672 research outputs found

    Improved high pressure turbine shroud

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    A new high pressure turbine shroud material has been developed from the consolidation of prealloyed powders of Ni, Cr, Al and Y. The new material, a filler for cast turbine shroud body segments, is called Genaseal. The development followed the identification of oxidation resistance as the primary cause of prior shroud deterioration, since conversion to oxides reduces erosion resistance and increases spalling under thermal cycled engine conditions. The NICrAlY composition was selected in preference to NIAL and FeCRALY alloys, and was formulated to a prescribed density range that offers suitable erosion resistance, thermal conductivity and elastic modulus for improved behavior as a shroud

    A study of patent thickets

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    Report analysing whether entry of UK enterprises into patenting in a technology area is affected by patent thickets in the technology area

    How to measure patent thickets – a novel approach

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    The existing literature identifies patent thickets indirectly. In this paper we propose a novel measure based on patent citations which allows us to measure the density of patent thickets directly. We discuss the algorithm which generates the measure and present descriptive results validating it. Moreover, we identify technology areas which are particularly impacted by patent thickets

    emm typing and validation of provisional M types for group A streptococci.

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    This report discusses the following issues related to typing of group A streptococci (GAS): The development and use of the 5' emm variable region sequencing (emm typing) in relation to the existing serologic typing system; the designation of emm types in relation to M types; a system for validation of new emm types; criteria for validation of provisional M types to new M-types; a list of reference type cultures for each of the M-type or emm-type strains of GAS; the results of the first culture exchange program for a quality control testing system among the national and World Health Organization collaborating centers for streptococci; and dissemination of new approaches to typing of GAS to the international streptococcal community

    Molecular pathogenesis of sporadic prion diseases in man

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    The yeast, fungal and mammalian prions determine heritable and infectious traits that are encoded in alternative conformations of proteins. They cause lethal sporadic, familial and infectious neurodegenerative conditions in man, including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), kuru, sporadic fatal insomnia (SFI) and likely variable protease-sensitive prionopathy (VPSPr). The most prevalent of human prion diseases is sporadic (s)CJD. Recent advances in amplification and detection of prions led to considerable optimism that early and possibly preclinical diagnosis and therapy might become a reality. Although several drugs have already been tested in small numbers of sCJD patients, there is no clear evidence of any agent’s efficacy. Therefore, it remains crucial to determine the full spectrum of sCJD prion strains and the conformational features in the pathogenic human prion protein governing replication of sCJD prions. Research in this direction is essential for the rational development of diagnostic as well as therapeutic strategies. Moreover, there is growing recognition that fundamental processes involved in human prion propagation – intercellular induction of protein misfolding and seeded aggregation of misfolded host proteins – are of far wider significance. This insight leads to new avenues of research in the ever-widening spectrum of age-related human neurodegenerative diseases that are caused by protein misfolding and that pose a major challenge for healthcare

    Prion Shedding from Olfactory Neurons into Nasal Secretions

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    This study investigated the role of prion infection of the olfactory mucosa in the shedding of prion infectivity into nasal secretions. Prion infection with the HY strain of the transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent resulted in a prominent infection of the olfactory bulb and the olfactory sensory epithelium including the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and vomeronasal receptor neurons (VRNs), whose axons comprise the two olfactory cranial nerves. A distinct glycoform of the disease-specific isoform of the prion protein, PrPSc, was found in the olfactory mucosa compared to the olfactory bulb, but the total amount of HY TME infectivity in the nasal turbinates was within 100-fold of the titer in the olfactory bulb. PrPSc co-localized with olfactory marker protein in the soma and dendrites of ORNs and VRNs and also with adenylyl cyclase III, which is present in the sensory cilia of ORNs that project into the lumen of the nasal airway. Nasal lavages from HY TME-infected hamsters contained prion titers as high as 103.9 median lethal doses per ml, which would be up to 500-fold more infectious in undiluted nasal fluids. These findings were confirmed using the rapid PrPSc amplification QuIC assay, indicating that nasal swabs have the potential to be used for prion diagnostics. These studies demonstrate that prion infection in the olfactory epithelium is likely due to retrograde spread from the olfactory bulb along the olfactory and vomeronasal axons to the soma, dendrites, and cilia of these peripheral neurons. Since prions can replicate to high levels in neurons, we propose that ORNs can release prion infectivity into nasal fluids. The continual turnover and replacement of mature ORNs throughout the adult lifespan may also contribute to prion shedding from the nasal passage and could play a role in transmission of natural prion diseases in domestic and free-ranging ruminants

    Patent Pools: Intellectual Property Rights and Competition

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    Patent pools do not correct all problems associated with patent thickets. In this respect, patent pools might not stop the outsider problem from striking pools. Moreover, patent pools can be expensive to negotiate, can exclude patent holders with smaller numbers of patents or enable a group of major players to form a cartel that excludes new competitors. For all the above reasons, patent pools are subject to regulatory clearance because they could result in a monopoly. The aim of this article is to present the relationship between patents and competition in a broad context

    Population Genetics of Streptococcus dysgalactiae Subspecies equisimilis Reveals Widely Dispersed Clones and Extensive Recombination

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    Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis (SDSE) is an emerging global pathogen that can colonize and infect humans. Although most SDSE isolates possess the Lancefield group G carbohydrate, a significant minority have the group C carbohydrate. Isolates are further sub-typed on the basis of differences within the emm gene. To gain a better understanding of their molecular epidemiology and evolutionary relationships, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis was performed on SDSE isolates collected from Australia, Europe and North America.The 178 SDSE isolates, representing 37 emm types, segregate into 80 distinct sequence types (STs) that form 17 clonal complexes (CCs). Eight STs recovered from all three continents account for >50% of the isolates. Thus, a small number of STs are highly prevalent and have a wide geographic distribution. Both ST and CC strongly correlate with group carbohydrate. In contrast, eleven STs were associated with >1 emm type, suggestive of recombinational replacements involving the emm gene; furthermore, 35% of the emm types are associated with genetically distant STs. Data also reveal a history of extensive inter- and intra-species recombination involving the housekeeping genes used for MLST. Sequence analysis of single locus variants identified through goeBURST indicates that genetic change mediated by recombination occurred approximately 4.4 times more frequently than by point mutation.A few genetic lineages with an intercontinental distribution dominate among SDSE causing infections in humans. The distinction between group C and G isolates reflects recent evolution, and no long-term genetic isolation between them was found. Lateral gene transfer and recombination involving housekeeping genes and the emm gene are important mechanisms driving genetic variability in the SDSE population