290 research outputs found

    Limit theorems for Lévy flights on a 1D Lévy random medium

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    We study a random walk on a point process given by an ordered array of points (ωk, k ∈ Z) on the real line. The distances ωk+1 − ωk are i.i.d. random variables in the domain of attraction of a β-stable law, with β ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2). The random walk has i.i.d. jumps such that the transition probabilities between ωk and ωℓ depend on ℓ − k and are given by the distribution of a Z-valued random variable in the domain of attraction of an α-stable law, with α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2). Since the defining variables, for both the random walk and the point process, are heavy-tailed, we speak of a Lévy flight on a Lévy random medium. For all combinations of the parameters α and β, we prove the annealed functional limit theorem for the suitably rescaled process, relative to the optimal Skorokhod topology in each case. When the limit process is not càdlàg, we prove convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions. When the limit process is deterministic, we also prove a limit theorem for the fluctuations, again relative to the optimal Skorokhod topology

    Sanitation: a set of interventions mandated by the Italian government to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in non-medical facilities

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    There have been several concerns about the environmental persistence of SARS-CoV-2 virus. These concerns led to the formulation of sanitation measures that try to lower the risk of indirect transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in non-medical facilities. This manuscript will elucidate the topic of environmental persistence of SARS-CoV-2. This will benefit the occupational health professionals two-fold. It describes the proper techniques for an effective sanitation of the workplace. It also explains how to protect workers who are responsible for carrying out these interventions. Sanitation is an important measure for a safe workplace. Sanitation is legally established and referenced by all the decrees so far enacted by the Italian government. It is defined as a set of actions and procedures that aim to lower the risk of indirect transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus

    The effect of interferon beta-1b treatment on MRI measures of cerebral atrophy in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

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    The recently completed European trial of interferon beta-1b (IFN beta -1b) in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SP multiple sclerosis) has given an opportunity to assess the impact of treatment on cerebral atrophy using serial MRI. Unenhanced T-1-weighted brain imaging was acquired in a subgroup of 95 patients from five of the European centres; imaging was performed at 6-month intervals from month 0 to month 36. A blinded observer measured cerebral volume on four contiguous 5 mm cerebral hemisphere slices at each time point, using an algorithm with a high level of reproducibility and automation. There was a significant and progressive reduction in cerebral volume in both placebo and treated groups, with a mean reduction of 3.9 and 2.9%, respectively, by month 36 (P = 0.34 between groups). Exploratory subgroup analyses indicated that patients without gadolinium (Gd) enhancement at the baseline had a greater reduction of cerebral volume in the placebo group (mean reduction at month 36: placebo 5.1%, IFN beta -1b 1.8%, P < 0.05) whereas those with Gd-enhancing lesions showed a trend to greater reduction of cerebral volume if the patient was on IFN<beta>-1b (placebo 2.6%, IFN beta -1b, 3.7%; P > 0.05). These results are consistent with ongoing tissue loss in both arms of this study of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. This finding is concordant with previous observations that disease progression, although delayed, is not halted by IFN beta. The different pattern seen in patients with and without baseline gadolinium enhancement suggests that part of the cerebral volume reduction observed in IFN beta -treated patients may be due to the anti-inflammatory/antioedematous effect of the drug. Longer periods of observation and larger groups of patients may be needed to detect the effects of treatment on cerebral atrophy in this population of patients with advanced disease

    Caracterização térmica de amido e bagaço de Amaranthus cruentus.

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    O amaranto é um pseudocereal, que produz pequenas sementes de cor amarelo-avermelhado. Foram avaliados o amido e o bagaço de amaranto obtidos no processo de extração. Nas curvas TG/DTG identificouse que o bagaço não apresentou período de estabilidade térmica, justificado pela composição mais complexa. Com o DSC visualizou-se a ocorrência de gelatinização do bagaço, com To e Tp superiores ao amido, porém, com menor entalpia, apontando um teor residual de amido.Edição dos Anais do 7º Simpósio de Análise Térmica, 2015, Bauru

    Resultats de la tècnica dels microsatèl·lits o SSR aplicada al trepat

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    L?objectiu d?aquest treball és fer la caracterització de la varietat trepat mitjançant la tècnica dels microsatèl·lits (SSR), i a partir del germoplasma de Bodegues Sumarroca, SL. Es tracta, doncs, de fer una exhaustiva revisió de les bases de dades ampelogràfiques, de la bibliografia i de tota la informació en línia, i comparar-la amb els resultats obtinguts a partir de l?estudi del genoma (microsatèl·lits en aquest cas).El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer la caracterización de la variedad trepat mediante la técnica de microsatélites (S. S. R.) y a partir del germoplasma de Bodegas Sumarroca, S. L. Se trata, pues, de hacer una exhaustiva revisión de las bases de datos ampelográficas, de la bibliografía y de toda la información en línea y compararla con los resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio del genoma (microsatélites en este caso)

    Estudi de l'evolució de la climatologia a la Conca de Barberà en els darrers cinquanta anys i les possibles repercussions en la viticultura del segle XXI

