76 research outputs found

    Diacylglycerol Kinases: Shaping Diacylglycerol and Phosphatidic Acid Gradients to Control Cell Polarity

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    Diacylglycerol kinases (DGKs) terminate diacylglycerol (DAG) signaling and promote phosphatidic acid (PA) production. Isoform specific regulation of DGKs activity and localization allows DGKs to shape the DAG and PA gradients. The capacity of DGKs to constrain the areas of DAG signaling is exemplified by their role in defining the contact interface between T cells and antigen presenting cells: the immune synapse. Upon T cell receptor engagement, both DGK α and ζ metabolize DAG at the immune synapse thus constraining DAG signaling. Interestingly, their activity and localization are not fully redundant because DGKζ activity metabolizes the bulk of DAG in the cell, whereas DGKα limits the DAG signaling area localizing specifically at the periphery of the immune synapse. When DGKs terminate DAG signaling, the local PA production defines a new signaling domain, where PA recruits and activates a second wave of effector proteins. The best-characterized example is the role of DGKs in protrusion elongation and cell migration. Indeed, upon growth factor stimulation, several DGK isoforms, such as α, ζ, and γ, are recruited and activated at the plasma membrane. Here, local PA production controls cell migration by finely modulating cytoskeletal remodeling and integrin recycling. Interestingly, DGK-produced PA also controls the localization and activity of key players in cell polarity such as aPKC, Par3, and integrin β1. Thus, T cell polarization and directional migration may be just two instances of the general contribution of DGKs to the definition of cell polarity by local specification of membrane identity signaling

    Effective Interactive Visualization of Neural Relightable Images in a Web-based Multi-layered Framework

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    Relightable images created from Multi-Light Image Collections (MLICs) are one of the most commonly employed models for interactive object exploration in cultural heritage. In recent years, neural representations have been shown to produce higherquality images, at similar storage costs, with respect to the more classic analytical models such as Polynomial Texture Maps (PTM) or Hemispherical Harmonics (HSH). However, their integration in practical interactive tools has so far been limited due to the higher evaluation cost, making it difficult to employ them for interactive inspection of large images, and to the difficulty in integration cost, due to the need to incorporate deep-learning libraries in relightable renderers. In this paper, we illustrate how a state-of-the-art neural reflectance model can be directly evaluated, using common WebGL shader features, inside a multiplatform renderer. We then show how this solution can be embedded in a scalable framework capable to handle multi-layered relightable models in web settings. We finally show the performance and capabilities of the method on cultural heritage objects

    Chemical thinning programs for 'Fuji Mishima' apple trees under black anti-hail net

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar programas de raleio químico contendo misturas de diferentes reguladores de crescimento de plantas, em baixas concentrações, aplicados em macieiras 'Fuji Mishima' pós-floração, bem como identificar os mais eficazes em reduzir a frutificação efetiva, diminuir a necessidade de raleio manual e melhorar a qualidade dos frutos. Sob tela antigranizo preta, as macieiras foram pulverizadas com os seis seguintes protocolos de raleio químico (tratamentos): benziladenina (BA) + giberelina4+7 (GA) em plena floração (PF) e BA + carbaril (CB) em frutos com 15 mm de diâmetro; BA + GA em PF e ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) + CB em frutos com 7 mm de diâmetro; BA + GA em PF e BA + CB em frutos com 15 mm de diâmetro; ethephon (ETH) + CB em frutos com 15 mm de diâmetro e metamitron (MM) + ETH em frutos com 20 mm de diâmetro; e MM em frutos com 7 mm de diâmetro e MM em frutos com 20 mm de diâmetro. Os tratamentos foram comparados com um controle não tratado e um de raleio manual. A tela preta reduziu a radiação fotossinteticamente ativa em 22%. Para maçãs 'Fuji Mishima' sob tela preta antigranizo, o programa de raleio químico BA + GA (47 + 47 g i.a. ha-1) em PF, seguido de BA + CA (80 + 288 g i.a. ha-1) em frutos com 15 mm de diâmetro, reduz consistentemente a frutificação efetiva, requer menos raleio manual e melhora a massa e o tamanho dos frutos.The objective of this work was to evaluate chemical thinning programs containing mixtures of different plant growth regulators, at low concentrations, applied to 'Fuji Mishima' apple trees at post-blossom, as well as to identify the most effective in reducing fruit set, decreasing the need of manual thinning, and improving fruit quality. Under a black anti-hail net, the apple trees were sprayed with the six following chemical thinning protocols (treatments): benzyladenine (BA) + gibberellin4+7 (GA) at full bloom (FB) and BA + carbaryl (CB) on fruitlets with a 15 mm diameter; BA + GA at FB and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) + CB on fruitlets with a 7 mm diameter; BA + GA at FB and BA + CB on fruitlets with a 15 mm diameter; ethephon (ETH) + CB on fruitlets with a 15 mm diameter and metamitron (MM) + ETH on fruitlets with a 20 mm diameter; and MM on fruitlets with a 7 mm diameter and MM on fruitlets with a 20 mm diameter. The treatments were compared with an untreated and a manual thinning control. The black net reduced photosynthetically active radiation in 22%. For 'Fuji Mishima' apples under a black anti-hail net, the chemical thinning program consisting of BA + GA (47 + 47 g a.i. ha-1) at FB, followed by BA + CB (80 + 288 g a.i. ha-1) on fruitlets with a 15 mm diameter, consistently reduces fruit set, requires less manual thinning, and improves fruit weight and size

