5 research outputs found

    Estudi de la prevalença de l'obesitat juvenil a les illes Balears

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    [cat] L’obesitat infanto-juvenil és un dels problemes de salut pública més greus del segle XXI. A Espanya, la prevalença d’obesitat en nins i adolescents ha augmentat considerablement els darrers anys, arribant a una de les taxes més altes d’obesitat infantil d’Europa. La prevalença de sobrepès (IMC≥P85-<P97) i obesitat (IMC≥P97) en els adolescents de les Illes Balears és de 17.5% i 10.4%, respectivament, similar a la d’altres països d’Europa. Un baix nivell educatiu i socioeconòmic dels pares, ometre menjades, la pràctica insuficient d’activitat física; dormir 7 o menys hores diàries als al•lots i el consum ocasional de tabac a les al•lotes són factors associats a una major prevalença d’obesitat. La prevalença de la Síndrome Metabòlica en els adolescents de les Illes Balears és del 5.8%. Aquesta prevalença és major als al•lots (10.5%) que a les al•lotes (2.7%). Una alta adherència a la Dieta Mediterrània dificulta la gènesi d’aquesta patologia.[eng] Obesity in childhood and adolescence is one of the most serious public health problems of the XXIth century. In Spain, the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents has increased during the last years, reaching one of the highest rates of childhood obesity in Europe. The prevalence of overweight (BMI≥P85-<p97) and obesity (BMI≥p97) in the adolescent population of the Balearic Islands is 17.5% and 10.4% respectively, similar to other European countries. A low parental socioeconomic and educational level, to skip meals, to practice insufficient physical activity; to sleep 7 or fewer hours per day in boys and an occasional tobacco consumption in girls are the main factors associated with a higher prevalence of obesity. The prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among adolescents in the Balearic Islands is 5.8%. This prevalence is higher in boys (10.5%) than girls (2.7%). A high adherence to the Mediterranean diet hinders the genesis of this pathology

    Casos prácticos como herramienta educativa en las asignaturas de fisiología humana

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    [EN] The education plans of the universities represent a coincidence in the subject of Human Physiology (Physiotherapy, Biology, Biochemistry, Nursing and Medicine degrees), in which teaching for small groups are a good strategy to achieve certain skills that could not be achieved during large groups time. The main methodology followed is the realization of monographic works. During the 2018-2019 academic year, the University of the Balearic Islands awarded a teaching innovation project in which the design and coordination of seminars was proposed through an active learning methodology through the resolution of practical cases that would help students to acquire skills in critical thinking, leadership, emotional intelligence, adaptability and management of new technologies. The students had to solve a supposed clinical case, exposing the normal physiological process and the physiological alteration associated with the proposed case. The results obtained (n = 174 students) indicated an improvement in the acquisition of knowledge (average of 8.2) and in the satisfaction (average of 8.1) obtained by the students, who preferred this methodology to monographic expositions or the use of simulators by computer. In conclusion, the methodology contributed was received with a high degree of satisfaction for its innovative application in the small groups.[ES] Los planes docentes de diversas titulaciones suponen una coincidencia en la asignatura de Fisiología Humana (grados: Fisioterapia, Biología, Bioquímica y Medicina), en los cuales las horas docentes destinadas a grupos pequeños suponen una buena estrategia para alcanzar determinadas competencias que no se podrían alcanzar con grupos grandes. La realización de trabajos monográficos es la principal metodología seguida. Durante el curso 2018/2019, la Universidad de las Islas Baleares concedió un proyecto de innovación docente donde se planteó el diseño y la coordinación de la realización de seminarios mediante una metodología activa de aprendizaje a través de resolución de casos prácticos con el objetivo de adquirir destrezas en pensamiento crítico, liderazgo, inteligencia emocional, adaptabilidad y manejo de las nuevas tecnología. Los alumnos debían resolver un supuesto caso clínico, exponiendo el proceso fisiológico normal y la alteración fisiológica asociada al caso propuesto. Los resultados obtenidos (n=174 alumnos) indicaron una mejora en la adquisición de conocimientos (media de 8,2) y en la satisfacción (media de 8,1)obtenida por parte del alumnado, que prefirió esta metodología a las exposiciones monográficas o el uso de simuladores por ordenador. En conclusión, la metodología aportada fue recibida con alto grado de satisfacción por su aplicación innovadora en los grupos pequeños.Tejada Gavela, S.; Bibiloni Esteva, MDM.; Moranta Mesquida, D.; Esteban Valdés, SC.; Sureda Gomila, A. (2019). Casos prácticos como herramienta educativa en las asignaturas de fisiología humana. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 675-683. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10439OCS67568

    Estudi de la prevalença de l'obesitat juvenil a les illes Balears

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    Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Inflammatory Markers.

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    [eng] The aim was to assess inflammatory markers among adults and adolescents in relation to the adherence to the Mediterranean diet. A random sample (219 males and 379 females) of the Balearic Islands population (12-65 years) was anthropometrically measured and provided a blood sample to determine biomarkers of inflammation. Dietary habits were assessed and the adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern calculated. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome increased with age in both sexes. The adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescent males was 51.3% and 45.7% in adults, whereas in females 53.1% and 44.3%, respectively. In males, higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with higher levels of adiponectin and lower levels of leptin, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in adults, but not in young subjects. In females, higher adherence was associated with lower levels of leptin in the young group, PAI-1 in adults and hs-CRP in both groups. With increasing age in both sexes, metabolic syndrome increases, but the adherence to the Mediterranean diet decreases. Low adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern (MDP) is directly associated with a worse profile of plasmatic inflammation markers