206 research outputs found
Un HGIS per lo studio dei catasti storici della città di Parma
Già da alcuni decenni le discipline che si occupano di storia urbana possono avvalersi delle
potenzialità legate allo sviluppo delle tecnologie informatiche. L’impiego dei GIS sviluppati su
cartografia storica, in grado di archiviare grandi quantità di dati e riferirli alle rispettive coordinate
spaziali, permette oggi di riconsiderare alcuni fenomeni nella loro distribuzione territoriale. In
questa direzione all’interno del DICATeA dell’Università degli Studi di Parma sul finire del 2012
ha preso avvio un progetto multidisciplinare che prevede la realizzazione di un HGIS sui catasti
storici figurativi della città . La presenza di ben quattro catasti geometrici storici, realizzati a
partire dalla seconda metà del Settecento e basati sulla stessa matrice territoriale, permette di
impostare un sistema a più soglie e di effettuare una lettura regressiva della storia urbana dalla
fine del XVIII secolo ad oggi.
La scelta di lavorare su fonti di tipo catastale, oltre a essere legata alla quantità e alla qualità dei
dati presenti, è altresì favorita dalla duplice struttura dei catasti moderni che, abbinando
descrizioni di carattere cartografico a descrizioni di carattere testuale, ben si prestano ad essere
analizzati sfruttando appieno le potenzialità offerte dalle strumentazioni GIS. La
rappresentazione zenitale dei catasti geometrici-particellari consente di ottenere, grazie a
operazioni di georeferenziazione, la sovrapposizione tra diverse mappe (anche realizzate in
diversi periodi storici) e una lettura geometricamente e dimensionalmente corretta. Con la
realizzazione del GIS sarà quindi possibile studiare alcuni fenomeni storici da un punto di vista
spaziale e operare letture sincroniche e diacroniche sulla storia della città .Already for several decades disciplines that are involved in urban history can take advantage of
the potential offered by the development of information technology. Nowadays the use of GIS
developed on historical maps, able to store large amounts of data and relate them to their
spatial coordinates, allows to reconsider some phenomena in their spatial distribution. In this
direction within the DICATeA of the University of Parma at the end of 2012 started a
multidisciplinary project that provides for the construction of a HGIS on historic figurative
cadastres of the city. The presence of four historical geometric cadastres, made from the
second half of the eighteenth century and based on the same territorial matrix, allows to realize
a multi-thresholds system and a regressive reading of urban history from the late eighteenth
century to today. The choice to work on this type of sources, in addition to be linked to the quantity and quality of
data present, is also encouraged by dual structure of modern registers that, combining
cartographic descriptions with textual descriptions of characters, lend themeselves to be
analyzed by exploiting the full potential offered by GIS. The zenithal representation of the
detailed-geometric maps allows to obtain, thanks to georeferencing operations, the overlap
between different maps (also made in different historical periods) and a geometrically and
dimensionally correct reading. With the implementation of GIS will be possible to study some
historical phenomena from a spatial point of view and operate synchronic and diachronic
readings on the history of the city.Peer Reviewe
The cadastral-based Historical Geographic Information Systems for knowledge and representation of the city. A first application on Parma (XVIII-XX Century).
La ricerca verte sullo studio e l’utilizzo degli Historical GIS basati sulle fonti catastali in qualità di strumenti per la conoscenza e la rappresentazione della città , intesa nella sua natura complessa e interdisciplinare. I GIS consentono infatti di indagare in maniera innovativa i catasti storici geometrici: questi si configurano come risorse fondamentali per gli studi di storia urbana in grado di fornire, tramite le mappe, un’immagine attendibile del territorio in un determinato periodo, permettendo di analizzare la città nell’accezione di contenitore (spazio urbano) e di contenuto (dati di natura differente in essi raccolti).
Gli HGIS catastali in Italia sono rari e poco documentati, e non esiste né una sistematizzazione della materia, né la proposta di una metodologia operativa dal momento che la costruzione di ciascun sistema dipende dalle caratteristiche delle fonti indagate. La tematica, parzialmente inesplorata e molto ampia, è stata affrontata strutturando la ricerca in due fasi distinte e correlate: la costruzione di un quadro conoscitivo interdisciplinare indirizzato a indagare le Fonti e gli Strumenti, e lo sviluppo di un caso applicativo sulla città di Parma.
