29 research outputs found

    Discurso Parlamentar, Democracia, Participação e Representação: um estudo de caso na Tríplice Fronteira.

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    Lots of participative practices came up in Latin America. The strongest sign ofit in Brazil was the creation of arenas where the cities became important. There are fewresearches concerning the interior of the country, specially Common Councils. The TripleFrontier (BR-PY-AR) was recently populated with agricultural towns that is why the researchwas made on it discussing the impact of new participative political forms against therepresentative, searching for changes in Councilman discourse for the position they builtabout participation by Discourse Analysis of the Common Council of Toledo (Parana State)(2002-2204) finding how councilman built their role and the participative arenas role.Councilman preserve characteristics of clientelism and corporativism and reinforce their roleas the only legitimate way public claims can come to solution which seems to be a way to keeppolitics back in its old ways.O Brasil vem passando por processos de redemocratização, Reforma do Estado emudanças na gestão da política local. O papel do legislativo municipal foi muito poucodiscutido neste contexto. Este artigo traz os resultados de uma pesquisa onde se analisou odiscurso dos vereadores sobre os Conselhos Municipais, num estudo de caso no oesteparanaense. Foi verificado como os vereadores construíram discursivamente seu papel e odas demais instâncias de representação. Foi grande o número de requerimentos e de indicaçõesbuscando atender às demandas mais comezinhas da população. A imprensa é destacada portodos os vereadores, que também elogiam a presença da “comunidade” ou de líderescomunitários nas sessões. Há um reforço positivo de seu papel e dos mecanismos tradicionaisda política


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    Discute-se as concepções de sociedade civil, papel, modelo de Estado, participação e cidadania nos discursos de Conselheiros Gestores focando a memória das lutas pela redemocratização na construção destes conceitos. Discute-se o papel que a memória desempenha no embate entre projetos políticos (neoliberal e democrático-participativo) que têm eco nos Conselhos. O estudo se baseia na memória discursiva, e também nos conceitos de momento, elemento e articulação formulados por Laclau e Mouffe. As perguntas e hipóteses que nos guiam são: Que conhecimento tem os conselheiros sobre o passado e como o significam? Como concebem Sociedade Civil, Estado, democracia e participação? Qual o papel da memória aí? Estão presentes elementos do passado no discurso dos conselheiros com resignificações dos projetos em disputa. A memória tem um papel destacado no sentido de trazer à tona e resignificar o passado

    A democracia tem causas perdidas?

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     Two thousand twenty was an awkward and challenging year. Snatched up by a virus, All of a sudden, we saw ourselves working at home. We were physically away from some of the ones we love and from a daily life we were already used to. We have been living a different and introspective year, with social distance under isolation and solitude. At this time, we had the opportunity to withdraw and rethink our purposes, attitudes, values, and our place in the world. We have the chance to think about the meaning of life, look around and see the relationships we have established with one another, with my brotherhood, and with all living and non-living beings that inhabit this planet, our “Common Home”.It is difficult to think of something more challenging and able to test our resilience! This is not only from a personal point of view, but also from a social, economic and environmental point of view. That is why it is important to talk about resilience, discuss it, test it, prove it and approve it. Such resilience has made us face this Pandemic - COVID-19 and fight for our existence, fight for health, look for respect, welcome and solidarity.Many were the examples of people and companies that helped with donations, delivered masks, hospital equipment, food and so on across all places and cities. But the challenges went further. Many hospital beds and ICUs had to be installed. Health professionals, doctors, nurses and so many others were had to and still face this struggle. They are anonymous generals in their barracks who fought this War of Death for Life. Unfortunately, not everyone could be saved from COVID. The number of those who were treated and recovered in Brazil was 6,501.341 people and 44,169.851 patients worldwide, considering this year, 2020. But 2020 will be remembered as a catastrophe and calamity, because despite efforts many fell down. The causalities’ numbers was in Brazil 188,259 and 1,722.307 in the world. An invaluable loss of human life.We also had other losses such as economic, environmental and social, especially in health. Many will be left with afterpains and a weakened wellbeing as a result of this virus infection; thus, it will not be possible to evaluate the extent of this problem. Many people have gotten worse or developed psycho-emotional pathologies such as depression, panic, among them, and their quality of life has been permanently affected.Many challenges since we have been living under a restricted mobility around the world, which had never been witnessed. There were empty streets, closed shops, bus stations and airports without people for several months.It should be told that political crises, the science negationism, discriminatory acts, polarization regarding data and fake news have exacerbated this crisis. A lot of misinformation, attacks on the environment and a sever backtracking of environmental protection laws and regulations, dismantling of environmental policies, fire was set in Amazon and in Midwestern Brazil that have reached the highest levels in centuries. A relatively large group of Brazilian citizens and in other countries who said they did not believe on how risky Corona virus could be. They neither believe in press information nor insisted on crowding in bars, streets and beaches, as soon as these spaces were opened. We consider unthinkable and even irrational attitudes with scientific knowledge nowadays, since they put their lives and the population’s at risk. Future is the judge of all actions, therefore, the results will be known only tomorrow.The researchers who make up the International Research Network on Climate Resilient Development - RIPEDRC have not faded! They proposed themselves to overcome this challenge of seeking resilience and sustainability! So, with Faith in our life ideals and in a superior motivation that guides our steps and makes us overcome challenges, we have launched to public notices, investigated, questioned and disseminated knowledge supported by several projects, live lectures, events and workshops. They created programs, joint projects and online platforms were developed. In Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina Trinational Border region, the Western Paraná State University - UNIOESTE, was in charge or partner of many efforts, among which we highlight two experiences that RIPEDRC Network participants took part.


