392 research outputs found

    Cationic ordering control of magnetization in Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskite

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    The role of the synthesis conditions on the cationic Fe/Mo ordering in Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskite is addressed. It is shown that this ordering can be controlled and varied systematically. The Fe/Mo ordering has a profound impact on the saturation magnetization of the material. Using the appropriate synthesis protocol a record value of 3.7muB/f.u. has been obtained. Mossbauer analysis reveals the existence of two distinguishable Fe sites in agreement with the P4/mmm symmetry and a charge density at the Fe(m+) ions significantly larger than (+3) suggesting a Fe contribution to the spin-down conduction band. The implications of these findings for the synthesis of Sr2FeMoO6 having optimal magnetoresistance response are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Growth and magnetic properties of multiferroic LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films

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    A comparative study of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrates is reported. It is shown that these films grow epitaxially in a narrow pressure-temperature range. A detailed structural and compositional characterization of the films is performed within the growth window. The structure and the magnetization of this system are investigated. We find a clear correlation between the magnetization and the unit-cell volume that we ascribe to Bi deficiency and the resultant introduction of a mixed valence on the Mn ions. On these grounds, we show that the reduced magnetization of LaxBi1-xMnO3 thin films compared to the bulk can be explained quantitatively by a simple model, taking into account the deviation from nominal composition and the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules of magnetic interactions

    Fractal dimension and size scaling of domains in thin films of multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We have analyzed the morphology of ferroelectric domains in very thin films of multiferroic BiFeO3. Unlike the more common stripe domains observed in thicker films BiFeO3 or in other ferroics, the domains tend not to be straight, but irregular in shape, with significant domain wall roughening leading to a fractal dimensionality. Also contrary to what is usually observed in other ferroics, the domain size appears not to scale as the square root of the film thickness. A model is proposed in which the observed domain size as a function of film thickness can be directly linked to the fractal dimension of the domains.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spin-polarized tunneling spectroscopy in tunnel junctions with half-metallic electrodes

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    We have studied the magnetoresistance (TMR) of tunnel junctions with electrodes of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and we show how the variation of the conductance and TMR with the bias voltage can be exploited to obtain a precise information on the spin and energy dependence of the density of states. Our analysis leads to a quantitative description of the band structure of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and allows the determination of the gap delta between the Fermi level and the bottom of the t2g minority spin band, in good agreement with data from spin-polarized inverse photoemission experiments. This shows the potential of magnetic tunnel junctions with half-metallic electrodes for spin-resolved spectroscopic studies.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Domains and domain walls in multiferroics

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