22 research outputs found

    Teaching feminist geographies in the Netherlands. Learning from student-led fieldtrips

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    In this paper, the authors reflect on the use of student-led fieldtrips as an example of feminist pedagogy in a feminist geography course, a joint course by the universities of Amsterdam and Groningen in The Netherlands. The paper is a co-production of three lecturers and one student of this course and therefore includes teachers' as well as students' views. The authors conclude that student-led fieldtrips are a successful means of bringing in an explicit feminist pedagogy in teaching gender geography. Students were able to help shape the course using their own everyday experiences and interests and were able to contextualize their experiences in relation to theory explored in the classroom. This result is particularly important within the context of geography teaching in Dutch universities in which an empirical and policy oriented focus and a masculine model of teaching and learning dominates.En aquest article, les autores reflexionen sobre l'ús dels treballs de camp conduïts per l'alumnat com un exemple de pedagogia feminista en un curs de geografia feminista impartit per les universitats d'Amsterdam i de Groningen, als Països Baixos. L'article és una coproducció entre tres professores titulars i una estudiant d'aquest curs, per tant, inclou la visió del professorat i de l'alumnat. Les autores conclouen que els treballs de camp conduïts per l'alumnat són una forma excel·lent d'introduir explícitament la pedagogia feminista en l'ensenyament de la geografia del gènere. L'alumnat va ser capaç de contribuir a modificar el curs utilitzant les seves experiències quotidianes i els seus interessos, com també de contextualitzar aquestes experiències en relació amb la teoria explorada a classe. Aquest resultat és particularment important en el context de l'ensenyament de la geografia a les universitats neerlandeses, on predomina una orientació empírica i política i un model masculí d'ensenyament i aprenentatge.En este artículo, las autoras reflexionan sobre el uso de los trabajos de campo conducidos por el alumnado como un ejemplo de pedagogía feminista en un curso de geografía feminista impartido por las universidades de Amsterdam y de Groningen, en los Países Bajos. El artículo es una coproducción entre tres profesoras titulares y una estudiante de este curso, por lo tanto, incluye la visión del profesorado y del alumnado. Las autoras concluyen que los trabajos de campo conducidos por el alumnado son una forma excelente de introducir explícitamente la pedagogía feminista en la enseñanza de la geografía del género. El alumnado fue capaz de contribuir a modificar el curso utilizando sus experiencias cotidianas y sus intereses, así como de contextualizar estas experiencias en relación con la teoría explorada en clase. Este resultado es particularmente importante en el contexto de la enseñanza de la geografía en las universidades neerlandesas, donde predomina una orientación empírica y política y un modelo masculino de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Dans cet article les auteurs réfléchissent autour de l'usage du travail de terrain conduit par les étudiants comme un exemple de pédagogie féministe dans un cours de géographie féministe des Universités d'Amsterdam et de Groningen, aux Pays-Bas. L'article est une co-production parmi trois professeurs titulaires et une étudiante de ce cours, par conséquent, inclut la vision du professorat et des étudiants. Les auteurs déduisent que le travail de terrain conduit par les étudiants est une forme excellente d'introduire explicitement la pédagogie féministe dans l'enseignement de la géographie du genre. Les étudiants ont été capables de contribuer dans la modification du cours en utilisant leurs expériences quotidiennes et intérêts et de mettre en contexte ces expériences par rapport à la théorie explorée en classe. Ce résultat est particulièrement important dans le contexte de l'enseignement de la géographie dans les universités néerlandaises où prédomine une orientation empirique et politique et un modèle masculin d'enseignement et apprentissage

    Indirect protein quantification of drug-transforming enzymes using peptide group-specific immunoaffinity enrichment and mass spectrometry

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    Immunoaffinity enrichment of proteotypic peptides, coupled with selected reaction monitoring, enables indirect protein quantification. However the lack of suitable antibodies limits its widespread application. We developed a method in which multi-specific antibodies are used to enrich groups of peptides, thus facilitating multiplexed quantitative protein assays. We tested this strategy in a pharmacokinetic experiment by targeting a group of homologous drug transforming proteins in human hepatocytes. Our results indicate the generic applicability of this method to any biological system

