127 research outputs found

    Risk of Credit Cooperatives: An analysis based on the profile of the cooperated

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    This work has as purpose to analyze among the credit operations, those that generate larger breach of contract risk for the cooperative, with base in the profile of the cooperated, and to identify which the strategies can be pointed to avoid possible flaws in the next credit analyses. The work was divided in three stages. The first stage refers to the National Financial System, with the objective of demonstrating as in him the Cooperatives of Credit are inserted. The second stage approaches the System of Cooperative Credit, it presents that form is structured and his/her hierarchical level. The third stage treats of the System of Risk of Credit, in the which the risk, administration and the models of credit evaluation will be analyzed. It was verified that the most appropriate models for analysis of the Cooperatives of Credit are Credit Scoring Models and Credit Bureau, us which, through statistical techniques as the analysis discriminante and regression logistics, the characteristics of considered credits of larger breach of contract risk were demonstrated. The analysis based on identifying the "worse customer", because this generates larger breach of contract risk and it influences in the financial administration. It was ended that the most relevant variables to identify the breach of contract risk were the rude monthly income and the value liberated in the credit concession, because the largest concentration of breach of contract risk

    A Folding-Based Electrochemical Aptasensor for the Single-Step Detection of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

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    Efficient and timely testing has taken center stage in the management, control, and monitoring of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Simple, rapid, cost-effective diagnostics are needed that can complement current polymerase chain reaction-based methods and lateral flow immunoassays. Here, we report the development of an electrochemical sensing platform based on single-walled carbon nanotube screen-printed electrodes (SWCNT-SPEs) functionalized with a redox-tagged DNA aptamer that specifically binds to the receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit. Single-step, reagentless detection of the S1 protein is achieved through a binding-induced, concentration-dependent folding of the DNA aptamer that reduces the efficiency of the electron transfer process between the redox tag and the electrode surface and causes a suppression of the resulting amperometric signal. This aptasensor is specific for the target S1 protein with a dissociation constant (K-D) value of 43 +/- 4 nM and a limit of detection of 7 nM. We demonstrate that the target S1 protein can be detected both in a buffer solution and in an artificial viral transport medium widely used for the collection of nasopharyngeal swabs, and that no cross-reactivity is observed in the presence of different, non-target viral proteins. We expect that this SWCNT-SPE-based format of electrochemical aptasensor will prove useful for the detection of other protein targets for which nucleic acid aptamer ligands are made available

    First-trimester prediction model for placental vascular disorders: an observational prospective study

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    This study aims to develop a multivariable predictive model for the risk of placental vascular complications (PVC), by using biochemical, biophysical, anamnestic and clinical maternal features available at the first trimester. PVC include gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, placenta abruption, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and stillbirth. Prospective study that included all singleton pregnancies attending the first-trimester aneuploidy screening (11 +0–12 +6 weeks) at Obstetrics Unit of the University Hospital of Modena, in Northern Italy, between June 2018 and December 2019. In a total of 503 women included in the analysis, 40 patients were in the PVC group. The final prediction model for PVC included the following independent variables: pre-pregnancy BMI ≥ 30 (OR = 2.65, 95% CI = 1.04; 6.75, p = 0.0415), increasing values of mean arterial pressure (OR = 1.06, 95% CI = 1.02; 1.10, p = 0.0008), PAPP-A < 2.40465 U/L (OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.19; 0.96, p = 0.0388) and decreasing values of PlGf (MoM) (OR = 0.28, 95% CI = 0.10; 0.79, p = 0.0153). The area under the ROC curve was 79.4% indicating a satisfactory predictive accuracy. The best predictive cut-off for this score was equal to − 2.562, which corresponds to a 7.2 % probability of having PVC. By using such a cut-off, the risk of PVC can be predicted in our sample with sensitivity equal to 82,4 % and specificity equal to 69,9 %. This model for early prediction of PVC is a promising tool to early identify women at greater risk for placenta vascular complications

    Diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 Cycle Threshold Value Predicts Disease Severity, Survival, and Six-Month Sequelae in COVID-19 Symptomatic Patients

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    To date, there is no severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-(SARS-CoV-2)-specific prognostic biomarker available. We assessed whether SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold (Ct) value at diagnosis could predict novel CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity, clinical manifestations, and six-month sequelae. Hospitalized and outpatient cases were randomly sampled from the diagnoses of March 2020 and data collected at 6 months by interview and from the regional database for COVID-19 emergency. Patients were stratified according to their RNA-dependent-RNA-polymerase Ct in the nasopharyngeal swab at diagnosis as follows: Group A ≤ 20.0, 20.0 < group B ≤ 28.0, and Group C > 28.0. Disease severity was classified according to a composite scale evaluating hospital admission, worst oxygen support required, and survival. Two hundred patients were included, 27.5% in Groups A and B both, 45.0% in Group C; 90% of patients were symptomatic and 63.7% were hospitalized. The median time from COVID-19 onset to swab collection was five days. Lethality, disease severity, type, and number of signs and symptoms, as well as six-month sequelae distributed inversely among the groups with respect to SARS-CoV-2 Ct. After controlling for confounding, SARS-CoV-2 Ct at diagnosis was still associated with COVID-19-related death (p = 0.023), disease severity (p = 0.023), number of signs and symptoms (p < 0.01), and presence of six-month sequelae (p < 0.01). Early quantification of SARS-CoV-2 may be a useful predictive marker to inform differential strategies of clinical management and resource allocation

