52 research outputs found

    Revisiting gametocyte biology in malaria parasites

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    Gametocytes are the only form of the malaria parasite that is transmissible to the mosquito vector. They are present at low levels in blood circulation and significant knowledge gaps exist in their biology. Recent reductions in the global malaria burden have brought the possibility of elimination and eradication, with renewed focus on malaria transmission biology as a basis for interventions. This review discusses recent insights into gametocyte biology in the major human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum and related species

    Specific tagging of the egress-related osmiophilic bodies in the gametocytes of Plasmodium falciparum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gametocytes, the blood stages responsible for <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>transmission, contain electron dense organelles, traditionally named osmiophilic bodies, that are believed to be involved in gamete egress from the host cell. In order to provide novel tools in the cellular and molecular studies of osmiophilic body biology, a <it>P. falciparum </it>transgenic line in which these organelles are specifically marked by a reporter protein was produced and characterized.</p> <p>Methodology</p> <p>A <it>P. falciparum </it>transgenic line expressing an 80-residue N-terminal fragment of the osmiophilic body protein Pfg377 fused to the reporter protein DsRed, under the control of <it>pfg377 </it>upstream and downstream regulatory regions, was produced.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The transgenic fusion protein is expressed at the appropriate time and stage of sexual differentiation and is trafficked to osmiophilic bodies as the endogenous Pfg377 protein. These results indicate that a relatively small N-terminal portion of Pfg377 is sufficient to target the DsRed reporter to the gametocyte osmiophilic bodies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first identification of a <it>P. falciparum </it>aminoacid sequence able to mediate trafficking to such organelles. To fluorescently tag such poorly characterized organelles opens novel avenues in cellular and imaging studies on their biogenesis and on their role in gamete egress.</p

    Malaria transmission through the mosquito requires the function of the OMD protein

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    Ookinetes, one of the motile and invasive forms of the malaria parasite, rely on gliding motility in order to establish an infection in the mosquito host. Here we characterize the protein PBANKA_0407300 which is conserved in the Plasmodium genus but lacks significant similarity to proteins of other eukaryotes. It is expressed in gametocytes and throughout the invasive mosquito stages of P. berghei, but is absent from asexual blood stages. Mutants lacking the protein developed morphologically normal ookinetes that were devoid of productive motility although some stretching movement could be detected. We therefore named the protein Ookinete Motility Deficient (OMD). Several key factors known to be involved in motility however were normally expressed and localized in the mutant. Importantly, the mutant failed to establish an infection in the mosquito which resulted in a total malaria transmission blockade

    Essential role of Plasmodium perforin-like protein 4 in ookinete midgut passage.

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    Pore forming proteins such as those belonging to the membrane attack/perforin (MACPF) family have important functions in many organisms. Of the five MACPF proteins found in Plasmodium parasites, three have functions in cell passage and one in host cell egress. Here we report an analysis of the perforin-like protein 4, PPLP4, in the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei. We found that the protein is expressed only in the ookinete, the invasive stage of the parasite formed in the mosquito midgut. Transcriptional analysis revealed that expression of the pplp4 gene commences during ookinete development. The protein was detected in retorts and mature ookinetes. Using two antibodies, the protein was found localized in a dotted pattern, and 3-D SIM super-resolution microcopy revealed the protein in the periphery of the cell. Analysis of a C-terminal mCherry fusion of the protein however showed mainly cytoplasmic label. A pplp4 null mutant formed motile ookinetes, but these were unable to invade and traverse the midgut epithelium resulting in severely impaired oocyst formation and no transmission to naïve mice. However, when in vitro cultured ookinetes were injected into the thorax of the mosquito, thus by-passing midgut passage, sporozoites were formed and the mutant parasites were able to infect naïve mice. Taken together, our data show that PPLP4 is required only for ookinete invasion of the mosquito midgut. Thus PPLP4 has a similar role to the previously studied PPLP3 and PPLP5, raising the question why three proteins with MACPF domains are needed for invasion by the ookinete of the mosquito midgut epithelium

