54 research outputs found

    <b>Morphometric analysis of three normal facial types in mixed dentition using posteroanterior cephalometric radiographs: preliminary results

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    The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the craniofacial features of subjects with normal occlusion with different vertical patterns in the mixed dentition using morphometric analysis (Thin-Plate Spline analysis - TPS) applied to posteroanterior (PA) films. The sample comprised 39 individuals (18 females and 21 males), all in mixed dentition, aged from 8.4 to 10 years with satisfactory occlusion and balanced profile and with no history of orthodontic or facial orthopedic treatment. The sample was divided into three groups (mesofacial, brachyfacial and dolichofacial) according to the facial types proposed by Ricketts (1989). The average craniofacial configurations of each study group were obtained by orthogonal superimposition of Procrustes, thereby eliminating size differences and allowing only shape differences between groups to be analyzed by viewing the TPS deformation grid. Significant differences were found among the three facial types but were more remarkable between mesofacials and dolichofacials than between mesofacials and brachyfacials. TPS morphometric analysis proved efficient for accurate visualization of transverse and vertical differences among facial types even before pubertal growth spurt. These differences cannot be easily detected by traditional posteroanterior cephalometry.

    Influence of daily usage times on patients’ compliance during at-home bleaching : a randomized clinical trial

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    The effectiveness of at-home dental bleaching treatments depends on the time that bleaching products are in contact with the teeth surface and, consequently, on the adequate use of associated custom acetate trays. Objective: This randomized single-blinded trial aimed to analyze if the daily usage time of these products influences the patient’s compliance behavior when submitted to monitored at-home dental bleaching. Secondary outcomes were color change and tooth sensitivity. Methodology: Sixty-six volunteers were randomly distributed into three groups (n=22): patients were instructed to use the trays for 2 (G2), 4 (G4), and 8 (G8) hours daily. The daily dental bleaching compliance behavior was measured using a microsensor inserted into the trays. Subjective and objective color evaluation assessments were adopted at baseline (T0), one (T1), two (T2), and three weeks (T3) after the beginning of the bleaching treatment, as well as two weeks after the treatment (T4). Tooth sensitivity was analyzed using the VAS scale, ranging from T1 to T4. Results: G2 showed a greater degree of cooperation than G8 and cooperation was inversely proportional to the recommended usage time. Significantly higher color change was observed in the upper arch for G8 when compared to G2 in subjective analysis, from T1 to T4. There were no statistical differences between the groups in objective analysis. Conclusion: Shorter recommended usage time of the bleaching product may improve the patient's compliance with at-home dental bleaching treatments. However, increased daily usage time may promote better subjective color change. Bleaching sensitivity was more significant in the first week for a longer time of use

    Relationship of bruxism with oral health-related quality of life and facial muscle pain in dentate individuals

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    To determine whether there is a correlation of bruxism (sleep, daytime, or both) with oral health-related quality of life and facial pain of muscular origin in dentate individuals. Seventy-four dentate patients (complete dentition) were included in thi

    Relationship of excessive daytime sleepiness with bruxism, depression, anxiety, stress, and sex in odontology students: a cross sectional study

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    To verify if there is a correlation of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) with bruxism, depression, anxiety, stress, and sex in odontology students. Four hundred dental students were selected. Students included in the study were those that were healthy

    Influence of the Vehicle on the Tissue Reaction and Biomineralization of Fast Endodontic Cement

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    Objective: To investigate the tissue response and the biomineralization ability of CER prepared with epoxy resin or water compared to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). Material and Methods: Polyethylene tubes containing materials or empty tubes for control were inserted into the subcutaneous tissues of 30 rats. After 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, the rats were killed and the tubes were removed for analysis using hematoxylin-eosin staining, von Kossa staining, and under polarized light. Inflammation was graded through a score system; the thickness of the fibrous capsule was classified as thin or thick; the biomineralization ability was recorded as present or absent. The results were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test (p&lt;0.05). Results: Histologic analysis performed after 7 and 15 days for CER prepared with epoxy resin or water and for MTA showed moderate inflammation and a thick fibrous capsule (p&gt;0.05). After 30, 60, and 90 days, mild inflammation, and a thin fibrous capsule were observed in all groups (p&gt;0.05). Conclusion: All materials had structures positive for von Kossa and birefringent to polarized light. CER epoxy resin showed biocompatibility and biomineralization similar to CER water and MTA

    Avaliação por microscopia eletrônica de varredura da interface adesivo/esmalte de sistemas de colagem hidrofóbico e hidrofílico em substratos secos e úmidos

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    A proposta deste estudo foi avaliar, por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), a interface adesiva existente após a descolagem de acessórios ortodônticos, fixados em dentes bovinos com emprego de um sistema adesivo hidrófilo e um hidrofóbico, em distintas condições de umidade do substrato dental. Foram utilizados 20 incisivos inferiores bovinos, divididos em 4 grupos (n=5), sendo que: G I- empregou-se o sistema de colagem ortodôntica contendo o primer hidrofílico Transbond MIP e a pasta adesiva Transbond XT, aplicados em substrato úmido; G II- o sistema de colagem ortodôntica hidrofóbico composto pelo primer Transbond XT e pela pasta adesiva que completa o sistema foi aplicado nas mesmas condições. Já os espécimes dos grupos III e IV receberam a colagem dos bráquetes com os mesmos sistemas de união, no entanto o esmalte dental apresentava-se seco. Em seguida, os acessórios foram removidos e a interface adesiva, bem como a interação dos sistemas adesivos ao esmalte dental foram avaliados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura em diferentes amplitudes. As imagens obtidas foram avaliadas qualitativamente, observando-se bom embricamento mecânico para o adesivo hidrófilo em quaisquer condições de substrato, enquanto que os espécimes que empregaram o sistema hidrofóbico obtiveram condições de interface favoráveis somente quando aplicado em substrato seco. Concluiu-se que o adesivo hidrofílico é menos sensível às condições de unidade, possibilitando boa interação micromecânica ao esmalte dental condicionado.The purpose of this study, was evaluate at the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the interface adhesive, after the orthodontic bracket debonding, set in bovine tooth with employ adhesive system hydrophilic and hydrophobic, in different conditions the humidity of the substrate. Twenty bovine incisors were divided into four groups (n=5), since Group l: Employed is the system orthodontic bracket bonding containing the hydrophilic primer Transbond MIP and the adhesive paste Transbond XT, applied in humidity substrate. Group ll: the hydrophobic primer system Transbond XT orthodontic bonding and the adhesive paste that complete system it was applied under the same conditions. Already the specimens of the groups III and IV received the system orthodontic bracket bonding with the same bonding system, however the dental enamel presented itself dry. Then the acessories have been removed, and the interface adhesive and the interaction of adhesive systems the dental enamel was to evaluate through Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM), and the differents amplituds. The images obtained were evaluated qualitatively and there is good mechanical interation for hidrophylic adhesive in any conditions of substrate while the specimens we employed the system hydrophobic received favorable conditions for the interface only when applied to substrate dry. It is concluded that the adhesive hydrophilic primer is less sensitive in conditions of humidity, allowing good interaction micromechanics to dental enamel conditioning

    Estudo da resistência às forças de cisalhamento de três sistemas condicionantes indicados para a colagem de acessórios ortodônticos

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    Os recentes materiais de colagem dos acessórios ortodônticos têm visado reduzir o tempo de trabalho do clínico, simplificando o procedimento do condicionamento ácido por meio dos sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes. Todavia, as qualidades adesivas desses materiais ainda demandam ser avaliada. Assim, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a resistência às forças de compressão de três sistemas adesivos. Cento e oitenta incisivos inferiores bovinos foram seccionados e incluídos em matrizes de resina acrílica, nos quais acessórios ortodônticos foram colados com os sistemas Transbond XT (2 grupos de 30), Transbond XT Plus Self Etching Primer (2 grupos de 30) e Tyrian (2 grupos de 30). Para cada sistema, os testes de resistência foram realizados imediatamente (30 dentes) e 24 horas (30 dentes) após a colagem, em uma máquina de ensaio Versat 2000 (Pantec), utilizando célula de carga de 500 Kgf com uma velocidade de 1mm/minuto, de acordo com a literatura. Os sistemas convencional Transbond XT, Transbond XT Self Etching Primer e Tyrian apresentaram, respectivamente, valor médio de resistência à compressão de 7,43, 7,09 e 3,41 MPa no tempo imediatamente após a colagem, e 7,42, 8,81, 5,35 MPa no tempo 24 horas após a colagem, sendo as diferenças estatísticas significantes ao nível de 5% entre os grupos Tyrian e Transbond para ambos os tempos de estudo. Concluiu-se que o material Tyrian apresentou resistência à compressão significativamente inferior em relação aos grupos Transbond que foram similares.Recent orthodontic bonding materials have aimed to reduce the working time of the clinician, by simplifying the acid etching procedure by applying self-etching primer adhesive systems. However, the adhesion quality of these materials still demands investigation. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the bond strengths of three different adhesive systems. A hundred and eighty bovine lower incisors were cut and embebbed in acrylic resin matrices, in which orthodontic brackets were bonded with Transbond XT (2n = 60), Transbond XT Self Etching Primer (2n = 60) e Tyrian (2n = 60). For each composite, bond strength tests were executed immediately (n = 30) and 24 hours (n = 30) after the bonding, in the assay machine Versat 2000 (Pantec), by applying 500 Kgf of load at 1mm/min of velocity. Transbond XT, Transbond XT Self Etching Primer and Tyrian presented, respectively, average values of bond strength of 7.43, 7.09 and 3.41 MPa at the time immediately, and 7.42, 8.81 and 5.35 MPa at 24 hours after the bonding, where differences were statistically significant at 5% between Tyrian and Transbond groups at both observation times. It was concluded that Tyrian was the material that presented significant lower bond strength with regard to Transbond groups that were similar

