16 research outputs found

    Calcium and magnesium supplementation of ewes grazing pasture did not improve lamb survival

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    Context: Clinical deficiencies of calcium and magnesium may result in the metabolic disorders hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia, resulting in ewe and lamb mortality. However, the contribution of subclinical deficiencies to perinatal lamb mortality in grazing flocks is unclear. Aims: To test the hypothesis that calcium and magnesium supplementation during the lambing period would increase lamb survival to marking age. Methods: In 2017, an on-farm study used five flocks across New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia. On each farm, twin-bearing mature Merino ewes (n = 400–600) grazing pasture were allocated to two replicates of control and supplemented treatments. The supplemented groups were offered 30 g/ewe per day of a loose lick containing magnesium chloride (MgCl2(H2O)6), calcium sulfate (CaSO4·(H2O)2, and salt (NaCl), in the ratio 12.5:32.5:55.0, designed to have a low dietary cation–anion difference (−390 meq/100 g). A second study was conducted in 2018 on one farm to test the form of supplement. This study used two replicates of three treatments: control; a low-dietary cation–anion difference supplement as used in 2017; and a standard lime, Causmag (calcined MgO) and salt loose mix (ratio 1:1:1). Mature twin-bearing composite ewes (n = 600) were allocated to groups and those supplemented were offered minerals for the last month of pregnancy and during the lambing period. Blood and urine samples were collected in both experiments for analyses of mineral concentrations. Key results: In the 2017 study, only two flocks consumed >10 g/ewe of supplement per day, and supplementation did not increase lamb survival to marking age in these flocks. In the 2018 study, the mean consumption of supplement was 18 or 20 g/ewe per day. Of non-supplemented ewes, 61% were deficient in plasma calcium (≤90 mg/L) and 17% were deficient in magnesium (≤18 mg/L) at Day 140 after the start of joining. Lamb survival was not increased by supplementation and was 77 ± 3.8% in both treatments. Conclusions: Calcium and magnesium supplementation did not increase lamb survival. Implications: Lamb survival was not increased by calcium and magnesium supplementation; however, evaluation under a wider range of grazing conditions with adequate supplement intake is required

    Carryover effects of potassium supplementation on calcium homeostasis in dairy cows at parturition

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    The purpose of this study was to test whether supplementation with K improves bone mineral density (BMD) in older cows so that by parturition their bone is better able to mobilize Ca. Twenty-four Holstein Friesian cows (6 mo pregnant, lactating, and in their third or later lactation) were allocated to 2 equal groups and individually fed twice daily a total diet comprising low K oaten hay plus a pelleted concentrate fortified with or without K2CO3 to achieve 3.12% K/kg of DM in the total diet of the K-supplemented (KS) cows compared with 1.50% K/kg of DM for the control cows. The cows were fed their respective diets from the beginning of their sixth month of pregnancy until 2 wk before the expected date of parturition. The strategy was to use K to stimulate a mild increase in extracellular pH to potentially improve BMD well before parturition, when high K contents in the diet are considered safe, but cease supplementing in the few weeks prepartum, when high intakes of K are known to be problematic. The expectation was that the effect of the denser bone would carry through to benefit the cow's plasma Ca, P, and Mg status at parturition. Prior to the period of K supplementation, the cows were part of a commercial pasture-based herd, to which they were returned at the end of the supplementation period and treated as 1 group from at least 11 d prepartum until the end of the study at d 42 of the next lactation. Supplementation with K successfully induced a sustained increase of urinary pH throughout late lactation and into the dry period, as expected. The KS cows consistently averaged a urine pH 0.25 +/- 0.10 U higher than the controls. However, there was no significant effect of K supplementation on BMD, bone mineral concentrations, plasma osteocalcin, urinary deoxypyridinoline: creatinine plasma Ca, or plasma P concentrations during or immediately after the cessation of supplementation, nor where there any carryover effects during parturition or by d 42 of lactation. Instead, there was an unexpected decrease in the concentration of Mg in plasma of the KS cows compared with the control cows that extended from 0.5 to 2.5 d postpartum. The timing of the decline in plasma Mg was paralleled by declines in plasma concentrations of 1,25 dihydroxy-vitamin D-3 and urinary excretion of Ca and Mg, whereas urinary excretion of P increased; all changes were consistent with a hypomagnesemia that could increase the risk of hypocalcemia. These data suggest that, in addition to the well-documented negative effects of K when fed immediately at parturition, the effects of high dietary K diets can carry over for at least 11 d to trigger a mild hypomagnesemia at parturition. Because K supplementation did not improve BMD prepartum, it was not possible to conclude for or against an ability of denser bone to reduce the risk of hypocalcemia in older cows at parturition

    Mineral status of reproducing ewes grazing vegetative cereal crops

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    Grazing vegetative wheat, barley and oats (both dual-purpose and traditional spring varieties) is becoming an important strategic and tactical grazing option on farms where crops and livestock co-exist. The high winter growth rates of the crops offer an opportunity to fill the winter feed gap and the high nutritive value (metabolisable energy and crude protein) makes them well suited to meet the requirements of reproducing ewes. However, metabolic disorders have been reported and many producers avoid grazing these crops with reproducing ewes because of the risk. The present study aimed to establish the mineral status of both forage and of reproducing ewes grazing wheat, oats or barley. On each of 18 farms, a group of 50 pregnant ewes was monitored. The farms were located in Western Australia (6 farms) southern New South Wales (7 farms) and central New South Wales (5 farms). The average start of grazing was 118 days (range 97-133 days) after the start of mating. Crops grazed were wheat (8 farms), barley (4 farms) or oats (6 farms) and the average period of grazing was 20 days (range 14-24 days). Samples of blood and urine were collected pre-and post-grazing from 11 to 17 ewes and samples of crop and soils were also collected for mineral analysis. A high proportion of farms had forage calcium (Ca, 70%), sodium (Na, 70%) and magnesium (Mg, 18%) below published requirements and potassium (K, 70%) above the published maximum tolerable level. Strong negative correlations were found between soil Colwell K and forage Ca, Mg and Na. Analysis of samples collected from the ewes at the end of the grazing period indicated that ewes on 94% of farms had alkaline urine and on 88% of farms Ca concentrations in the urine were in the marginal range. None of the flock-Average Ca concentrations in plasma was in the deficient range, but 59% of the flocks contained some individual ewes with plasma Ca in the deficient range. A small proportion of flock-Average concentrations of Mg (6%) and Na (18%) in plasma were in the deficient range. In conclusion, the forages had a complex mineral composition meaning that grazing ewes may have an increased risk of direct or induced Ca (hypocalcaemia) or Mg (hypomagnesaemia) deficiency. The low Na and high K concentrations of these crops may also pose a direct risk to livestock production. Preliminary analysis indicated higher risks from grazing wheat and from grazing crops grown on high-K soils

    Mineral supplements improve the calcium status of pregnant ewes grazing vegetative cereals

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    Grazing vegetative wheat, barley and oats (both dual-purpose and traditional spring varieties) is becoming an important strategic and tactical grazing option on farms where crops and livestock coexist. However, metabolic disorders have been reported and many producers avoid grazing these crops with reproducing ewes because of the risk. A recent survey of 18 farms grazing crops with pregnant ewes indicated a high proportion of grazed crops had forage calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg) below published requirements and potassium (K) above the published maximum tolerable level. Many ewes grazing these crops had concentrations of Ca in plasma and urine indicative of a low or marginal Ca status. The aims of the present study were to further investigate the changes in mineral status that occur in ewes grazing vegetative crops during late pregnancy and to measure the effectiveness of mineral supplements for improving Ca and Mg status. On each of six farms, a paddock growing cereals in the vegetative stage was subdivided into three plots. Three groups of 30 pregnant ewes were selected and each group allocated to one plot. Forage was provided as wheat on four farms, barley on one farm and oats on one farm. Ewes were mature (3-7 years), in the last third of pregnancy (between 108 and 129 days after the start of mating) and were mostly twin-bearing. They grazed the crops for 21 days. One group of ewes was given no supplement (Control), a second was provided with an industry standard supplement (Standard) [Causmag (MgO): limestone (CaCO3): salt (NaCl), 40: 40: 20] at 30 g/day, whereas the third group was provided with a low dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) supplement (New) (MgCl2.6H2O: CaSO4.2H2O: NaCl, 12.5: 32.5: 55.0) also at 30 g/day. Both Ca supplements improved Ca and, to a lesser extent, Mg status. The supplemented ewes showed significant increases in Ca concentration in urine, plasma and Ca fractional excretion on all but one of the six farms. There were no consistent differences between the two supplemented groups of ewes. It is concluded that the Ca status of ewes grazing vegetative cereal crops in late pregnancy can be improved by providing supplements containing Ca, Mg and Na. As the literature indicates the relationship between Ca status and susceptibility to hypocalcaemia is still inconclusive, additional research on a commercial scale is required to determine if supplements decrease the incidence of metabolic disorders when pregnant ewes graze cereal crops

    Calcium and magnesium status of pregnant ewes grazing southern Australian pastures

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    During pregnancy, ewes graze pastures that may be marginal in calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), and may also be low in sodium (Na) and high in potassium (K), with a high dietary cation-anion difference. Such pastures may increase susceptibility to hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia, leading to lamb losses. Clinical hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia do occur in Australian sheep; however, it is unknown whether subclinical forms of these disorders compromise ewe or lamb health and survival. The present study monitored the Ca and Mg status of ewes in late pregnancy, so as to evaluate the risk of subclinical mineral disorders in ewes grazing typical southern Australian pastures. Calcium and Mg concentrations in pasture, ewe plasma and urine were monitored in 15 flocks in southern Australia. Mineral concentrations in pasture did not indicate a widespread risk of Ca or Mg deficiency; however, urinary pH and Ca and Mg concentrations in the plasma and urine of the pregnant ewes were not entirely consistent with the expectations from pasture analysis. Urine pH was above 7 on all properties and 87.5% of properties had a mean Ca in urine below the adequate concentration of 1 µmol/mosmol. The mean plasma Ca concentration was below adequate (18 mg/L), more than 20% of ewes on six farms had below adequate concentrations of plasma Mg. Only one-third of the farms had 100% of ewes measured with adequate concentrations of plasma Ca (4/15) or Mg (5/15). The mineral concentrations in pre-lambing blood and urine samples suggested that a significant number of animals grazing southern Australian pastures during winter may be at risk of subclinical hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia