1,144 research outputs found

    Exploiting pattern transformation to tune phononic band gaps in a two-dimensional granular crystal

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    The band structure of a two-dimensional granular crystal composed of silicone rubber and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) cylinders is investigated numerically. This system was previously shown to undergo a pattern transformation with uniaxial compression by Göncü et al. [Soft Matter 7, 2321 (2011)]. The dispersion relations of the crystal are computed at different levels of deformation to demonstrate the tunability of the band structure, which is strongly affected by the pattern transformation that induces new band gaps. Replacement of PTFE particles with rubber ones reveals that the change of the band structure is essentially governed by pattern transformation rather than particles¿ mechanical properties

    Large N gauge theories and topological cigars

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    We analyze the conjectured duality between a class of double-scaling limits of a one-matrix model and the topological twist of non-critical superstring backgrounds that contain the N=2 Kazama-Suzuki SL(2)/U(1) supercoset model. The untwisted backgrounds are holographically dual to double-scaled Little String Theories in four dimensions and to the large N double-scaling limit of certain supersymmetric gauge theories. The matrix model in question is the auxiliary Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model that encodes the F-terms of the above supersymmetric gauge theories. We evaluate matrix model loop correlators with the goal of extracting information on the spectrum of operators in the dual non-critical bosonic string. The twisted coset at level one, the topological cigar, is known to be equivalent to the c=1 non-critical string at self-dual radius and to the topological theory on a deformed conifold. The spectrum and wavefunctions of the operators that can be deduced from the matrix model double-scaling limit are consistent with these expectations.Comment: 34 page

    Radio observations of the cool gas, dust, and star formation in the first galaxies

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    We summarize cm through submm observations of the host galaxies of z ~ 6 quasars. These observations reveal the cool molecular gas (the fuel for star formation), the warm dust (heated by star formation), the fine structure line emission (tracing the CNM and PDRs), and the synchrotron emission. Our results imply active star formation in ~ 30% of the host galaxies, with star formation rates ~ 10^3 M_sun/year, and molecular gas masses ~ 10^10 M_sun. Imaging of the [CII] emission from the most distant quasar reveals a 'maximal starburst disk' on a scale ~ 1.5 kpc. Gas dynamical studies suggest a departure of these galaxies from the low-z M_{BH} -- M_{bulge} relation, with the black holes being, on average, 15 times more massive than expected. Overall, we are witnessing the co-eval formation of massive galaxies and supermassive black holes within 1 Gyr of the Big Bang.Comment: First Stars and Galaxies: Challenges in the Next Decade, AIP, 2010; Austin TX (eds Whelan, Bromm, Yoshida); 7 page

    A radiation driven implosion model for the enhanced luminosity of protostars near HII regions

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    Context. Molecular clouds near the H II regions tend to harbor more luminous protostars. Aims. Our aim in this paper is to investigate whether or not radiation-driven implosion mechanism enhances luminosity of protostars near regions of high-ionizing fluxes. Methods. We performed numerical simulations to model collapse of cores exposed to UV radiation from O stars. We investigated dependence of mass loss rates on the initial density profiles of cores and variation of UV fluxes. We derived simple analytic estimates of accretion rates and final masses of protostars. Results. Radiation-driven implosion mechanism can increase accretion rates of protostars by 1-2 orders of magnitude. On the other hand, mass loss due to photo-evaporation is not large enough to have a significant impact on the luminosity. The increase of accretion rate makes luminosity 1-2 orders higher than those of protostars that form without external triggering. Conclusions. Radiation-driven implosion can help explain the observed higher luminosity of protostars in molecular clouds near H II regions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Quasars in the MAMBO blank field survey

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    Our MAMBO 1.2 mm blank field imaging survey of ~0.75 sqd has uncovered four unusually bright sources, with flux densities between 10 and 90 mJy, all located in the Abell 2125 field. The three brightest are flat spectrum radio sources with bright optical and X-ray counterparts. Their mm and radio flux densities are variable on timescales of months. Their X-ray luminosities classify them as quasars. The faintest of the four mm bright sources appears to be a bright, radio-quiet starburst at z~3, similar to the sources seen at lower flux densities in the MAMBO and SCUBA surveys. It may also host a mildly obscured AGN of quasar-like X-ray luminosity. The three non-thermal mm sources imply an areal density of flat spectrum radio sources higher by at least 7 compared with that expected from an extrapolation of the lower frequency radio number counts.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication by A&

    Thermodynamics of string black hole with hyperscaling violation

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    In this paper, we start with black brane and construct specific space-time which violates hyperscaling. In order to obtain the string solution we apply Null-Melvin-Twist and KKKK-reduction. By using the difference action method we study thermodynamics of system to obtain Hawking-Page phase transition. In order to have hyperscaling violation we need to consider θ=d2.\theta=\frac{d}{2}. In that case the free energy FF is always negative and our solution is thermal radiation without a black hole. Therefore we find that there is not any Hawking-Page transition. Also, we discuss the stability of system and all thermodynamical quantities.Comment: 12 pages. Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Phase transition and hyperscaling violation for scalar Black Branes

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    We investigate the thermodynamical behavior and the scaling symmetries of the scalar dressed black brane (BB) solutions of a recently proposed, exactly integrable Einstein-scalar gravity model [1], which also arises as compactification of (p-1)-branes with a smeared charge. The extremal, zero temperature, solution is a scalar soliton interpolating between a conformal invariant AdS vacuum in the near-horizon region and a scale covariant metric (generating hyperscaling violation on the boundary field theory) asymptotically. We show explicitly that for the boundary field theory this implies the emergence of an UV length scale (related to the size of the brane), which decouples in the IR, where conformal invariance is restored. We also show that at high temperatures the system undergoes a phase transition. Whereas at small temperature the Schwarzschild-AdS BB is stable, above a critical temperature the scale covariant, scalar-dressed BB solution, becomes energetically preferred. We calculate the critical exponent z and the hyperscaling violation parameter of the scalar-dressed phase. In particular we show that the hyperscaling violation parameter is always negative. We also show that the above features are not a peculiarity of the exact integrable model of Ref.[1], but are a quite generic feature of Einstein-scalar and Einstein-Maxwell-scalar gravity models for which the squared-mass of the scalar field is positive and the potential vanishes exponentially as the scalar field goes to minus infinity.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. In the revised version it has been pointed out that the Einstein-scalar gravity model considered in the paper also arises as compactification of black p-branes with smeared charge

    Size determination of the Centaur Chariklo from millimeter-wavelength bolometer observations

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    Using the Max-Planck Millimeter Bolometer Array (MAMBO) at the IRAM 30m telescope we detected emission at 250 GHz from the Centaur Chariklo (1997 CU26). The observed continuum flux density implies a photometric diameter of 273 km. The resulting geometric albedo is 0.055, somewhat higher than expected from a comparison with most of the other few Centaurs and cometary nuclei for which such data are available.Comment: 4 pages, 1 Postscript figure, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic