33 research outputs found

    Les mécanismes d’exécution des projets de développement durable en Côte d’ivoire

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    Cet article vise à analyser les mécanismes de réussite et de rupture d’avec les pratiques non viables, de la mise en œuvre des projets de développement durable dans la ville d’Abidjan. Il s’agit de mécanismes sociaux dont le rôle dans les projets s’accroit avec la vision globale du grand Abidjan. Ensemble de stratégies et de moyens de contournement, ces mécanismes sont souvent inefficaces et inadaptés pour affronter les résistances sociales face au développement durable. En lieu et place des mécanismes institutionnels dans les actions publiques, ont été élaborés des mécanismes sociaux et d’arrangement entre les opérateurs économiques et les agents publics chargés de mettre en œuvre le développement durable. Cette situation freine les initiatives des villes durables en Côte d’Ivoire. This article aims at analysing the mechanisms of success and break with unsustainable practices in the implementation of sustainable development projects in the city of Abidjan. These are social mechanisms whose role in the projects grows with the global vision of Abidjan. As a set of strategies and means of circumvention, these mechanisms are often ineffective and unsuitable for dealing with social resistance to sustainable development. Instead of institutional mechanisms for public action, social mechanisms and arrangements between economic operators and public agents responsible for implementing sustainable development have been designed. This situation hampers sustainable city initiatives in Côte d'Ivoire

    From Stability to Insurgency: The Root and Proximate Causes of the September 2002 Civil War in Cote d\u27Ivoire

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    This dissertation was an analysis of the root and proximate causes of the September 2002 civil war in Côte d’Ivoire. The central question of this study was: Why did Côte d’Ivoire, which was relatively stable under President Houphouët-Boigny, suddenly begin to experience political violence in the 1990s and an explosion in 2002? Côte d’Ivoire was an interesting case because it was stable for a long period of time, apparently making it an infertile ground for conflict. It was also interesting for comparative purposes because of the fact that several states in West Africa (for instance, Benin, Togo, and Ghana) have experienced military coups but not have civil wars. Finally, this case was an opportunity to revisit the debate on the causes of civil wars in the African context. Chapter one has outlined the entire dissertation project and contextualized the analysis that follows in the subsequent chapters. Chapter two has reviewed the literature on civil wars in general, identified the different types of civil wars, and the type the Ivoiran war is. Chapter three has examined the domestic and international political economy as a source of the civil violence in Côte d’Ivoire. Chapter four has examined the role of ethnicity and region as identities of the war, while chapter five has analyzed the role of the foreign relations in the civil war, as well as the regional political context. Chapter six has distinguished between the root and proximate causes of the Ivoirian civil war, made judgments about the relative weight of the various causes, and the extent to which the weight of the causes can be measured. The study found that the “Ivoirité” was the most important trigger of the civil war in Côte d’Ivoire. The overall conclusion of my dissertation was that the September 2002 crisis in that country was a political crisis which occured in the context of a political reform. It first started with succession problems in 1993 followed by the controversial elections in 1995 and 2000. Later, this electoral politics spread beyond electoral issues, namely citizenship matters

    Relation Entre Le Somatotype Et La Qualite De Vitesse Chez Des Jeunes De Cote d’Ivoire

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    The aim of this study is to establish a link between the performance at speed race and the somatotype within young students from Côte d’Ivoire who are candidates for the recruitment test organized by the National Institute of Youth and Sports. The study was performed on 669 girls at 21.80+2.26 year old and 1859 boys at 22.11+2.26 years. Anthropometrical measures were made out in order to estimate somatotype. For the speed, the subjects underwent a 80m speed race test for girls and a 100m speed race for boys. After a descriptive analysis of the somatotype components and the performance of girls and boys, we made a distribution of the gaps in performance (estimated performance – real performance) estimated by the regression and the real performance in order to check normality. To examine the relationship between somatotype, cormic index and the speed race, an equation of multiple regressions was performed. The distribution of the gaps in performance (estimated performance - real performance) estimated by the regression and real performance is normally distributed both in girls and boys. The results also indicate that a multiple and statistically significant link (p<0.05) exists between the performance and three (3) variables: endormorphy, ectomorphy and cormic index with boys and two (2) components of somatotype: endomorphy, mesomorphy with girls. The present study has allowed establishing a relationship between the performance at speed race and some of the components of the somatotype. The performance at 100m for boys and 80m for girls is well the result of a specific morphotype (endomorph) limiting the realization of good performances by these sprinters

    Perceptions et pratiques Ă  risque face au Covid-19 dans les milieux de coiffure et de tresse des femmes Ă  Abidjan

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    Covid-19 is a disease that affects people from all walks of life, especially high-traffic areas. This is a concern for the world given the complexity of its control due to the resistance of the populations in the face of barrier measures. This text aims to analyze the perceptions and social practices at risk in the face of Covid-19 in women's hairstyles and braids in Abidjan. It is a mixed study (qualitative and quantitative) which mobilized a questionnaire administered to 90 women, an interview guide which made it possible to carry out interviews with 15 people and an observation grid. The results showed a multiplicity of interpretations of Covid-19, an increased risk of transmission and spread of this scourge in these environments and the use of local practices in the face of this disease. Also, the study reveals that the fight against Covid-19 can impact social relations within communities. This can influence the fight against this pandemic in Côte d'Ivoire.Le Covid-19 est une maladie qui affecte les populations de tous les milieux de la société, notamment les zones de grande affluence. C’est une préoccupation pour le monde vu la complexité de sa maitrise due aux résistances des populations face aux mesures barrières. Ce texte a pour objectif d’analyser les perceptions et pratiques sociales à risque face au Covid-19 dans les milieux de coiffures et de tresses de femmes à Abidjan. C’est une étude mixte (qualitative et quantitative) qui a mobilisé un questionnaire administré à 90 femmes, un guide d’entretien qui a permis de faire des interviews avec 15 personnes et une grille d’observation. Les résultats ont montré une multiplicité des interprétations du Covid-19, un risque accru de transmission et de propagation de ce fléau dans ces milieux et un usage de pratiques locales face à cette maladie. Également, l’étude révèle que la lutte contre le Covid-19 peut avoir un impact sur les relations sociales au sein des communautés. Ainsi, le non-respect des mesures barrières lié aux normes sociales peut-il influencer négativement la lutte contre cette pandémie en Côte d’Ivoire

    Perceptions et pratiques Ă  risque face au Covid-19 dans les milieux de coiffure et de tresse des femmes Ă  Abidjan

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    Covid-19 is a disease that affects people from all walks of life, especially high-traffic areas. This is a concern for the world given the complexity of its control due to the resistance of the populations in the face of barrier measures. This text aims to analyze the perceptions and social practices at risk in the face of Covid-19 in women's hairstyles and braids in Abidjan. It is a mixed study (qualitative and quantitative) which mobilized a questionnaire administered to 90 women, an interview guide which made it possible to carry out interviews with 15 people and an observation grid. The results showed a multiplicity of interpretations of Covid-19, an increased risk of transmission and spread of this scourge in these environments and the use of local practices in the face of this disease. Also, the study reveals that the fight against Covid-19 can impact social relations within communities. This can influence the fight against this pandemic in Côte d'Ivoire.Le Covid-19 est une maladie qui affecte les populations de tous les milieux de la société, notamment les zones de grande affluence. C’est une préoccupation pour le monde vu la complexité de sa maitrise due aux résistances des populations face aux mesures barrières. Ce texte a pour objectif d’analyser les perceptions et pratiques sociales à risque face au Covid-19 dans les milieux de coiffures et de tresses de femmes à Abidjan. C’est une étude mixte (qualitative et quantitative) qui a mobilisé un questionnaire administré à 90 femmes, un guide d’entretien qui a permis de faire des interviews avec 15 personnes et une grille d’observation. Les résultats ont montré une multiplicité des interprétations du Covid-19, un risque accru de transmission et de propagation de ce fléau dans ces milieux et un usage de pratiques locales face à cette maladie. Également, l’étude révèle que la lutte contre le Covid-19 peut avoir un impact sur les relations sociales au sein des communautés. Ainsi, le non-respect des mesures barrières lié aux normes sociales peut-il influencer négativement la lutte contre cette pandémie en Côte d’Ivoire

    Qualité Biologique de l'Eau de Consommation et MalAdaptabilités Biologiques chez des Enfants de 6 à 59 Mois de Milieux Socio-Sanitaires Différents

