1,364 research outputs found

    Discontinuity in the Environment, Firm Response and Dynamic Capabilities

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    This paper identifies and focuses on a specific type of environmental development called discontinuity. Discontinuities in the forms of rapid technological innovations, regulatory reforms, institutional overhauls, and socio-cultural developments are the source of opportunities and threats to the firm. Firm responds to these discontinuities in specific ways in sustaining its existence at different points of time. This paper conceptualizes discontinuity and identifies its natures; explores the possible types of responses by the firm, and their enablers. The capability of sensing, seizing and re-shaping are captured to establish the linkages in the framework of interrelations. It posits a set of propositions based on conceptual development and illustration of two cases.

    Antibaryon yields in ultrahigh-energy collisions and the astroparticle implications

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    Some of the most recent results on antibaryon production in some ultrahigh-energy nuclear collisions are being analysed on the basis of a particle production model which has had some intrinsic features of non-standard nature. It is seen that the model could accommodate the data without any induction of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) ideas which have, truly speaking, become a fad in the domain of the ultrahigh-energy nuclear collisions with some probable implications for or impact upon astroparticle physics

    Quantum Isometries of the finite noncommutative geometry of the Standard Model

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    We compute the quantum isometry group of the finite noncommutative geometry F describing the internal degrees of freedom in the Standard Model of particle physics. We show that this provides genuine quantum symmetries of the spectral triple corresponding to M x F where M is a compact spin manifold. We also prove that the bosonic and fermionic part of the spectral action are preserved by these symmetries.Comment: 29 pages, no figures v3: minor change

    Lag synchronization and scaling of chaotic attractor in coupled system

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    We report a design of delay coupling for lag synchronization in two unidirectionally coupled chaotic oscillators. A delay term is introduced in the definition of the coupling to target any desired lag between the driver and the response. The stability of the lag synchronization is ensured by using the Hurwitz matrix stability. We are able to scale up or down the size of a driver attractor at a response system in presence of a lag. This allows compensating the attenuation of the amplitude of a signal during transmission through a delay line. The delay coupling is illustrated with numerical examples of 3D systems, the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model, the R\"ossler system and a Sprott system and, a 4D system. We implemented the coupling in electronic circuit to realize any desired lag synchronization in chaotic oscillators and scaling of attractors.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Roles of Government and Community Support, Flood Experience, and Flood Education in Livelihood Resilience

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    Flooding is a perennial problem in the state of Bihar, India with devastating impact on the livelihood of people. In spite of the government\u27s measures of flood mitigation, households continue to live with suffering on account of severe damage to their material and non-material assets. In this background, the objectives of the study are: (1) to explore the differential role of the community and government support in livelihood resilience; (2) to assess the impact of flood experience and flood education in livelihood resilience; and (3) to explore the impact of level of education, reflected in average years of schooling of the male-headed households in livelihood resilience. The primary data were collected from 472 households by using a multi-stage random sampling technique over seven blocks in river basins of Ganga and Kosi in the district of Bhagalpur, Bihar. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling were used. The findings of the study show that prompt and spontaneous community action was more effective than government help. Flood experience also plays a crucial role in the revamping of livelihood. Flood education is not found to exist in the area; people learn the skills of survival during and after floods from their elders. Moreover, difference in education among the male-headed households creates difference in the attitudes and awareness surrounding livelihood resilience

    Deformation morphology underneath the vickers indent in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass

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    Hardness and plastic deformation during Vickers indentation in as-cast, annealed, and fully crystallized Zr57Cu27Al11Ni5 bulk metallic glass was examined. Subsurface deformation morphology under the indenter tip was studied at various loads and for different annealing time. Appreciable plastic deformation, through shear banding, occurs in the as-cast and annealed alloys. Two different types of shear bands are observed. Their occurrence depends upon the amount of annealing and hence on the extent of crystallization. The fully crystallized alloy exhibits extensive cracking. Trends in the deformation zone size with load are consistent with the expanding cavity model, while the shear band morphology, particularly for the as-cast sample, attests the qualitative applicability of the slip line field theory

    Effect of twist level and twist direction of core (double) yarn on dref-3 spun yarn

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    In this study, an attempt has been made to understand the behaviour of friction spun yarn by introducing doubled yarns as core with diversity in twist level and direction. ‘Z’ twisted 15tex (40s Ne) parent yarn has been used for doubling purposes. To examine the effect of doubling, three twist levels are chosen, viz. 50, 60 and 70 % of the parent yarn twist for both the directions viz. S and Z. Thus, six samples of doubled yarns are prepared. These samples are tested for the count, twist, breaking force and elongation. These yarns are introduced as core into DREF-3 friction spinning system; keeping the sheath fibre constant viz. combed cotton sliver of 0.15 hank for all the samples. The twist direction of the doubled yarn used as core is found to be the influential factor for the breaking force and elongation of the friction spun yar

    The evolution of galaxy intrinsic alignments in the MassiveBlackII universe

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    We investigate the redshift evolution of the intrinsic alignments (IAs) of galaxies in the MassiveBlackII (MBII) simulation. We select galaxy samples above fixed subhalo mass cuts (⁠Mh>1011,12,13M⊙h−1⁠) at z = 0.6 and trace their progenitors to z = 3 along their merger trees. Dark matter components of z = 0.6 galaxies are more spherical than their progenitors while stellar matter components tend to be less spherical than their progenitors. The distribution of the galaxy–subhalo misalignment angle peaks at ∼10 deg with a mild increase with time. The evolution of the ellipticity–direction (ED) correlation amplitude ω(r) of galaxies (which quantifies the tendency of galaxies to preferentially point towards surrounding matter overdensities) is governed by the evolution in the alignment of underlying dark matter (DM) subhaloes to the matter density of field, as well as the alignment between galaxies and their DM subhaloes. At scales ∼1 Mpch−1⁠, the alignment between DM subhaloes and matter overdensity gets suppressed with time, whereas the alignment between galaxies and DM subhaloes is enhanced. These competing tendencies lead to a complex redshift evolution of ω(r) for galaxies at ∼1 Mpch−1⁠. At scales >1 Mpch−1⁠, alignment between DM subhaloes and matter overdensity does not evolve significantly; the evolution of the galaxy–subhalo misalignment therefore leads to an increase in ω(r) for galaxies by a factor of ∼4 from z = 3 to 0.6 at scales >1 Mpch−1⁠. The balance between competing physical effects is scale dependent, leading to different conclusions at much smaller scales (⁠∼0.1 Mpch−1⁠)