78 research outputs found

    Readiness of future teachers to work at school: Review of theoretical and empirical research

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    Introduction. The current review article studies and systematises modern knowledge about the readiness of future teachers to work at school. The relevance of the study is due to the unwillingness of graduates of pedagogical universities to work in their speciality, the departure of novice teachers from the profession, and the increase in the number of open vacancies. The speed of ongoing changes, information and technological progress, the need to carry out online education and use artificial intelligence make it necessary to systematise the results of modern research. A review of various scientific fields allows us to take a step towards interdisciplinarity and describe different points of view in theoretical and empirical research. Moreover, it is important to answer the question of the representation of concepts and models of readiness, as well as to investigate the areas of further research directions. Aim. The present research aims to review and systematise international and Russian theoretical and empirical studies on the readiness of future teachers to work at school. Methodology and research methods. The methodology of the study was a descriptive (semi-systematic) approach to the review of theoretical and empirical studies. The search strategy consisted of the following stages: (1) identification of research questions; (2) search for relevant studies; (3) selection and exclusion for analysis; (4) data comparison; (5) generalisation and presentation. The methods of systematic search, comparative and content analysis were employed. The search for English-language publications was conducted in World Scientific, Scopus and Elsevier (ScienceDirect), which are in open access (open access&open archive). A total of 531 sources were identified. Then, by the Prisma method, 119 articles were selected, with a search depth from 2016 to 2023. The analysis of Russian-language articles was carried out in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. A set of words “readiness&future teachers&work at school” was used for the search; as a result, 120 sources were obtained. The selected articles were analysed from the point of view of concepts, directions, models and factors of readiness for professional pedagogical activity and work at school. Results. The number of studies on this topic has been growing since 2008, with the highest values observed in 2016 and 2020. In 54.6 % of publications, theoretical models are considered. It is revealed that the concept of “readiness” of a graduate of a pedagogical university/college or already a teacher to work at school significantly depends on the field of scientific knowledge within which this term is considered. The thematic mismatch of Russian and foreign studies has been established. 39.7 % of Russian studies are devoted to professional competencies, and every fourth foreign article (25.7 %) focuses on educational outcomes. The most frequent methods of data collection in empirical studies are interviews, surveys and experiments. External and internal factors of readiness are revealed. External ones are the content of the educational programme at a pedagogical university or college, the duration of training and the conditions for passing pedagogical practice. Internal factors include the choice of specialisation in accordance with individual preferences, knowledge of pedagogical support resources and modern teaching technologies, options, and features of the school context. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a systematic review of international and Russian studies on this topic has been conducted. A unique contribution to the field of research is the resulting database of publications in this area, which is publicly available for researchers and other interested parties (certificate of state registration of the database № 2023622782). The results obtained make it possible to develop a comprehensive interdisciplinary model of future teachers’ readiness to work at school, considering all the changes and challenges of an information and technologically advanced society. Practical significance is due to the possibility of using the results obtained in the development of educational programmes in pedagogical training. Based on the data obtained, future researchers and teachers can conduct a meta-analysis, qualitative and quantitative assessment of readiness for professional pedagogical activity. The research outcomes make it possible to conduct further research and evaluate the author’s readiness models for completeness, adequacy, and validity.Введение. Представленная обзорная статья обусловлена необходимостью изучения и систематизации современных знаний о готовности будущих учителей работать в школе. Нежелание выпускников педагогических вузов работать по специальности, уход из профессии начинающих педагогов, рост числа незакрытых вакансий актуализируют настоящее исследование. Скорость происходящих изменений, информационный и технологический прогресс, необходимость осуществлять онлайн-образование и использовать искусственный интеллект делают необходимой систематизацию результатов современных исследований. Обзор разрозненных научных областей позволяет сделать шаг в сторону междисциплинарности и описать различные точки зрения в теоретических и эмпирических исследованиях, чтобы ответить на вопрос о представленности понятий и моделей готовности, а также выйти на области дальнейших направлений исследований. Целью работы является обзор и систематизация международных и российских теоретических и эмпирических исследований готовности будущих учителей к работе в школе. Методология, методы и методики. Методологией исследования стал описательный (полусистематический) подход к обзору теоретических и эмпирических исследований. Стратегия поиска состояла из следующих этапов: (1) определение вопросов исследования; (2) поиск соответствующих исследований; (3) отбор и исключение для анализа; (4) сопоставление данных; (5) обобщение и представление. Использовались методы систематического поиска, сравнительного и контент-анализа. Поиск англоязычных публикаций проведен в World Scientific, Scopus и Elsevier (ScienceDirect), находящихся в открытом доступе (open access&open archive). Всего был идентифицирован 531 источник. Затем методом Prisma было отобрано 119 статьей, глубиной поиска с 2016 по 2023 годы. Анализ русскоязычных статей производился в научной электронной библиотеке eLIBRARY.RU. Для поиска был использован комплекс слов «готовность&будущих учителей&работа в школе», в результате было получено 120 источников. Отобранные статьи были проанализированы с точки зрения понятий, направлений, моделей и факторов готовности к профессиональной педагогической деятельности и работе в школе. Результаты. Число исследований данной тематики растет с 2008 года, наиболее высокие значения наблюдаются в 2016 и в 2020 годах. В 54,6 % публикаций представлены теоретические модели. Выявлено, что понятие «готовность» выпускника педагогического вуза/колледжа или уже учителя к работе в школе существенно зависит от области научных знаний, в рамках которой рассматриваются данный термин. Установлено тематическое рассогласование российских и зарубежных исследований. 39,7 % российских исследований посвящены профессиональным компетентностям, а каждая четвертая зарубежная статья (25,7 %) сосредоточена на образовательных результатах. Выявлено, что наиболее частыми методами сбора данных в эмпирических исследованиях являются интервью, опросы и эксперименты. Выявлены внешние и внутренние факторы готовности. Внешние – это содержание образовательной программы в педагогическом вузе или колледже, продолжительность обучения и условиях прохождения педагогической практики. Внутренние – выбор специализации в соответствии с индивидуальными предпочтениями, знание ресурсов педагогической поддержки и современных технологий обучения, вариантов и особенностей школьного контекста. Научная новизна. Впервые проведен систематический обзор международных и российских исследований по данной тематике. Уникальным вкладом в область исследований является результирующая база публикаций по данному направлению, которая находится в открытом доступе для исследователей и других заинтересованных сторон, свидетельство о госрегистрации базы данных № 2023622782. Полученные результаты позволяют разработать комплексную междисциплинарную модель готовности будущих учителей к работе в школе, учитывающей все изменения и вызовы информационного и технологически развитого общества. Практическая значимость обусловлена возможностью использования полученных результатов в создании образовательных программ педагогической подготовки. На основании полученных данных будущие исследователи и преподаватели могут проводить мета-анализ, качественную и количественную оценку готовности к профессиональной педагогической деятельности. Полученные результаты позволяют осуществлять дальнейшие перспективные исследования и производить оценку авторских моделей готовности на полноту, адекватность и валидность

