308 research outputs found

    Priabonian Sharks and Rays (Late Eocene: Neoselachii) From Minqar Tabaghbagh In The Western Qattara Depression, Egypt

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    A systematic review on the diagnosis of pediatric bacterial pneumonia: When gold is bronze

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    Background: In developing countries, pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death in children under five years of age and hence timely and accurate diagnosis is critical. In North America, pneumonia is also a common source of childhood morbidity and occasionally mortality. Clinicians traditionally have used the chest radiograph as the gold standard in the diagnosis of pneumonia, but they are becoming increasingly aware that it is not ideal. Numerous studies have shown that chest radiography findings lack precision in defining the etiology of childhood pneumonia. There is no single test that reliably distinguishes bacterial from non-bacterial causes. These factors have resulted in clinicians historically using a combination of physical signs and chest radiographs as a \u27gold standard\u27, though this combination of tests has been shown to be imperfect for diagnosis and assigning treatment. The objectives of this systematic review are to: 1) identify and categorize studies that have used single or multiple tests as a gold standard for assessing accuracy of other tests, and 2) given the \u27gold standard\u27 used, determine the accuracy of these other tests for diagnosing childhood bacterial pneumonia. Methods and Findings: Search strategies were developed using a combination of subject headings and keywords adapted for 18 electronic bibliographic databases from inception to May 2008. Published studies were included if they: 1) included children one month to 18 years of age, 2) provided sufficient data regarding diagnostic accuracy to construct a 2×2 table, and 3) assessed the accuracy of one or more index tests as compared with other test(s) used as a \u27gold standard\u27. The literature search revealed 5,989 references of which 256 were screened for inclusion, resulting in 25 studies that satisfied all inclusion criteria. The studies examined a range of bacterium types and assessed the accuracy of several combinations of diagnostic tests. Eleven different gold standards were studied in the 25 included studies. Criterion validity was calculated for fourteen different index tests using eleven different gold standards. The most common gold standard utilized was blood culture tests used in six studies. Fourteen different tests were measured as index tests. PCT was the most common measured in five studies each with a different gold standard. Conclusions: We have found that studies assessing the diagnostic accuracy of clinical, radiological, and laboratory tests for bacterial childhood pneumonia have used a heterogeneous group of gold standards, and found, at least in part because of this, that index tests have widely different accuracies. These findings highlight the need for identifying a widely accepted gold standard for diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in children. © 2010 Lynch et al

    Graphene coating obtained in a cold-wall CVD process on the Co-Cr Alloy (L-605) for medical applications

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    Graphene coating on the cobalt-chromium alloy was optimized and successfully carried out by a cold-wall chemical vapor deposition (CW-CVD) method. A uniform layer of graphene for a large area of the Co-Cr alloy (discs of 10 mm diameter) was confirmed by Raman mapping coated area and analyzing specific G and 2D bands; in particular, the intensity ratio and the number of layers were calculated. The effect of the CW-CVD process on the microstructure and the mor-phology of the Co-Cr surface was investigated by scanning X-ray photoelectron microscope (SPEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Nanoindentation and scratch tests were performed to determine mechanical properties of Co-Cr disks. The results of microbiological tests indicate that the studied Co-Cr alloys covered with a graphene layer did not show a pro-coagulant effect. The obtained results confirm the possibility of using the developed coating method in medical applications, in particular in the field of cardiovascular diseases

    HyGAL: Characterizing the Galactic ISM with observations of hydrides and other small molecules II. The absorption line survey with the IRAM 30 m telescope

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    As a complement to the HyGAL Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Legacy Program, we report the results of a ground-based absorption line survey of simple molecules in diffuse and translucent Galactic clouds. Using the Institut de Radioastronomie Millim\'etrique (IRAM) 30 m telescope, we surveyed molecular lines in the 2 mm and 3 mm wavelength ranges toward 15 millimeter continuum sources. These sources, which are all massive star-forming regions located mainly in the first and second quadrants of the Milky Way, form the subset of the HyGAL sample that can be observed by the IRAM 30 m telescope. We detected HCO+^+ absorption lines toward 14 sightlines, toward which we identified 78 foreground cloud components, as well as lines from HCN, HNC, C2_2H, and c-C3_3H2_2 toward most sightlines. In addition, CS and H2_2S absorption lines are found toward at least half of the continuum sources. Static Meudon photodissociation region (PDR) isobaric models that consider ultraviolet-dominated chemistry were unable to reproduce the column densities of all seven molecular species by just a factor of a few, except for H2_2S. The inclusion of other formation routes driven by turbulent dissipation could possibly explain the observed high column densities of these species in diffuse clouds. There is a tentative trend for H2_2S and CS abundances relative to H2_2 to be larger in diffuse clouds (XX(H2_2S) and XX(CS) 108107\sim 10^{-8} - 10^{-7}) than in translucent clouds (XX(H2_2S) and XX(CS) 109108\sim 10^{-9} - 10^{-8}) toward a small sample; however, a larger sample is required in order to confirm this trend. The derived H2_2S column densities are higher than the values predicted from the isobaric PDR models, suggesting that chemical desorption of H2_2S from sulfur-containing ice mantles may play a role in increasing the H2_2S abundance.Comment: 41 pages, 25 figures, 10 tables, and 5 appendices. Accepted for publication in A&

