33 research outputs found

    Bibliotheken im Buch: Die Erschließung von privaten Büchersammlungen der Frühneuzeit über Auktionskataloge

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    Der Beitrag demonstriert anhand eines Auktionskatalogs von 1670 unser Vorgehen, frühneuzeitliche Gelehrtenbibliotheken bibliographisch nachhaltig zu erschließen. In einem ersten Schritt beschreiben wir die Erfassung der im Katalog verzeichneten Titel. Das Instrument für diesen Arbeitsgang ist eine Excel-Tabelle, die bibliographische Ermittlung erfolgt mit Hilfe nationaler und internationaler Online-Kataloge. Im zweiten Schritt geht es um die Entwicklung der digitalen Infrastruktur für die Onlinepräsentation der Daten. Hierzu wurde ein frei nachnutzbares Programm entwickelt, das für die Rekonstruktion frühneuzeitlicher Privatbibliotheken optimiert ist. Vorgestellt werden die verschiedenen textlichen und graphischen Visualisierungsformen sowie die weitergehenden Einsatzmöglichkeiten als Darstellungs- und Normierungstool für bibliographische Daten. Im dritten Schritt skizzieren wir den absolvierten Workflow und zeigen, wie traditionelle Methoden der Altbestandserschließung mit Verfahren der Digital Humanities kombiniert werden können. Dabei rückt auch die digitale Edition eines Briefwechsels in den Blick, der den Auktionskatalog als Sekundärquelle flankiert

    Measuring PERMA+4: validation of the German version of the Positive Functioning at Work Scale

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    This study investigates the association between the PERMA+4 model and psychological safety, while also examining the validation of the Positive Functioning at Work (PFW) scale in a German-speaking population. The study discovered strong association between PERMA+4 and psychological safety, which raises important questions and potential concerns regarding the jangle fallacy. Similar to the PERMA model, PERMA+4 should be considered a framework for attaining psychological safety. The German version of the PFW scale demonstrated satisfactory fit with the model, indicating its factorial validity. To gain insights into promoting workplace wellbeing, it is recommended to conduct longitudinal studies to determine whether psychological safety is a cause or result of PERMA+4. This study enhances our understanding of workplace wellbeing and emphasizes the association between PERMA+4 and psychological safety

    Electrolyte Imbalance Determination of a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery by Potential‐Step Analysis of the Initial Charging

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    Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) suffer from capacity fades owing to side reactions and crossover effects through the membrane. These processes lead to a deviation of the optimal initial average oxidation state (AOS=+3.5) of vanadium species in both half‐cell electrolytes. To rebalance the electrolyte solutions, it is first necessary to determine the current AOS. In this study, a new method was developed that enables an accurate determination of the AOS. A potential‐step analysis was performed with mixed electrolyte solutions of both half‐cells during the initial charging. The potential was recorded with a simple open‐circuit voltage (OCV) cell, and the potential‐steps were analyzed. A correlation between the duration of the potential plateaus in the OCV and the amount of vanadium ions of a certain oxidation state in the half‐cell electrolytes was found and used to precisely determine the AOS with a maximum error of 3.6 %

    „Systematische Überwachung von SARS-CoV-2 im Abwasser“ – Start eines nationalen Pilotprojekts

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    Etablierte Surveillancesysteme zur Überwachung der Verbreitung von SARS-CoV-2 können durch eine abwasserbasierte Surveillance ergänzt werden, um Informationen zu relevanten Krankheitserregern und zum Trend der Infektionsdynamik zu gewinnen. Vorgestellt wird ein durch die EU gefördertes Pilotprojekt zur Evaluierung von Umsetzbarkeit und Nutzen der SARS-CoV-2-Abwassersurveillance in Deutschland.Peer Reviewe

    Size limits of magnetic-domain engineering in continuous in-plane exchange-bias prototype films