    Estratégias de sustentabilidade na prática odontológica

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    Dentists have widely discussed environmental issues with a view to the implementation of sustainability strategies in dental practice. It is unacceptable the practice of dentistry today as merely the solution of dental problems. The Dentist has a social responsibility to incorporate into your daily work concrete actions to reduce the impact of its production process. The purpose of this study is to characterize the development and application of performanceoriented model of social responsibility in dental practice, built to preserve the environmental cause in dentistry in order to trace change scenario that allows the environmental management without compromising the quality of services offered.Cirurgiões-Dentistas têm discutido amplamente a questão ambiental com vistas à implementação de estratégias de sustentabilidade na prática odontológica. É inaceitável o exercício da Odontologia na atualidade como tão somente a solução de problemas bucais. O Odontólogo tem a responsabilidade social de incorporar em seu cotidiano profissional atitudes concretas que reduzam o impacto de seu processo produtivo. O propósito deste trabalho é caracterizar o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de modelo de atuação voltado para a responsabilidade social no uso eficiente de energia elétrica na prática odontológica, incorporado à preservação da causa ambiental na Odontologia, no sentido de traçar cenário de mudança que permita a gestão ambiental sem comprometimento da qualidade dos serviços oferecidos

    Ocorrência de reabsorção radicular no tratamento ortodôntico: revisão crítica da literatura

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    The root resorption is one of the possible sequels of greater complexity to the orthodontist, the difficulty of detection and be asymptomatic. The presence, during the orthodontic treatment, is linked to a multifactorial origin, a complex combination of biological activities, anatomical, physiological, genetic variables and mechanical forces. Thus, the aim of this study was perform to critical literature review related to root resorption in orthodontic movement. Were included articles published between 2004 to 2014, indexed in the PUBMED database. Used descriptors contained in the Mesh, being adopted as inclusion criteria: clinical trials in humans, only articles that had clear ideas and objective, articles with English language. The search strategy used resulted in 24 articles and after applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 articles remained. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that heavy forces of intrusion, inclination and torque leads to a greater degree of root resorption; its etiology is multifactorial, the periodic radiographic control during treatment is needed and further studies are suggested to identify more specifically the causes and risk factors for root resorption.A reabsorção radicular é uma das possíveis sequelas de maior complexidade para o ortodontista, pela dificuldade de detecção e por ser assintomática. Sua presença está ligada a uma origem multifatorial, uma complexa combinação das atividades biológicas, variáveis anatômicas, fisiológicas, genéticas e as forças mecânicas. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão crítica da literatura referente à reabsorção radicular frente à movimentação ortodôntica. Foram incluídos artigos publicados entre 2004 a 2014, indexados na base de dados PUBMED. Os descritores utilizados continham no DeCs, sendo adotados como critérios de inclusão: ensaios clínicos em humanos, apenas artigos que apresentavam ideias claras e objetivas, artigos que apresentavam idioma Inglês. A estratégia de busca utilizada resultou em 24 artigos e depois de aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, restaram 11 artigos, com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que forças pesadas, de intrusão, inclinação e torque levam a um maior grau de reabsorção radicular; sua etiologia é multifatorial, o controle radiográfico periódico durante o tratamento é necessário e mais estudos são sugeridos para identificar mais especificamente as causas e os fatores de risco para a reabsorção radicular