36 research outputs found
The Effects of Practice and Load on Actual and Imagined Action
Research has shown similarities between actual movement durations (AMD) and imagined movement durations (IMD). These similarities are believed to reflect the extent to which an action is represented by an internal model or emulator in the brain. Differences in AMD and IMD could be due to the employment of online feedback processes during actual movement in addition to emulated feedback as suggested by emulation theory. The current study was framed by these basic components of emulation theory. Methodology similar to a study by Papaxanthis, Schieppati, Gentili, and Pozzo (2002) was used to examine AMD and IMD of the arm under different conditions of added load and practice with the hypothesis that AMD and IMD would diverge with practice. The current study replicated the previous findings of a nonsignificant difference between AMD and IMD. As opposed to divergence, the results reveal an independent decrease in AMD and lack of change in IMD over 10 blocks of trials. The results suggest that the lack of change in IMD reflects a process that protects previous learning from catastrophic interference (McCloskey and Cohen, 1989). Other analyses revealed that the variability of IMD was larger than that of AMD but also revealed that the variability of both decreased with practice. It is suggested that both practice and feedback play a role in improving the consistency of a movement\u27s timing. Significant correlations between AMD and IMD were also found. The results are consistent with the basic components of the emulation mode
The Shawnee and the Long Knives: Loyalty and Land in Lord Dunmore’s War
This thesis looks at Lord Dunmore’s War, the last Indian War of the colonial period, from a social history perspective. Essentially a land dispute, it was heightened by the political pressures of 1774 and ongoing conflicts between white colonists and the Shawnee, Lenape, and Haudenosaunee of the Ohio River Valley. These events were complicated by the actions of Captain John Connolly at Fort Pitt and Virginia’s Governor Dunmore. Dunmore endeavored to secure the loyalty of Virginians and American Indians through this war and instead lost both. Many historians have mistakenly portrayed this as a war with only one battle—the Battle of Point Pleasant. However, months earlier McDonald’s Expedition was met by armed resistance in what this study suggests should be called the Battle of Wakatomika. Meanwhile, loyalties were shifting along the frontier. Following the temporary peace at Camp Charlotte, a group of militia officers stated their willingness to fight Britain in the Fort Gower Resolves. The frontier counties of Fincastle, Augusta, and Botetourt published similar resolutions as their men returned home from Point Pleasant. Then, during the Treaty at Fort Pitt in 1775, the Ohio River Valley tribes asserted their own independence from the Haudenosaunee after years of their land being given to the British. Few histories cover these events after Camp Charlotte, yet they are some of the most important events to come out of the Indian War. Dunmore’s War affected the American Revolution and beyond
Addressing “nature-deficit disorder” : a mixed methods pilot study of young adults attending a wilderness camp
Background and Objectives: Rapid urbanization has increased concerns about the loss of
opportunity to interact with the natural world and the rise of chronic human health issues, such as
obesity, depression, and cardiovascular disease. “Nature-deficit disorder” is a non-clinical term
that describes this potential impact on the well-being of youth. We hypothesized that naturebased
camp experiences could increase connection to nature and promote multiple dimensions of
well-being. We conducted a mixed methods pilot study of young adults attending a four-week
wilderness camp.
Methods: Participants completed pre-camp (n=46) and post-camp (n=36) on-line questionnaires
including nature-related and holistic well-being measures. Differences were investigated using
paired samples t-tests. Interviews (n=16) explored the experience of camp, of being in nature,
and social relations.
Results: All nature-related measures - exposure, knowledge, skills, willingness to lead in nature,
perceived safety, sense of place, and nature connection - significantly increased. Well-being
outcomes also significantly improved, including perceived stress, relaxation, positive and
negative emotions, sense of wholeness, and experience of transcendence. Physical activity level
and several psychological measures showed no change. Interviews described how the wilderness
environment facilitated social connections.
Conclusion: Findings illustrate the change in relationship to nature that wilderness camp
experiences can provide while also delineating elements of well-being influenced by such time.
Results can guide future research agendas and suggest that nature-immersion experiences could
address the risk of “nature-deficit disorder”, improve health, and prepare future leaders
Complementary and alternative medicine use by visitors to rural Japanese family medicine clinics: results from the international complementary and alternative medicine survey
There is growing interest in the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) throughout the world, however previous research done in Japan has focused primarily on CAM use in major cities. The purpose of this study was to develop and distribute a Japanese version of the International Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questionnaire (I-CAM-Q) to assess the use of CAM among people who visit rural Japanese family medicine clinics.
