14 research outputs found


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    Especially in Rokan Hulu Regency, the low productivity of upland rice is caused by the improper planting time. Land dryness often occurs as a result of incorrectly predicting climate which in turn hurts crop yields. This research was conducted to determine the level of groundwater availability based on the analysis of the land water balance and to determine the planting time of upland rice in the Rokan Hulu Regency. The method used in this research is a survey method. The primary data consisted of the water content of field capacity, permanent wilting point, and bulk density. Location of the soil sampling consisted of seven Homogeneous Land Units (SLH) resulted from overlay of soil type map, administrative map, dryland agricultural map using the Geographic Information System technique. Secondary data (climate period 1990-2019) were obtained from Balai Wilayah Sungai Sumatera III. Land water balance analysis was performed using the Thornthwaite-Matter methods. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics to explain the period of surplus and deficit in groundwater, as well as for determining the planting time for upland rice based on soil water content and plant water needs per growing period at each SLH. The results of the research showed that the Rokan Hulu regency was classified as a wet area with an annual rainfall of 2,751.1 mm (Oldemann C1). Soil water content is classified as very sufficient criteria every month, both topsoil and bottom layer in the range of January-May and September-December. However, in the range of June-August, the soil water content varied at each SLH. Upland rice planting (Inpago Varieties) can be done in January, May, and September in SLH 1, SLH 2, SLH 3, SLH 4, SLH 5, and SLH 6, while in SLH 7 upland rice planting is carried out in January and September. Planting using local varieties can be done in February and September in SLH 1, SLH 2, SLH 3, SLH 4, SLH 5, and SLH 6, while in SLH 7 planting can be done in March and September. Alternating planting can also be done by planting inpago varieties in February and local varieties in September

    Digital Analyses of Landsat ETM+ for Identify Agroforestry System in Riau

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    The objectives were to identify land characteristics of agroforestry system that influencing its benefit value, and to compile criteria of site specific. Location were identified by the Landsat 7 ETM+ that designed in the landuse utilization type: rubber agroforestry is identified by cyan old (RGB pixel 143,37; 173,04; 96,03) and palm oil agroforestry is identified by varying bright green-green (red-green-blue pixel 33-145; 142-253; 46-139). In each the landuse utilization type done by measurement of land characteristics, cost the inputs, and price the benefits. The maximum likelihood classification system is used for classification; the benefit value were calculated by benefit-cost ratio; the suitability criteria of site spesific were compiled by cluster analysis. The economic suitability criteria of rubber are: I (4,18-3,94); II (3,94-3,15); III (3,15-2,73); IV (2,73-2,31), the economic suitability criteria of palm oil are: I (3,30-2,72); II (2,72-2,07); III (2,07-1,38); IV (1,38-1,18), and would be base saturation, exchangeable Ca, and Mg. These criteria can be used to evaluate of suitability for the agroforestry system rubber and palm oil in Riau

    Evaluasi Kriteria Kesesuaian Sistem Perkebunan Karet Di Daerah Kerinci Dan Sekitarnya Evaluation of Suitability Criteria for the Rubber Plantation System in Kerinci and Its Surrounding Area

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    Identification of land characteristics to evaluate the rubber plantation system was carried out at the Kerinci and its surrounding area, Riau from May 2002 up to October 2003. The objectives of this research were to identify land characteristics of plantation system influencing its production and benefit value, and to compile criteria of site specific. Location was identified by the Land-sat 7 ETM+ band 347 RGB designed in the land use utilization type (LUT): garden and estate. In each LUT it was done by measurement of land characteristics, cost the inputs, and price the benefits. The land characteristics were evaluated by parametric method; the benefit value was calculated by benefit-cost ratio (BCR); the suitability criteria of site specific were compiled by cluster analysis. The results showed that the production suitability criteria were (kg wet rubber/ha/yr): I (2,062.28-2,099.56); II (1,523.44-2,062.28); III (996.88-1,523.44); IV (933.13-996.88), the economic suitability criteria were (BCR): I (2.44-2.58); II (1.83-2.44); III (1.51-1.83); IV (1.32-1.51), and would be determined by drainage, base saturation, exchangeable Al, and organic-C. These criteria could be used for evaluating suitability of the rubber plantation system at the Kerinci and its surrounding area

    Tingkat Kerusakan Tanah Akibat Produksi Biomassa Pertanian di Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The research aims to study the land degradation as impact agricultural biomass production Sub-district Kuala Cenaku Indragiri Hulu, Riau Province. The research was carried out with methods of soil survey. Based on field observations that guided map and global positioning observation 4 point to the use of agricultural biomass production and 5 points on the production of forest biomass as a control. Based on Government Regulation No. 7/2006, land quality in Kuala Cenaku is not degradation criteria by agricultural biomass production. In General, value of parameters subsidence, pirit, ground water depth, pH, redox, electric conductivity, bulk density and particle density of the agricultural biomass production is higher than the production of biomass forestry. However, the value of the number of microbes, solum thickness, permeability, moisture content and porosity in agricultural biomass production is lower than on the production of biomass forestry

