18 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Adaptasi Genotipe Baru Kedelai dalam Mendapatkan Hara Fosfor dari Tanah Mineral Masam

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    Phosphate defi ciency is one of the main constraints to increase soybean yield in acid mineral soil. An experiment was conducted with an objective to discover scientifi c base of fertilizer selection based on soybean adaptation mechanism to mitigate P defi ciency in acid mineral soils in Bengkulu Province. A factorial experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The fi rst factor was soybean genotypes, i.e. Slamet and three new soybean genotypes (NSGs) i.e. 19BE, 25EC and 13ED, and second factor was P fertilization dosages (0 and 400 mg P2O5 kg-1 soil). Soybean was grown in a greenhouse using double pot system. Research results showed that the NSGs had different mechanism in P uptake from soil with high P absorbing capacity compared to Slamet genotype. NSGs translocated more carbon to root, and decreasing of shoot-root ratio, about 66-70%. NSGs 25EC produce more oxalic and malic acid, and 13ED produce more citric acid to obtain same amount of P absorbed by Slamet variety. Under low P, NSGs developed symbioses with mycorrhizal arbuscular fungus, however, only 19BE which increase microbe population in rhizosfer. Phosphosrus fertilization supressed arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus development (15-100%), alkaline phosphatase activity (20-88%), and microbial C biomass (40-71%) in rhizosphere of new soybean genotype

    Growth and Yield of Soybean with Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Ultisols

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) is the third most important food crop after rice and corn which contains protein and other nutrients essential for the body. Ultisol soil is a less fertile soil that has many limitations on its physical, chemical, and biological properties. Efforts that can be made include the use of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). This research was conducted from February to May 2020, in Beringin Raya, Muara Bangka Hulu District, Bengkulu City with an altitude of + 10 m above sea level. The purpose of this study was to explain the growth and yield of soybeans due to the application of liquid organic fertilizers and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Ultisols. The research design used was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 2 factors with three replications. The first factor is the LOF dose which consists of four levels, namely: 0, 20, 40, and 60 mL L-1. The second factor is the AMF dose with three levels, namely; 0, 5, and 10 g plant-1. The results showed that there was no interaction between LOF and AMF. Giving a LOF concentration of 60 mL L-1 gave the highest yield on the growth and yield of soybeans, as well as the optimum concentration for seed/plant weight, which was 28.114 mL L-1, and the number of seeds was 37.589 mL L-1. AMF dosage of 10 g plant-1 gave the best growth and yield of soybean plants.

    Application of Vermicompost to Soil P Levels, Tissue P Levels, and Corn Yields in Entisols

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    This study aims to determine the optimum dossage of vermicompost to soil P levels, tissue P levels as well as corn growth and yield in Entisols. This research was conducted at Kandang Mas village, Bengkulu City from August 2019 until November 2019. The design used in this study is Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) one factor is the application of vermicompost dose with three replications. The dossage of vermicompost consists of seven levels, namely 0 tons ha-1, 5 tons ha-1, 10 tons ha-1, 15 tons ha-1, 20 tons ha-1, 25  tons ha-1, and 30 tons ha-1. The results showed that there was no optimum dossage of vermicompost to soil P levels, tissue P levels, and corn yield in Entisols.


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    Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kedelai di Ultisols ialah dengan memanfaatkan pupuk hayati dalam bentuk inokulan jasad renik tanah, misalnya bakteri penambat nitrogen (BPN) dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula (CMA). Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh pasangan CMA dan Rhizobium yang mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai di Ultisols di Bengkulu. Penelitian disusun dengan Rancangan Petak Teralur (Split Block) dengan rancangan dasar Acak kelompok Lengkap yang setiap satuan percobaan diulang tiga kali. Petak utama ialah genotipe kedelai yang terdiri dari V = Pangrango, V = Ceneng, dan V = DS1. Anak petak ialah inokulan CMA dan Rhizobium yaitu GlmR 3 1 1 2 = G. manihotis + Rhizobium KLR 5.3; GlmR = G. manihotis + Rhizobium TER 2.2; GimR 2 = Gigaspora margarita + Rhizobium KLR 5.3; GimR = Gigaspora margarita + Rhizobium TER 2.2; dan Kontrol = pemupukan NPK dengan dosis rekomendasi tanpa inokulan. Seluruh perlakuan diberi kapur 200 kg ha-1 dan pupuk kandang 1 ton ha-1. Semua perlakuan pupuk hayati diberi pupuk dasar berupa 54,3 kg ha-1 Urea, 55,5 kg ha-1 SP36, dan 185,2 kg ha-1 KCl. Sebagai perlakuan kontrol adalah tanah yang diberi pupuk NPK (217,4 kg ha-1 Urea, 222,2 kg ha-1 SP36, dan 185 kg ha-1 KCl). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasangan CMA dan rhizobia yang dianjurkan ialah Glomus dengan rhizobia asal Kandang Limun maupun Talang Empat sedangkan Gigaspora hanya cocok jika dipasangkan dengan rhizobia asal Talang Empat