    Predictors of Performance during a 161 km Mountain Footrace

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    Training volume and cardiovascular dynamics influence endurance performance. However, there is limited information on the interplay between training volume, cardiovascular dynamics, and performance in ultra-marathon athletes. PURPOSE: We aimed to determine predictors of performance in finishers of the 2023 Western States Endurance Run (WSER). METHODS: Sixty participants who finished the race (49 males/11 females; mean age: 44.7 ± 9.6 y, range: 26–66 y; BMI: 22.7 ± 2.2 kg/m2) completed pre-race surveys including average training volume (AV) and peak training volume (PV), as well as resting cardiovascular measures including resting heart rate (RHR) and augmentation index (AIx), a measure of wave reflection characteristics. Based on WSER completion time, we calculated average running velocity (RV). We assessed associations among 22 variables using bivariate correlation analysis (Pearson’s Correlation for normally distributed data and Spearman’s Rank Correlation if normality was not met). Within our listed variables, normality was met in age and AV. Additionally, we completed multiple regression analyses for predictors. We present descriptive data as mean ± SD. RESULTS: Participants had an average RV of 6.33 ± 0.97 km/h (3.93 ± 0.6 mph), and reported an AV of 91.9 ± 24.5 km/wk (57.1 ± 15.2 miles/wk) and a PV of 141.0 ± 47.2 km/wk (87.6 ± 29.3 miles/wk). We observed significant associations between RV and age (r(58) = -0.57, p r(58) = 0.41, p r(58) = 0.34, p R2 = 0.37; F(3,56) = 12.4, pb1 = 0.013; t(56) = 2.57, p = 0.013), resulting in a 0.33 km/h increase in RV for every 25-km increase in AV. Last, significant relations existed between RV and AIx (r(58) = -0.30, p = 0.022); and RHR (r(58) = -0.26, p = 0.046). CONCLUSION: We found that (1) average weekly training volume is a significant predictor of performance in elite ultra-marathon athletes and (2) race performance was inversely associated with resting arterial wave reflection characteristics and heart rate

    Graphene Coating Obtained in a Cold Wall CVD Process on the Co Cr Alloy L 605 for Medical Applications

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    Graphene coating on the cobalt chromium alloy was optimized and successfully carried out by a cold wall chemical vapor deposition CW CVD method. A uniform layer of graphene for a large area of the Co Cr alloy discs of 10 mm diameter was confirmed by Raman mapping coated area and analyzing specific G and 2D bands; in particular, the intensity ratio and the number of layers were calculated. The effect of the CW CVD process on the microstructure and the morphology of the Co Cr surface was investigated by scanning X ray photoelectron microscope SPEM , atomic force microscopy AFM , scanning electron microscopy SEM , and energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy EDS . Nanoindentation and scratch tests were performed to determine mechanical properties of Co Cr disks. The results of microbiological tests indicate that the studied Co Cr alloys covered with a graphene layer did not show a pro coagulant effect. The obtained results confirm the possibility of using the developed coating method in medical applications, in particular in the field of cardiovascular disease