Ritenendo che la lettura dell’evoluzione della città sia un aspetto determinante per la sua conoscenza, si è stabilito di realizzare un HGIS catastale a più soglie storiche sfruttando la situazione particolare di Parma per la quale esistono ben quattro catasti storici geometrici. La ricerca prende in considerazione il centro storico della città in un arco temporale di quasi due secoli; lo strumento, che permette di svolgere indagini sincroniche e diacroniche, è stato progettato per consentire l’inserimento futuro dei dati desunti dalle fonti censuarie coeve. Gli obiettivi principali sono quindi la realizzazione di un HGIS per le indagini storiche sulla città e la proposta di una metodologia di lavoro attraverso una dettagliata documentazione delle strategie adottate nel corso del progetto.
Il progetto ha fornito inoltre l’occasione per condurre un primo studio sui catasti storici di Parma e sull’evoluzione del sistema fiscale cittadino. A tale proposito i GIS stessi offrano la possibilità di svolgere indagini che permettono di ricavare considerazione sull’accuratezza e il contenuto dei catasti, i quali sono quindi trattati nella duplice accezione di risorse e di documenti
Haemodynamic consequences of changing bicarbonate and calcium concentrations in haemodialysis fluids
Background. In a previous study we demonstrated that mild metabolic alkalosis resulting from standard bicarbonate haemodialysis induces hypotension. In this study, we have further investigated the changes in systemic haemodynamics induced by bicarbonate and calcium, using non-invasive procedures. Methods. In a randomized controlled trial with a single-blind, crossover design, we sequentially changed the dialysate bicarbonate and calcium concentrations (between 26 and 35 mmol/l for bicarbonate and either 1.25 or 1.50 mmol/l for calcium). Twenty-one patients were enrolled for a total of 756 dialysis sessions. Systemic haemodynamics was evaluated using pulse wave analysers. Bioimpedance and BNP were used to compare the fluid status pattern. Results. The haemodynamic parameters and the pre-dialysis BNP using either a high calcium or bicarbonate concentration were as follows: systolic blood pressure (+5.6 and −4.7 mmHg; P < 0.05 for both), stroke volume (+12.3 and +5.2 ml; P < 0.05 and ns), peripheral resistances (−190 and −171 dyne s cm−5; P < 0.05 for both), central augmentation index (+1.1% and −2.9%; ns and P < 0.05) and BNP (−5 and −170 ng/l; ns and P < 0.05). The need of staff intervention was similar in all modalities. Conclusions. Both high bicarbonate and calcium concentrations in the dialysate improve the haemodynamic pattern during dialysis. Bicarbonate reduces arterial stiffness and ameliorates the heart tolerance for volume overload in the interdialytic phase, whereas calcium directly increases stroke volume. The slight hypotensive effect of alkalaemia should motivate a probative reduction of bicarbonate concentration in dialysis fluid for haemodynamic reasons, only in the event of failure of classical tools to prevent intradialytic hypotensio
Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Italy: first data from wild populations and captive collections
Italy hosts one of the most diverse amphibian fauna of the entire Mediterranean, and several endemic salamander species are found in the Alps, along the Apennines and in Sardinia. Therefore, the introduction of the highly pathogenic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) could threaten Italian amphibian diversity and cause the loss of many unique evolutionary lineages of salamanders. To counteract and prevent the spread of this pathogen in Italy, a preliminary molecular screening was performed on wild salamanders from different parts of the country and also from four live collections owned by private keepers. Salamanders\u2019 skin swabs were obtained following a standard protocol and samples were analysed for the presence of both Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and Bsal DNA, using a duplex quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Overall 189 skin swabs were analysed: 136 from seven wild native species, and 53 from seven Asian, two North-American and one European salamanders bred in captivity. All samples were negative for Bsal (prevalence 0%, confidence interval 0 \u2013 2%), while 4 out of 136 wild salamanders were positive for Bd
(prevalence 3%, confidence interval 1 \u2013 7%), with low individual Bd loads (68 64 genome equivalents). Although our findings are not sufficient to infer with confidence about the presence or absence of this pathogen in Italy, they may possibly contribute to increase awareness of professional herpetologists and also among amphibian private keepers
Suspended monolayer graphene under true uniaxial deformation
2D crystals, such as graphene, exhibit the higher strength and stiffness of
any other known man-made or natural material. So far, this assertion has been
primarily based on modelling predictions and on bending experiments in
combination with pertinent modelling. True uniaxial loading of suspended
