841 research outputs found

    Woody Allen, hermeneuta: cine y textualidad

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    Este trabajo polemiza con la noción de texto de la hermenéutica de P. Ricoeur. Esta sostiene que la escritura es el criterio de la textualidad. El trabajo propone una concepción del texto que establece como criterio mínimo de textualidad a la coherencia semántica. Dicha posición es la que domina en la filosofía del lenguaje de M. Bajtín, la fenomenología de la comprensión textual de M. Scherner o la semiótica de J. Petöfi. Sin embargo, como estrategia argumentativa para justificar esta teoría textual no se expone el pensamiento de estos autores, sino que se analiza un texto cuyo soporte material no es la escritura, sino un film que reflexiona sobre su condición textual, a saber, la película de W. Allen Hollywood Ending.This paper argues with P. Ricoeur’s hermeneutical notion of text, that asserts that writing is the textuality criterion. This paper proposes a conception of text that establishes the semantic coherence as the minimum criterion of textuality. This is the prevailing position in M. Bajtín ‘s philosophy of language, M. Scherner ‘s the textual understanding phenomenology, or J. Petöfi’s semiotics. However, as argumentative strategy to justify this textual theory, these authors thinking is not exposed; instead, a text is analyzed, but a text with a material support different from writing, a film that thinks about its textual condition, i.e. W. Allen’s Hollywood Ending film

    Lógica, afectividad y valores. La teoría del juicio de H. Rickert y su recepción crítica en la obra temprana de Martin Heidegger

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    En la tesis de habilitación Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis publicada en el año 1892 H. Rickert establece una comparación entre el juicio y los sentimientos. El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad reconstruir la argumentación que fundamenta dicha comparación. En la primera parte expondré los argumentos centrales de la tesis de Rickert. En la segunda parte mostraré la recepción crítica del pensamiento de Rickert en la fenomenología hermenéutica de M. Heidegger.In his professorship dissertation, Der Erkenntnis der Gegenstand, published in 1892, H. Rickert makes a comparison between judgments and sentiments. In this paper the central aim is to reconstruct the argument that founds such a comparison. In the first part I will discuss the main arguments of Rickert’s thesis. In the second one, I will show the critical reception of Rickert’s thought in M. Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology.Fil: Bertorello, Mario Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Individual and Culture: Reflections on the Epistemological Problem of the Cultural Pathology

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    Eel presente trabajo tiene como tema plantear el problema de la relación entre individuo y cultura, psiquismo y sociedad, con la finalidad de encontrar una orientación para responder al interrogante sobre la posibilidad de hablar de un sufrimiento (patología) cultural. La investigación toma como punto de partida las tesis centrales de la paradoja antropológica de Massimo de Carolis. Desde ese planteamiento específico se intentará proponer dos perspectivas para establecer las relaciones entre individuo y cultura, a saber, la ontología de la obra de arte de M. Heidegger y la semiótica de la cultura de Y. LotmanThe subject of this paper is to propose the problem of relationship between individual and culture, psychism and society with the goal to find an orientation to response the question about the possibility of a discourse on cultural pathology. The present investigation starts from the central thesis of Massimo De Carolis´s anthropological paradox. From this specific approach it will try to compare two perspectives about the relationship between individual and culture, namely, Martin Heidegger´s work of art ontology and the culture semiotics of Y. Lotman.Fil: Bertorello, Mario Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentin

    Teoría e impropiedad en M. Heidegger (1923-1927): el problema de los discursos objetivantes

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    The purpose of this study is to determine Heidegger’s dominant position in front of the relationship between existence improper modality and theory. From the ambivalence of this issue in Sein und Zeit, the study goes through the different lectures of the Marburg period where Heidegger talks about this same issue. The text examines Heidegger’s explanation of the phenomenological notion of conscience and the Aristotelian concepts “sofía”, “dóxa” and “episteme” in order to establish Heidegger’s dominant position in relation to the improper origin of these theoretical concepts