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    This study has the purpose to analyze the writer Monteiro Lobato’s point of view about the Brazilian bureaucratic system through the picturesque character Jeca Tatu, featured in stories Urupês (1918) and Jeca Tatu – a ressurreição (1918). For this investigation, it’s emphasized Max Weber’s concepts in relation to bureaucracy, which they are discussed in Ensaios de Sociologia (1982), Os Economistas (1997) e Economia e Sociedade (2004). For the thinker, the bureaucracy is presented as necessary and efficient organization for excellence, while for Lobato, Brazilian bureaucratic system seems to be characterized as inefficient, becasuse the character Jeca Tatu, metaphor of the agriculturist in decade of 1918, he is considered as sick and unable to work and, maybe, a victim of the political system, which it is not guarantee to him a minimum conditions of quality of life.O presente texto tem como propósito analisar o posicionamento do escritor Monteiro Lobato acerca do sistema burocrático estatal brasileiro por meio da pitoresca personagem Jeca Tatu, caracterizado nos contos Urupês (1918) e Jeca Tatu: a ressurreição (1918). Para esta investigação, privilegiam-se os conceitos de Max Weber no tocante à burocracia, os quais são discutidos nas obras Ensaios de Sociologia (1982), Os Economistas (1997) e Economia e Sociedade (2004). Para esse pensador, a burocracia é apresentada como organização necessária e eficiente por excelência, enquanto para Lobato, o sistema burocrático brasileiro parece caracterizar-se como ineficiente, uma vez que o personagem Jeca Tatu, metáfora do homem do campo da década de 1918, é tido como doente e incapacitado para o trabalho por ser, talvez, vítima do sistema político vigente, que não lhe garante mínimas condições de qualidade de vida.  &nbsp


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    A Pedagogia da Alternância (PA)é uma proposta de ensino a partir do cotidiano do aluno e tem se destacado em diferentes contextos e práticas institucionais. Assim também a Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD) que leva em consideração o contexto do sujeito vem ganhando espaço em pesquisas sobre discurso e mudanças sociais. Dessa forma propomos, neste artigo, comparar a PA apresentado por GIMONET (2007) e FREIRE (1981,1987), e a ADC, de FAIRCLOUGH (1997, 2001) e VANDIJK (2008). A partir de uma metodologia de estudo documental e histórico apresentaremos as teorias da PA e da ACD fazendo um comparativo, principalmente, no que se refere ao contexto social, foco de ambas as teorias.DOI: 10.5935/2179-0027.2017000


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    In this article it analized two charges of Angeli published in Folha de São Paulo,under the focus of the Critical Discourse Analysis. The study of the charges concerns to thedicotomy humor/politics that permeates the main supports of midia communication. Therefore,it is pertinent to understand the context in that charges were produced, seeking to analise thevalues that characterize it and that composes the style of the gender, as well as of the author. Thediscourse concepts based in the theoretical meaning of ACD will discuss, in fact, in the studiesDijk and its considerations concerning the categories Access, Ideology, Power and MentalModels that permeate the discourses. Therefore we understood that the discourses constitutes aform of social power and, therefore, it reproduces and it denounces the existent socialcontradictions and it confirms the maxim that every discourses is ideological.Neste artigo consta análise de duas charges de Angeli, veiculadas na Folha de SãoPaulo, sob o enfoque da Análise Crítica do Discurso. O estudo das charges concerne à dicotomiahumor/política que permeia os principais suportes de comunicação midiática. Logo, faz-sepertinente compreender o contexto em que as charges foram produzidas, visando a descortinaros valores que a caracterizam e que compõe o estilo do gênero, bem como do autor. Discutimosos conceitos de discurso embasados na acepção teórica da ACD, mais precisamente, nos estudosde Dijk (1993) e suas considerações acerca das categorias Acesso, Ideologia, Poder e ModelosMentais que permeiam os discursos. Desse modo, entendemos que o discurso constitui umaforma de poder social e que, portanto, reproduz e denuncia as contradições sociais existentes econfirma a máxima de que todo discurso é ideológico

