116 research outputs found

    Copy number variation in dairy cattle using next-generation sequencing.

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    Gene copy number variants (CNV) have been shown to be associated with several production traits in dairy cattle; however, the detection and validation of CNVs in crossbred cattle is currently lacking. In order to provide a basis for future association studies, we sought to identify CNV regions (CNVRs) within the Girolando composite breed resulting from a mating of the Holstein (taurine) and Gir (indicine) breeds. A read depth method was performed using CNVnator software on NGS data from two Girolando, two Gir and ten Holstein bulls. The individual CNVs were merged into CNVRs based on genomic regions overlapping by at least 1 bp. In total, we identified a composite of 1,286 CNVRs (520 deletions, 255 duplications, 511 mixed) on the genomes of all samples. We observed 34 CNVRs (nine deletions, 25 mixed) in common (overlapping > 50%) only between Girolando and Holstein and 181 CNVRs (20 deletions, 21 duplications,140 mixed) only in Girolando and Gir, suggesting parent-of-origin inheritance from Holstein and Gir cattle, respectively. One of these Holstein-specific CNVRs intersected with the interleukin 6 family cytokine (LIF) gene which is linked to fat production and fertility traits in Holstein. Genes related to disease resistance (e.g. the CD4 gene) also coincided with CNVRs present only in Gir and Girolando cattle suggesting an indicine origin for the CNV. These results showed evidence of specific CNVRs shared by Girolando and purebred breeds which may be targeted for future selective breeding.PAG 2018. P0490. Na publicação: Adhemar Zerlotini, Marcos Vinicius B. da Silva

    An improved ovine reference genome assembly to facilitate in depth functional annotation of the sheep genome

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    BACKGROUND: The domestic sheep (Ovis aries) is an important agricultural species raised for meat, wool, and milk across the world. A high-quality reference genome for this species enhances the ability to discover genetic mechanisms influencing biological traits. Furthermore, a high-quality reference genome allows for precise functional annotation of gene regulatory elements. The rapid advances in genome assembly algorithms and emergence of sequencing technologies with increasingly long reads provide the opportunity for an improved de novo assembly of the sheep reference genome. FINDINGS: Short-read Illumina (55× coverage), long-read Pacific Biosciences (75× coverage), and Hi-C data from this ewe retrieved from public databases were combined with an additional 50× coverage of Oxford Nanopore data and assembled with canu v1.9. The assembled contigs were scaffolded using Hi-C data with Salsa v2.2, gaps filled with PBsuitev15.8.24, and polished with Nanopolish v0.12.5. After duplicate contig removal with PurgeDups v1.0.1, chromosomes were oriented and polished with 2 rounds of a pipeline that consisted of freebayes v1.3.1 to call variants, Merfin to validate them, and BCFtools to generate the consensus fasta. The ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 assembly is 2.63 Gb in length and has improved continuity (contig NG50 of 43.18 Mb), with a 19- and 38-fold decrease in the number of scaffolds compared with Oar_rambouillet_v1.0 and Oar_v4.0. ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 has greater per-base accuracy and fewer insertions and deletions identified from mapped RNA sequence than previous assemblies. CONCLUSIONS: The ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 assembly is a substantial improvement in contiguity that will optimize the functional annotation of the sheep genome and facilitate improved mapping accuracy of genetic variant and expression data for traits in sheep

    Development of polymorphic markers in the immune gene complex loci of cattle

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    Publication history: Accepted - 18 January 2021; Published online - 6 March 2021The addition of cattle health and immunity traits to genomic selection indices holds promise to increase individual animal longevity and productivity, and decrease economic losses from disease. However, highly variable genomic loci that contain multiple immune-related genes were poorly assembled in the first iterations of the cattle reference genome assembly and underrepresented during the development of most commercial genotyping platforms. As a consequence, there is a paucity of genetic markers within these loci that may track haplotypes related to disease susceptibility. By using hierarchical assembly of bacterial artificial chromosome inserts spanning 3 of these immune-related gene regions, we were able to assemble multiple full-length haplotypes of the major histocompatibility complex, the leukocyte receptor complex, and the natural killer cell complex. Using these new assemblies and the recently released ARS-UCD1.2 reference, we aligned whole-genome shotgun reads from 125 sequenced Holstein bulls to discover candidate variants for genetic marker development. We selected 124 SNPs, using heuristic and statistical models to develop a custom genotyping panel. In a proof-of-principle study, we used this custom panel to genotype 1,797 Holstein cows exposed to bovine tuberculosis (bTB) that were the subject of a previous GWAS study using the Illumina BovineHD array. Although we did not identify any significant association of bTB phenotypes with these new genetic markers, 2 markers exhibited substantial effects on bTB phenotypic prediction. The models and parameters trained in this study serve as a guide for future marker discovery surveys particularly in previously unassembled regions of the cattle genome.Hammond, Heimeier, and Schwartz were supported by United Kingdom Research and Innovation, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UKRI-BBSRC) funding awards BB/M027155/1, BBS/E/I/00007031, BBS/E/I/00007038, BBS/E/I/00007039, BBS/OS/GC/000015B, and BBS/OS/GC/200016. Glass was supported by UKRI-BBSRC funding awards BB/J004227/1, BB/J004235/1, and BB/P013740; Glass, Skuce, and Allen were also supported by UKRI-BBSRC BB/E018386/1, BB/E018335/1 and 2, and BB/L004054/1; Glass was also supported by UKRI-BBSRC award BB/M027155/1 and BB/P013740/1. Wilkinson was supported by UKRI-BBSRC BB/L004054/1. We gratefully acknowledge the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI, Northern Ireland) who collected and provided samples in the form of phenotyped bTB case/control samples for use within this project. Bickhart, Bakshy, McClure, and Null were supported by appropriated projects 5090-31000-026-00-D, Investigating Microbial, Digestive, and Animal Factors to Increase Dairy Cow Performance and Nutrient Use Efficiency, and 8042-31000-001-00-D, Enhancing Genetic Merit of Ruminants Through Improved Genome Assembly, Annotation, and Selection, of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the USDA. Cole and Null were supported by appropriated project 8042-31000-002-00-D, “Improving Dairy Animals by Increasing Accuracy of Genomic Prediction, Evaluating New Traits, and Redefining Selection Goals of ARS-USDA. Cole was also partially supported by the grant “Reducing Mastitis in the Dairy Cow by Increasing the Prevalence of Beneficial Polymorphisms in Genes Associated with Mastitis Resistance” from the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Rapid Agricultural Response Fund. Smith was supported by appropriated project 3040-31000-100-00-D, “Developing a Systems Biology Approach to Enhance Efficiency and Sustainability of Beef and Lamb Production,” of ARS-USDA. Bickhart, Bakshy, Young, and Smith were supported by USDA NIFA grant number 2015-67015-22970, “US-UK Collaborative project: “Reassembly of cattle immune gene clusters for quantitative analysis.

    Structural variant-based pangenome construction has low sensitivity to variability of haplotype-resolved bovine assemblies

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    Advantages of pangenomes over linear reference assemblies for genome research have recently been established. However, potential effects of sequence platform and assembly approach, or of combining assemblies created by different approaches, on pangenome construction have not been investigated. Here we generate haplotype-resolved assemblies from the offspring of three bovine trios representing increasing levels of heterozygosity that each demonstrate a substantial improvement in contiguity, completeness, and accuracy over the current Bos taurus reference genome. Diploid coverage as low as 20x for HiFi or 60x for ONT is sufficient to produce two haplotype-resolved assemblies meeting standards set by the Vertebrate Genomes Project. Structural variant-based pangenomes created from the haplotype-resolved assemblies demonstrate significant consensus regardless of sequence platform, assembler algorithm, or coverage. Inspecting pangenome topologies identifies 90 thousand structural variants including 931 overlapping with coding sequences; this approach reveals variants affecting QRICH2, PRDM9, HSPA1A, TAS2R46, and GC that have potential to affect phenotype

