that were now emerging from it. The task force prescribed four CGIAR global initiatives: Marginal Soils, Genetic Resources, Human Resources, and a joint effort with the UNEP to develop a geographic information system (GIS) and agroecological database. It was proposed that all four initiatives be financed by a UNEP trust fund administered by a steering committee comprised of CGIAR and non-CGIAR representatives, with a full time facilitator.Appendixes are a detailed proposal for the GIS, and terms of reference for the proposed trust fund.Agenda document at TAC 62 and CGIAR International Centers Week, October 1993

    Coulomb pre-stress and fault bends are ignored yet vital factors for earthquake triggering and hazard

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    Successive locations of individual large earthquakes (Mw>5.5) over years to centuries can be difficult to explain with simple Coulomb Stress Transfer (CST) because it is common for seismicity to circumvent nearest-neighbour along-strike faults where coseismic CST is greatest. We demonstrate that Coulomb pre-stress (the cumulative CST from multiple earthquakes and interseismic loading on non-planar faults) may explain this, evidenced by study of a 667-year historical record of earthquakes in central Italy. Heterogeneity in Coulomb pre-stresses across the fault system is >±50 bars, whereas coseismic CST is <±2 bars, so the latter will rarely overwhelm the former, explaining why historical earthquakes rarely rupture nearest neighbor faults. However, earthquakes do tend to occur where the cumulative coseismic and interseismic CST is positive, although there are notable examples where earthquake propagate across negatively stressed portions of faults. Hence Coulomb pre-stress calculated for non-planar faults is an ignored yet vital factor for earthquake triggering

    The Establishment of a Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management at the University of Zambia

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    This Noragric Report was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under the framework agreement with Noragric

    Agriculture in the time of HIV/Aids : a report on the situation in Sub-Saharan Africa prepared for Norad

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    This Noragric Report was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) to Noragric

    The Business Exchange Experience Programme (BEEP) : an evaluation for the Royal Norwegian Society for Development (SNV)

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    This Noragric Report was commissioned by the Royal Norwegian Society for Development (SNV) to Noragric and published in March 200

    Climate change and rural livelihoods in Malawi : review study report of Norwegian support to FAO and SCC in Malawi, with a note on some regional implications

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    This Noragric Report was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) to Noragric