    Responsive Nucleic Acid-Based Organosilica Nanoparticles

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    The development of smart nanoparticles (NPs) that encode responsive features in the structural framework promises to extend the applications of NP-based drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic tools. New nanocarriers would ideally consist of a minimal number of biocompatible components and exhibit multiresponsive behavior to specific biomolecules, but progress is limited by the difficulty of synthesizing suitable building blocks. Through a nature-inspired approach that combines the programmability of nucleic acid interactions and sol–gel chemistry, we report the incorporation of synthetic nucleic acids and analogs, as constitutive components, into organosilica NPs. We prepared different nanomaterials containing single-stranded nucleic acids that are covalently embedded in the silica network. Through the incorporation of functional nucleic acids into the organosilica framework, the particles respond to various biological, physical, and chemical inputs, resulting in detectable physicochemical changes. The one-step bottom-up approach used to prepare organosilica NPs provides multifunctional systems that combine the tunability of oligonucleotides with the stiffness, low cost, and biocompatibility of silica for different applications ranging from drug delivery to sensing

    Statement of Cash Flow - Operational Activity versus financial indicators of liquidity in the analysis of financial management

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    Um dos assuntos mais preocupantes para a administração das organizações é a questão da liquidez, na qual está associada ao risco e a rentabilidade do negócio. Neste sentido uma pergunta se coloca: Qual a relação entre o fluxo de caixa operacional e a liquidez da empresa? O objetivo deste artigo é verificar a relação entre a movimentação do fluxo de caixa operacional e os indicadores de liquidez com o intuito de verificar se existe uma maior eficiência na atividade de fluxo de caixa operacional corresponde à eficácia no desempenho dos índices de liquidez da empresas. Sabendo-se que a matéria-prima dos bancos é o recurso financeiro, este artigo procura pesquisar a movimentação do fluxo de caixa operacional em relação aos indicadores de liquidez da empresa. Utilizou-se a correlação entre o fluxo de caixa operacional e os indicadores de liquidez, em seguida a regressão linear para verificar a referência que os índices de liquidez exercem sofre o fluxo de caixa operacional. Conclui-se que existe pouca intensidade de relacionamento entre as variáveis fluxo de caixa operacional e índices de liquidez das instituições financeiras do setor bancos listadas na BOVESPA, constantes da Governança Corporativa, no período de 2008 e 2009.One of the most troubling for the administration of organizations is the issue of liquidity, which is associated with the risk and profitability. In this sense a question arises: What is the relationship between operating cash flow and liquidity of the company? The objective is to verify the relationship between the movement of operating cash flow and liquidity indicators in order to ascertain whether there is greater efficiency in the activity of operating cash flow corresponds to the effective performance of the liquidity ratios of companies. Knowing that the raw material of banks is the financial resource, this paper aims to research the movement of the operating cash flow in relation to indicators of liquidity. We used the correlation between operating cash flow and liquidity indicators, then linear regression to check the reference that the liquidity ratios exert suffers the operating cash flow. We conclude that there is little intensity of relationship between variables operating cash flow and liquidity ratios of financial institutions sector banks listed on the BOVESPA, contained in the Corporate Governance, between 2008 and 200

    Custo de Transação - Impacto da Inadimplência no Setor Comercial

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    O presente estudo tem como tema os fatores que determinam a inadimplência no Setor Comercial do município de Lagoa Dourada. O objetivo do estudo é identificar quais são estes fatores e fazer uma análise dos mesmos. Para alcançar este objetivo, o instrumento de coleta de dados escolhido foi aplicação de questionário. Inicialmente, o estudo conceitua temas fundamentais como inadimplência, comércio, gestão de negócios, crédito e algumas noções sobre como lidar com a inadimplência. Posteriormente foram realizadas análises dos dados obtidos, econstatado principalmente que o percentual de inadimplência do Município de Lagoa Dourada é relevante e isso se deve aos principais fatores diversos tais como descontrole financeiro e atraso dos salários. Verificou-se que existe maior risco de inadimplência no seguinte estereótipo: sexo feminino, idade entre 18 e 30 anos, renda salarial entre R300,00eR300,00 e R1.000,00, forma de liquidação da dívida carnê, utilizando os créditos para aquisição de bens de consumo, financiamento ou consórcio. Constatou-se, também, que o maior risco na concessão do crédito situa-se em relação às empresas que apresentaram tempo de empresa entre 6 e 20 anos, faturamento entre R30.000,00eR30.000,00 e R40.000,00, e as que possuem mais de 20 anos no mercado com faturamento superior a R$20.000,00