Using a Japanese version of the International Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questionnaire (I-CAM-Q), a cross-sectional survey was conducted in three rural family medicine clinics. All patients and those accompanying patients who met inclusion criteria were eligible to participate. Data were entered into SPSS Statistics and analyzed for use by age, gender, and location.
Of the 519 respondents who participated in the project, 415 participants reported CAM use in the past 12 months (80.0%). When prayer is excluded, the prevalence of CAM use drops to 77.3% in the past year, or 403 respondents. The most common forms of CAM used by respondents were pain relief pads (n = 170, 32.8%), herbal medicines/supplements (n = 167, 32.2%), and massage by self or family (n = 166, 32.0%). Female respondents, individuals with higher levels of education, and those with poorer overall health status were more likely to use CAM than respondents without these characteristics. Only 22.8% of CAM therapies used were reported to physicians by survey participants.
These data indicate that CAM use in rural Japan is common. The results are consistent with previous studies that show that Japanese individuals are more interested in forms of CAM such as pain relief pads and massage, than in mind-body forms of CAM like relaxation and meditation. Due to the high utilization of certain CAM practices, and given that most CAM users do not disclose their CAM use to their doctors, we conclude that physicians in rural Japan would benefit by asking about CAM use during patient interviews, and by familiarizing themselves with the potential benefits and risks of commonly used CAM modalities.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109545/1/12906_2013_Article_1938.pd
Economic factors influencing government popularity in Slovakia
The aim of this Master´s thesis is to find out whether there is a relation (mainly) between economic factors and government popularity in Slovakia, based on data from the period 2004-2016. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part describes theoretical aspects of government popularity function and historical overview of past government cabinets in Slovakia. The second part is practical, that explains a methodology used in modelling and results of modelling itself. At the end of this thesis, there is final summary of attained results
Leading contemporary trombone players of the world
This thesis deals with the contemporary world's top trombonist from global perspective. It is structured into five chapters by the place of birth of artists. Benefits of this thesis are explained in the conclusion
Bridging the gap between sustainability, the regulatory, and the recycling of construction and demolition waste in the UAE, with specific reference to the Emirate of Sharjah
Waste management is currently an inherent part of sustainable construction and, thus, sustainable development. Construction and demolition waste is an issue continuously intensifying in every country. The primary object of this paper is to present issues associated with a gap between sustainable building regulations in the United Arab Emirates, and the recycling facilities such as the Bee’ah facility in Sharjah. Existing construction and demolition waste management has been investigated in terms of available literature as well as for construction sites and the precast concrete factory located in Sharjah
Financial Analysis of ABB s.r.o.
Cílem této bakalářské práce je uskutečnění finanční analýzy podniku ABB s.r.o. Pro potřebu této práce byly použity data z období 2009-2012. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. V první části je popsána metodika, která je využívána ve finanční analýze. Jedná se o horizontální a vertikální analýzu, rozbor hlavních poměrových ukazatelů a vysvětlení Kralicekova testu a modelu IN 95. Druhá část je praktická, která hodnotí daný podnik s využitím nástrojů vysvětlených v předchozí části a srovnává podnik s odvětvím, ve kterém se nachází. V závěru práce se uvádí závěrečné shrnutí finanční analýzy.The aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to carry out financial analysis of the ABB s.r.o. company, based on data from the period 2009-2012. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part describes a methodology, which is used in financial analysis. This includes horizontal and vertical analysis, analysis of main evaluative indicators and explanation of Kralicek's test and IN 95 model. The second part is practical, that evaluates the company using tools explained in the previous part and compares the company with the sector, where it entrepreneurs. At the end of this thesis, there is final summary of financial analysis.Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je uskutočnenie finančnej analýzy podniku ABB s.r.o. Pre potrebu tejto práce boli použité dáta z obdobia 2009-2012. Práca je rozdelená do dvoch častí. V prvej časti je popísaná metodika, ktorá je využívaná vo finančnej analýze. Jedná sa o horizontálnu a vertikálnu analýzu, rozbor hlavných pomerových ukazovateľov a vysvetlenie Kralicekovho testu a modelu IN 95. Druhá časť je praktická, ktorá hodnotí daný podnik s využitím nástrojov vysvetlených v predošlej časti a porovnáva podnik s odvetvím, v ktorom sa nachádza. V závere práce sa uvádza záverečné zhrnutie finančnej analýzy