49 research outputs found

    Women and children's well-being in Indian nuclear families during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The culture of living in a nuclear family setting, a norm of modernisation, has been badly shaken by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This hit has created many pauses and changes in women's lives who live in nuclear families with the responsibility of taking care of very young children. Despite the various discussions related to women during the pandemic, there seem to be negligible efforts to understand the lived reality of nuclear family women having the responsibility of child care. The idea of living in this type of family is based on the thinking that it provides ample opportunity to develop individual talents and lead an unrestricted life. However, it can have a very adverse effect on women and children during the pandemic due to the closure of essential support systems such as child care centres and schools. Thus, this situation has a negative effect on the lives of women, which in turn, affects their young children's lives too. This study explored the lived experiences of a purposively selected sample of six women regarding challenges to deal with an office job, domestic work, and child care during the ongoing pandemic. Data were generated by conducting the telephonic semi-structured interview and thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Results indicate the curtailment of freedom and choices, adverse impact on the mental and physical health of women and their children


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    The basic Ayurvedic treatment is based on two principles viz. Shodhan chikitsa (elimination Therapy) and Shaman chikitsa (internal medicine). Shodhan Chikitsa deals with five purificatory procedures popularly known as Panchakarma. Acharya Susruta included Raktamokshana in Panchakarma and described it as the best procedure because it eliminates all three vitiated Doshas viz. Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Jalaukavacharana is a type of Raktamokshana where leeches are used for bloodletting. This is considered as the most effective and most unique method of Raktamokshana as vitiated Doshas are removed from the body without using any cutting instruments, so, Raktamokshana by means of ‘Leech’ comes under Ashastra category. The following paper deals with the basic concepts of Leech therapy and the method of using leech for Raktamokshana

    Analysis of self medication practice among medical undergraduates: a study in tertiary care teaching hospital, Bareilly

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    Background: Self medication is becoming a most prevalent practice among educated people across the world. In today’s era, internet and media is one of the most important sources for promoting self medication practice. Medical students are highly influenced with this practice. Many drugs can have significant unwanted effects. This may result in serious clinical effects with potential life-threatening complications. Objective of the study was to find out the self medication practice and its details among medical undergraduates of SRMSIMS, a tertiary care teaching hospital, Bareilly.Methods: During the study period 1st, 2nd and 3rd prof. of MBBS students were included in the study. Sample size was 348. They were asked to fill printed semi structured validated questionnaire which consist of straight forward multiple type questions. The duration of study was March 22nd 2015 to 29th March 2015.Results: Out of 300 students, 60% (n=180) students were male and 40% (n=120) were females. Among them 94% (n=282) gave positive response and 6% (n=18) gave negative response to self-medication. Antibiotics were the most common class of drug self medicated by the majority of participants (80%) while the most common illness was fever (70%).Conclusions: It was concluded that more than half of strength of students are likely to take self-medication for various illnesses; the reason might be the awareness of drugs due to easy accessibility of information through books, internet pharmacy and through media too. So, essential measure should be taken to reduce the practice of self medication among students to avoid development of drug dependence, resistance and drug interactions

    Thermo-elastic-plastic transition in torsion of composite thick-walled circular cylinder subjected to pressure

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    The purpose of this paper is to present study of thermo-elastic-plastic transition in torsion of composite thick-walled circular cylinder subjected to pressure. The concept of transition theory is applied to evaluate shear stresses in a cylinder under torsion. Generalized strain measures are used to simplify the fundamental equations. It has been deduced from the analysis of stresses in the cylinder that in case of torsion, the cylinder of less non-homogeneous material without temperature is a safe design in comparison to the cylinder of highly non-homogeneous material with or without thermal effects, because shear stresses are maximal for the cylinder of less non-homogeneous material without thermal effects than for the non-homogeneous cylinder of high compressibility

    A Study of awareness, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among health care professionals in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Bareilly, India

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    Background: Awareness towards Pharmacovigilance among health professionals in any hospital is an important part of health care system. So, the present study was conducted to know the extent of awareness of Pharmacovigilance among health care professionals.Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire based study about knowledge, attitude and practices towards adverse drugs reaction (ADRs) and Pharmacovigilance was carried out at Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institue of Medical Sciences, Bareilly (U.P). 153 questionnaires were distributed among the Post graduate students, faculties, interns, nurses and pharmacists. 2-3 days time was given to fill the questionnaire.Results: Out of 153 questionnaires distributed, 99 filled forms were turned up for evaluation. Hence, response rate was 64.70%. 73.33% PGs, 100% faculty members, 53.33% interns, 36% nurses and 18.75% pharmacists were aware of adverse drugs reactions (ADRs) and Pharmacovigilance. Regarding reporting of ADRs, 86.66% PGs, 91.66% faculties, 73.33% interns, 88% nurses and 81.25% pharmacists were agreed to report ADR as it is mandatory and related to increased patients’ safety. Regarding discouraging factors for practice of reporting ADRs, 20% PGs, 16.66% faculties, 80% interns, 40% nurses and 68.75% pharmacists found ADR forms difficult to be filled. According to 66% faculties, 80% PGs, 66.66% interns managing patients are more important than reporting ADRs while 93.75% nurses and 76% pharmacists did not know how to report and where to report.Conclusions: The results of our study indicate that the acceptable number of health-care professionals had a good knowledge and attitude towards pharmacovigilance. There was a huge gap between the ADR experienced, and ADR reported by the health-care professionals. So, there is need of conductance of CMEs, workshops and seminars related to pharmacovigilance for all heaith care professionals especially nurses and pharmacists so, that whole community can be benefitted