    El discurso sobre el origen en las Frühe Freiburger Vorlesugen de M. Heidegger (1919-1923): el problema de la indicación formal

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    El texto aborda una de las cuestiones metodológicas fundamentales que Heidegger se planteaba en las Frühe Freiburger Vorlesungen (1919-1923), a saber, el problema de la indicación formal. En efecto, si la vida misma (Dasein) es un acontecimiento de sentido cerrado en sí mismo es necesario establecer un punto de vista que exprese conceptualmente la vida sin objetivarla. El gran problema con el que Heidegger se enfrenta es encontrar un metalenguaje no objetivante. El concepto de indicación formal es lo que le permite elaborar un discurso sobre el origen.The text talks about one of the main methodological issues that Heidegger mentioned in the Frühe Freiburger Vorlesungen (1919-1923), i.e., the problem of the formal indication. In fact, if life itself (Dasein) is an occurrence of closed meaning in itself, it is necessary to establish a point of view that conceptually expresses life without objectifying it. The main problem Heidegger faces is showing a non-objectifying metalanguage. The concept of formal indication allows him to make a discourse about the origin

    stra(w)isolami. Analisi tecnologica di edifici esistenti isolati con balle di paglia

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    The reduction of energy consumption and the thermal updating of existing buildings are strategies for decreasing atmospheric emissions and achieving the objectives set by the European Community to be met by 2020. The application of the European and national energy standards to the renovation of existing buildings, has produced improvements and added value to existing buildings by reducing their energy use. In this study the focus is on the thermal insulation applied to the inside or outside of the existing walls. In this context, a relatively unusual solution is analyzed: insulation with straw bales. In addition to the state of the art analysis of the characteristics of straw when used in construction, 16 cases of existing buildings insulated with straw bales are analyzed (14 outer insulation and 2 inner insulation). To understand the limits of this solutions and the elements used during the installation of the insulation it was used a technological analysis. The research presented in this study shows that the choice of this type of insulation is based upon the values of the inhabitants and their willingness to take part during the construction phases. This insulation is limited to buildings located in rural or semi-urban areas because the large thickness of the insulating layer (minimum 35 cm) limits the entry of the light into the rooms. From these considerations of the thickness of insulation applied to an existing wall, the hygrometric behavior of the insulation has been studied (calculation of the amount of water present in the insulating layer and in the total insulated wall and the calculation of Moisture Buffer Value), compared with hemp lime, on two types of enclosures (solid wall and cavity wall) through simulations with WUFI software. At the end of the simulation it was found that, although in some instances the total thickness of the insulated wall exceeded 90 cm, interstitial condensation didn’t occur because the insulating materials used were breathable. To understand the influence of straw as a thermal insulation, it was built as an outside insulation on a vertical wall of a private home. In this experiment thermographic measurement and monitoring were undertaken to analyze the transmittance (U-value), the variations of temperature and the heat flows through the walls of two adjacent rooms of the same size. Analysis of the results showed that the straw insulation increased the surface temperature of the insulated wall by approximately 1.60 C compared with the non-insulated wall and the heat fluxes were reduced by 50% in the insulated wall

    Abertura de mundo e espaço potencial: a transicionalidade como intencionalidade. Uma leitura fenomenológico-hermenêutica da psicanálise de D. W. Winnicott