    Efficient and user-friendly visualization of neural relightable images for cultural heritage applications

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    We introduce an innovative multiresolution framework for encoding and interactively visualizing large relightable images using a neural reflectance model derived from a state-of-the-art technique. The framework is seamlessly integrated into a scalable multi-platform framework that supports adaptive streaming and exploration of multi-layered relightable models in web settings. To enhance efficiency, we optimized the neural model, simplified decoding, and implemented a custom WebGL shader specific to the task, eliminating the need for deep-learning library integration in the code. Additionally, we introduce an efficient level-of-detail management system supporting fine-grained adaptive rendering through on-the-fly resampling in latent feature space. The resulting viewer facilitates interactive neural relighting of large images. Its modular design allows the incorporation of functionalities for Cultural Heritage analysis, such as loading and simultaneous visualization of multiple relightable layers with arbitrary rotations

    An interactive 3D medical visualization system based on a light field display

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    This paper presents a prototype medical data visualization system exploiting a light field display and custom direct volume rendering techniques to enhance understanding of massive volumetric data, such as CT, MRI, and PET scans. The system can be integrated with standard medical image archives and extends the capabilities of current radiology workstations by supporting real-time rendering of volumes of potentially unlimited size on light field displays generating dynamic observer-independent light fields. The system allows multiple untracked naked-eye users in a sufficiently large interaction area to coherently perceive rendered volumes as real objects, with stereo and motion parallax cues. In this way, an effective collaborative analysis of volumetric data can be achieved. Evaluation tests demonstrate the usefulness of the generated depth cues and the improved performance in understanding complex spatial structures with respect to standard techniques.883-893Pubblicat