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    Gaul A, Emmrich D, Ueltzhöffer T, et al. Size limits of magnetic-domain engineering in continuous in-plane exchange-bias prototype films. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2018;9:2968-2979.Background: The application of superparamagnetic particles as biomolecular transporters in microfluidic systems for lab-on-a-chip applications crucially depends on the ability to control their motion. One approach for magnetic-particle motion control is the superposition of static magnetic stray field landscapes (MFLs) with dynamically varying external fields. These MFLs may emerge from magnetic domains engineered both in shape and in their local anisotropies. Motion control of smaller beads does necessarily need smaller magnetic patterns, i.e., MFLs varying on smaller lateral scales. The achievable size limit of engineered magnetic domains depends on the magnetic patterning method and on the magnetic anisotropies of the material system. Smallest patterns are expected to be in the range of the domain wall width of the particular material system. To explore these limits a patterning technology is needed with a spatial resolution significantly smaller than the domain wall width. Results: We demonstrate the application of a helium ion microscope with a beam diameter of 8 nm as a mask-less method for local domain patterning of magnetic thin-film systems. For a prototypical in-plane exchange-bias system the domain wall width has been investigated as a function of the angle between unidirectional anisotropy and domain wall. By shrinking the domain size of periodic domain stripes, we analyzed the influence of domain wall overlap on the domain stability. Finally, by changing the geometry of artificial two-dimensional domains, the influence of domain wall overlap and domain wall geometry on the ultimate domain size in the chosen system was analyzed. Conclusion: The application of a helium ion microscope for magnetic patterning has been shown. It allowed for exploring the fundamental limits of domain engineering in an in-plane exchange-bias thin film as a prototypical system. For two-dimensional domains the limit depends on the domain geometry. The relative orientation between domain wall and anisotropy axes is a crucial parameter and therefore influences the achievable minimum domain size dramatically

    Individual regional associations between Aβ-, tau- and neurodegeneration (ATN) with microglial activation in patients with primary and secondary tauopathies

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    & beta;-amyloid (A & beta;) and tau aggregation as well as neuronal injury and atrophy (ATN) are the major hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and biomarkers for these hallmarks have been linked to neuroinflammation. However, the detailed regional associations of these biomarkers with microglial activation in individual patients remain to be elucidated. We investigated a cohort of 55 patients with AD and primary tauopathies and 10 healthy controls that underwent TSPO-, A & beta;-, tau-, and perfusion-surrogate-PET, as well as structural MRI. Z-score deviations for 246 brain regions were calculated and biomarker contributions of A & beta;(A), tau (T), perfusion (N1), and gray matter atrophy (N2) to microglial activation (TSPO, I) were calculated for each individual subject. Individual ATN-related microglial activation was correlated with clinical performance and CSF soluble TREM2 (sTREM2) concentrations. In typical and atypical AD, regional tau was stronger and more frequently associated with microglial activation when compared to regional A & beta;(AD: & beta;(T) = 0.412 & PLUSMN;0.196 vs. & beta;(A) = 0.142 & PLUSMN;0.123, p < 0.001;AD-CBS: & beta;(T) = 0.385 & PLUSMN;0.176 vs. & beta;(A) = 0.131 & PLUSMN;0.186, p = 0.031). The strong association between regional tau and microglia reproduced well in primary tauopathies (& beta;(T) = 0.418 & PLUSMN;0.154). Stronger individual associations between tau and microglial activation were associated with poorer clinical performance. In patients with 4RT, sTREM2 levels showed a positive association with tau-related microglial activation. Tau pathology has strong regional associations with microglial activation in primary and secondary tauopathies. Tau and A & beta;related microglial response indices may serve as a two-dimensional in vivo assessment of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases

    Individual regional associations between Aβ-, tau- and neurodegeneration (ATN) with microglial activation in patients with primary and secondary tauopathies.

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    β-amyloid (Aβ) and tau aggregation as well as neuronal injury and atrophy (ATN) are the major hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and biomarkers for these hallmarks have been linked to neuroinflammation. However, the detailed regional associations of these biomarkers with microglial activation in individual patients remain to be elucidated. We investigated a cohort of 55 patients with AD and primary tauopathies and 10 healthy controls that underwent TSPO-, Aβ-, tau-, and perfusion-surrogate-PET, as well as structural MRI. Z-score deviations for 246 brain regions were calculated and biomarker contributions of Aβ (A), tau (T), perfusion (N1), and gray matter atrophy (N2) to microglial activation (TSPO, I) were calculated for each individual subject. Individual ATN-related microglial activation was correlated with clinical performance and CSF soluble TREM2 (sTREM2) concentrations. In typical and atypical AD, regional tau was stronger and more frequently associated with microglial activation when compared to regional Aβ (AD: βT = 0.412 ± 0.196 vs. βA = 0.142 ± 0.123, p < 0.001; AD-CBS: βT = 0.385 ± 0.176 vs. βA = 0.131 ± 0.186, p = 0.031). The strong association between regional tau and microglia reproduced well in primary tauopathies (βT = 0.418 ± 0.154). Stronger individual associations between tau and microglial activation were associated with poorer clinical performance. In patients with 4RT, sTREM2 levels showed a positive association with tau-related microglial activation. Tau pathology has strong regional associations with microglial activation in primary and secondary tauopathies. Tau and Aβ related microglial response indices may serve as a two-dimensional in vivo assessment of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases