353 research outputs found

    Apeced in Turkey: a case report and insights on genetic and phenotypic variability

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    APECED is a rare monogenic recessive disorder caused by mutations in the AIRE gene. In this manuscript, we report a male Turkish patient with APECED syndrome who presented with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis associated with other autoimmune manifestations developed over the years. The presence of the homozygous R257X mutation of the AIRE gene confirmed the diagnosis of APECED syndrome. We further performed literature review in 23 published Turkish APECED patients and noted that Finnish major mutation R257X is common in Turks. In particular, we assessed retrospectively how often the Ferre/Lionakis criteria would have resulted in earlier diagnosis in Finns, Sardinians and Turks in respect to the classic criteria. Since an earlier diagnosis could have been possible in 18.8% of Turkish, in 23.8% of Sardinian and 38.55% of Finnish patients we reviewed from literature, Ferre/Lionakis criteria could indeed allow in future earlier initiation of immunomodulatory treatments, if found effective in future studies

    A novel homozygous mutation of the AIRE gene in an APECED patient from Pakistan: case report and review of the literature

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    Autoimmune-poly-endocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal-dystrophy syndrome (APECED) is a rare monogenic recessive disorder caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene. Criteria for the diagnosis of APECED are the presence of two of the following disorders: chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC), chronic hypoparathyroidism (CHP), and Addison's disease. APECED develops at high incidence in Finns, Sardinians, and Iranian Jews and presents with a wide range of clinical phenotypes and genotypes. In this manuscript, we report the clinical, endocrinological, and molecular features of a 16-year-old female patient from Pakistan living in Italy and presenting the major APECED clinical manifestations CMC, CHP, and primary adrenal insufficiency. Premature ovarian failure, chronic bronchopneumopathy, vitiligo, Hashimoto's thyroiditis emerged as associated diseases. In our patient, AIRE gene screening revealed the novel c.396G > C (p. Arg132Ser; p. R132S) mutation in homozygosity thus confirming APECED diagnosis. This is the first reported mutation within the nuclear localization signal (NLS) that is associated with APECED. The NLS mutation affects the nuclear import of classical transcription factors through nuclear pore by recognition of nuclear import receptors, the importin a molecules. By displaying crystal structures of the peptide containing the KRK basic residue cluster bound to a importins, we show that p. R132S replacement in 131-KRK-133 does not reproduce these interactions. Thus, we propose that the novel mutation exerts its pathogenetic effect by impairing the nuclear import of the Aire protein. The present case report is added to a limited series of Pakistani APECED patients who we reviewed from the scientific literature, mostly diagnosed on clinical findings

    Conoscerlo per riconoscerlo: morbo di Addison con sindrome poliendocrina autoimmune di Tipo 2

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    Viene presentato un caso clinico di iposurrenalismo da morbo di Addison primitivo sviluppatosi dopo alcuni anni dalla comparsa di un morbo di Graves. Tale combinazione rappresenta una poliendocrinopatia autoimmune di tipo 2 (SPA-2). La SPA-2 è un processo autoimmune che coinvolge più tessuti endocrini (surrene, tiroide, pancreas) e non endocrini. Si ritiene che la sindrome si sviluppi in pazienti geneticamente predisposti con diversi pattern genetici del complesso maggiore di istocompatibilità MHC II. La SPA-2 è una malattia rara, avendo una frequenza di una persona affetta ogni 7000–8000 abitanti, prevale nel sesso femminile e compare a un'età media di circa 35 anni. L'iposurrena-lismo è caratterizzato da sintomi tipici (astenia, ipotensione ortostatica, calo ponderale, artromialgie, nausea, anoressia, iperpigmentazione cutanea), tuttavia non facili da interpretare, data la scarsa conoscenza della malattia. Nei casi non diagnosticati in tempo utile i sintomi possono peggiorare in rapporto a eventi stressanti che possono far precipitare i pazienti in una crisi addisoniana che può essere potenzialmente fatale. Iposodiemia, iperpotassiemia, iperazotemia, ipercalcemia associati ad aumentati livelli plasmatici di ACTH, renina, e bassi livelli di cortisolo, e alterati indici di epatolisi sono riscontri laboratoristici relativamente tardivi, così come possono esserlo i segni clinici di disidratazione. La storia naturale della malattia si manifesta attraverso varie fasi progressive: a) dapprima con presenza di autoanticorpi anti-surrene presenti anni prima all'esordio clinico, b) poi con un aumento della renina plasmatica e con la diminuzione dell'aldosterone plasmatico, c) poi con la successiva ridotta risposta del cortisolo allo stimolo con ACTH e.v. e d) infine con iperincrezione di ACTH, calo del cortisolo basale e presenza delle manifestazioni cliniche di iposurrenalismo. Il trattamento si basa sulla sostituzione ormonale degli organi endocrini coinvolti

    The Transcription Factors SOX9 and SOX10 Are Vitiligo Autoantigens in Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type I

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    Vitiligo is common in the hereditary disorder autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I (APS I). Patients with APS I are known to have high titer autoantibodies directed against various tissue-specific antigens. Using sera from APS I patients for immunoscreening of a cDNA library from human scalp, we identified the transcription factors SOX9 and SOX10 as novel autoantigens related to this syndrome. Immunoreactivity against SOX9 was found in 14 (15%) and against SOX10 in 20 (22%) of the 91 APS I sera studied. All patients reacting with SOX9 displayed reactivity against SOX10, suggesting shared epitopes. Among the 19 patients with vitiligo, 12 (63%) were positive for SOX10 (p0.0001). Furthermore, three of 93 sera from patients with vitiligo unrelated to APS I showed strong reactivity against SOX10, which may indicate a more general role of SOX10 as an autoantigen in vitiligo

    Pregnancy Outcome in Women With APECED (APS-1) : A Multicenter Study on 43 Females With 83 Pregnancies

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    Context: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED; also known as autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1) has a severe, unpredictable course. Autoimmunity and disease components may affect fertility and predispose to maternal and fetal complications, but pregnancy outcomes remain unknown. Objective: To assess fetal and maternal outcomes and course of clinical APECED manifestations during pregnancy in women with APECED. Design and Setting: A multicenter registry-based study including 5 national patient cohorts. Patients: 321 females with APECED. Main Outcome Measure: Number of pregnancies, miscarriages, and deliveries. Results: Forty-three patients had altogether 83 pregnancies at median age of 27 years (range, 17-39). Sixty (72%) pregnancies led to a delivery, including 2 stillbirths (2.4%) and 5 (6.0%) preterm livebirths. Miscarriages, induced abortions, and ectopic pregnancies were observed in 14 (17%), 8 (10%), and 1 (1.2%) pregnancies, respectively. Ovum donation resulted in 5 (6.0%) pregnancies. High maternal age, premature ovarian insufficiency, primary adrenal insufficiency, or hypoparathyroidism did not associate with miscarriages. Women with livebirth had, on average, 4 APECED manifestations (range 0-10); 78% had hypoparathyroidism, and 36% had primary adrenal insufficiency. APECED manifestations remained mostly stable during pregnancy, but in 1 case, development of primary adrenal insufficiency led to adrenal crisis and stillbirth. Birth weights were normal in >80% and apart from 1 neonatal death of a preterm baby, no serious perinatal complications occurred. Conclusions. Outcome of pregnancy in women with APECED was generally favorable. However, APECED warrants careful maternal multidisciplinary follow-up from preconceptual care until puerperium.Peer reviewe


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    Adrenal cortex autoantibodies (ACA) and/or 21-hydroxylase (21OHAb) are markers of autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD) and progression to overt AAD. The reported cumulative risk of developing AAD varies from 0-90% in different studies. Aim To assess the predictive value of different parameters for progression towards AAD in ACA and/or 21OHAb-positive patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes (APS). Materials and Methods 29 patients with APS-1 and 114 patients with APS-2 or APS-4, were followed-up for a median of 10 years (range 6 months-33 years) and assessed by ACTH test. The risk of AAD was estimated according to age, gender, stage of adrenal dysfunction, associated diseases and antibody titer. Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazard models were used for statistical analysis. Results The cumulative risk (CR) of developing AAD was higher in APS-1 patients (94.2%) compared to patients with APS-2/APS-4 (38.7%). The CR was high in both males and females with APS-1 patients, while in patients with APS-2/APS-4 it was high only in males. Stage 1 (increased plasma renin) for patients with APS-1 and Stage 2 (no response of cortisol to ACTH-test) for patients with APS-2/APS-4 were established as the points of no return in the progression to AAD. Adjusted hazard ratio analyses by multivariate Cox model for AAD showed that gender, diseases, adrenal function were independent risk factors for developing clinical AAD. The risk of developing clinical AAD appears to subside after 19 years of follow up. Conclusions A model for estimating the probability to survive free of AAD has been developed and should be a useful tool in designing appropriate follow-up intervals and future therapeutic strategies


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