    Indirect protein quantification of drug-transforming enzymes using peptide group-specific immunoaffinity enrichment and mass spectrometry

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    Immunoaffinity enrichment of proteotypic peptides, coupled with selected reaction monitoring, enables indirect protein quantification. However the lack of suitable antibodies limits its widespread application. We developed a method in which multi-specific antibodies are used to enrich groups of peptides, thus facilitating multiplexed quantitative protein assays. We tested this strategy in a pharmacokinetic experiment by targeting a group of homologous drug transforming proteins in human hepatocytes. Our results indicate the generic applicability of this method to any biological system

    Influence of an outpatient multidisciplinary pain management program on the health-related quality of life and the physical fitness of chronic pain patients

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately 10 to 20 percent of the population is suffering from chronic pain. Since this represents a major contribution to the costs of the health care system, more efficient measures and interventions to treat these patients are sought. RESULTS: The development of general health and physical activity of patients with chronic pain was assessed in an interdisciplinary outpatient pain management program (IOPP). 36 patients with an average age of 48 years were included in the IOPP. Subjective assessment of well-being was performed at five time points (baseline, post intervention and 3, 6, and 12 months thereafter) by using standardized questionnaires. The study focused on the quality of life survey Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36, which is a validated instrument with established reliability and sensitivity. In addition, the patients participated in physical assessment testing strength, power, endurance, and mobility. Prior to therapy a substantial impairment was found on different levels. Marked improvements in the psychological parameters were obtained by the end of the program. No success was achieved with regard to the physical assessments. CONCLUSION: Although many different studies have evaluated similar programs, only few of them have attained positive results such as improvements of general quality of life or of physical strength. Often no difference from the control group could be detected only some months after the intervention. In the present study no significant persistent improvement of well-being occurred. Possible reasons are either wrong instruments, wrong selection of patients or wrong interventions

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Teaching feminist geographies in the Netherlands. Learning from student-led fieldtrips

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    In this paper, the authors reflect on the use of student-led fieldtrips as an example of feminist pedagogy in a feminist geography course, a joint course by the universities of Amsterdam and Groningen in The Netherlands. The paper is a co-production of three lecturers and one student of this course and therefore includes teachers' as well as students' views. The authors conclude that student-led fieldtrips are a successful means of bringing in an explicit feminist pedagogy in teaching gender geography. Students were able to help shape the course using their own everyday experiences and interests and were able to contextualize their experiences in relation to theory explored in the classroom. This result is particularly important within the context of geography teaching in Dutch universities in which an empirical and policy oriented focus and a masculine model of teaching and learning dominates.En aquest article, les autores reflexionen sobre l'ús dels treballs de camp conduïts per l'alumnat com un exemple de pedagogia feminista en un curs de geografia feminista impartit per les universitats d'Amsterdam i de Groningen, als Països Baixos. L'article és una coproducció entre tres professores titulars i una estudiant d'aquest curs, per tant, inclou la visió del professorat i de l'alumnat. Les autores conclouen que els treballs de camp conduïts per l'alumnat són una forma excel·lent d'introduir explícitament la pedagogia feminista en l'ensenyament de la geografia del gènere. L'alumnat va ser capaç de contribuir a modificar el curs utilitzant les seves experiències quotidianes i els seus interessos, com també de contextualitzar aquestes experiències en relació amb la teoria explorada a classe. Aquest resultat és particularment important en el context de l'ensenyament de la geografia a les universitats neerlandeses, on predomina una orientació empírica i política i un model masculí d'ensenyament i aprenentatge.En este artículo, las autoras reflexionan sobre el uso de los trabajos de campo conducidos por el alumnado como un ejemplo de pedagogía feminista en un curso de geografía feminista impartido por las universidades de Amsterdam y de Groningen, en los Países Bajos. El artículo es una coproducción entre tres profesoras titulares y una estudiante de este curso, por lo tanto, incluye la visión del profesorado y del alumnado. Las autoras concluyen que los trabajos de campo conducidos por el alumnado son una forma excelente de introducir explícitamente la pedagogía feminista en la enseñanza de la geografía del género. El alumnado fue capaz de contribuir a modificar el curso utilizando sus experiencias cotidianas y sus intereses, así como de contextualizar estas experiencias en relación con la teoría explorada en clase. Este resultado es particularmente importante en el contexto de la enseñanza de la geografía en las universidades neerlandesas, donde predomina una orientación empírica y política y un modelo masculino de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Dans cet article les auteurs réfléchissent autour de l'usage du travail de terrain conduit par les étudiants comme un exemple de pédagogie féministe dans un cours de géographie féministe des Universités d'Amsterdam et de Groningen, aux Pays-Bas. L'article est une co-production parmi trois professeurs titulaires et une étudiante de ce cours, par conséquent, inclut la vision du professorat et des étudiants. Les auteurs déduisent que le travail de terrain conduit par les étudiants est une forme excellente d'introduire explicitement la pédagogie féministe dans l'enseignement de la géographie du genre. Les étudiants ont été capables de contribuer dans la modification du cours en utilisant leurs expériences quotidiennes et intérêts et de mettre en contexte ces expériences par rapport à la théorie explorée en classe. Ce résultat est particulièrement important dans le contexte de l'enseignement de la géographie dans les universités néerlandaises où prédomine une orientation empirique et politique et un modèle masculin d'enseignement et apprentissage

