72 research outputs found

    Universal and Near-Universal Cycles of Set Partitions

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    We study universal cycles of the set P(n,k){\cal P}(n,k) of kk-partitions of the set [n]:={1,2,…,n}[n]:=\{1,2,\ldots,n\} and prove that the transition digraph associated with P(n,k){\cal P}(n,k) is Eulerian. But this does not imply that universal cycles (or ucycles) exist, since vertices represent equivalence classes of partitions! We use this result to prove, however, that ucycles of P(n,k){\cal P}(n,k) exist for all n≥3n \geq 3 when k=2k=2. We reprove that they exist for odd nn when k=n−1k = n-1 and that they do not exist for even nn when k=n−1k = n-1. An infinite family of (n,k)(n,k) for which ucycles do not exist is shown to be those pairs for which S(n−2,k−2)S(n-2, k-2) is odd (3≤k<n−13 \leq k < n-1). We also show that there exist universal cycles of partitions of [n][n] into kk subsets of distinct sizes when kk is sufficiently smaller than nn, and therefore that there exist universal packings of the partitions in P(n,k){\cal P}(n,k). An analogous result for coverings completes the investigation.Comment: 22 page


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pengguna transportasi umum TransJakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Sampel yang diambil adalah penumpang bus TransJakarta berjumlah 40 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner, kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Hasil uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas menunjukkan bahwa 40 butir pernyataan kepada responden dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan atau korelasi yang sangat kuat antar variabel yaitu sebesar 0,811. Pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan dapat memperkuat penelitian ini yaitu menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen

    Renal Replacement Therapy in Children in the Developing World: Challenges and Outcome in a Tertiary Hospital in Southeast Nigeria

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    A 5-year observational, retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the indications, the availability, the accessibility, the sustainability, and the outcome of children managed for acute kidney injury (AKI) and end stage kidney disease (ESKD) who required renal replacement therapy RRT in Enugu, southeast Nigeria. A total of 64 patients aged 5 months to 16 years required RRT, of which only 25 underwent RRT, giving an RRT accessibility rate of 39.1%. Eleven (44%) patients required chronic dialysis program/ renal transplant, of which only 1 (9.1%) accessed and sustained chronic hemodialysis, giving a dialysis acceptance rate of 9.1%. Fifty (78%) of the patients belonged to the low socioeconomic class. Thirty-three (51.5%) could not access RRT because of financial constraints and discharge against medical advice (DAMA); 6 (9.4%) died on admission while sourcing for funds to access the therapy; 5 (7.8%) died while on RRT; 9 (14.1%) improved and were discharged for follow-up; 1 (1.6%) improved and was discharged to be on chronic dialysis program while awaiting renal transplantation outside the country/clinic follow-up, while the remaining 10 (15.6%) were unable to sustain chronic dialysis program or access renal transplantation and were lost to follow-up. We conclude that RRT remains unaffordable within the subregion

    Exercícios aquáticos na gestação: relatos de uma série de mulheres

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    The aquatic exercises have been sought more and more by pregnant women and recommended by Obstetricians with the purpose of obtaining a better life quality during the period of pregnancy. With the objective of describing the pregnant women's experience that practice aquatic exercises during the pregnancy, a study observational was accomplished, traverse and prospective using a qualitative approach through a questionnaire with 58 pregnant that were practicing aquatic exercises there is at least two months. The study revealed that all the pregnant women interviewees possess positive experience as the practice of the aquatic exercises in the gestation.Os exercícios aquáticos vem sendo cada vez mais procurados por gestantes e recomendado por Obstetras com a finalidade de obter uma melhor qualidade de vida durante o período gestacional. Com o objetivo de descrever a experiência de gestantes que praticam exercícios aquáticos durante a gestação, foi realizado um estudo observacional, transversal e prospectivo utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa através de um questionário com 58 gestantes que estavam praticando exercícios aquáticos há pelo menos dois meses. Este estudo revelou que todas as gestantes entrevistadas possuem experiência positivas quanto a prática dos exercícios aquáticos na gestação

    Management of severe tetanus using magnesium sulfate – The experience in a tertiary health institution in Southern Nigeria