    Incidence, Risk Factors, and Impact of Severe Neutropenia After Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Mitomycin C

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    Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) are considered the standard of care for patients with peritoneal dissemination of appendiceal cancer and are increasingly being evaluated for use in patients with carcinomatosis from colon cancer. Mitomycin C (MMC) is one of the most frequently used HIPEC agents in the management of peritoneal-based gastrointestinal malignancies. This study analyzes the incidence and risk factors for developing neutropenia following MMC-HIPEC combined with CRS. All patients undergoing CRS and MMC-HIPEC for appendiceal cancer between January 1993 and October 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for the development of neutropenia, defined as an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) <1,000/mm3. One hundred and twenty MMC-HIPEC were performed in 117 patients with appendiceal cancer. The incidence of neutropenia was 39%. Neutropenia occurred in 57.6% of female and 21.3% of male patients (p < 0.0001). Female gender and MMC dose per body surface area (BSA) were independent risk factors for neutropenia on multivariable logistic regression [odds ratio (OR) of neutropenia in females = 3.58 (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.52, 8.43); OR for 5 unit (mg/m2) increase in MMC dose per BSA = 3.37 (95% CI: 1.72, 6.63)]. Neutropenia did not increase the risk of mortality, postoperative infection or length of hospital stay. Neutropenia is a frequent complication associated with MMC-HIPEC. Female sex and MMC dose per BSA are independent risk factors for neutropenia. These differences must be considered in the management of patients undergoing MMC-HIPEC to minimize the toxicity of the procedure

    A cluster randomised trial of strategies to increase cervical screening uptake at first invitation (STRATEGIC)

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    Acknowledgements The STRATEGIC study research team thanks Sara Rodgers and Laura Clark at the University of York for their input conducting qualitative interviews. We are grateful to Maggie Redshaw at the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU) for helpful suggestions to attempt to improve the response rate in our study. We also would like to thank the NPEU design team who significantly improved the look of our final questionnaire, and the NPEU administration team for their assistance preparing the mail-out material. Special thanks are given to our data entry team Sissi Hernandez-Quesada, Jacob Stevens and Pamela White. The authors would also like to thank Zeinab Abbas for her valuable assistance in the economic evaluation. We would like to express our gratitude to the teams at the English and Scottish screening agencies for their willingness to collaborate in this study. Finally, we thank all women who participated and completed the DCE survey. Any errors or omissions are entirely our own. We are indebted to the support provided by the Lancashire and South Cumbria Agency, without whom we could not have provided the interventions. We also wish to thank Linsey Nelson for her painstaking work in helping to compile this report. Funding Funding for this study was provided by the Health Technology Assessment programme of the National Institute for Health Research.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Sexual Phenotype Differences in zic2 mRNA Abundance in the Preoptic Area of a Protogynous Teleost, Thalassoma bifasciatum

