152 research outputs found

    Selfish traffic allocation for server farms

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    We study the price of selfish routing in noncooperative networks like the Internet. In particular, we investigate the price of selfish routing using the price of anarchy (a.k.a. the coordination ratio) and other (e.g., bicriteria) measures in the recently introduced game theoretic parallel links network model of Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou. We generalize this model toward general, monotone families of cost functions and cost functions from queueing theory. A summary of our main results for general, monotone cost functions is as follows: 1. We give an exact characterization of all cost functions having a bounded/unbounded price of anarchy. For example, the price of anarchy for cost functions describing the expected delay in queueing systems is unbounded. 2. We show that an unbounded price of anarchy implies an extremely high performance degradation under bicriteria measures. In fact, the price of selfish routing can be as high as a bandwidth degradation by a factor that is linear in the network size. 3. We separate the game theoretic (integral) allocation model from the (fractional) flow model by demonstrating that even a very small or negligible amount of integrality can lead to a dramatic performance degradation. 4. We unify recent results on selfish routing under different objectives by showing that an unbounded price of anarchy under the min-max objective implies an unbounded price of anarchy under the average cost objective and vice versa. Our special focus lies on cost functions describing the behavior of Web servers that can open only a limited number of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections. In particular, we compare the performance of queueing systems that serve all incoming requests with servers that reject requests in case of overload. Our analysis indicates that all queueing systems without rejection cannot give any reasonable guarantee on the expected delay of requests under selfish routing even when the injected load is far away from the capacity of the system. In contrast, Web server farms that are allowed to reject requests can guarantee a high quality of service for every individual request stream even under relatively high injection rates

    Worst Case and Probabilistic Analysis of the 2-Opt Algorithm for the TSP

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    2-Opt is probably the most basic local search heuristic for the TSP. This heuristic achieves amazingly good results on real world Euclidean instances both with respect to running time and approximation ratio. There are numerous experimental studies on the performance of 2-Opt. However, the theoretical knowledge about this heuristic is still very limited. Not even its worst case running time on 2-dimensional Euclidean instances was known so far. We clarify this issue by presenting, for every pNp\in\mathbb{N}, a family of LpL_p instances on which 2-Opt can take an exponential number of steps. Previous probabilistic analyses were restricted to instances in which nn points are placed uniformly at random in the unit square [0,1]2[0,1]^2. We consider a more advanced model in which the points can be placed independently according to general distributions on [0,1]d[0,1]^d, for an arbitrary d2d\ge 2. In particular, we allow different distributions for different points. We study the expected number of local improvements in terms of the number nn of points and the maximal density ϕ\phi of the probability distributions. We show an upper bound on the expected length of any 2-Opt improvement path of O~(n4+1/3ϕ8/3)\tilde{O}(n^{4+1/3}\cdot\phi^{8/3}). When starting with an initial tour computed by an insertion heuristic, the upper bound on the expected number of steps improves even to O~(n4+1/31/dϕ8/3)\tilde{O}(n^{4+1/3-1/d}\cdot\phi^{8/3}). If the distances are measured according to the Manhattan metric, then the expected number of steps is bounded by O~(n41/dϕ)\tilde{O}(n^{4-1/d}\cdot\phi). In addition, we prove an upper bound of O(ϕd)O(\sqrt[d]{\phi}) on the expected approximation factor with respect to all LpL_p metrics. Let us remark that our probabilistic analysis covers as special cases the uniform input model with ϕ=1\phi=1 and a smoothed analysis with Gaussian perturbations of standard deviation σ\sigma with ϕ1/σd\phi\sim1/\sigma^d.Comment: An extended abstract of this work has appeared in the Proc. of the 18th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. The results of this extended abstract have been split into two articles (Algorithmica 2014) and (ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2016). This report is an updated version of the first journal article, in which two minor errors in the proofs of Lemma 8 and Lemma 9 have been correcte

    Сучасні тенденції в методиці викладання англійської мови

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    In the interference scheduling problem, one is given a set of n communication requests described by sourcedestination pairs of nodes from a metric space. The nodes correspond to devices in a wireless network. Each pair must be assigned a power level and a color such that the pairs in each color class can communicate simultaneously at the specified power levels. The feasibility of simultaneous communication within a color class is defined in terms of the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) that compares the strength of a signal at a receiver to the sum of the strengths of other signals. The objective is to minimize the number of colors as this corresponds to the time needed to schedule all requests. We introduce an instance-based measure of interference, denoted by I, that enables us to improve on previous results for the interference scheduling problem. We prove upper and lower bounds in terms of I on the number of steps needed for scheduling a set of requests. For general power assignments, we prove a lower bound of Ω(I/(log ∆ log n)) steps, where ∆ denotes the aspect ratio of the metric. When restricting to the two-dimensional Euclidean space (as previous work) the bound improves to Ω(I / log ∆). Alternatively, when restricting to linear power assignments, the lower bound improves even to Ω(I). The lower bounds are complemented by an efficient algorithm computing a schedule for linear power assignments using onl

