3 research outputs found

    Uzunköprü center and vllages dialects

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    Geçmişten bu yana Osmanlı Devleti’nin ve Türkiye’nin Avrupa kıtasındaki en önemli stratejik konumlarından biri olma vasfını sürdüren Edirne, Balkanlar ile sınırımızı meydana getiren Meriç Nehri etrafında şekillenmiş, Rumeli ağızlarının Doğu Trakya koluna mensup kentimizdir. Tarihte birçok baskı ve zulme maruz kalan Balkan Türkleri, zaman içerisinde gruplar halinde bu topraklara yerleşmiştir. Bu nedenle bölgede yaşayanların büyük bir kısmını 1912 yılından bu yana Balkan ülkelerinden gelen göçmenler oluşturmaktadır. Edirne’de kendilerini “yerli unsur” olarak gören Gacal ağzının dışında Yunanistan, Bulgaristan, Romanya, Yugoslavya gibi ülkelerin izlerini taşıyan göçmen ağızları ve az sayıda Çingene ağızlarına rastlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, tarihi boyunca birçok Türk topluluğuna ev sahipliği yapmış, her dönemden aldığı sayısız malzemeyle dil yapısını ve kültürünü oluşturmuş olan Edirne ilimiz, “Uzunköprü Merkez ve Köyleri” minvalinde ele alınmıştır. Bölgede yapılan ağız incelemesinin sonucunda Uzunköprü ağzının tarihî, kültürel, fonolojik ve morfolojik özellikleri “Giriş”, “İnceleme”, “Sonuç”, “Metinler”, “Sözlük”, “Kaynakça” başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir. Bu sayede Uzunköprü ağzının; özelde Doğu Trakya ağızları, genelde ise Türkiye’de konuşulan ağızlarla olan ilişkisi ve konumu saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca bütün ağız çalışmalarının nihai amacı olan, ileride oluşabilecek ağız atlasına katkıda bulunma düşüncesi bizim çalışmamız için de bir hareket noktası niteliğindedir. Sahada yürütülen derleme faaliyetleri esnasında yaşadığımız yöreyi ve özümüze ait birçok özelliği tanıma ve tanıtma fırsatı yakalamış olmak, çok sayıda hemşehrimizle tanışıp gönül bağı kurmak, çalışmamızın manevi boyutunu oluşturmuştur.Edirne, which has been one of the most important strategic locations of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey in the European continent since the past, is our city belonging to the Eastern Thrace branch of the Rumelian mouths, shaped around the Meriç River that forms our border with the Balkans. The Balkan Turks, who were exposed to many oppression and persecution in history, settled in these lands in groups over time. For this reason, most of the people living in the region have been immigrants from Balkan countries since 1912. Apart from the Gacal dialect, which sees itself as a "native element" in Edirne, immigrant dialects bearing the traces of countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Yugoslavia and a small number of Gypsy dialects have been encountered. In this study, our city of Edirne, which has hosted many Turkish communities throughout its history and created its language structure and culture with countless materials from every period, is discussed in the form of "Uzunköprü Center and Villages". As a result of the dialect study in the region, the historical, cultural, phonological and morphological features of the Uzunköprü dialect were evaluated under the titles of "Introduction", "Analysis", "Conclusion", "Texts", "Dictionary", "References". In this way, Uzunköprü mouth; It has been tried to determine its relationship and position with the dialects of Eastern Thrace in particular and the dialects spoken in Turkey in general. In addition, the idea of contributing to the dialect atlas, which is the ultimate goal of all dialect studies, is also a starting point for our study. During the compilation activities carried out in the field, having the opportunity to get to know and promote the region we live in and many features of our essence, meeting many of our fellow citizens and establishing a bond of heart formed the spiritual dimension of our work

    Visceral Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania Tropica

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    Purpose: In Turkey, the main causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is Leishmania. infantum and the main causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is Leishmania tropica. In this study, we aimed to discuss the possible mechanisms, clinical aspects, and threat of visceralizing L. tropica. Methods: This study includes seven cases of VL caused by L. tropica.Five patients were male (71%) and four were adults (57%). Results: All the VL patients complained of fever and splenomegaly. Fatigue, pancytopenia, and hepatomegaly were present in six patients each (86%), while weight loss and gastrointestinal system (GIS) symptoms were present in 5 patients (71%). Conclusions: In this study, we have evaluated seven cases of visceralized L. tropica (VLT) in the context of the changing leishmaniasis epidemiology in Turkey. We have evaluated the possible mechanisms of visceralization; inter- and intraspecies genetic exchange with all the old world leishmaniasis agents present in the region, stress induced by inappropriate use of drugs, and possible ongoing adaptation mechanisms of Leishmania spp. The threat posed by VLT is significant as L. tropica is the most widespread and most common cause of leishmaniasis in Turkey. We do not know the vectorial capacity of the sand flies for the transmission of VLT strains or if these strains are in circulation in Turkey. Future studies should be carried out to investigate these issues as the transition of L. tropica from a mild disease-causing agent to a mortal one poses a significant public health concern for Turkey and Europe

    Picturing asthma in Turkey: results from the Turkish adult asthma registry

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    Introduction: National data on asthma characteristics and the factors associated with uncontrolled asthma seem to be necessary for every country. For this purpose, we developed the Turkish Adult Asthma Registry for patients with asthma aiming to take a snapshot of our patients, thereby assigning the unmet needs and niche areas of intervention. Methods: Case entries were performed between March 2018 and March 2022. A web-based application was used to record data. Study outcomes were demographic features, disease characteristics, asthma control levels, and phenotypes. Results: The registry included 2053 patients from 36 study centers in Turkey. Female subjects dominated the group (n = 1535, 74.8%). The majority of the patients had allergic (n = 1158, 65.3%) and eosinophilic (n = 1174, 57.2%) asthma. Six hundred nineteen (32.2%) of the patients had obese asthma. Severe asthma existed in 670 (32.6%) patients. Majority of cases were on step 3–5 treatment (n: 1525; 88.1%). Uncontrolled asthma was associated with low educational level, severe asthma attacks in the last year, low FEV1, existence of chronic rhinosinusitis and living in particular regions. Conclusion: The picture of this registry showed a dominancy of middle-aged obese women with moderate-to-severe asthma. We also determined particular strategic targets such as low educational level, severe asthma attacks, low FEV1, and chronic rhinosinusitis to decrease uncontrolled asthma in our country. Moreover, some regional strategies may also be needed as uncontrolled asthma is higher in certain regions. We believe that these data will guide authorities to reestablish national asthma programs to improve asthma service delivery