52 research outputs found

    Circulating HPV DNA as a Biomarker for Pre-Invasive and Early Invasive Cervical Cancer: A Feasibility Study

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    BACKGROUND: High-risk HPV infection is responsible for >99% of cervix cancers (CC). In persistent infections that lead to cancer, the tumour breaches the basement membrane, releasing HPV-DNA into the bloodstream (cHPV-DNA). A next-generation sequencing assay (NGS) for detection of plasma HPV circulating DNA (cHPV-DNA) has demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity in patients with locally advanced cervix cancers. We hypothesised that cHPV-DNA is detectable in early invasive cervical cancers but not in pre-invasive lesions (CIN). METHODS: Blood samples were collected from patients with CIN (n = 52) and FIGO stage 1A-1B CC (n = 12) prior to treatment and at follow-up. DNA extraction from plasma, followed by NGS, was used for the detection of cHPV-DNA. RESULTS: None of the patients with pre-invasive lesions were positive for CHPV-DNA. In invasive tumours, plasma from one patient (10%) reached the threshold of positivity for cHPV-DNA in plasma. CONCLUSION: Low detection of cHPV-DNA in early CC may be explained by small tumour size, poorer access to lymphatics and circulation, and therefore little shedding of cHPV-DNA in plasma at detectable levels. The detection rate of cHPV-DNA in patients with early invasive cervix cancer using even the most sensitive of currently available technologies lacks adequate sensitivity for clinical utility

    T-cell receptor determinants of response to chemoradiation in locally-advanced HPV16-driven malignancies

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    BackgroundThe effect of chemoradiation on the anti-cancer immune response is being increasingly acknowledged; however, its clinical implications in treatment responses are yet to be fully understood. Human papillomavirus (HPV)-driven malignancies express viral oncogenic proteins which may serve as tumor-specific antigens and represent ideal candidates for monitoring the peripheral T-cell receptor (TCR) changes secondary to chemoradiotherapy (CRT).MethodsWe performed intra-tumoral and pre- and post-treatment peripheral TCR sequencing in a cohort of patients with locally-advanced HPV16-positive cancers treated with CRT. An in silico computational pipeline was used to cluster TCR repertoire based on epitope-specificity and to predict affinity between these clusters and HPV16-derived epitopes.ResultsIntra-tumoral repertoire diversity, intra-tumoral and post-treatment peripheral CDR3β similarity clustering were predictive of response. In responders, CRT triggered an increase peripheral TCR clonality and clonal relatedness. Post-treatment expansion of baseline peripheral dominant TCRs was associated with response. Responders showed more baseline clustered structures of TCRs maintained post-treatment and displayed significantly more maintained clustered structures. When applying clustering by TCR-specificity methods, responders displayed a higher proportion of intra-tumoral TCRs predicted to recognise HPV16 peptides.ConclusionsBaseline TCR characteristics and changes in the peripheral T-cell clones triggered by CRT are associated with treatment outcome. Maintenance and boosting of pre-existing clonotypes are key elements of an effective anti-cancer immune response driven by CRT, supporting a paradigm in which the immune system plays a central role in the success of CRT in current standard-of-care protocols

    Blood transfusion during radical chemo-radiotherapy does not reduce tumour hypoxia in squamous cell cancer of the head and neck.

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    Background Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) undergoing radical chemo-radiation (CRT) frequently receive transfusion with packed red cells (PRCT) during radiotherapy on the basis that PRCT increases tumour oxygenation and overcomes hypoxia-induced radio-resistance. This is likely to be a significant oversimplification given the fact that tumour hypoxia is the result of several intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including many that are not directly related to serum haemoglobin (Hb). Therefore, we have studied the effect of PRCT on tumour oxygenation in a prospective cohort of patients who developed low Hb during radical CRT for HNSCC.Methods This was a prospective study of 20 patients with HNSCC receiving radical CRT undergoing PRCT for Hb-1. Patients underwent pretransfusion and posttransfusion intrinsic susceptibility-weighted (SWI) MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI. Blood samples were obtained at the time of MRI scanning and two further time points for measuring Hb and a panel of serum cytokine markers of tumour hypoxia. 3D T2* and Ktrans maps were calculated from the MRI data for primary tumours and cervical lymph node metastases.Results PRCT produced no change (11 patients) or reduced (1 patient) T2* (tumour oxygenation) in 12 of the 16 (75%) evaluable primary tumours. Three of the four patients with improved tumour oxygenation progressed or had partial response following treatment completion. There were variable changes in Ktrans (tumour perfusion or vessel permeability) following PRCT that were of small magnitude for most tumours. Pre- and Post-PRCT levels of measured cytokines were not significantly different.Conclusions This study suggests that PRCT during radical CRT for HNSCC does not improve tumour oxygenation. Therefore, oncologists should consider changing practice according to NICE and American Association of Blood Banks guidelines on PRCT for anaemia

    The HSP90 Inhibitor NVP-AUY922 Radiosensitizes by Abrogation of Homologous Recombination Resulting in Mitotic Entry with Unresolved DNA Damage

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    Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a molecular chaperone responsible for the conformational maintenance of a number of client proteins that play key roles in cell cycle arrest, DNA damage repair and apoptosis following radiation. HSP90 inhibitors exhibit antitumor activity by modulating the stabilisation and activation of HSP90 client proteins. We sought to evaluate NVP-AUY922, the most potent HSP90 inhibitor yet reported, in preclinical radiosensitization studies.NVP-AUY922 potently radiosensitized cells in vitro at low nanomolar concentrations with a concurrent depletion of radioresistance-linked client proteins. Radiosensitization by NVP-AUY922 was verified for the first time in vivo in a human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma xenograft model in athymic mice, as measured by delayed tumor growth and increased surrogate end-point survival (p = <0.0001). NVP-AUY922 was shown to ubiquitously inhibit resolution of dsDNA damage repair correlating to delayed Rad51 foci formation in all cell lines tested. Additionally, NVP-AUY922 induced a stalled mitotic phenotype, in a cell line-dependent manner, in HeLa and HN5 cell lines irrespective of radiation exposure. Cell cycle analysis indicated that NVP-AUY922 induced aberrant mitotic entry in all cell lines tested in the presence of radiation-induced DNA damage due to ubiquitous CHK1 depletion, but resultant downstream cell cycle effects were cell line dependent.These results identify NVP-AUY922 as the most potent HSP90-mediated radiosensitizer yet reported in vitro, and for the first time validate it in a clinically relevant in vivo model. Mechanistic analysis at clinically achievable concentrations demonstrated that radiosensitization is mediated by the combinatorial inhibition of cell growth and survival pathways, ubiquitous delay in Rad51-mediated homologous recombination and CHK1-mediated G(2)/M arrest, but that the contribution of cell cycle perturbation to radiosensitization may be cell line specific

    Reovirus exerts potent oncolytic effects in head and neck cancer cell lines that are independent of signalling in the EGFR pathway

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    Background: reovirus exploits aberrant signalling downstream of Ras to mediate tumor-specific oncolysis. Since ~90% squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHN) over-express EGFR and SCCHN cell lines are sensitive to oncolytic reovirus, we conducted a detailed analysis of the effects of reovirus in 15 head and neck cancer cell lines. Both pre- and post-entry events were studied in an attempt to define biomarkers predictive of sensitivity/resistance to reovirus. In particular, we analysed the role of EGFR/Ras signalling in determining virus-mediated cytotoxicity in SCCHN. Methods: to test whether EGFR pathway activity was predictive of increased sensitivity to reovirus, correlative analyses between reoviral IC50 by MTT assay and EGFR levels by western blot and FACS were conducted. Inhibition or stimulation of EGFR signalling were analysed for their effect on reoviral oncolysis by MTT assay, and viral growth by TCID50 assay. We next analysed the effects of inhibiting signalling downstream of Ras, by specific inhibitors of p38MAPK, PI3-K or MEK, on reoviral killing examined by MTT assay. The role of PKR in reoviral killing was also determined by blockade of PKR using 2-aminopurine and assaying for cell survival by MTT assay. The apoptotic response of SCCHN to reovirus was examined by western blot analysis of caspase 3 cleavage. Results: correlative analyses between reoviral sensitivity and EGFR levels revealed no association. Intermediate sub-viral and core particles showed the same infectivity/cytotoxicity as intact reovirus. Therefore, sensitivity was not determined by cell entry. In 4 cell lines, oncolysis and viral growth were both unaffected by inhibition or stimulation of EGFR signalling. Inhibition of signalling downstream of Ras did not abrogate reoviral oncolysis and, in addition, modulation of PKR using 2-aminopurine did not alter reovirus sensitivity in resistant cell lines. Caspase 3 cleavage was not detected in infected cells and oncolysis was observed in pan-caspase inhibited cells. Conclusions: in summary, reovirus is potently oncolytic in a broad panel of SCCHN cell lines. Attempts to define sensitivity/resistance by analysis of the EGFR/Ras/MAPK pathway have failed to provide a clear predictive biomarker of response. Further analysis of material from in vitro and clinical studies is ongoing in an attempt to shed further light on this issue

    Time-resolved angiography with stochastic trajectories for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in head and neck cancer: Are pharmacokinetic parameters affected?