    Российская этика бизнеса в контексте национальных особенностей

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    Анализируются основные элементы бизнес этики, позволяющие утверждать, что этические воззрения не могут носить универсальный характер, поскольку в основе лежат принципиальные культурные различия. Установлены элементы, указывающие на отличия в бизнес этике России, США и европейских государств. Сделаны выводы о культурных предпосылках, которые позволяют увидеть причину, по которой бизнесмены России и США будут по-разному реагировать на аналогичную этическую дилемму

    Eläketurvakeskuksen vuosikertomus 2019

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    Eläketurvakeskus (ETK) teki vuoden 2019 aikana paljon ennakoivaa selvitys- ja laskelmatyötä, jotta pitkän aikavälin haastaviin näkymiin varautumiselle olisi hyvä tietopohja, toimitusjohtaja Mikko Kautto kertoo ETK:n vuosikertomuksessa 2019. Eläketurvakeskus käynnisti työmarkkinajärjestöjen pyynnöstä selvityksiä muun muassa rahoituksesta, työkyvyttömyyseläkkeistä ja kuntoutuksesta. Lisäksi ETK teki taustaselvityksiä STM:n työryhmille yrittäjien työeläketurvasta ja yksityisen ja kunnallisen sektorin eläkejärjestelmien yhdistymisestä. Tulorekisterin käyttöönotto eläkealalla toi paljon haasteita etenkin alkuvuonna. Eläketurvakeskus osallistui kertomusvuonna edelleen aktiivisesti julkiseen keskusteluun. Eläketurvakeskus kehitti myös asiakaspalveluaan, ja sai siitä hyvää palautetta. Myös verkkopalvelujen vierailumäärät kasvoivat reippaasti. Eläketurvakeskuksen palveluksessa toimi vuoden 2019 lopussa 324 henkilöä. Henkilömäärä aleni hieman. Eläketurvakeskuksen kulut olivat 37,5 miljoonaa euroa, ja ne alenivat edellisestä vuodesta 1,3 miljoonalla eurolla. Pasilan toimitalo myytiin kesällä ja jatkettiin valmistelua uusiin vuokratiloihin siirtymiseksi

    Worst case and probabilistic analysis of the 2-Opt algorithm for the TSP

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    2-Opt is probably the most basic local search heuristic for the TSP. This heuristic achieves amazingly good results on “real world” Euclidean instances both with respect to running time and approximation ratio. There are numerous experimental studies on the performance of 2-Opt. However, the theoretical knowledge about this heuristic is still very limited. Not even its worst case running time on 2-dimensional Euclidean instances was known so far. We clarify this issue by presenting, for every p∈N , a family of L p instances on which 2-Opt can take an exponential number of steps. Previous probabilistic analyses were restricted to instances in which n points are placed uniformly at random in the unit square [0,1]2, where it was shown that the expected number of steps is bounded by O~(n10) for Euclidean instances. We consider a more advanced model of probabilistic instances in which the points can be placed independently according to general distributions on [0,1] d , for an arbitrary d≥2. In particular, we allow different distributions for different points. We study the expected number of local improvements in terms of the number n of points and the maximal density ϕ of the probability distributions. We show an upper bound on the expected length of any 2-Opt improvement path of O~(n4+1/3⋅ϕ8/3) . When starting with an initial tour computed by an insertion heuristic, the upper bound on the expected number of steps improves even to O~(n4+1/3−1/d⋅ϕ8/3) . If the distances are measured according to the Manhattan metric, then the expected number of steps is bounded by O~(n4−1/d⋅ϕ) . In addition, we prove an upper bound of O(ϕ√d) on the expected approximation factor with respect to all L p metrics. Let us remark that our probabilistic analysis covers as special cases the uniform input model with ϕ=1 and a smoothed analysis with Gaussian perturbations of standard deviation σ with ϕ∼1/σ d

    A Universally-truthful Approximation Scheme for Multi-unit Auctions

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    We present a randomized, polynomial-time approximation scheme for multi-unit auctions. Our mechanism is truthful in the universal sense, i.e., a distribution over deterministically truthful mechanisms. Previously known approximation schemes were truthful in expectation which is a weaker notion of truthfulness assuming risk neutral bidders. The existence of a universally truthful approximation scheme was questioned by previous work showing that multi-unit auctions with certain technical restrictions on their output do not admit a polynomial-time, universally truthful mechanism with approximation factor better than two. Our new mechanism employs VCG payments in a non-standard way: The deterministic mechanisms underlying our universally truthful approximation scheme are not maximal in range and do not belong to the class of affine maximizers which, on a first view, seems to contradict previous characterizations of VCG-based mechanisms. Instead, each of these deterministic mechanisms is composed of a collection of affine maximizers, one for each bidder. This yields a subjective variant of VCG in which payments for different bidders are defined on the basis of possibly different affine maximizers