122 research outputs found

    Superficial lymph nodes involved by lymphoma in modern gray-scale ultrasound imaging

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    Background: Clinical evaluation by palpation of superficial lymph nodes involved by lymphoproliferative process is not sufficient. Ultrasound is a useful method of the initial differential diagnosis of lymph nodes. The aim was to assess the spectrum of ultrasound features of superficial lymphomatous nodes and possible diagnostic pitfalls. Material/Methods: Fifty five lymph nodes in 55 patients were prospectively examined in ultrasound with application of blood flow imaging modes and modern imaging techniques. Only forty lymph nodes with histopathologically proven lymphoma were selected for this analysis (3 Hodgkin, 37 non-Hodgkin). Results: 27.5% of the examined lymph nodes were longitudinal; 42.5% had an oval or round shape; 30% were oval-lobulated or lobulated. 32.5% of the nodes did not show an echogenic hilum, 20% had a normal hilum, and 25% - evidently abnormal. 12.5% of the nodes were anechoic. The general ultrasound impression of a reactive lymph node was presented by 37.5% of the lymphomatous nodes; 45% were suspicious. Among 26 patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma with multiple lymph nodes involved, in 15 (58%) lymph nodes were modeling on each other. Conclusions: Lymphomatous nodes reveal diverse ultrasound presentations: from appearances indistinguishable from benign reactive lymph nodes to features typical of metastases. Ultrasound internal structure of lymphomatous nodes may be anechoic, causing the possibility of confusion with a cyst, especially in case of a single lymphomatous node. Multiple lymphomatous nodes with non-Hodgkin lymphoma often model on each other assuming geometrical shapes

    Magnon gap excitations in van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPSe3_3

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    Magneto-spectroscopy methods have been employed to study the zero-wavevector magnon excitations in MnPSe3_3. Experiments carried out as a function of temperature and the applied magnetic field show that two low-energy magnon branches of MnPSe3_3 in its antiferromagnetic phase are gapped. The observation of two low-energy magnon gaps (at 14 and 0.7 cm1^{-1}) implies that MnPSe3_3 is a biaxial antiferromagnet. A relatively strong out-of-plane anisotropy imposes the spin alignment to be in-plane whereas the spin directionality within the plane is governed by a factor of 2.5 ×\times 103^{-3} weaker in-plane anisotropy.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Joint hypermobility in children with idiopathic scoliosis: SOSORT award 2011 winner

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Generalized joint hypermobility (JHM) refers to increased joint mobility with simultaneous absence of any other systemic disease. JHM involves proprioception impairment, increased frequency of pain within joints and tendency to injure soft tissues while performing physical activities. Children with idiopathic scoliosis (IS) often undergo intensive physiotherapy requiring good physical capacities. Further, some physiotherapy methods apply techniques that increase joint mobility and thus may be contraindicated.</p> <p>The aim of this paper was to assess JHM prevalence in children with idiopathic scoliosis and to analyze the relationship between JHM prevalence and the clinical and radiological parameters of scoliosis. The methods of assessment of generalized joint hypermobility were also described.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>This case-control study included 70 subjects with IS, aged 9-18 years (mean 13.2 ± 2.2), Cobb angle range 10°-53° (mean 24.3 ± 11.7), 34 presenting single curve thoracic scoliosis and 36 double curve thoracic and lumbar scoliosis. The control group included 58 children and adolescents aged 9-18 years (mean 12.6 ± 2.1) selected at random. The presence of JHM was determined using Beighton scale complemented with the questionnaire by Hakim and Grahame. The relationship between JHM and the following variables was evaluated: curve severity, axial rotation of the apical vertebra, number of curvatures (single versus double), number of vertebrae within the curvature (long versus short curves), treatment type (physiotherapy versus bracing) and age.</p> <p>Statistical analysis was performed with Statistica 8.1 (StatSoft, USA). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, U Mann-Whitney test, Chi<sup>2 </sup>test, Pearson and Spermann correlation rank were conducted. The value <it>p </it>= 0.05 was adopted as the level of significance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>JHM was diagnosed in more than half of the subjects with idiopathic scoliosis (51.4%), whilst in the control group it was diagnosed in only 19% of cases (<it>p </it>= 0.00015). A significantly higher JHM prevalence was observed in both girls (<it>p </it>= 0.0054) and boys (<it>p </it>= 0.017) with IS in comparison with the corresponding controls. No significant relation was found between JHM prevalence and scoliosis angular value (<it>p </it>= 0.35), apical vertebra rotation (<it>p </it>= 0.86), the number of vertebrae within curvature (<it>p </it>= 0.8), the type of applied treatment (<it>p </it>= 0.55) and the age of subjects (<it>p </it>= 0.79). JHM prevalence was found to be higher in children with single curve scoliosis than in children with double curve scoliosis (<it>p </it>= 0.03).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>JHM occurs more frequently in children with IS than in healthy sex and age matched controls. No relation of JHM with radiological parameters, treatment type and age was found. Systematically searched in IS children, JHM should be taken into account when physiotherapy is planned.</p

    Guest Molecule-Responsive Functional Calcium Phosphonate Frameworks for Tuned Proton Conductivity

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    We report the synthesis, structural characterization, and functionality of an open-framework hybrid that combines Ca2+ ions and the rigid polyfunctional ligand 5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl) isophthalic acid (PiPhtA). Ca-PiPhtA-I is obtained by slow crystallization at ambient conditions from acidic (pH≈3) aqueous solutions. It possesses a high water content (both Ca coordinated and in the lattice), and importantly, it exhibits water-filled 1D channels. At 75 °C, Ca-PiPhtA-I is partially dehydrated and exhibits a crystalline diffraction pattern that can be indexed in a monoclinic cell with parameters close to the pristine phase. Rietveld refinement was carried out for the sample heated at 75 °C, Ca-PiPhtA-II, using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data.All connectivity modes of the “parent” Ca-PiPhtA-I framework are retained in Ca-PiPhtA-II. Upon Ca-PiPhtA-I exposure to ammonia vapors (28% aqueous NH3) a new derivative is obtained (Ca-PiPhtA-NH3) containing 7 NH3 and 16 H2O molecules according to elemental and thermal analyses. Ca-PiPhtA-NH3 exhibits a complex X-ray diffraction pattern with peaks at 15.3 and 13.0 Å that suggest partial breaking and transformation of the parent pillared structure. Although detailed structural identification of Ca-PiPhtA-NH3 was not possible, due in part to nonequilibrium adsorption conditions and the lack of crystallinity, FT-IR spectra and DTA-TG analysis indicate profound structural changes compared to the pristine Ca-PiPhtA-I. At 98% RH and T = 24 °C, proton conductivity, σ, for Ca PiPhtA-I is 5.7 ×10−4 S·cm−1. It increases to 1.3 × 10−3 S·cm−1 upon activation by preheating the sample at 40 °C for 2 h followed by water equilibration at room temperature under controlled conditions. Ca-PiPhtA-NH3 exhibits the highest proton conductivity, 6.6 × 10−3 S·cm−1, measured at 98% RH and T = 24 °C. Ea for proton transfer in the above-mentioned frameworks range between 0.23 and 0.4 eV, typical of a Grothuss mechanism of proton conduction.Proyecto nacional MAT2010-1517

    Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning

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    At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a global problem. Despite all the efforts to emphasize the relevance of preventive measures, not everyone adhered to them. Thus, learning more about the characteristics determining attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic is crucial to improving future interventions. In this study, we applied machine learning on the multi-national data collected by the International Collaboration on the Social and Moral Psychology of COVID-19 (N = 51,404) to test the predictive efficacy of constructs from social, moral, cognitive, and personality psychology, as well as socio-demographic factors, in the attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic. The results point to several valuable insights. Internalized moral identity provided the most consistent predictive contribution—individuals perceiving moral traits as central to their self-concept reported higher adherence to preventive measures. Similar was found for morality as cooperation, symbolized moral identity, self-control, open-mindedness, collective narcissism, while the inverse relationship was evident for the endorsement of conspiracy theories. However, we also found a non-negligible variability in the explained variance and predictive contributions with respect to macro-level factors such as the pandemic stage or cultural region. Overall, the results underscore the importance of morality-related and contextual factors in understanding adherence to public health recommendations during the pandemic