    Structural variant-based pangenome construction has low sensitivity to variability of haplotype-resolved bovine assemblies

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    Advantages of pangenomes over linear reference assemblies for genome research have recently been established. However, potential effects of sequence platform and assembly approach, or of combining assemblies created by different approaches, on pangenome construction have not been investigated. Here we generate haplotype-resolved assemblies from the offspring of three bovine trios representing increasing levels of heterozygosity that each demonstrate a substantial improvement in contiguity, completeness, and accuracy over the current Bos taurus reference genome. Diploid coverage as low as 20x for HiFi or 60x for ONT is sufficient to produce two haplotype-resolved assemblies meeting standards set by the Vertebrate Genomes Project. Structural variant-based pangenomes created from the haplotype-resolved assemblies demonstrate significant consensus regardless of sequence platform, assembler algorithm, or coverage. Inspecting pangenome topologies identifies 90 thousand structural variants including 931 overlapping with coding sequences; this approach reveals variants affecting QRICH2, PRDM9, HSPA1A, TAS2R46, and GC that have potential to affect phenotype

    Variants at the ASIP locus contribute to coat color darkening in Nellore cattle

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    Background: Nellore cattle (Bos indicus) are well-known for their adaptation to warm and humid environments. Hair length and coat color may impact heat tolerance. The Nellore breed has been strongly selected for white coat, but bulls generally exhibit darker hair ranging from light grey to black on the head, neck, hump, and knees. Given the potential contribution of coat color variation to the adaptation of cattle populations to tropical and sub-tropical environments, our aim was to map positional and functional candidate genetic variants associated with darkness of hair coat (DHC) in Nellore bulls. Results: We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for DHC using data from 432 Nellore bulls that were genotyped for more than 777 k single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. A single major association signal was detected in the vicinity of the agouti signaling protein gene (ASIP). The analysis of whole-genome sequence (WGS) data from 21 bulls revealed functional variants that are associated with DHC, including a structural rearrangement involving ASIP (ASIP-SV1). We further characterized this structural variant using Oxford Nanopore sequencing data from 13 Australian Brahman heifers, which share ancestry with Nellore cattle; we found that this variant originates from a 1155-bp deletion followed by an insertion of a transposable element of more than 150 bp that may impact the recruitment of ASIP non-coding exons. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the variant ASIP sequence causes darker coat pigmentation on specific parts of the body, most likely through a decreased expression of ASIP and consequently an increased production of eumelanin

    Ethiopian indigenous goats offer insights into past and recent demographic dynamics and localadaptation in sub-Saharan African goats

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    Abstract Knowledge on how adaptive evolution and human socio‐cultural and economic interests shaped livestock genomes particularly in sub‐Saharan Africa remains limited. Ethiopia is in a geographic region that has been critical in the history of African agriculture with ancient and diverse human ethnicity and bio‐climatic conditions. Using 52K genome‐wide data analysed in 646 individuals from 13 Ethiopian indigenous goat populations, we observed high levels of genetic variation. Although runs of homozygosity (ROH) were ubiquitous genome‐wide, there were clear differences in patterns of ROH length and abundance and in effective population sizes illustrating differences in genome homozygosity, evolutionary history, and management. Phylogenetic analysis incorporating patterns of genetic differentiation and gene flow with ancestry modelling highlighted past and recent intermixing and possible two deep ancient genetic ancestries that could have been brought by humans with the first introduction of goats in Africa. We observed four strong selection signatures that were specific to Arsi‐Bale and Nubian goats. These signatures overlapped genomic regions with genes associated with morphological, adaptation, reproduction and production traits due possibly to selection under environmental constraints and/or human preferences. The regions also overlapped uncharacterized genes, calling for a comprehensive annotation of the goat genome. Our results provide insights into mechanisms leading to genome variation and differentiation in sub‐Saharan Africa indigenous goats