102 research outputs found

    The development of a new 22 GHz microwave spectrometer for monitoring middle atmospheric water vapour at polar latitudes

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    Water vapour is a crucial element of the climate system. Accurate observations of stratospheric humidity are needed in the equatorial belt, where water vapour crosses the tropopause, and in the Polar regions, that are affected the most by climate change trends [IPCC, 2007; Solomon et al., 2010]. Satellite-based observations provide atmospheric composition data with extensive spatial and temporal coverage, but these need to be validated and integrated by ground-based networks like GAW and NDACC Changes in middle atmospheric water vapour on time scales longer than the a satellite mission have been successfully observed by ground-based instruments [Nedoluha et al., 2009]. Several ground-based spectrometers have been developed in the last decades to detect the water vapour rotational emission line at 22.235 GHz with heterodyne microwave receivers [e.g., Nedoluha et al., 2009; Straub et al., 2011, Forkman et al., 2003, De Wachter et al., 2011] (see map on the left). The proposed sites for long-term installation of the new spectrometer are Concordia Station, Antarctica (3233 m asl 75.10°S, 123.3°E, NDACC site) or Thule Air Base, Greenland (76.5°N, 68.8°W; NDACC site) for polar monitoring, or Mount Chacaltaya, Bolivia (5.320 m asl, 16.2ÂșS, 68.1ÂșW, GAW site) for tropical observations

    Dynamic Thermal Modeling of a Radiant Panels System and its Environment for Commissioning: Application to Case Study

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    As a part of a commissioning study, the cooling ceiling system of a large commercial building located in Belgium is evaluated. A representative office has been instrumented and data on the cooling ceiling system operating in real conditions have been collected. The simulation of the whole system is performed by means of a dynamic thermal model of the building and its HVAC system. The model considers the radiant panels as a dynamic-state finned heat exchanger connected to a simplified lumped dynamic model of the building. The behavior of the radiant ceiling system and the interactions with his environment (walls, ventilated façade, internal loads and ventilation system) has been experimentally and numerically evaluated. Commissioning test results show that the influence of surfaces temperatures inside the room, especially the façade, is considerable. Then, it is clear that the radiant ceiling system must be evaluated together with its designed environment and not as separate HVAC equipment

    Caratterizzazione di antenna a 22 GHz presso il laboratorio microonde dell’ISCTI

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    Il Laboratorio Microonde dell’Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione esegue misurazioni su apparati e componenti operanti fino alle frequenze delle onde millimetriche. Il campo delle applicazioni comprende anche la caratterizzazione di alcuni parametri delle antenne ed in questo articolo vengono esposti i risultati ottenuti su di un’antenna paraboloidica offset destinata ad uno spettrometro per il monitoraggio del vapor d’acqua nella media atmosfera in sviluppo presso i laboratori dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia di Roma

    MAMAP – a new spectrometer system for column-averaged methane and carbon dioxide observations from aircraft: instrument description and performance analysis

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    Abstract. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) are the two most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases. CH4 is furthermore one of the most potent present and future contributors to global warming because of its large global warming potential (GWP). Our knowledge of CH4 and CO2 source strengths is based primarily on bottom-up scaling of sparse in-situ local point measurements of emissions and up-scaling of emission factor estimates or top-down modeling incorporating data from surface networks and more recently also by incorporating data from low spatial resolution satellite observations for CH4. There is a need to measure and retrieve the dry columns of CO2 and CH4 having high spatial resolution and spatial coverage. In order to fill this gap a new passive airborne 2-channel grating spectrometer instrument for remote sensing of small scale and mesoscale column-averaged CH4 and CO2 observations has been developed. This Methane Airborne MAPper (MAMAP) instrument measures reflected and scattered solar radiation in the short wave infrared (SWIR) and near-infrared (NIR) parts of the electro-magnetic spectrum at moderate spectral resolution. The SWIR channel yields measurements of atmospheric absorption bands of CH4 and CO2 in the spectral range between 1.59 and 1.69 ÎŒm at a spectral resolution of 0.82 nm. The NIR channel around 0.76 ÎŒm measures the atmospheric O2-A-band absorption with a resolution of 0.46 nm. MAMAP has been designed for flexible operation aboard a variety of airborne platforms. The instrument design and the performance of the SWIR channel, together with some results from on-ground and in-flight engineering tests are presented. The SWIR channel performance has been analyzed using a retrieval algorithm applied to the nadir measured spectra. Dry air column-averaged mole fractions are obtained from SWIR data only by dividing the retrieved CH4 columns by the simultaneously retrieved CO2 columns for dry air column CH4 (XCH4) and vice versa for dry air column CO2 (XCO2). The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the SWIR channel is approximately 1000 for integration times (tint) in the range of 0.6–0.8 s for scenes with surface spectral reflectances (SSR)/albedo of around 0.18. At these integration times the ground scene size is about 23 × 33 m2 for an aircraft altitude of 1 km and a ground speed of 200 km/h. For these scenes the actual XCH4 or XCO2 dry air column retrieval precisions are typically about 1% (1 σ). Elevated levels of CH4 have been retrieved above a CH4 emitting landfill. Similarly the plume of CO2 from coal-fired power plants can be well detected and tracked. The measurements by the MAMAP sensor could enable estimates of anthropogenic, biogenic and geological emissions of localized intense CH4 and CO2 sources such as anthropogenic fugitive CH4 emissions from oil and gas industry, coal mining, disposal of organic waste, CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants, steel production or geologic CH4 and CO2 emissions from seepage and volcanoes. Appropriate analysis of the measurements of MAMAP potentially also yields natural CH4 emissions from less intense but extensive sources such as wetlands