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    Tetanus is a vaccine-preventable disease caused by the neurotoxin of Clostridium tetani: A motile, Gram-positive, sporeforming&nbsp;obligate anaerobe commonly found in the soil, dust, and alimentary canals of various animals. It remains a public health&nbsp;challenge in the developing countries as the morbidity and mortality rates remain high unlike in the developed world where the&nbsp;incidence is markedly low and no longer contributory to significant mortality. We report two male adolescents admitted in the&nbsp;pediatric department of a tertiary medical center of Nigeria for severe tetanus following an open injury to the limbs. Due to poor&nbsp;response to initial management with the combination of chlorpromazine, phenobarbitone, and diazepam, the latter was replaced&nbsp;with continuous infusion of magnesium sulfate after a loading dose was administered. Both the patients recovered without any&nbsp;prevailing complications and were discharged after 26 and 50 days of hospitalization, respectively, after receiving tetanus toxoid&nbsp;and were subsequently followed up. Successful severe tetanus management without the use of sophisticated medical gadgets and&nbsp;expensive treatment in a resource-poor economy is achievable as demonstrated by our study with the use of magnesium sulfate&nbsp;infusion

    Protection and support breastfeeding: a contribution of bank of human milk

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    Objective: understanding the practice of health professionals in the Human Milk Bank of protection actions and breastfeeding support. Method: a descriptive, exploratory, and a qualitative study, twenty-five health professionals of the HMB of the State of Rio de Janeiro participated through semi-structured interviews during the months from July 2012 to February 2013, and analyzed according to content analysis by thematic modality. Results: in the data analysis, the results showed that the mechanisms of the praxis of human milk bank of health professionals formed the basis for the protection and support of breastfeeding. Conclusion: it has a positive effect for breastfeeding success and contributes to the encouragement of breastfeeding in the country

    Quality indicators in support of intravenous therapy in a university hospital: a contribution of nursing

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    Objectives: to understand the indicators of quality of care for intravenous therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of a university hospital. Method: a non-experimental descriptive study with a quantitative approach in the NICU of a university hospital, through a systematic survey on the protocol of intravenous care: peripheral venous access, PICC and central venous catheter. Excel and presented in tables - statistical treatment, where the data were pooled and processed in Microsoft Office program was conducted. The study was approved by the CEP HUAP/UFF under Protocol 01660412.9.0000.5243 . Results: in the data analysis, the results showed a greater need for technical training and maintenance of venous access catheter peripheral, PICC, and umbilical catheter. Conclusion: so, the health professional should facilitate and promote patient safety for the sake of your well being and quality of life, avoiding the risks and adverse effects

    The quality of an integrated network: accessibility and coverage in prenatal care

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    Objective: analyzing the values expressed in the speech of women/mothers in the accessibility of monitoring examinations of prenatal care. Method: a phenomenological, descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach. There were interviwed fifty women/pregnant of the Prenatal Program of Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The data analyzed allowed formulating themes articulated with the Theory of Values. Results: barriers experienced by women on laboratory/images examinations: delay in results, misinformation and lack of a service of quality, a value considered of vital use for them. We realize the need for change in monitoring prenatal, considering a network of unified and integrated health with quality services at different levels of care, promoting wellness, comfort and safety to pregnant women as a vital value to their health. Conclusion: the health network should be unified for a better quality of services offered to women

    Non-invasive technologies for pain relief in parturition / Tecnologias não invasivas para o alívio da dor na parturição

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    Objetivo: analisar as tecnologias não invasivas de alívio da dor no parto e nascimento. Método: revisão integrativa de literatura, com 13 artigos obtidos nas bases de dados Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, SciVerse Scopus TopCited, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online e a biblioteca virtual Scientific Electronic Library Online entre o período de 2010 a 2016. Resultados: observou o uso de mais de duas tecnologias não farmacológicas no processo de parto e nascimento, como aromaterapia isolada ou somada a mais uma tecnologia; aplicação isolada de frio e/ou calor; uso da bola suíça/bola de parto. Conclusão: a utilização de novas tecnologias no processo parturitivo resgata a autonomia da mulher frente ao seu corpo

    A reflexologia podal no aleitamento materno: uma scoping review

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    Objetivo: mapear na literatura científica de que modo  a reflexologia podal contribui na prática do aleitamento materno. Método: buscou-se realizar uma revisão de scoping review com buscas nas Bases de Dados PubMed Central (U. S. National Institutesof Health), SCOPUS (Elsevier), LILACS (Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde), MEDLINE (Complete - U.S. National Library of Medicine),  Conchrane Library, CINAHL (Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature). Resultado: desta busca foram selecionados sete estudos e realizado análise temática, resultando em quatro temas: O tempo e espaçamento da reflexologia podal aplicados para estímulo de lactação; Os protocolos de intervenção aplicados em cada estudo; Recursos usados para avaliação dos estudos e Os estudos qualitativos. Conclusão: Os estudos quantitativos apresentaram desfechos evidenciando melhoria da produção láctea ou antecipando a lactação. Apesar do reconhecimento do valor da reflexologia podal várias lacunas foram apresentadas evidenciando necessidade de estudos mais amplos
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