    The "Maggie" filament : physical properties of a giant atomic cloud

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    Funding: H.B. and J.D.S. further acknowledge funding from the European Research Council under the Horizon 2020 Framework Program via the ERC Consolidator Grant CSF-648505. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 851435). European Research Council via the ERC Synergy Grant ECOGAL (grant 855130). R.J.S. is funded by an STFC ERF (grant ST/N00485X/1).Context. The atomic phase of the interstellar medium plays a key role in the formation process of molecular clouds. Due to the line-of-sight confusion in the Galactic plane that is associated with its ubiquity, atomic hydrogen emission has been challenging to study. Aims. We investigate the physical properties of the “Maggie” filament, a large-scale filament identified in H I emission at line-of-sight velocities, vLSR ~−54 km s−1. Methods. Employing the high-angular resolution data from The H I/OH Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way (THOR), we have been able to study H I emission features at negative vLSR velocities without any line-of-sight confusion due to the kinematic distance ambiguity in the first Galactic quadrant. In order to investigate the kinematic structure, we decomposed the emission spectra using the automated Gaussian fitting algorithm GAUSSPY+. Results. We identify one of the largest, coherent, mostly atomic H I filaments in the Milky Way. The giant atomic filament Maggie, with a total length of 1.2 ± 0.1 kpc, is not detected in most other tracers, and it does not show signs of active star formation. At a kinematic distance of 17 kpc, Maggie is situated below (by ≈500 pc), but parallel to, the Galactic H I disk and is trailing the predicted location of the Outer Arm by 5−10 km s−1 in longitude-velocity space. The centroid velocity exhibits a smooth gradient of less than ±3 km s−1 (10 pc)−1 and a coherent structure to within ±6 km s−1. The line widths of ~10 km s−1 along the spine of the filament are dominated by nonthermal effects. After correcting for optical depth effects, the mass of Maggie’s dense spine is estimated to be 7.2−1.9+2.5 × 105 M⊙. The mean number density of the filament is ~4 cm−3, which is best explained by the filament being a mix of cold and warm neutral gas. In contrast to molecular filaments, the turbulent Mach number and velocity structure function suggest that Maggie is driven by transonic to moderately supersonic velocities that are likely associated with the Galactic potential rather than being subject to the effects of self-gravity or stellar feedback. The probability density function of the column density displays a log-normal shape around a mean of ⟨NH I⟩ = 4.8 × 1020 cm−2, thus reflecting the absence of dominating effects of gravitational contraction. Conclusions. While Maggie’s origin remains unclear, we hypothesize that Maggie could be the first in a class of atomic clouds that are the precursors of giant molecular filaments.Peer reviewe

    High toxicity and specificity of the saponin 3-GlcA-28-AraRhaxyl-medicagenate, from Medicago truncatula seeds, for Sitophilus oryzae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because of the increasingly concern of consumers and public policy about problems for environment and for public health due to chemical pesticides, the search for molecules more safe is currently of great importance. Particularly, plants are able to fight the pathogens as insects, bacteria or fungi; so that plants could represent a valuable source of new molecules.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It was observed that <it>Medicago truncatul</it>a seed flour displayed a strong toxic activity towards the adults of the rice weevil <it>Sitophilus oryzae</it> (Coleoptera), a major pest of stored cereals. The molecule responsible for toxicity was purified, by solvent extraction and HPLC, and identified as a saponin, namely 3-GlcA-28-AraRhaxyl-medicagenate. Saponins are detergents, and the CMC of this molecule was found to be 0.65 mg per mL. Neither the worm <it>Caenorhabditis elegans</it> nor the bacteria <it>E. coli</it> were found to be sensitive to this saponin, but growth of the yeast <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it> was inhibited at concentrations higher than 100 μg per mL. The purified molecule is toxic for the adults of the rice weevils at concentrations down to 100 μg per g of food, but this does not apply to the others insects tested, including the coleopteran <it>Tribolium castaneum</it> and the Sf9 insect cultured cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This specificity for the weevil led us to investigate this saponin potential for pest control and to propose the hypothesis that this saponin has a specific mode of action, rather than acting <it>via</it> its non-specific detergent properties.</p

    3-D Volumetric Evaluation of Human Mandibular Growth

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    Bone growth is a complex process that is controlled by a multitude of mechanisms that are not fully understood.Most of the current methods employed to measure the growth of bones focus on either studying cadaveric bones from different individuals of different ages, or successive two-dimensional (2D) radiographs. Both techniques have their known limitations. The purpose of this study was to explore a technique for quantifying the three dimensional (3D) growth of an adolescent human mandible over the period of one year utilizing cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans taken for regular orthodontic records. Three -dimensional virtual models were created from the CBCT data using mainstream medical imaging software. A comparison between computer-generated surface meshes of successive 3-D virtual models illustrates the magnitude of relative mandible growth. The results of this work are in agreement with previously reported data from human cadaveric studies and implantable marker studies. The presented method provides a new relatively simple basis (utilizing commercially available software) to visualize and evaluate individualized 3D (mandibular) growth in vivo