85 research outputs found

    Rural and Small Town Employment: Structure by Industry

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    Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital,

    La macchina pensante e il pensiero educativo

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    In this paper we will present the relationship that has always occurred between people and technology, “the thinking machine”. Such relationship has become so interlaced in our technologically advanced cultures, that technology is itself considered as “the destiny of our time”. It is for this reason that in this paper wewill try to consider some theories concerning the construction of “intelligent machines”, that is, referring to the typical peculiarities of the human thought. This field’s theoretical starting point is strictly physical. The possibility to artificially reproduce intelligence is related to the study of the material of the cognitive processes. The “revolution” that this prospective of study brings in all fieldsof knowledge is connected to the need to initiate, master and to develop the knowledge of the people-system as an indispensible precondition to whatever realization of the system-machine.On the one hand, we will analyze this idea from the point of view of information processing, defined as Artificial Intelligence, while from the other side we will analyze the cognitive processes of the people in order to obtain from the machine his/her own intelligent behaviors as well as enquire and study the cognitiveprocesses of the people so that we can artificially identify “the internal artificial architecture” by examining the effects of the cognitive development provoked by the contact with the new technologies.In questo articolo presenteremo il rapporto che da sempre si è verificato tra le persone e la tecnologia, “la macchina pensante”. Tale rapporto è diventato così intrecciato nelle nostre culture tecnologicamente avanzate, che la tecnologia è di per sé considerata come “il destino del nostro tempo”. È per questo motivo che in questo contributo si cercherà di considerare alcune teorie relative alla costruzione di “macchine intelligenti”, facendo riferimento alle peculiarità tipiche del pensiero umano.Il punto di partenza teorico di questo campo è strettamente fisico. La possibilità di riprodurre artificialmente intelligenza è legata allo studio del materiale dei processi cognitivi. La “rivoluzione” che questo studio prospettico introduce in tutti i campi della conoscenza è collegata alla necessità di avviare, master e sviluppare la conoscenza del sistema-persona come condizione indispensabileper qualunque realizzazione del sistema-macchina.Da un lato, è necessario analizzare quest’idea dal punto di vista dell’elaborazione delle informazioni, definito come intelligenza artificiale, mentre, dall’altro lato, vanno analizzati i processi cognitivi delle persone, al fine di ottenere dalla macchina comportamenti intelligenti; è pertanto necessario informarsi estudiare i processi cognitivi delle persone in modo da poter identificare artificialmente “l’architettura artificiale interna” esaminando gli effetti dello sviluppo cognitivo provocato dal contatto con le nuove tecnologie

    Educazione degli Adulti in una società globale. Una concettualizzazione da un punto di vista storico

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    In the light of this preliminary reflection, we can therefore assert that eventoday, at the beginning of the Third Millennium and in the full-time of information technology and complete realization of the global village, in short,in the area of diffused knowledge, the Adult Education, both as a scientificdiscipline and as institutionalized activity, retains the essential and originaldouble meaning, on the one hand, of reflection/intervention to help theadult literacy to recover a deficit of alphabetization caused by the increasingtechnological complexity and knowledge of the contemporary world, and on the other hand, to care for the needs of self-education, cultural and spiritual growth of each person in the whole course of his life.Just at the time when Adult Education is becoming more and more the characterof an utilitarian, instrumental intervention required by the exigencies of technological upgrading of production world and signs of serious employmentcrisis in all sectors, it must also preserve the other function, that of activity meeting the most intimate needs, of more intense spirituality andfreedom of the individual.Alla luce di questa riflessione preliminare, possiamo quindi affermare cheancora oggi, all’inizio del Terzo Millennio e nel tempo pieno della tecnologiainformatica e nella compiuta realizzazione del villaggio globale, insommanell’area della conoscenza diffusa, l’Educazione degli Adulti, sia comedisciplina scientifica, sia come attività istituzionalizzata, conserva il duplicesignificato essenziale ed originario, da una parte, di riflessione/interventoper aiutare l’adulto a recuperare un deficit di alfabetizzazione causato dallacrescente complessità tecnologica e conoscitiva del mondo contemporaneo,e, dall’altra, di sollecitudine per le esigenze di auto-educazione, dicrescita culturale e spirituale di ogni uomo in tutto il corso della sua vita.Proprio nel momento in cui l’Educazione degli Adulti assume sempre più ilcarattere di un intervento di tipo utilitaristico, strumentale, richiesto dalleesigenze di aggiornamento tecnologico del mondo della produzione e daigravi segni di crisi occupazionali in tutti i settori, essa deve conservare anchel’altra funzione, quella di attività rispondente ai bisogni più intimi, dipiù intensa libertà e spiritualità della persona


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    The purpose of this paper is to describe some of the critical social-economic development transformations in Durrës as one of the most economically important cities of Albania. Since the fall of communism, Durrës is overcoming a critical economic situation, which has had an adverse impact on its social indicators. Actually, after two decades, the process of urbanization is still facing challenges all over the country. The quality of environmental development has improved recently but implementation leave much to be desired. Durrës underwent an uncontrolled urban development, where illegal buildings were constructed in previously green areas. In this paper the transition process will be analyze through a thorough overview of the sectors and the areas that are problematic. It will try to identify in which conditions are this sectors, which potential do they have, and which pose a threat and what kind of threat. A good starting point in understanding the actual development, is also the analyze of the hot areas of Durrës that might need intervention. It is very important to approach these issues and to establish a new strategy for an sustainable development, so that Durrës can place itself on the right way of becoming a competitive European center