    Dynamic Thermal Modeling of a Radiant Panels System and its Environment for Commissioning: Application to Case Study

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    As a part of a commissioning study, the cooling ceiling system of a large commercial building located in Belgium is evaluated. A representative office has been instrumented and data on the cooling ceiling system operating in real conditions have been collected. The simulation of the whole system is performed by means of a dynamic thermal model of the building and its HVAC system. The model considers the radiant panels as a dynamic-state finned heat exchanger connected to a simplified lumped dynamic model of the building. The behavior of the radiant ceiling system and the interactions with his environment (walls, ventilated façade, internal loads and ventilation system) has been experimentally and numerically evaluated. Commissioning test results show that the influence of surfaces temperatures inside the room, especially the façade, is considerable. Then, it is clear that the radiant ceiling system must be evaluated together with its designed environment and not as separate HVAC equipment

    Surveillance of HIV Drug Resistance in Children Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy: A Pilot Study of the World Health Organization's Generic Protocol in Maputo, Mozambique

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    Between 2007 and 2008, the Mozambique Ministry of Health conducted an assessment of human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance (HIVDR) using World Health Organization (WHO) methods in a cohort of children initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the main pediatric ART referral center in Mozambique. It was shown that prior to ART initiation 5.4% of children had HIVDR that was associated with nevirapine perinatal exposure (P < .001). Twelve months after ART initiation, 77% had viral load suppression (<1000 copies/mL), exceeding the WHO target of ≄70%; 10.3% had HIVDR at 12 months. Baseline HIVDR (P = .04), maternal prevention of mother-to-child transmission (P = .02), and estimated days of missed medication (P = .03) predicted HIVDR at 12 months. As efforts to eliminate pediatric AIDS are intensified, implementation of ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor regimens in children with prevention of mother-to-child transmission exposure may reduce risk of virological failure in our settin

    Observations of surface radiation and stratospheric processes at Thule Air Base, Greenland, during the IPY

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    Ground-based measurements of atmospheric parameters have been carried out for more than 20 years at the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) station at Thule Air Base (76.5°N, 68.8°W), on the north-western coast of Greenland. Various instruments dedicated to the study of the lower and middle polar atmosphere are installed at Thule in the framework of a long standing collaboration among Danish, Italian, and US research institutes and universities. This effort aims at monitoring the composition, structure and dynamics of the polar stratosphere, and at studying the Arctic energy budget and the role played by different factors, such as aerosols, water vapour, and surface albedo. During the International Polar Year (IPY), in winter 2008-2009, an intensive measurement campaign was conducted at Thule within the framework of the IPY project “Ozone layer and UV radiation in a changing climate evaluated during IPY” (ORACLE-O3) which sought to improve our understanding of the complex mechanisms that lead to the Arctic stratospheric O3 depletion. The campaign involved a lidar system, measuring aerosol backscatter and depolarization ratios up to 35 km and atmospheric temperature profiles from 25 to 70 km altitude, a ground-based millimeter-wave spectrometer (GBMS) used to derive stratospheric mixing ratio profiles of different chemical species involved in the stratospheric ozone depletion cycle, and then ground-based radiometers and a Cimel sunphotometer to study the Arctic radiative budget at the surface. The observations show that the surface radiation budget is mainly regulated by the longwave component throughout most of the year. Clouds have a significant impact contributing to enhance the role of longwave radiation. Besides clouds, water vapour seasonal changes produce the largest modification in the shortwave component at the surface, followed by changes in surface albedo and in aerosol amounts. For what concerns the middle atmosphere, during the first part of winter 2008-2009 the cold polar vortex allowed for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) which were observed above Thule by means of the lidar. This period was also characterized by GBMS measurements of low values of O3 due to the catalytic reactions prompted by the PSCs. In mid- January, as the most intense Sudden Stratospheric Warming event ever observed in the Arctic occurred, GBMS and lidar measurements of O3, N2O, CO and temperature described its evolution as it propagated from the upper atmosphere to the lower stratosphere

    Update on World Health Organization HIV Drug Resistance Prevention and Assessment Strategy: 2004-2011

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    The HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) prevention and assessment strategy, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with HIVResNet, includes monitoring of HIVDR early warning indicators, surveys to assess acquired and transmitted HIVDR, and development of an accredited HIVDR genotyping laboratory network to support survey implementation in resource-limited settings. As of June 2011, 52 countries had implemented at least 1 element of the strategy, and 27 laboratories had been accredited. As access to antiretrovirals expands under the WHO/Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Treatment 2.0 initiative, it is essential to strengthen HIVDR surveillance efforts in the face of increasing concern about HIVDR emergence and transmissio