    Post phototherapy bilirubin rebound: incidence and risk factors

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    Background: Rebound hyperbilirubinemia may occur after cessation of phototherapy in new-borns in certain high-risk situations. However, data regarding the phenomenon of bilirubin rebound is lacking from India. Aim was to study the incidence and associated risk factors of post phototherapy rebound hyperbilirubinemia.Methods: The study subjects included all neonates (gestation >34 weeks) admitted to newborn unit who required phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia. Unit protocol based on American academy of pediatrics (AAP) guidelines were used to start and stop phototherapy. Rebound bilirubin was measured 24±6 hours after stopping phototherapy. Significant bilirubin rebound (SBR) was defined as post phototherapy bilirubin level needing reinstitution of phototherapy. The risk factors associated with significant rebound were studied.Results: Out of total 509 neonates who received phototherapy due to hyperbilirubinemia, 63 (12%) had significant bilirubin rebound requiring reinstitution of phototherapy. There was significant risk for rebound in neonates who had prematurity (p <0.01), ABO (<0.001) and Rh incompatibility (p<0.005) with mother, G6PD deficiency (p < 0.001) and onset of hyperbilirubinemia less than 72 hours of postnatal age (p< 0.001). However, neonates with extravasations of blood, polycythaemia, sepsis, other causes of haemolysis and idiopathic group did not have significant risk of developing rebound.Conclusions: Post phototherapy bilirubin estimation and follow up should be ensured in high-risk neonates

    Thermo-elastic-plastic transition in torsion of composite thick-walled circular cylinder subjected to pressure

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    The purpose of this paper is to present study of thermo-elastic-plastic transition in torsion of composite thick-walled circular cylinder subjected to pressure. The concept of transition theory is applied to evaluate shear stresses in a cylinder under torsion. Generalized strain measures are used to simplify the fundamental equations. It has been deduced from the analysis of stresses in the cylinder that in case of torsion, the cylinder of less non-homogeneous material without temperature is a safe design in comparison to the cylinder of highly non-homogeneous material with or without thermal effects, because shear stresses are maximal for the cylinder of less non-homogeneous material without thermal effects than for the non-homogeneous cylinder of high compressibility

    Nd:GGG Nanopowders by Microwave Gel Combustion Route and Sinterability Studies

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    Synthesis of Nd0.03Gd2.97Ga5O12 (Nd:GGG) nanopowder was carried out by microwave-assisted nitrate-citrate gel combustion technique. Various nitrate-to-citrate ratios from stoichiometric-to-fuel lean were explored. Gels were combusted by microwave heating and the combusted powders were calcined at 900 OC for 2 h. Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of calcined nanopowders showed phase pure Nd:GGG formation, from stoichiometric-to-fuel lean nitrate-to-citrate ratio of 1 to 0.416. Particles in the size range of 150 nm - 200 nm were obtained for stoichiometric ratio. Highly uniform, spherical morphology, with size range 90 nm - 100 nm, were obtained in fuel lean ratio of 1 to 0.416. Sintering of these nanopowders at 1550 °C for 2 h in air resulted in retention of phase purity as observed by XRD. Grain growth of less than 2 μm, for fuel lean ratio of 1 to 0.416, indicated formation of highly sinterable Nd:GGG nanopowders.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 5, September 2014, pp.490-494, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.540

    A Comparative Study on Optical Characteristics of InGaAsP QW Heterostructures of Type-I and Type-II Band Alignments

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    In this paper, we have configured InGaAsP QW (quantum well) heterostructures of type-I and type-II band alignments and simulated their optical characteristics by solving 6 x 6 Kohn-Luttinger Hamiltonian Matrix. According to the simulation results, the InGaAsP QW heterostructure of type-I band alignment has been found to show peak optical gain (TE mode) of the order of~3600/cm at the transition wavelength~1.40 µm; while of type-II band alignment has achieved the peak gain (TE mode) of the order of~7800/cm at the wavelength of~1.85 µm (eye safe region). Thus, both of the heterostructures can be utilized in designing of opto-or photonic devices for the emission of radiations in NIR (near infrared region) but form the high gain point of view, the InGaAsP of type-II band alignment can be more preferred

    Perturbation of Cellular Redox Status: Role of Nrf2, a Master Regulator of Cellular Redox

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    Regulation of cellular redox homeostasis determines the fate of the cell. Perturbation in redox status is known to elicit multiple cellular pathways. Role of oxidative stress modulation in channelizing the cell towards apoptosis or rescuing the cell by activating pro-survival pathways, depends on the levels of generated oxidative stress. High levels of generated oxidative stress induce cell death pathways whereas mild and low levels are known to elicit the cell survival pathways. Generation of ROS for a short duration of time inducing Redox ticking also triggers the pro-survival pathways inside the cell. Nrf2 is the redox sensitive prosurvival transcription factor which acts as master regulator of redox equilibrium. Nrf2 and its dependent genes including HO-1, GCLC, NQO1 etc. are involved in maintaining the cellular redox homeostasis. Role of Nrf2 as dual edges sword has been highlighted in past decade. The cross talk between the Nrf2 and NF-κB is at the focal point of building the redox response network. The present chapter is aimed at providing the insight on the role of Nrf2 and NF-κB as redox sensitive transcription factors in regulating cellular redox status. Further, the chapter brings in light the therapeutic potential of targeting Nrf2 under multiple clinical settings