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    Les mal-adaptabilitĂ©s  biologiques de l’enfant semblent ĂŞtre le produit des stimulations offertes par le milieu de vie. L’influence de celles-ci sur le fonctionnement biophysiologique de l’enfant n’est pas suffisamment examinĂ©e. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude se propose de comparer les mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques des enfants consommant une eau de qualitĂ© pathogène Ă  celles de leurs pairs ayant accès Ă  une eau de qualitĂ© non pathogène. Cet examen a portĂ© sur 152 enfants ivoiriens âgĂ©s de 6 Ă  59 mois. Chez ces derniers, des prĂ©lèvements d’eau selon la source disponible dans le mĂ©nage ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Ces analyses ont permis de dĂ©terminer le niveau de contamination microbiologique en recourant Ă  la mĂ©thode de la filtration sur membrane. L’examen des mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques des deux groupes d’enfants s’est fait en considĂ©rant les frĂ©quences de pathologies physiques rĂ©currentes en une annĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les sujets qui consomment une eau de qualitĂ© pathogène prĂ©sentent une frĂ©quence de mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques supĂ©rieure Ă  celle de leurs pairs consommant une eau de meilleure qualitĂ© microbiologique. Par exemple, les pathologies hydriques, telles les infections entĂ©riques, sont significativement diffĂ©rentes entre les deux groupes de nourrissons et d’enfants. On note respectivement une frĂ©quence de 8,9% ; 7,2% contre 0% ; 0%. Ces rĂ©sultats confirment l’hypothèse selon laquelle la qualitĂ© microbiologique de l’eau consommĂ©e dans un milieu de vie constitue un facteur qui exerce une action diffĂ©rentielle sur l’apparition des mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques.   The biological maladjustments of the child seem to be the product of the stimuli offered by the living environment. The influence of these stimuli on the biophysiological functioning of the child has not been sufficiently examined. The present study compares the biological maladjustments of children consuming water of pathogenic quality with those of their peers having access to water of non-pathogenic quality. The study involved 152 Ivorian children aged 6 to 59 months. Water samples were taken from these children according to the source available in the household. These analyses were used to determine the level of microbiological contamination using the membrane filtration method. The examination of the biological maladjustments of the two groups of children was done by considering the frequencies of recurrent physical pathologies in one year. The results show that subjects consuming water of pathogenic quality have a higher frequency of biological maladjustments than their peers consuming water of better microbiological quality. For example, waterborne pathologies such as enteric infections are significantly different between the two groups of infants and children. The frequency was 8.9% and 7.2% respectively, compared to 0% and 0%. These results support the hypothesis that the microbiological quality of the water consumed in a living environment is a factor that exerts a differential action on the occurrence of biological maladjustments

    Qualité Biologique de l'Eau de Consommation et Mal-adaptabilités Biologiques chez des Enfants de 6 à 59 Mois de Milieux Socio-sanitaires Différents

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    Les mal-adaptabilitĂ©s  biologiques de l’enfant semblent ĂŞtre le produit des stimulations offertes par le milieu de vie. L’influence de celles-ci sur le fonctionnement biophysiologique de l’enfant n’est pas suffisamment examinĂ©e. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude se propose de comparer les mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques des enfants consommant une eau de qualitĂ© pathogène Ă  celles de leurs pairs ayant accès Ă  une eau de qualitĂ© non pathogène. Cet examen a portĂ© sur 152 enfants ivoiriens âgĂ©s de 6 Ă  59 mois. Chez ces derniers, des prĂ©lèvements d’eau selon la source disponible dans le mĂ©nage ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Ces analyses ont permis de dĂ©terminer le niveau de contamination microbiologique en recourant Ă  la mĂ©thode de la filtration sur membrane. L’examen des mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques des deux groupes d’enfants s’est fait en considĂ©rant les frĂ©quences de pathologies physiques rĂ©currentes en une annĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les sujets qui consomment une eau de qualitĂ© pathogène prĂ©sentent une frĂ©quence de mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques supĂ©rieure Ă  celle de leurs pairs consommant une eau de meilleure qualitĂ© microbiologique. Par exemple, les pathologies hydriques, tels que les infections entĂ©riques sont significativement diffĂ©rentes entre les deux groupes de nourrissons et d’enfants. On note respectivement une frĂ©quence de 8,9% ; 7,2% contre 0% ; 0%. Ces rĂ©sultats confirment l’hypothèse selon laquelle la qualitĂ© microbiologique de l’eau consommĂ©e dans un milieu de vie constitue un facteur qui exerce une action diffĂ©rentielle sur l’apparition des mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques.   The biological maladaptabilities of the child seem to be the product of the stimuli offered by the living environment.  The influence of these on the biophysiological functioning of the child is not sufficiently examined.  The present research proposes to compare the biological maladaptabilities of children consuming water of pathogenic quality to those of their peers having access to water of non-pathogenic quality.  This review focused on 152 Ivorian children aged 6 to 59 months.  In the latter, water samples, depending on the source available in the household, were analyzed.  These analyzes made it possible to determine the level of microbiological contamination using the membrane filtration method.  The examination of the biological maladaptabilities of the two groups of children was done by considering the frequencies of physical pathologies.  The results show that subjects who consume water of pathogenic quality present a frequency of biological maladaptabilities higher than that of their peers consuming water of better microbiological quality.  For example, waterborne pathologies, such as enteric infections are significantly different between the two groups of infants and children.  We note respectively a frequency of 8,9% ; 7,2% versus 0 % ; 0 %.  These results confirm the hypothesis that the microbiological quality of the water consumed in a living environment is a factor that exerts a differential action on the appearance of biological maladaptabilities