graphene is not easy to accomplish; however such an experiment is of paramount
importance in order to assess the intrinsic properties of graphene without the
influence of an underlying substrate. In this work we report on uniaxial
tension of graphene up to moderate strains of 0.8% ca.. This has been made
possible by sandwiching the graphene flake between two polymethylmethacrylate
(PMMA) layers and by suspending its central part by the removal of a section of
PMMA with e-beam lithography. True uniaxial deformation is confirmed by the
measured large phonon shifts with strain by Raman spectroscopy and the
indication of lateral buckling (similar to what is observed for thin
macroscopic membranes under tension). Finally, we also report on how the stress
is transferred to the suspended specimen through the adhesive grips and
determine the value of interfacial shear stress that is required for efficient
axial loading in such a system
Integrated survey for architectural restoration: A methodological comparison of two case studies
A preliminary survey campaign is essential in projects of restoration, urban renewal, rebuilding or promotion of architectural heritage. Today several survey techniques allow full 3D object restitution and modelling that provides a richer description than simple 2D representations. However, the amount of data to collect increases dramatically and a trade-off between efficiency and productivity from one side and assuring accuracy and completeness of the results on the other must be found. Depending on the extent and the complexity of the task, a single technique or a combination of several ones might be employed. Especially when documentation at different scales and with different levels of detail are foreseen, the latter will likely be necessary. The paper describes two architectural surveys in Italy: The old village of Navelli (AQ), affected by the earthquake in 2009, and the two most relevant remains in Codiponte (MS), damaged by the earthquake in 2013, both in the context of a project of restoration and conservation. In both sites, a 3D survey was necessary to represent effectively the objects. An integrated survey campaign was performed in both cases, which consists of a GPS network as support for georeferencing, an aerial survey and a field survey made by laser scanner and close range photogrammetry. The two case studies, thanks to their peculiarities, can be taken as exemplar to wonder if the integration of different surveying techniques is today still mandatory or, considering the technical advances of each technology, it is in fact just optional
A natural biogenic fluorapatite as a new biomaterial for orthopedics and dentistry: antibacterial activity of lingula seashell and its use for nanostructured biomimetic coatings
Calcium phosphates are widely studied in orthopedics and dentistry, to obtain biomimetic and antibacterial implants. However, the multi-substituted composition of mineralized tissues is not fully reproducible from synthetic procedures. Here, for the first time, we investigate the possible use of a natural, fluorapatite-based material, i.e., Lingula anatina seashell, resembling the composition of bone and enamel, as a biomaterial source for orthopedics and dentistry. Indeed, thanks to its unique mineralization process and conditions, L. anatina seashell is among the few natural apatite-based shells, and naturally contains ions having possible antibacterial efficacy, i.e., fluorine and zinc. After characterization, we explore its deposition by ionized jet deposition (IJD), to obtain nanostructured coatings for implantable devices. For the first time, we demonstrate that L. anatina seashells have strong antibacterial properties. Indeed, they significantly inhibit planktonic growth and cell adhesion of both Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli. The two strains show different susceptibility to the mineral and organic parts of the seashells, the first being more susceptible to zinc and fluorine in the mineral part, and the second to the organic (chitin-based) component. Upon deposition by IJD, all films exhibit a nanostructured morphology and sub-micrometric thickness. The multi-doped, complex composition of the target is maintained in the coating, demonstrating the feasibility of deposition of coatings starting from biogenic precursors (seashells). In conclusion, Lingula seashell-based coatings are non-cytotoxic with strong antimicrobial capability, especially against Gram-positive strains, consistently with their higher susceptibility to fluorine and zinc. Importantly, these properties are improved compared to synthetic fluorapatite, showing that the films are promising for antimicrobial applications.Lingula anatina seashell is an apatite-based shells, and naturally contains fluorine and zinc alongside an organic part (chitin). For the first time, we demonstrate that it has strong antibacterial properties, and that it can be used as nanostructured coatings for orthopaedics and dentistry
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