86 research outputs found

    Impact of Human Genetic Variation on C-Reactive Protein Concentrations and Acute Appendicitis

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    BACKGROUND: Acute appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal emergencies worldwide. Both environmental and genetic factors contribute to the disease. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an important biomarker in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. CRP concentrations are significantly affected by genetic variation. However, whether such genetic variation is causally related to appendicitis risk remains unclear. In this study, the causal relationship between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with circulating CRP concentrations and the risk and severity of acute appendicitis was investigated. METHODS: CRP concentrations in serum of appendicitis patients (n = 325) were measured. Appendicitis was categorized as complicated/uncomplicated and gangrenous/non-gangrenous. Imputed SNP data (n = 287) were generated. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) on CRP concentrations and appendicitis severity was performed. Intersection and colocalization of the GWAS results were performed with appendicitis and CRP-associated loci from the Pan-UKBB cohort. A functional-genomics approach to prioritize genes was employed. RESULTS: Thirteen percent of significant CRP quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that were previously identified in a large cohort of healthy individuals were replicated in our small patient cohort. Significant enrichment of CRP-QTLs in association with appendicitis was observed. Among these shared loci, the two top loci at chromosomes 1q41 and 8p23.1 were characterized. The top SNP at chromosome 1q41 is located within the promoter of H2.0 Like Homeobox (HLX) gene, which is involved in blood cell differentiation, and liver and gut organogeneses. The expression of HLX is increased in the appendix of appendicitis patients compared to controls. The locus at 8p23.1 contains multiple genes, including cathepsin B (CTSB), which is overexpressed in appendix tissue from appendicitis patients. The risk allele of the top SNP in this locus also increases CTSB expression in the sigmoid colon of healthy individuals. CTSB is involved in collagen degradation, MHC class II antigen presentation, and neutrophil degranulation. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study prioritize HLX and CTSB as potential causal genes for appendicitis and suggest a shared genetic mechanism between appendicitis and CRP concentrations

    Gene Erosion Can Lead to Gain-of-Function Alleles That Contribute to Bacterial Fitness

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    Despite our extensive knowledge of the genetic regulation of heat shock proteins (HSPs), the evolutionary routes that allow bacteria to adaptively tune their HSP levels and corresponding proteostatic robustness have been explored less. In this report, directed evolution experiments using the Escherichia coli model system unexpectedly revealed that seemingly random single mutations in its tnaA gene can confer significant heat resistance. Closer examination, however, indicated that these mutations create folding-deficient and aggregation-prone TnaA variants that in turn can endogenously and preemptively trigger HSP expression to cause heat resistance. These findings, importantly, demonstrate that even erosive mutations with disruptive effects on protein structure and functionality can still yield true gain-of-function alleles with a selective advantage in adaptive evolution

    Deactivation and regeneration of solid acid and base catalyst bodies used in cascade for bio-oil synthesis and upgrading

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    The modes of deactivation -and the extent to which their properties can be restored- of two catalyst bodies used in cascade for bio-oil synthesis have been studied. These catalysts include a solid acid granulate (namely ZrO2/desilicated zeolite ZSM-5/attapulgite clay) employed in ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass, and a base extrudate (K-exchanged zeolite USY/attapulgite clay) for the subsequent bio-oil upgrading. Post-mortem analyses of both catalyst bodies with Raman spectroscopy and confocal fluorescence microscopy revealed the presence of highly poly-aromatic coke distributed in an egg-shell manner. Deactivation due to coke adsorption onto acid sites affected the zeolite ZSM-5-based catalyst, while for the base catalyst it is structural integrity loss, resulting from KOH-mediated zeolite framework collapse, the main deactivating factor. A hydrothermal regeneration process reversed the detrimental effects of coke in the acid catalyst, largely recovering catalyst acidity (∼80%) and textural properties (∼90%), but worsened the structural damage suffered by the base catalyst

    Multiscale Mechanistic Insights of Shaped Catalyst Body Formulations and Their Impact on Catalytic Properties