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    En este trabajo nos propondremos desarrollar tres tesis fundamentales: a) Mostrar que Heidegger concibe al mundo como una trama semántica de corte pragmático, anterior a la fijación en cualquier material fonético codificado culturalmente; b) Señalar que el fenómeno que Winnicott indica con el término transicionalidad puede ser equiparado al mundo de Heidegger; y c) En la medida en que ese espacio potencial se constituye como un mecanismo de frontera que posibilita el tránsito de lo exterior a lo interior, puede ser comprendido como una estructura intencional. Así, el carácter de mediación del mundo se considera desde el punto de vista del correlato objetivo, es decir, desde el útil y la obra de arte. Ambos tipos de “objetos” son dispositivos que se sitúan en la frontera del sentido y posibilitan la transición de aquello que está por fuera del espacio semántico.In this paper we propose to develop three basic thesis: a) Show that Heidegger sees the world as a cutting semantic pragmatic frame, prior to fixing in any culturally coded phonetic material, b) To note that the phenomenon indicated by Winnicott the term transitionality can be equated to the world of Heidegger, and c) To the extent that potential space is the frontier as a mechanism that allows the passage from exterior to interior, can be understood as an intentional structure. Thus, the nature of mediation in the world is considered from the standpoint of an objective correlative, that is, from the tool and the work of art. Both types of "objects" are devices that are placed at the boundaries of sense and allow the transition from what is outside the semantic space.Este artigo propõe desenvolver três teses fundamentais: a) mostrar que Heidegger concebe o mundo como uma trama semântica de corte paradigmático, anterior à fixação em qualquer material fonético codificado culturalmente; b)Assinalar que o fenômeno que Winnicott indica com o termo "transicionalidade" pode ser equiparado ao "mundo" em Heidegger; c) mostrar em que medida o espaço potencial se constitui como um mecanismo de fronteira, que possibilita o trânsito do exterior para o interior, pode ser compreendido como uma estrutura intencional. Assim, o caráter de mediação do mundo será considera a partir do ponto de vista do correlato objetivo, isto é, a partir do útil e da obra de arte. Ambos os tipos de "objetos" são dispositivos que se situam na fronteira do sentido e possibilitam a transição daquilo que está fora do espaço semântico.Fil: Bertorello, Mario Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Bareiro, Julieta María. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Planing hull seakeeping in irregular head seas

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    The paper presents the results of planing hull seakeeping tests in irregular seas. The tested model belongs to a small systematic series developed at the University of Naples; it is a prismatic hull very similar to the well-known Fridsma's models. The 16.7 degrees deadrise angle, length-to-breadth and load coefficient are representative of modern hull forms of pleasure boats. Tests in irregular waves have been performed at three speeds for one displacement in three sea states. The measured heave, pitch, acceleration at the centre of gravity and at bow have been analysed in the time domain and the results are presented in terms of significant values (the mean of 1/3rd highest values). They are given in tabular and graphical form. Furthermore, the obtained results are commented with respect to the state of the art in planing hull seakeeping, and compared with the available experimental data from literature. The conclusions highlight the applicability of these data in design practice, commenting on trends and the range of significant parameters


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    The good seakeeping characteristics of SWATH hull form are very interesting for small working craft and pleasure boats. Intrinsic limitations as the low values of weight per inch of immersion and transversal and longitudinal instability, can be acceptable and successfully managed when the mission profile does not ask for significant load variation and shift. The exploitation of SWATH concept is limited by the craft size, but if main dimensions allow enough static stability, this configuration appears very promising. SWATH behaviour in rough sea at zero and low speed have led to consider this hull form within the small craft design research program in progress at University of Naples Federico II. The design of small size SWATH working/pleasure craft has to begin from the consideration of strut waterplane areas that are the key factor to get acceptable static and dynamic stability. Displacement has to be reduced as most as possible to increase static stability, as shown by last design trends. The results of CFD analysis concerning SWATH resistance and propulsion, aspects are presented. A numerical evaluation of the hull-propeller interactions is performed, through simulations of self-propulsion tests with a simplified method (Actuator Disk model) to discretize the propeller effect. The effective wake coefficient, the thrust deduction fraction and hull efficiency are provided. To validate CFD resistance results a comparison with experimental tests performed by Authors is reported. The presented work highlights different hydrodynamic aspects, comments advantages and critical issues of SWATH concept and reports detailed CFD modelling procedure with the aim to provide a reference for SWATH small craft design