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    One alternative to soybean cultivar production was utilization of Rhizobium and AMF as biofertilizers. The experiment was aimed to get a Rhizobium and AMF combination which capable to increase growth and yield of soybean in Ultisols of Bengkulu.This experiment was arranged in split block design and consisted of two factors. The first factor was soybean genotype, Pangrango, Ceneng, DSI (Malabar x Kipas Putih).The second factor was inoculant of Rhizobium and AMF namely: G. manihotis + Rhizobium of KLR 5.3 strain, G. manihotis + Rhizobium of TER 2.2 strain, Gigaspora margarita + Rhizobium of KLR 5.3 strain, Gigaspora margarita + Rhizobium of TER 2.2 strain, fertilizer NPK at recommended dosage without inoculants respectively. All replication received 1 ton ha-1 of farmyard manure, biofertilizer treated plot received 54.3 kg ha-1 Urea, 55.5 kg ha-1 SP36, and 185.2 kg ha-1 KCl. Chemical fertilizer application was 217.4 kg ha-1 Urea, 222.2 kg ha-1 SP36, and 185 kg ha-1 KCl. The results of the experiment showed that biofertilizer combination that ca be recommended for use is ultisols are Glomus and Rhizobium of Kandang Limun origin (R1) and Talang Empat origin (R2) and Gigaspora only with Rhizobium of Talang Empat origin (R2

    Dampak penggunaan pupuk hayati pada budidaya kedelai di bawah tegakan sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria L. Nielsen) di lahan pasca penambangan batu bara

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    Lahan pasca penambangan batubara dapat dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya pertanian dengan pola agroforestri sengon dan tanaman kedelai yang diinokulasi dengan pupuk hayati. Percobaan lapangan dilaksanakan dengan tujuan menguji kesesuaian pupuk hayati (fungi mikoriza arbuskula, fungi pelarut fosfat dan campuran keduanya) untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil dua genotipe kedelai (25EC dan Slamet) di lahan agroforestri pasca penambangan batubara. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan dua genotipe yang diuji pada dasarnya mampu tumbuh baik dan menghasilkan biji yang sama banyaknya. Pertumbuhan dan hasil kedua genotipe kedelai tersebut semakin meningkat jika diinokulasi dengan fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) Gigaspora margarita atau fungi pelarut fosfat (FPF). Pupuk hayati kombinasi justru menghasilkan pengaruh yang lebih buruk dibandingkan dengan FMA atau FPF saja. Tampaknya terjadi persaingan antara FMA dan FPF yang pada dasarnya memiliki tugas yang kurang lebih sama yaitu mempengaruhi penyediaan unsur hara fosfor untuk tanaman kedelai


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    Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan kombinasi kompos dan pupuk kalium yang tepat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kedelai galur baru yang diberi pupuk hayati rhizobia strain KLR dan fungi pelarut fosfat (FPF) di tanah Ultisol. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan split plot yang diulang tiga kali. Petak utama ialah dosis kompos (0; 0,5; 1,0; dan 1,5 t ha-1) sedangkan anak petak ialah dosis pupuk kalium (0, 25, 50, 75, dan 100 kg KCl ha-1). Pupuk dasar yang diberikan ialah 200 kg ha-1 kapur pertanian dan inokulan rhizobia strain KLR + fungi pelarut fosfat. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan kedelai genotipe 25EC memiliki respon dengan pola yang tidak menentu terhadap pemberian kompos dan pupuk K dapat bersifat linier atau kuadratik ditentukan dosis kompos dan pupuk K. Kedelai genotipe 25EC dapat dibudidaya- kan pada tanah dengan karakteristik sangat masam kaya akan bahan organik namun miskin hara tersedia dan kapasitas tukar kation rendah. Inokulasi pupuk hayati (kombinasi rhizobia strain KLR dan fungi pelarut fosfat), kompos dengan dosis 1,5 t ha-1 atau pupuk K 25 kg ha-1 menghasilkan bobot biji kering biji kedelai setara dengan 1,88 – 1,98 t ha-1


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    For increasing high productivity of soybean should be found precise combination biofertilizers between arbuscular mycorrhiza and Rhizobium. The experiment was conducted using block split design, three replications. Three genotypes of soybean, Ceneng, DS1 and Pangrango were inoculated with Glomus manihotis + Rhizobium sp. TER 2.2 (GimR1), Gi. margarita + Rhizobium KLB 5.3 (GlmR2), Gigaspora margarita + Rhizobium TER 2.2 (GimR1), Gi. margarita + Rhizobium KLB 5.3. (GimR2) and inorganic fertilizers as a control (100 kg ha-1 N, 80 kg ha-1 P205 and 100 kg ha-1 K2O). All treatments were given green manure with the dosage equivanent to 1 ton ha-1 dry weight. First fertilizer was applied on inoculant treatment 25 kg ha-1 N (Urea), 20 kg P2O5 (SP36) and 100 kg ha-1 K2O (KCl). The results of this experiment revealed that Ceneng followed by Pangrango and DS1 was the most responsively soybean genotypes for CMA + Rhizobium tested. CMA Gigaspora margarita was more superior than Glomus manihotis and Rhizobium KLR 5.3 was more superior than Rhizobium TER 2.2 for increasing soybean growth and yield. Three symbiosis soybean-CMA­Rhizobium were determined by soybean genotype, CMA species and its Rhizobium isolates. Combinations of GlmR1, GlmR2, GimR1 and GimR2 were potential combinations for increasing soybean growth and yield the same as or more than inorganic fertilizers. Dry season and Fe and Mn ions had negative effects for CMA and Rhizobium combinations in increasing soybean growth and yield compared with inorganic fertilizers