    Fast Water-Assisted Lithium Ion Conduction in Restacked Lithium Tin Sulfide Nanosheets

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    While two-dimensional (2D) materials may preserve some intrinsic properties of the corresponding layered bulk material, new characteristics arise from their pronounced anisotropy or confinement effects. Recently, exceptionally high ionic conductivities were discovered in 2D materials such as graphene oxide and vermiculite. Here, we report on the water-assisted fast conduction of lithium ions in restacked lithium tin sulfide nanosheets. Li0.8Sn0.8S2 exfoliates spontaneously in water and can be restacked into homogeneous films in which the lithium content is decreased, and a partial substitution of sulfur with hydroxyl groups takes place. Using a recursive supercell refinement approach in reciprocal space along with real-space pair distribution function analysis, we describe restacked lithium tin sulfide as a partially turbostratically disordered material composed of lithium-containing and lithium-depleted layers. In humid air, the material takes up multiple layers of water that coordinate lithium ions in the space between the layers, increasing the stacking distance and screening the interaction between lithium ions and the anionic layers. This results in a 1000-fold increase in ionic conductivity up to 47 mS cm–1 at high humidities. Orientation-dependent impedance spectroscopy suggests a facile in-plane conduction and a hindered out-of-plane conduction. Pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals a fast, simultaneous diffusion of a majority and a minority species for both 7Li and 1H, suggesting water-assisted lithium diffusion to be at play. This study enlarges the family of nanosheet-based ionic conductors and helps to rationalize the transport mechanism of lithium ions enabled by hydration in a nanoconfined 2D space

    Conductivity mechanism in ionic 2D carbon nitrides: from hydrated ion motion to enhanced photocatalysis

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    Carbon nitrides are among the most studied materials for photocatalysis, however, limitations arise from inefficient charge separation and transport within the material. Here, this aspect is addressed in the 2D carbon nitride poly(heptazine imide) (PHI) by investigating the influence of various counterions, such as M = Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+, Ba2+, NH4+ and tetramethyl ammonium, on the material’s conductivity and photocatalytic activity. These ions in the PHI pores affect the stacking of the 2D layers, which further influences the predominantly ionic conductivity in M-PHI. Na-containing PHI outperforms the other M-PHI in various relative humidity (RH) environments (0-42 %RH) in terms of conductivity, likely due to pore channel geometry and size of the (hydrated) ion. With increasing RH, the ionic conductivity increases by 4-5 orders of magnitude (for Na-PHI up to 10-5 S cm-1 at 42 %RH). At the same time, the highest photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rate is observed for Na-PHI, which is mirrored by increased photo-generated charge carrier lifetimes, pointing to efficient charge carrier stabilization by mobile ions. These results indicate that ionic conductivity is an important parameter that can influence the photocatalytic activity. Besides, RH-dependent ionic conductivity is of high interest for separators, membranes, or sensors