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    The human life coincides with a pedagogical itinerary that, if denied, leads to the denial of life itself; in fact, it is not possible for the educative necessities to appear to us as exhaustible, but only as adults, and not always, we are able to realize that the changing exigencies constantly accompany us and correspond to pulsations involving the mind, the body and the interpersonal relations. Humans are all educating persons and they are actually possible to be educated as long as they don’t live isolated or remain abandoned in themselves in the hard efforts to accomplish a continuum of their education, but live instead in a world made of cultures and persons varying from each other. And it is exactly the presence of these diversities and the confrontation among them that provoke strong changing and as a consequence, the exigency of continuous enrichment and growth in the single individuals

    Best Practices of Consuming Linked Open Data

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    The term Linked Data is defined as a set of best practices for publishing and interlinking structured data on the web. These best practices were introduced by Tim Berners-Lee and are also known as principles. These best practices are used by the vast majority of data providers leading to the establishment of a global data space known as the web of data. In this paper will analyze and explore the technical principles of Linked Data, the best practices of using Linked Data, some deployed Linked Data applications and use cases to exploit the Web of Data

    Le dinamiche interculturali nella scuola contemporanea

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    The importance of interculturalism, the analysis of its significance, research into the possible dynamics, its mode of development, open a series of studies of particular interest and contributions. In fact, the educational needs can no longer appear to infinite and endless because, as adults, we feel that the needs of change correspond to drives that involve the mind, body andrelationships. “Men are all human, and because their pupils are educated in fact do not live as isolated, are not left to themselves the immense effort put in place the continuum of their education” (AA.VV., 1998, p. 17), but live in a world of cultures, different people from one another.And it is precisely the presence of these differences and the comparison between them that causes severe changes and consequently, the need for enrichment and continued growth in individuals.L’importanza dell’interculturalità, l’analisi del suo significato, la ricerca riguardante le possibili dinamiche, le sue modalità di sviluppo, aprono una serie di contributi e di studi particolarmente interessanti. Infatti, i bisogni educativi non possono più apparirci infiniti e interminabili perché, da adulti, si avverte che leesigenze di cambiamento corrispondono a pulsioni che coinvolgono la mente, il corpo e le relazioni interpersonali. «Gli uomini sono tutti educandi in quanto umani e sono di fatto anche educabili in quanto non vivono isolati, non restano abbandonati a loro stessi nell’immane sforzo di concretare il continuum della loroeducazione» (AA.VV, 1998, p. 17), ma vivono in un mondo fatto di culture, di persone differenti l’una dall’altra.Ed è proprio la presenza di queste diversità e il confronto tra di esse che provoca forti cambiamenti e di conseguenza, l’esigenza di arricchimento e di crescita continua nei singoli individu

    The Independence of Albania in 1912 as Documented in German Diplomatic Archives

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    Događaji koji su prethodili neovisnosti Albanije podrobno su dokumentirani u njemačkom diplomatskom arhivu. Njemački diplomati iz regije, u Istanbulu, Ateni, Sofiji, Solunu, Skopju i Cetinju, kao i oni u glavnim gradovima velesila, u Londonu, Rimu, Sankt Peterburgu i Beču, izvještavali su Berlin o događanjima u europskom dijelu Osmanskoga Carstva. Cilj je ovoga rada proučiti spomenute dokumente i učiniti ih dostupnima široj javnosti i novim generacijama povjesničara. Bibliografija njemačkoga Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Auswaertiges Amt, Politisches Archiv Findbuch, Auswaertiges Amt 1867-1920 katalogizira sve dokumente o Albaniji pod vladavinom Carigrada do 1914. jer je njemačko veleposlanstvo u Carigradu do 1914. bilo zaduženo za Albaniju. Te je godine Njemačka prvi put otvorila veleposlanstvo u Tirani te se od tada dokumenti za Albaniju katalogiziraju zasebno. Iz arhivirane dokumentacije vidljivo je da je Njemačka bila vrlo zainteresirana za događanja u Albaniji te da je aktivno podržavala albansku neovisnost, odnosno uspostavljanje albanske države.The events preceding the independence of Albania are documented in detail in German diplomatic archives. German diplomats from the region, in Istanbul, Athens, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Skopje, and Cetinje as well as in the major powers’ capitals – London, Rome, St Petersburg, and Vienna – reported to Berlin on the events in the European part of the Ottoman Empire. The goal of this paper is to study the mentioned documents and make them available to the broader public and younger generations of historians. The bibliography of the German Foreign Ministry, Auswaertiges Amt, Politisches Archiv Findbuch, Auswaertiges Amt 1867 – 1920 Oxford, Teil I und II, 1956, catalogues all available documents on Albania under Ottoman rule till 1914 because the German embassy in Istanbul was responsible for Albania at that time. In 1914, Germany opened its first embassy in Tirana, and from then on documents for Albania were catalogued separately. The archived documents show that Germany was very interested in the events in Albania and actively supported Albanian independence, i.e. the establishment of an Albanian state