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    The highly conserved members of the zic family of zinc-finger transcription factors are primarily known for their roles in embryonic signaling pathways and regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation. This study describes sexual phenotype differences in abundances of zic2 mRNA in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus, a region strongly implicated in sexual behavior and function, in an adult teleost, Thalassoma bifasciatum. The bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) is a valuable model for studying neuroendocrine processes because it displays two discrete male phenotypes, initial phase (IP) males and territorial, terminal phase (TP) males, and undergoes socially-controlled protogynous sex change. Previously generated microarray-based comparisons suggested that zic2 was upregulated in the brains of terminal phase males relative to initial phase males. To further explore this difference, we cloned a 727 bp sequence for neural zic2 from field-collected animals. Riboprobe-based in situ hybridization was employed to localize zic2 signal in adult bluehead brains and assess the relative abundance of brain zic2 mRNA across sexual phenotypes. We found zic2 mRNA expression was extremely abundant in the granular cells of the cerebellum and widespread in other brain regions including in the thalamus, hypothalamus, habenula, torus semicircularis, torus longitudinalis, medial longitudinal fascicle and telencephalic areas. Quantitative autoradiography and phosphorimaging showed zic2 mRNA hybridization signal in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus was significantly higher in terminal phase males relative to both initial phase males and females, and silver grain analysis confirmed this relationship between phenotypes. No significant difference in abundance was found in zic2 signal across phenotypes in the habenula, a brain region not implicated in the control of sexual behavior, or cerebellum

    Hyperreactio luteinalis could be a risk factor for development of HELLP syndrome: case report

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    OBJECTIVE: To report a unique case of hyperreactio luteinalis in pregnancy associated with ovarian torsion and subsequent development of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome. DESIGN: Case report. ----- SETTING: University medical center. ----- PATIENT(S): A 34-year-old primigravida woman with ovarian torsion in 13 weeks of pregnancy and subsequent intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and HELLP syndrome. ----- INTERVENTION(S): Laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy due to the ovarian torsion and cesarean section (CS) due to the development of HELLP syndrome. ----- MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): HELLP syndrome. ----- RESULT(S): In the first trimester the patient had symptoms of acute abdomen due to the ovarian torsion. Both ovaries were enlarged and multicystic. Hormonal studies confirmed an abnormally elevated level of hCG (192.000 IU/L), mild hyperthireosis, and hyperandrogenemia. Laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy was performed. At 30 weeks of pregnancy, IUGR was confirmed sonographically and clinically, and at 33 weeks severe preeclampsia developed. One week later, HELLP syndrome occurred. Emergency CS was preformed, and she delivered a female newborn weighing 1,640 g. Seven days after delivery, blood pressure and hormonal status returned to normal. ----- CONCLUSION(S): Hyperreactio luteinalis due to the abnormally high level of hCG in the first trimester could be a consequence of inappropriate trophoblast invasion and an early sign of subsequently developing preeclampsia, eclampsia, and HELLP syndrome

    Use of Cetuximab in Combination with Cisplatin and Adjuvant Pelvic Radiation for Stage IIIB Vulvar Carcinoma

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    Vulvar cancer is a rare carcinoma constituting only 4% of gynecologic malignancies and 0.6% of female cancers. Most chemotherapy regimens have been created from extrapolation from anal and cervical cancer research. Advanced stages have the worst prognosis and oftentimes invasive surgical procedures are needed to cure disease with high recurrence rates. Case. A 50 yo G2P2 presented for a 2 cm mass in her right labia. The patient underwent a partial radical vulvectomy and bilateral superficial and deep inguinal lymph node dissection. Bilateral inguinal lymph nodes were positive for residual disease. The patient underwent whole pelvic radiation with cisplatin as a radiosensitizer. The primary tumor was epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) positive and cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody to EGFR, was added. The patient underwent seven cycles of chemotherapy including cisplatin and cetuximab with adjuvant radiation therapy to the pelvis. She currently is without evidence of disease recurrence since completing treatment 4 years ago. Conclusion. One previous case report showed short-term palliative success of five months for recurrent, metastatic vulvar cancer. This case suggests that cetuximab could possibly be used in initial management of patients with advanced stages of vulvar cancer to improve prognosis