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    Purpose To investigate the effects of different time-resolved angiography with stochastic trajectories (TWIST) k-space undersampling schemes on calculated pharmacokinetic dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) vascular parameters.Methods A digital perfusion phantom was employed to simulate effects of TWIST on characteristics of signal changes in DCE. Furthermore, DCE-MRI was acquired without undersampling in a group of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and used to simulate a range of TWIST schemes. Errors were calculated as differences between reference and TWIST-simulated DCE parameters. Parametrical error maps were used to display the averaged results from all tumors.Results For a relatively wide range of undersampling schemes, errors in pharmacokinetic parameters due to TWIST were under 10% for the volume transfer constant, Ktrans, and total extracellular extravascular space volume, Ve. TWIST induced errors in the total blood plasma volume, Vp, were the largest observed, and these were inversely dependent on the area of the fully sampled k-space. The magnitudes of errors were not correlated with Ktrans, Vp and weakly correlated with Ve.Conclusions The authors demonstrated methods to validate and optimize k-space view-sharing techniques for pharmacokinetic DCE studies using a range of clinically relevant spatial and temporal patient derived data. The authors found a range of undersampling patterns for which the TWIST sequence can be reliably used in pharmacokinetic DCE-MRI. The parameter maps created in the study can help to make a decision between temporal and spatial resolution demands and the quality of enhancement curve characterization

    Functional antibody and T-cell immunity following SARS-CoV-2 infection, including by variants of concern, in patients with cancer: the CAPTURE study

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    Patients with cancer have higher COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. Here we present the prospective CAPTURE study (NCT03226886) integrating longitudinal immune profiling with clinical annotation. Of 357 patients with cancer, 118 were SARS-CoV-2-positive, 94 were symptomatic and 2 patients died of COVID-19. In this cohort, 83% patients had S1-reactive antibodies, 82% had neutralizing antibodies against WT, whereas neutralizing antibody titers (NAbT) against the Alpha, Beta, and Delta variants were substantially reduced. Whereas S1-reactive antibody levels decreased in 13% of patients, NAbT remained stable up to 329 days. Patients also had detectable SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells and CD4+ responses correlating with S1-reactive antibody levels, although patients with hematological malignancies had impaired immune responses that were disease and treatment-specific, but presented compensatory cellular responses, further supported by clinical. Overall, these findings advance the understanding of the nature and duration of immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with cancer

    Brain-sparing methods for IMRT of head and neck cancer.

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    Radical radiotherapy for head and neck cancer (HNC) may deliver significant doses to brain structures. There is evidence that this may cause a decline in neurocognitive function (NCF). Radiation dose to the medial temporal lobes, and particularly to the hippocampi, seems to be critical in determining NCF outcomes. We evaluated the feasibility of two alternative intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) techniques to generate hippocampus- and brain-sparing HNC treatment plans to preserve NCF.A planning study was undertaken for ten patients with HNC whose planning target volume (PTV) included the nasopharynx. Patients had been previously treated using standard (chemo)-IMRT techniques. Bilateral hippocampi were delineated according to the RTOG atlas, on T1w MRI co-registered to the RT planning CT. Hippocampus-sparing plans (HSRT), and whole-brain/hippocampus-sparing fixed-field non-coplanar IMRT (BSRT) plans, were generated. DVHs and dose difference maps were used to compare plans. NTCP calculations for NCF impairment, based on hippocampal dosimetry, were performed for all plans.Significant reductions in hippocampal doses relative to standard plans were achieved in eight of ten cases for both HSRT and BSRT. EQD2 D40% to bilateral hippocampi was significantly reduced from a mean of 23.5 Gy (range 14.5-35.0) in the standard plans to a mean of 8.6 Gy (4.2-24.7) for HSRT (p = 0.001) and a mean of 9.0 Gy (4.3-17.3) for BSRT (p < 0.001). Both HSRT and BSRT resulted in a significant reduction in doses to the whole brain, brain stem, and cerebellum.We demonstrate that IMRT plans for HNC involving the nasopharynx can be successfully optimised to significantly reduce dose to the bilateral hippocampi and whole brain. The magnitude of the achievable dose reductions results in significant reductions in the probability of radiation-induced NCF decline. These results could readily be translated into a future clinical trial