    Qualité Biologique de l'Eau de Consommation et Mal-adaptabilités Biologiques chez des Enfants de 6 à 59 Mois de Milieux Socio-sanitaires Différents

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    Les mal-adaptabilitĂ©s  biologiques de l’enfant semblent ĂŞtre le produit des stimulations offertes par le milieu de vie. L’influence de celles-ci sur le fonctionnement biophysiologique de l’enfant n’est pas suffisamment examinĂ©e. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude se propose de comparer les mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques des enfants consommant une eau de qualitĂ© pathogène Ă  celles de leurs pairs ayant accès Ă  une eau de qualitĂ© non pathogène. Cet examen a portĂ© sur 152 enfants ivoiriens âgĂ©s de 6 Ă  59 mois. Chez ces derniers, des prĂ©lèvements d’eau selon la source disponible dans le mĂ©nage ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Ces analyses ont permis de dĂ©terminer le niveau de contamination microbiologique en recourant Ă  la mĂ©thode de la filtration sur membrane. L’examen des mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques des deux groupes d’enfants s’est fait en considĂ©rant les frĂ©quences de pathologies physiques rĂ©currentes en une annĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les sujets qui consomment une eau de qualitĂ© pathogène prĂ©sentent une frĂ©quence de mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques supĂ©rieure Ă  celle de leurs pairs consommant une eau de meilleure qualitĂ© microbiologique. Par exemple, les pathologies hydriques, tels que les infections entĂ©riques sont significativement diffĂ©rentes entre les deux groupes de nourrissons et d’enfants. On note respectivement une frĂ©quence de 8,9% ; 7,2% contre 0% ; 0%. Ces rĂ©sultats confirment l’hypothèse selon laquelle la qualitĂ© microbiologique de l’eau consommĂ©e dans un milieu de vie constitue un facteur qui exerce une action diffĂ©rentielle sur l’apparition des mal-adaptabilitĂ©s biologiques.   The biological maladaptabilities of the child seem to be the product of the stimuli offered by the living environment.  The influence of these on the biophysiological functioning of the child is not sufficiently examined.  The present research proposes to compare the biological maladaptabilities of children consuming water of pathogenic quality to those of their peers having access to water of non-pathogenic quality.  This review focused on 152 Ivorian children aged 6 to 59 months.  In the latter, water samples, depending on the source available in the household, were analyzed.  These analyzes made it possible to determine the level of microbiological contamination using the membrane filtration method.  The examination of the biological maladaptabilities of the two groups of children was done by considering the frequencies of physical pathologies.  The results show that subjects who consume water of pathogenic quality present a frequency of biological maladaptabilities higher than that of their peers consuming water of better microbiological quality.  For example, waterborne pathologies, such as enteric infections are significantly different between the two groups of infants and children.  We note respectively a frequency of 8,9% ; 7,2% versus 0 % ; 0 %.  These results confirm the hypothesis that the microbiological quality of the water consumed in a living environment is a factor that exerts a differential action on the appearance of biological maladaptabilities