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    L'estudi s'ha dut a terme a Montblanc (capital de la Conca de Barberà). S'han analitzat tendències de temperatures i pluviometries per a cada estadi fenològic de la vinya, amb la finalitat de poder determinar els impactes sobre la viticultura de la zona. La base de dades correspon a l'observatori de Montblanc (coordenades UTM: X: 341.175; Y: 4.584.350; Z: 441 m s. n. m.). La sèrie climàtica de temperatures va des de l'any 1950 fins al 2007 i la pluviometria va des de l'any 1914 fins al 2007. Es poden observar tendències creixents de temperatures màximes i una lleugera pujada de les temperatures mínimes. Les precipitacions disminueixen progressivament cada any i es concentren en determinades èpoques de l'any, per tant, es desestacionalitzen els períodes de pluges, i s'incrementa el dèficit hídric entre la brotada i el verol (és important recalcar que en aquest període l'estrès hídric ha de ser nul).El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en Montblanc (capital de la Conca de Barberà). Se ha analizado tendencias de temperaturas y pluviometrías para cada estado fenológico de la vid, con la finalidad de poder determinar los impactos sobre la viticultura de la zona. La base de datos corresponde al observatorio de Montblanc (coordenadas UTM: X: 341.175; Y: 4.584.350; Z: 441 m s. n. m.) La serie climática de temperaturas va desde el año 1950 hasta el 2007 y la pluviometría va desde el año 1914 hasta el 2007. Se pueden observar tendencias crecientes de temperaturas máximas y una ligera subida de las temperaturas mínimas. Las precipitaciones disminuyen progresivamente cada año y se concentran en determinadas épocas del año, por lo tanto se desestacionalizan los periodos de lluvia y se incrementa el déficit hídrico entre el brote y el envero (es importante recalcar que en este periodo el estrés hídrico ha de ser nulo)

    Resultats de la tècnica dels microsatèl·lits o SSR aplicada al trepat

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    L?objectiu d?aquest treball és fer la caracterització de la varietat trepat mitjançant la tècnica dels microsatèl·lits (SSR), i a partir del germoplasma de Bodegues Sumarroca, SL. Es tracta, doncs, de fer una exhaustiva revisió de les bases de dades ampelogràfiques, de la bibliografia i de tota la informació en línia, i comparar-la amb els resultats obtinguts a partir de l?estudi del genoma (microsatèl·lits en aquest cas).El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer la caracterización de la variedad trepat mediante la técnica de microsatélites (S. S. R.) y a partir del germoplasma de Bodegas Sumarroca, S. L. Se trata, pues, de hacer una exhaustiva revisión de las bases de datos ampelográficas, de la bibliografía y de toda la información en línea y compararla con los resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio del genoma (microsatélites en este caso)

    Effect of treatment with hcl/alcoholic in the modification of corn starch.

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    Corn is the cereal most produced in the world. Corn starches were modified by HCl 0.1 mol L-1 in alcoholic and aqueous solutions. Three mass losses can be observed in the degradation process using TG-DTG curve. The native and treated starches samples don't show differences in the stability region. With DSC curves were observed lower values of the &#916;H of gelatinization of the modified starch by HCl in the alcoholic solutions. The modifications using alcoholic solutions demonstrated a good alternative to obtain modifies starches.Edição dos Anais do 7º Simpósio de Análise Térmica, 2015, Bauru

    Development of CIGS2 Thin Films on Ultralightweight Flexible Large Area Foil Sunstrates

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    The development of thin film solar cells is aimed at reducing the costs for photovoltaic systems. Use of thin film technology and thin foil substrate such as 5-mil thick stainless steel foil or 1-mil thick Ti would result in considerable costs savings. Another important aspect is manufacturing cost. Current single crystal technology for space power can cost more than 300perwattatthearraylevelandweighmorethan1kg/sqmequivalenttospecificpowerofapprox.65W/kg.ThinfilmmaterialsuchasCuIn1−xGaxS2(CIGS2),CuIn(1−x)Ga(x)Se(2−y)S(y)(CIGSS)oramorphoushydrogenatedsilicon(a−Si:H)maybeabletoreduceboththecostandmassperunitareabyanorderofmagnitude.Manufacturingcostsforsolararraysareanimportantconsiderationfortotalspacecraftbudget.Foramediumsized5kWsatelliteforexample,thearraymanufacturingcostalonemayexceed 300 per watt at the array level and weigh more than 1 kg/sq m equivalent to specific power of approx. 65 W/kg. Thin film material such as CuIn1-xGaxS2 (CIGS2), CuIn(1-x)Ga(x)Se(2-y)S(y) (CIGSS) or amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H) may be able to reduce both the cost and mass per unit area by an order of magnitude. Manufacturing costs for solar arrays are an important consideration for total spacecraft budget. For a medium sized 5kW satellite for example, the array manufacturing cost alone may exceed 2 million. Moving to thin film technology could reduce this expense to less than $ 500K. Earlier publications have demonstrated the potential of achieving higher efficiencies from CIGSS thin film solar cells on 5-mil thick stainless steel foil as well as initial stages of facility augmentation for depositing thin film solar cells on larger (6 in x 4 in) substrates. This paper presents the developmental study of achieving stress free Mo coating; uniform coatings of Mo back contact and metallic precursors. The paper also presents the development of sol gel process, refurbishment of selenization/sulfurization furnace, chemical bath deposition (CBD) for n-type CdS and scrubber for detoxification of H2S and H2Se gases
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