    Mapeamento para regularização fundiária no recanto da Lagoa, em Tramandaí - RS

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    A Moradia irregular evidencia um dos maiores problemas habitacionais nas regiões do nosso país. Esse crescimento desordenado vem sendo destaque quando o assunto é qualidade de vida, relatando um contraste social e econômico. Com isso, o poder público insti tuiu a Lei nº 13.465/2017, que trata da Regularização Fundiária Urbana (REURB), visando o acesso à terra urbanizada pela população, garantindo o direito social à moradia digna e às condições de vida adequadas, garante, também, a titulação do imóvel a pesso as de baixa renda ou não, que moram em situações clandestinas. A regularização também deve ser considerada, no aspecto social, a integração das comunidades, evitando a emigração de comunidades e garantindo que o benefício se estenda a todos. A participação das comunidades envolvidas é fundamental em todo o processo, podendo haver consultas públicas, reuniões comunitárias e debates para definições de soluções. No município de Tramandaí, Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, encontramos muitos casos e situações desse tipo. O Recanto da Lagoa, além de ser uma área que se enquadra nessa situação, é limite a uma Área de Preservação Permanente - APP, porém, trata - se de ocupação histórica de longa ocorrência - mais de 30 anos. Desta forma, em comum acordo com o munic ípio, foi autorizado o processo de regularização fundiária à comunidade, para os moradores já existentes. Dentre as diretrizes para a formalização dos processos de regularização fundiária encontram - se as demandas relacionadas ao mapeamento das propriedades . O objetivo é a elaboração do memorial descritivo para a formalização do registro cartorial, além de planta individual e mapa geral da região envolvida, propósito do presente projeto. Para a execução foram utilizados conhecimentos em levantamento topográf ico com GNSS (Sistema Global de Navegação por Satélite), transporte de coordenadas, cadastro urbano e processamentos de dados. Como resultado, foram medidos os limites dos lotes e elaborados os memoriais descritivos para as 28 moradias previamente indicada s pela associação dos moradores, através de seus advogados, para o processo de regularização das propriedades. A Regularização Fundiária Urbana é um processo complexo e desafiador, uma vez que envolve questões legais, urbanísticas, sociais e políticas. Qua ndo bem executado, pode trazer inúmeros benefícios como melhor qualidade de vida aos moradores beneficiados e a valorização dos imóveis.Irregular housing highlights one of the biggest housing problems in regions of our country. This disorderly growth has been highlighted when it comes to quality of life, reporting a social and economic contrast. With this, the public power instituted Law n º 13.465/2017, which deals with Urban Land Regularization (REURB), aiming at access to urbanized land by the population, guaranteeing the social right to decent housing and adequate living conditions, also guarantees , the titling of the property to people with low income or not, who live in clandestine situations. The regularization must also be considered, in the social aspect, the integration of the communities, avoiding the emigration of communities and guaranteeing that the benefit extends to all. The participation of the communities involved is fundamental throughout the process, and there may be public consultations, community meetings and debates to define solutions. In the municipality of Tramandaí, on the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, we found many cases and situations of this type. Recanto da Lagoa, in addition to being an area that fits this situation, borders a Permanent Preservation Area - APP, however, it is a long - term historical occupation - more than 30 years. Thus, in common agreement w ith the municipality, the process of land regularization was authorized for the community, for existing residents. Among the guidelines for the formalization of land regularization processes are the demands related to the mapping of properties. The objective is the elaboration of the descriptive memorial for the formalization of the notary registration, in addition to an individual plan and general map of the region involved, purposes of the present project. For the execution, knowledge in topographic surve y with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) was used, coordinate transport, urban cadastre and data processing. As a result, the limits of the lots were measured and descriptive memorials were drawn up for the 28 homes previously indicated by the residents' association, through their lawyers, for the property regularization process. Urban Land Regularization is a complex and challenging process, as it involves legal, urban, social and political issues. When well executed, it can bring numerous benefits, such as a better quality of life for the beneficiaries and the appreciation of real estate

    Producción y colaboración científica de la Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre

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    Introdução: O mapeamento da produção científica das instituições de ensino e pesquisa é fundamental para planejamento de políticas e avaliação de desempenho. Objetivo: Identificar e caracterizar a produção científica da Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) através deindicadores bibliométricos de produção e de colaboração. Metodologia: Análise bibliométrica de 1.932 documentos indexados na base de dados Web of Science (WoS) de 1961 a 2014, com auxílio dos softwares Bibexcel e Excel 2010. Resultados: A análise revela o crescimento anual significativo das publicaçõesda instituição (33,5% ao ano), destacando-se o período 2008-2014. O artigo foi utilizado em 70,9% das publicações e 91,3% dos documentos foram publicados no idioma inglês. As áreas de conhecimento com maior produtividade foram a Cirurgia e as Neurociências. A autoria múltipla mostra-se predominante (98,6%). Destes, 17,7% apresentam-se em coautoria internacional. Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Canadá, Espanha, França e Argentina são os principais parceiros. Dos 1.905 documentos com colaboração, 86,8% contam com duas ou maisinstituições coautoras, com predomínio das universidades nacionais públicas, além das instituições hospitalares. UFRGS (41,6%) e Santa Casa de Misericórdiade Porto Alegre (31,0%) se destacam como as principais parceiras. Conclusões: Conclui que o aumento dos grupos de pesquisa e docentes pesquisadores contribuíram para o crescimento da produção intelectual da UFCSPA.Introduction: Mapping the scientific output of educational and research institutions is important for policy planning and performance evaluation. Objective: To identify and characterize the scientific output of Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) through bibliometric indicators of production and collaboration. Methodology: Bibliometric analysis of 1932 documents indexed on the Web of Science (WoS) database from 1961to 2014 using Bib excel and Excel 2010. Results: The analysis reveals a meaningful annual growth (33.5% by year), highlighting the period from 2008 to 2014. 70.9% of the publications are articles and 91.3% of the documents were published in English. The most productive fields of knowledge were Surgery and Neurosciences. Multiple co authorship has a clearly predominance (98.6%) and 17.7% of this amount are in international collaboration type. The United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, France, and Argentina are the main partners. Among the 1905 documents in coauthor ship collaboration, 86.8% have two or more institutions involved with a predominance of national public universities followed by hospitals. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (41.6%) and Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre (31.0%) are the main partners. Conclusions: It concludes that the increase of research groups and researchers contributes to UFCSPA scientific output growth.Introducción: El mapeo de la producción científica de las instituciones de enseñanza e investigación es fundamental para planeamiento de políticas y evaluación de desempeño. Objetivo: Identificar y caracterizar la producción científica de la Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) a través de indicadores bibliométricos de producción y colaboración. Metodología: Análisis bibliométrico de 1.932 documentos indexados en la base de datos Web of Science (WoS) de 1961 a 2014, con ayuda de los software Bibexcel y Excel 2010. Resultados: El análisis muestra el crecimiento anual significativo de las publicaciones de la institución (33,5% al año), destacándose el período 2008-2014. El artículo fue utilizado en 70,9% de las publicaciones y 91,3% de los documentos fueron publicados en el idioma inglés. Las áreas de conocimiento con mayor productividad fueron la Cirugía y las Neurociencias. La autoría múltiple se muestra predominante (98,6%). De éstos, 17,7% se presentan en coautoría internacional. Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Canadá, España, Francia y Argentina son los principales socios. De los 1.905 documentos con colaboración, 86,8% tienen dos o más instituciones coautoras, con predominio de las universidades nacionales públicas, además de las instituciones hospitalarias. UFRGS (41,6%) y Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre (31,0%) se destacan como las principales socias. Conclusiones: Concluye que el aumento de los grupos de investigacióny de los docentes investigadores contribuyó para el crecimiento de la producción intelectual de la UFCSPA

    Radiation dosimetry and biodistribution of 11C-ABP688 measured in healthy volunteers

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    Introduction: In this study, we assessed the whole-body biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of the new glutamatergic ligand 11C-ABP688. This ligand binds specifically to the metabotropic glutamatergic receptor of subtype 5 (mGluR5). Materials and methods: The study included five healthy male volunteers aged 20-29years. After intravenous injection of 240-260MBq, a series of four to ten whole-body positron emission tomography/computed tomography scans were initiated, yielding 60-80min of data. Residence times were then calculated in the relevant organs, and the software packages Mirdose and Olinda were used to calculate the absorbed radiation dose and the effective dose equivalent. Results: Of the excreted 11C activity at 1hour, approximately 80% were eliminated via the hepato-biliary pathway and 20% through the urinary tract. The absorbed dose (mGy/MBq) was highest in the liver (1.64 E -2 ± 5.08 E -3), gallbladder (8.13 E -3 ± 5.6 E -3), and kidneys (7.27 E -3 ± 2.79 E -3). The effective dose equivalent was 3.68 ± 0.84microSv/MBq. Brain uptake in the areas with high mGluR5 density was 2-3 (SUV). The agreement between the values obtained from Mirdose and the Olinda was excellent. Conclusion: 11C-ABP688 is a very promising ligand for the investigation of mGluR5 receptors in humans. Brain uptake is high and the effective dose equivalent so low that serial examinations in the same subject seem feasibl

    A holographic collaborative medical visualization system

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    We report on our work on the development of a novel holographic display technology, capable of targeting multiple freely moving naked eye viewers, and of a demonstrator exploiting this technology to provide medical specialists with a truly interactive collaborative 3D environment for diagnostic discussions and/or pre-operative planning.52-5