905 research outputs found

    Dimensional reduction and a Z(3) symmetric model

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    We present first results from a numerical investigation of a Z(3) symmetric model based on dimensional reduction.Comment: Talk presented at XXI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory lattice2003(Non-zero temperature and density

    Intermittency in a single event

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    The possibility to study intermittency in a single event of high multiplicity is investigated in the framework of the α\alpha-model. It is found that, for cascade long enough, the dispersion of intermittency exponents obtained from individual events is fairly small. This fact opens the possibility to study the distribution of the intermittency parameters characterizing the cascades seen (by observing intermittency) in particle spectra.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 2 figures available on request by e-mai

    Screening Masses in Dimensionally Reduced (2+1)D Gauge Theory

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    We discuss the screening masses and residue factorisation of the SU(3) (2+1)D theory in the dimensional reduction formalism. The phase structure of the reduced model is also investigated.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice 2001(gaugetheories

    Dimensional reduction in QCD: Lessons from lower dimensions

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    In this contribution we present the results of a series of investigations of dimensional reduction, applied to SU(3) gauge theory in 2 + 1 dimensions. We review earlier results, present a new reduced model with Z(3) symmetry, and discuss the results of numerical simulations of this model.Comment: 10 pages, Talk given at Workshop on Finite Density QCD, Nara Japan 10-12 Jul 200

    Causal and homogeneous networks

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    Growing networks have a causal structure. We show that the causality strongly influences the scaling and geometrical properties of the network. In particular the average distance between nodes is smaller for causal networks than for corresponding homogeneous networks. We explain the origin of this effect and illustrate it using as an example a solvable model of random trees. We also discuss the issue of stability of the scale-free node degree distribution. We show that a surplus of links may lead to the emergence of a singular node with the degree proportional to the total number of links. This effect is closely related to the backgammon condensation known from the balls-in-boxes model.Comment: short review submitted to AIP proceedings, CNET2004 conference; changes in the discussion of the distance distribution for growing trees, Fig. 6-right change

    Nuclear attenuation of high energy multi-hadron systems in the string model

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    Nuclear attenuation of the multi-hadron systems in the string model is considered. The improved two-scale model with set of parameters obtained recently for the single hadron attenuation is used for calculation of the multiplicity ratios of the one-, two- and three-hadron systems electroproduced on nuclear and deuterium targets. The comparison of the features of the one-, two- and three-hadron systems is performed. The predictions of the model for multiplicity ratios of multi-hadron systems as functions of different convenient variables are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Condensation in nongeneric trees

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    We study nongeneric planar trees and prove the existence of a Gibbs measure on infinite trees obtained as a weak limit of the finite volume measures. It is shown that in the infinite volume limit there arises exactly one vertex of infinite degree and the rest of the tree is distributed like a subcritical Galton-Watson tree with mean offspring probability m<1m<1. We calculate the rate of divergence of the degree of the highest order vertex of finite trees in the thermodynamic limit and show it goes like (1m)N(1-m)N where NN is the size of the tree. These trees have infinite spectral dimension with probability one but the spectral dimension calculated from the ensemble average of the generating function for return probabilities is given by 2β22\beta -2 if the weight wnw_n of a vertex of degree nn is asymptotic to nβn^{-\beta}.Comment: 57 pages, 14 figures. Minor change

    Three dimensional finite temperature SU(3) gauge theory in the confined region and the string picture

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    We determine the correlation between Polyakov loops in three dimensional SU(3) gauge theory in the confined region at finite temperature. For this purpose we perform lattice calculations for the number of steps in the temperature direction equal to six. This is expected to be in the scaling region of the lattice theory. We compare the results to the bosonic string model. The agreement is very good for temperatures T<0.7T_c, where T_c is the critical temperature. In the region 0.7T_c<T<T_c we enter the critical region, where the critical properties of the correlations are fixed by universality to be those of the two dimensional three state Potts model. Nevertheless, by calculating the critical lattice coupling, we show that the ratio of the critical temperature to the square root of the zero temperature string tension, where the latter is taken from the literature, remains very near to the string model prediction.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Phase Structure of Dynamical Triangulation Models in Three Dimensions

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    The dynamical triangulation model of three-dimensional quantum gravity is shown to have a line of transitions in an expanded phase diagram which includes a coupling mu to the order of the vertices. Monte Carlo renormalization group and finite size scaling techniques are used to locate and characterize this line. Our results indicate that for mu < mu1 ~ -1.0 the model is always in a crumpled phase independent of the value of the curvature coupling. For mu < 0 the results are in agreement with an approximate mean field treatment. We find evidence that this line corresponds to first order transitions extending to positive mu. However, the behavior appears to change for mu > mu2 ~ 2-4. The simplest scenario that is consistent with the data is the existence of a critical end point

    Z(3) Symmetric Dimensional Reduction of (2+1)D QCD

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    Here we present a candidate for a Z(3)-symmetric reduced action for the description of the (2+1)D SU(3) gauge theoryComment: 2 pages, Statistical QCD pro