    Author Correction: National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic

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    Correction to: Nature Communications https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9, published online 26 January 2022

    National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic

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    Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across 67 countries), we investigated self-reported factors associated with public health behaviours (e.g., spatial distancing and stricter hygiene) and endorsed public policy interventions (e.g., closing bars and restaurants) during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic (April-May 2020). Respondents who reported identifying more strongly with their nation consistently reported greater engagement in public health behaviours and support for public health policies. Results were similar for representative and non-representative national samples. Study 2 (N = 42 countries) conceptually replicated the central finding using aggregate indices of national identity (obtained using the World Values Survey) and a measure of actual behaviour change during the pandemic (obtained from Google mobility reports). Higher levels of national identification prior to the pandemic predicted lower mobility during the early stage of the pandemic (r = −0.40). We discuss the potential implications of links between national identity, leadership, and public health for managing COVID-19 and future pandemics

    Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all domains of human life, including the economic and social fabric of societies. One of the central strategies for managing public health throughout the pandemic has been through persuasive messaging and collective behaviour change. To help scholars better understand the social and moral psychology behind public health behaviour, we present a dataset comprising of 51,404 individuals from 69 countries. This dataset was collected for the International Collaboration on Social & Moral Psychology of COVID-19 project (ICSMP COVID-19). This social science survey invited participants around the world to complete a series of moral and psychological measures and public health attitudes about COVID-19 during an early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (between April and June 2020). The survey included seven broad categories of questions: COVID-19 beliefs and compliance behaviours; identity and social attitudes; ideology; health and well-being; moral beliefs and motivation; personality traits; and demographic variables. We report both raw and cleaned data, along with all survey materials, data visualisations, and psychometric evaluations of key variables

    Psicología social y moral de COVID-19 en 69 países

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado a todos los ámbitos de la vida humana, incluido el tejido económico y social de las sociedades. Una de las estrategias centrales para gestionar la salud pública a lo largo de la pandemia ha sido el envío de mensajes persuasivos y el cambio de comportamiento colectivo. Para ayudar a los estudiosos a comprender mejor la psicología social y moral que subyace al comportamiento en materia de salud pública, presentamos un conjunto de datos compuesto por 51.404 individuos de 69 países. Este conjunto de datos se recopiló para el proyecto de la Colaboración Internacional en Psicología Social y Moral de COVID-19 (ICSMP COVID-19). Esta encuesta de ciencias sociales invitó a participantes de todo el mundo a completar una serie de medidas morales y psicológicas y actitudes de salud pública sobre COVID-19 durante una fase temprana de la pandemia de COVID-19 (entre abril y junio de 2020). La encuesta incluía siete grandes categorías de preguntas: Creencias sobre COVID-19 y conductas de cumplimiento; identidad y actitudes sociales; ideología; salud y bienestar; creencias morales y motivación; rasgos de personalidad; y variables demográficas. Presentamos los datos brutos y depurados, junto con todos los materiales de la encuesta, las visualizaciones de los datos y las evaluaciones psicométricas de las variables clave.The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all domains of human life, including the economic and social fabric of societies. One of the central strategies for managing public health throughout the pandemic has been through persuasive messaging and collective behaviour change. To help scholars better understand the social and moral psychology behind public health behaviour, we present a dataset comprising of 51,404 individuals from 69 countries. This dataset was collected for the International Collaboration on Social & Moral Psychology of COVID-19 project (ICSMP COVID-19). This social science survey invited participants around the world to complete a series of moral and psychological measures and public health attitudes about COVID-19 during an early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (between April and June 2020). The survey included seven broad categories of questions: COVID-19 beliefs and compliance behaviours; identity and social attitudes; ideology; health and well-being; moral beliefs and motivation; personality traits; and demographic variables. We report both raw and cleaned data, along with all survey materials, data visualisations, and psychometric evaluations of key variables