    Egress-related osmiophilic bodies

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    © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Summary: Gametogenesis is the earliest event after uptake of malaria parasites by the mosquito vector, with a decisive impact on colonization of the mosquito midgut. This process is triggered by a drop in temperature and contact with mosquito molecules. In a few minutes, male and female gametocytes escape from the host erythrocyte by rupturing the parasitophorous vacuole and the erythrocyte membranes. Electron-dense, oval-shaped organelles, the osmiophilic bodies (OB), have been implicated in the egress of female gametocytes. By comparative electron microscopy and electron tomography analyses combined with immunolocalization experiments, we here define the morphological features distinctive of male secretory organelles, hereafter named MOB (male osmiophilic bodies). These organelles appear as club-shaped, electron-dense vesicles, smaller than female OB. We found that a drop in temperature triggers MOB clustering, independently of exposure to other stimuli. MDV1/PEG3, a protein associated with OB in Plasmodium berghei females, localizes to both non-clustered and clustered MOB, suggesting that clustering precedes vesicle discharge. A P.berghei mutant lacking the OB-resident female-specific protein Pbg377 displays a dramatic reduction in size of the OB, accompanied by a delay in female gamete egress efficiency, while female gamete fertility is not affected. Immunolocalization experiments indicated that MDV1/PEG3 is still recruited to OB-remnant structures

    The recurrent pathogenic Pro890Leu substitution in CLTC causes a generalized defect in synaptic transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    De novo CLTC mutations underlie a spectrum of early-onset neurodevelopmental phenotypes having developmental delay/intellectual disability (ID), epilepsy, and movement disorders (MD) as major clinical features. CLTC encodes the widely expressed heavy polypeptide of clathrin, a major component of the coated vesicles mediating endocytosis, intracellular trafficking, and synaptic vesicle recycling. The underlying pathogenic mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we assessed the functional impact of the recurrent c.2669C &gt; T (p.P890L) substitution, which is associated with a relatively mild ID/MD phenotype. Primary fibroblasts endogenously expressing the mutated protein show reduced transferrin uptake compared to fibroblast lines obtained from three unrelated healthy donors, suggesting defective clathrin-mediated endocytosis. In vitro studies also reveal a block in cell cycle transition from G0/G1 to the S phase in patient's cells compared to control cells. To demonstrate the causative role of the p.P890L substitution, the pathogenic missense change was introduced at the orthologous position of the Caenorhabditis elegans gene, chc-1 (p.P892L), via CRISPR/Cas9. The resulting homozygous gene-edited strain displays resistance to aldicarb and hypersensitivity to PTZ, indicating defective release of acetylcholine and GABA by ventral cord motor neurons. Consistently, mutant animals show synaptic vesicle depletion at the sublateral nerve cords, and slightly defective dopamine signaling, highlighting a generalized deficit in synaptic transmission. This defective release of neurotransmitters is associated with their secondary accumulation at the presynaptic membrane. Automated analysis of C. elegans locomotion indicates that chc-1 mutants move slower than their isogenic controls and display defective synaptic plasticity. Phenotypic profiling of chc-1 (+/P892L) heterozygous animals and transgenic overexpression experiments document a mild dominant-negative behavior for the mutant allele. Finally, a more severe phenotype resembling that of chc-1 null mutants is observed in animals harboring the c.3146 T &gt; C substitution (p.L1049P), homologs of the pathogenic c.3140 T &gt; C (p.L1047P) change associated with a severe epileptic phenotype. Overall, our findings provide novel insights into disease mechanisms and genotype-phenotype correlations of CLTC-related disorders

    Differential Adhesive Properties of Sequestered Asexual and Sexual Stages of Plasmodium falciparum on Human Endothelial Cells Are Tissue Independent

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    The protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum, responsible for the most severe form of malaria, is able to sequester from peripheral circulation during infection. The asexual stage parasites sequester by binding to endothelial cell receptors in the microvasculature of various organs. P. falciparum gametocytes, the developmental stages responsible for parasite transmission from humans to Anopheles mosquitoes, also spend the almost ten days necessary for their maturation sequestered away from the peripheral circulation before they are released in blood mainstream. In contrast to those of asexual parasites, the mechanisms and cellular interactions responsible for immature gametocyte sequestration are largely unexplored, and controversial evidence has been produced so far on this matter. Here we present a systematic comparison of cell binding properties of asexual stages and immature and mature gametocytes from the reference P. falciparum clone 3D7 and from a patient parasite isolate on a panel of human endothelial cells from different tissues. This analysis includes assays on human bone marrow derived endothelial cell lines (HBMEC), as this tissue has been proposed as a major site of gametocyte maturation. Our results clearly demonstrate that cell adhesion of asexual stage parasites is consistently more efficient than that, virtually undetectable of immature gametocytes, irrespectively of the endothelial cell lines used and of parasite genotypes. Importantly, immature gametocytes of both lines tested here do not show a higher binding efficiency compared to asexual stages on bone marrow derived endothelial cells, unlike previously reported in the only study on this issue. This indicates that gametocyte-host interactions in this tissue are unlikely to be mediated by the same adhesion processes to specific endothelial receptors as seen with asexual forms
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