    Penilaian Kerusakan Tanah pada Produksi Biomassa Perkebunan di Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    This research aims to identify the damage of the soil as well as evaluating the extent of soils damage due to the production of biomass plantations. This research was conducted using survey methods. The result shows that based on evaluation on plantation of biomass production which is as a result of forest conversion, founded there are same soil chemical and physical are changing. The physical soil changes on plantation area are moisture content that increasing 1.2%, decrease of water content 18.1% on sub group haplosaprists soil, increaseing of weight 0,19 g/cm3 on sub group endoaquents land, decrease of weight to 0.02 g/cm3 on haplosaprists soil sub group, the increase in the value of specific gravity 0.36 g/cm3 soil sub group on endoaquents heavy type of value, decrease ofland sub group haplosaprists 0.27 g/cm3, the decline in the value of the total pore space is 1.65 % on the land sub group endoaquents and 2.1 % on the land sub group haplosaprists. Chemical changes on plantations are decreasing of pH soils 2.1 on the sub group haplosaprists land, a decrease of DHL value 1.79 dS/m on the sub group endoaquents land, an increase of 0.36 dS/m on the sub group haplosaprists land, redox value of soil on the 25.5 mV on the sub group haplosaprists land. Biological properties of the soil changes on the plantation include the increasing amount of soil microbes 2.6 cfu/g on the sub group endoaquents soil and 2.1 cfu/g on sub group at haplosaprists soil

    The effectiveness of canal blocking for hydrological restoration in tropical peatland

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    The Peatland Restoration Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BRG-RI), an agency that is mandated to restore 2 million hectares of degraded peatland by 2020, has developed a 3-R approach towards tackling the problem based on the program of rewetting, revegetation, and revitalization of livelihood for the peatlands restoration in Indonesia. The Rewetting program that aims to rehabilitate hydrologically a peatland to a near natural state is carried out by canal blocking, canal backfilling, and construction of deep wells. To know the progress of the restoration activities by BRG, it is very important to understand the effectiveness of canal blocking on rewetting of the tropical peatland. The effectiveness of canal blocking was investigated through the monitoring of groundwater level (GWL) fluctuation around the canal block. This study was carried out at a canal block that is located at the peatland of Sungai Tohor Village, Kepulauan Meranti Regency, Riau Province. For monitoring of GWL fluctuation as the impact of canal blocking, five dipwells were set at the peatland that are perpendicular to the canal with the distance of 20 m, 70 m, 120 m, 170 m, and 220 m respectively. The results of this study show that the impact of canal blocking could raise the water table in the peatland at the radius of about 170 m from the canal. The radius impact of the re-wetting might be bigger or smaller, that strongly depends on the hydrotopography situation of the area

    Analisis Potensi Desa Sebagai Landasan Pengembangan Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata

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    Potensi Pengembangan program pemberdayaan masyarakat harus berorientasi meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan menggunakan sumber daya yang ada. Program harus mempertimbangkan keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh suatu daerah. Oleh karena itu penting untuk melakukan analisis potensi desa sebelum mengambangkan sebuah program pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kukerta) merupakan salah satu bentuk program pengabdian masyaraat yang dimotori oleh mahasiswa dan dibimbing langsung oleh Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan. Dari tahun ke tahun program Kukerta terus berkembang menyesuaikan kondisi yang ada. Dalam rangka untuk memasimalkan rancangan program yang dilaksanakan, perlu dilakukan analisis potensi desa terlebih dahulu. Dalam melaksanakan analisis potensi desa, focus pemetaan akan dilaksanakan pada sector (a) perkebunan dan pangan, (b) pariwisata, (c) tambang dan energi, (d) industry, serta (e) kesehatan. Lima indicator tersebut dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk penyusunan program. Data diperoleh melalui survey oleh mahasiswa Kukerta pada tahun 2022. Setelah itu data akan ditabulasi dan dipetakan untuk kemudian dijadikan bahan penyusunan model yang baru

    Perencanaan Pengembangan Hortikultura pada Lahan Gambut Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi

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    Analisis Digital Landsat Etm+ untuk Mengidentifikasi Sistem Agroforestri Daerah Riau

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    The objectives were to identify land characteristics of agroforestry system that influencing its benefit value, and to compile criteria of site specific. Location were identified by the Landsat 7 ETM+ that designed in the land use utilization type: rubber agroforestry is identified by cyan old (RGB pixel 143,37; 173,04; 96,03) and palm oil agroforestry is identified by varying bright green-green (red-green-blue pixel 33-145; 142-253; 46-139). In each the land use utilization type done by measurement of land characteristics, cost the inputs, and price the benefits. The maximum likelihood classification system is used for classification; the benefit values were calculated by benefit-cost ratio; the suitability criteria of site specific were compiled by cluster analysis. The economic suitability criteria of rubber are: I (4,18-3,94); II (3,94-3,15); III (3,15-2,73); IV (2,73-2,31), the economic suitability criteria of palm oil are: I (3,30-2,72); II (2,72-2,07); III (2,07-1,38); IV (1,38-1,18), and would be base saturation, exchangeable Ca, and Mg. These criteria can be used to evaluate of suitability for the agroforestry system rubber and palm oil in Riau