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    International audienceZeolite-based catalysts are globally employed in many industrial processes, such as in crude-oil refining and in the production of bulk chemicals. However, to be implemented in industrial reactors efficiently, zeolite powders are required to be shaped in catalyst bodies. Scale-up of zeolite catalysts into such forms comes with side effects to its overall physicochem-ical properties and to those of its constituting components. Although fundamental research into "technical" solid catalysts is scarce, binder effects have been reported to significantly impact their catalytic properties and lifetime. Given the large number of additional (in)organic components added in the formulation, it is somehow surprising to see that there is a distinct lack of research into the unintentional impact organic additives can have on the properties of the zeolite and the catalyst bodies in general. Here, we systematically prepared a series of alumina-bound zeolite ZSM-5-based catalyst bodies, with organic additives such as peptizing, plasticizing, and lubricating agents, to rationalize their impacts on the physicochemical properties of the shaped catalyst bodies. By utilizing a carefully selected arsenal of bulk and high-spatial resolution multiscale characterization techniques, as well as specifically sized bioinspired fluorescent nanoprobes to study pore accessibility, we clearly show that, although the organic additives achieve their primary function of a mechanically robust material, uncontrolled processes are taking place in parallel. We reveal that the extrusion process can lead to zeolite dealumination (from acid peptizing treatment, and localized steaming upon calcination); meso-and macropore structural rearrangement (via burning-out of organic plasticizing and lubricating agents upon calcination); and abating of known alumina binder effects (via scavenging of Al species via chelating lubricating agents), which significantly impact catalytic performance. Understanding the mechanisms behind such effects in industrial-grade catalyst formulations can lead to enhanced design of these important materials, which can improve process efficiency in a vast range of industrial catalytic reactions

    Ad hoc Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens Part 1: Review and validation of Codex priority allergen list through risk assessment