    Potentiel Physique et Auto-évaluation Corporelle Chez des Jeunes Étudiants à Abidjan

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    The body of the young man seems to be characterized by a specific plasticity. This chrono-individual body modification oftentimes leads the young person to evaluate his own body according to body acquisitions. The relationship between these two variables is far from being sufficiently studied. This paper focuses on examining the self-evaluation of the body according to the physical potential. It covers 181 young people between the ages of 18 and 25, including 84 boys and 97 girls. Body self-judgment of the subjects was measured with a specific scale. In this case, it was measured by the study of Lentillon-Kaestner et al. The physical potential of young people was explored by considering weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Fat Mass Index (FMI) of the latter. The physical parameters were measured using the scales (weight) and the height gauge (stature). As for the body composition indices, they were calculated from the physical parameters previously indicated. The results obtained, after the comparisons of the subjects with each other, show that young people aged 18-21 years of physical threshold potential exhibit statistically high body self-acceptance frequency to that of their subthreshold potential counterparts and suprathreshold physical potential. Similar results were observed in young people between 22 and 25 years of age. In this group, those with a threshold of physical potential were more acceptable compared to their peers of subthreshold physical potential and supraliminal physical potential. Taking into account sex, girls aged 18 to 21 with a threshold physical potential do not differ from their peers with subthreshold physical potential and suprathreshold physical potential in terms of low body self-acceptance. The results are identical for men aged 18 to 21 and 22 to 25. The meaning of the results does not change when comparing girls with subthreshold physical potential to boys of identical physical potential.The observations made at the latter were repeated when comparing girls to boys of physical threshold potential. In girls aged 22 to 25, girls with subthreshold physical potential and suprathreshold or threshold were superimposed on their male counterparts of subthreshold physical potential and suprathreshold or threshold. This, however, is in regards to the frequency of body self-acceptance. In this sense, the physical potential of the young would not influence the bodily self-evaluation of the latter when the sex intervenes. On the other hand, considering all young people, their physical density varies based on their body self-evaluation

    Variation des Composés Phénoliques suite à l’Elicitation du Cotonnier suivie d’Inoculation à Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp. Vasinfectum

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    La fusariose causée par Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum est une maladie qui entraîne le plus de dommages dans la culture cotonnière. Cependant, l’utilisation de pesticides notamment les fongicides comme solution pour faire face à l’agent pathogène s’est avérée non seulement inefficace mais entraîne des problèmes de toxicité, de pollution de l’environnement, de santé et même de biodiversité. L’objectif de ce travail a été d’étudier la variabilité de la production de composés phénoliques impliqués dans le système de défense naturelle du cotonnier. Ainsi, l’application des éliciteurs MeJA et FOS11 (10%) sur les plants de cotonnier suivis d’inoculation à FOV a permis la synthèse de novode composés phénoliques en plus des composés préexistants. Par ailleurs, l’accumulation des composés phénoliques a été amplifiée suite à l’application de ces deux éliciteurs suivie de l’inoculation à FOV. Les plants de cotonnier ont été donc équipés de composés qui ont anticipés l’attaque de FOV. Toutefois, la FOS11 (10%) a induit la production d’un plus grand nombre de composés phénoliques que le MeJA. La FOS11 (10%) a donc été retenu comme meilleur éliciteur naturelle de la stimulation des défenses naturelles du cotonnier. Fusarium blight caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum is a disease that causes the most damage in cotton growing. However, the use of pesticides, especially fungicides as a solution to the pathogen, has proven to be not only ineffective but also leads to problems of toxicity, environmental pollution, health and even biodiversity. The objective of this work wasto study the variability of the production of phenolic compounds involved in the natural defense system of the cotton plant. Thus, the application of the MeJA and OSF 11 elicitors (10%) on the cotton plants followed by inoculation with FOV allowed the de novo synthesis of phenolic compounds in addition to the preexisting compounds. Moreover, the accumulation of phenolic compounds was amplified following the application of these two elicitors followed by inoculation with FOV. The cotton plants were therefore equipped with compounds that anticipated the FOV attack. However, OSF 11 (10%) induced the production of more phenolic compounds than MeJA. OSF 11 (10%) was therefore chosen as the best natural elicitor of the stimulation of the natural defenses of cotton