    Participação da comunidade na autoavaliação institucional em universidades da Argentina, Brasil e Paraguai: os casos da UFFS, UNE, UNNE e UTFPR

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    Institutional evaluation in universities, and within this universe, self-assessment and defense of community participation in the processes, have been developing with greater force in the last three decades, having gained important contours and forms with the public policies aimed at level education higher. In this sense, we analyze in this article the participation of the community in the institutional self-assessment carried out in public universities of Argentina (UNNE), Brazil (UFFS, UTFPR) and Paraguay (UNE). The theoretical basis was based on a review of the specialized bibliography of the theme; the methodological resources used are the comparative study, the documentary research and the content analysis, with quantitative and qualitative approaches. We highlight the contradiction between the constant advances in theories, texts of norms and institutional documents, which defends and encourages community participation in institutional self-assessment processes in universities, and, in a different way, the movement operated by neoliberal politics, especially on public universities , since in promoting the managerialist management model and the conception of objectivist evaluation in its environment, it values the concentration of the strategic decision spaces and the instrumentalization of community participation, reflecting in its weakening. These traits are identified in the analyzes of the data and information of the institutional self-assessment processes, in the four universities surveyed. In this way, we point out that there is much to be re-evaluated, reflected and corrected in the self-assessment processes studied, particularly with regard to the greater participation of the community in its elaboration, planning, execution, that is, in its effective involvement in the construction of the whole of the action evaluation.A avaliação institucional nas universidades, e, dentro desse universo, a autoavaliação e a defesa da participação da comunidade nos processos, vêm se desenvolvendo com maior força nas últimas três décadas, tendo auferido importantes contornos e formas junto às políticas públicas destinadas à educação de nível superior. Neste sentido, analisamos neste artigo a participação da comunidade na autoavaliação institucional realizadas em universidades públicas da Argentina (UNNE), Brasil (UFFS, UTFPR) e Paraguai (UNE). O embasamento teórico se deu por meio de revisão da bibliografia especializada do tema; os recursos metodológicos utilizados são o estudo comparado, a pesquisa documental e a análise de conteúdo, com abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa.  Destacamos a contradição entre os avanços constantes nas teorias, textos das normas e documentos institucionais, que defende e incentiva à participação da comunidade nos processos autoavaliativos institucional nas universidades, e, de forma diversa, o movimento operado pela política neoliberal, especialmente sobre as universidades públicas, uma vez que ao promover o modelo de gestão gerencialista e a concepção de avaliação objetivista em seu ambiente, valoriza a concentração dos espaços de decisão estratégicos e a instrumentalização da participação da comunidade, refletindo no seu enfraquecimento. Traços esses identificados nas análises dos dados e informações dos processos autoavaliativos institucionais, nas quatro universidades pesquisadas. Deste modo, apontamos que há muito a ser reavaliado, refletido e corrigido nos processos autoavaliativos estudados, particularmente no que diz respeito a maior participação da comunidade na sua elaboração, planejamento, execução, ou seja, em seu efetivo envolvimento na construção do todo da ação avaliativa

    Gravidez na adolescência e mudança do papel social da mulher

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    This article discusses how social changes that are happening on women social role are been reflected in adolescence pregnancy. The main target was to verify the existence of relations between then. The sample was formed by adolescents (13 to18 years old) that live in Palotina, state of Parana - Brazil and had in common at least one pregnancy while singles in 2000-2001. Conclusion is that nevertheless the chances that have happened on women social role there some remains of very strong male culture. This male culture made a relation betwenn virginity and innocence in the past. Nowadays it has changed to innocence equals not to resist to the partner's touch and attacks. A woman burning in desire must not do that. So social changes that had happened in women's social role are historic e because of that change from one place or time to another also different conceptions about a given social role may live together.A pesquisa discute como as mudanças sociais que vêm ocorrendo no papel social da mulher estão se refletindo na questão da gravidez não programada na adolescência. O principal objetivo foi verificar a existência de relações entre a gravidez na adolescência e a mudança no papel social da mulher. A população foi formada por adolescentes (13-18 anos), residentes no Bairro Santa Terezinha, Palotina - Paraná, tendo em comum o fato de haverem engravidado pelo menos uma vez quando solteiras, nos anos de 2000-2001. Conclui-se que apesar das mudanças que ocorreram no papel social das mulheres permaneceram resquícios de uma cultura masculina muito forte. Essa cultura masculina que antes relacionava virgindade com inocência, nos dias atuais relaciona inocência com a entrega amorosa de uma mulher que, no calor da paixão, não consegue resisitir aos avanços e carícias de seu parceiro Também constatou-se que mudanças no papel social desempenhado pelas mulheres são históricas e por isso alteram-se conforme a época e o lugar, bem como, podem conviver num mesmo contexto social concepções diferentes sobre determinado papel social