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    The objectives of the meeting is to see whether the published criteria (FAO/WHO, 2000) for assessing additions and exclusions to the list is still current and appropriate. The Expert Committee determined that only foods or ingredients that cause immune-mediated hypersensitivities such as IgE-mediated food allergies and coeliac disease should be included on the list of foods and ingredients included in section of the GSLPF. Thus, it was recommended that foods or ingredients such as lactose, sulphite, and food additives which cause food intolerances rather than immune-mediated responses, should be excluded from this list. The Committee identified prevalence of the immune-mediated hypersensitivity to a specific food, severity (i.e. proportion of severe objective reactions to a food/ingredient such as anaphylaxis), and the potency of food/ingredient (i.e. the amount of the food/ingredient required to cause objective symptoms) as the three key criteria that should be used to establish the priority allergen list. Subgroups of the Expert Committee were established to review the literature on the prevalence, severity and potency of immune-mediated hypersensitivity of each food currently on the GSLPF list (cereals containing gluten and products of these; crustacea and products of these; eggs and egg products; fish and fish products; peanuts, soybeans and products of these; milk and milk products; tree nuts and nut products; ), as well as other foods found on priority allergen lists established in individual countries or regions (e.g. mollusks, mustard, celery, sesame, buckwheat, lupin, and others).Los objetivos de la reunión son ver si los criterios publicados (FAO / OMS, 2000) para evaluar las adiciones y exclusiones a la lista siguen vigentes y son apropiados. El Comité de Expertos determinó que solo los alimentos o ingredientes que causan hipersensibilidades inmunomediadas, como las alergias alimentarias mediadas por IgE y la enfermedad celíaca, deben incluirse en la lista de alimentos e ingredientes incluidos en la sección de la GSLPF. Por lo tanto, se recomendó que se excluyeran de esta lista alimentos o ingredientes como lactosa, sulfito y aditivos alimentarios que causan intolerancias alimentarias en lugar de respuestas inmunomediadas. El Comité identificó la prevalencia de la hipersensibilidad inmunomediada a un alimento específico, la gravedad (es decir, la proporción de reacciones objetivas graves a un alimento / ingrediente como la anafilaxia) y la potencia del alimento / ingrediente (es decir, la cantidad de alimento / ingrediente requerida causar síntomas objetivos) como los tres criterios clave que deben utilizarse para establecer la lista de alérgenos prioritarios. Se establecieron subgrupos del Comité de Expertos para revisar la literatura sobre la prevalencia, severidad y potencia de la hipersensibilidad inmunomediada de cada alimento actualmente en la lista GSLPF (cereales que contienen gluten y productos de estos; crustáceos y productos de estos; huevos y productos de huevo ; pescado y productos de pescado; cacahuetes, soja y productos de estos; leche y productos lácteos; frutos secos y productos de frutos secos;), así como otros alimentos que se encuentran en las listas de alérgenos prioritarios establecidas en países o regiones individuales (por ejemplo, moluscos, mostaza, apio , sésamo, alforfón, altramuz y otros).Instituto de Investigación de Tecnología de AlimentosFil: Baumert, Joseph. Universidad de Nebraska-Lincoln. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos; Estados UnidosFil: Brooke-Taylor, Simon. Imperial College London. Instituto Nacional del Corazón y los Pulmones; Reino Unido.Fil: Chen, Hongbing. Nanchang Universidad. Instituto Conjunto de Investigación Chino-Alemán; China.Fil: Crevel, René W.R. René Crevel Consulting Limited; Reino Unido.Fil: Geert Houben. Organización para la Investigación Científica Aplicada TNO; Países Bajos.Fil: Jackson, Lauren. División de Ciencia y Tecnología del Procesamiento de Alimentos. Ingeniería de Procesos de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los EE. UU. (FDA); Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Kyriakidis, Symeon. Laboratorio Estatal de Química General (GCSL). Autoridad Independiente de Ingresos Públicos (IAPR); Grecia.Fil: La Vieille, Sébastien. Universidad Laval. Departamento de Ciencias de los Alimentos; Canadá.Fil: Lee, N Alice. Universidad de Nueva Gales del Sur . Escuela de Química e Ingeniería. Ciencia e ingeniería de los alimentos; Australia.Fil: López, María Cristina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Ingeniería de Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Luccioli, Stefano. Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos. Centro de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Aplicada; Estados UnidosFil: O’Mahony, Patrick. Universidad College Dublin; Irlanda.Fil: O’Mahony, Patrick. Autoridad de Seguridad Alimentaria de Irlanda; Irlanda.Fil: Polenta, Gustavo Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Investigación Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Polenta, Gustavo Alberto. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Sistemas Alimentarios Sustentables (ICyTeSAS) UEDD INTA-CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Pöpping, Bert. Food Consulting Strategically (FOCO); Alemania.Fil: Pöpping, Bert. Comités de Normalización ISO - CEN. Grupo de trabajo CEN Alérgenos Alimentarios (CEN TC 275 WG 12).); Alemania.Fil: Remington, Benjamin C. Remington Consulting Group B.V.; Holanda.Fil: Remington, Benjamin C. Universidad de Nebraska–Lincoln. Programa de Recursos e Investigación de Alergias Alimentarias. Estados UnidosFil: Södergren, Eva. ThermoFisher Scientific; Suecia.Fil: Srikulnath, Sirinrat. Universidad de Kasetsart (UKaset). Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de Productos Alimentarios. Centro de Servicio de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de los Alimentos. Unidad de Alérgenos Alimentarios; Tailandia.Fil: Taylor, Stephen L. Universidad de Nebraska-Lincoln. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos; Estados UnidosFil: Turner, Paul J. Universidad de Sídney; Australia.Fil: Turner, Paul J. Colegio Imperial de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medicina. Alergia e Inmunología Pediátricas; Inglaterra

    Risk Assessment of Food Allergens. Part 1: Review and Validation of Codex Alimetarius Priority Allergen list Through Risk Assessment

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    The labelling of food allergens in pre-packaged foods plays a key role in protecting food allergic individuals, as no preventative clinical treatment is currently available. The list of major foods and ingredients known to cause hypersensitivity was included into the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Packaged Foods (GSLPF) in 1999. There have been many scientific developments in the understanding of food allergens and their management since the original drafting of the GSLPF. Thus, in response to the request from Codex for scientific advice, including current evidence of consumer understanding of allergens, FAO and WHO convened a series of three expert meetings to provide scientific advice on this subject. The purpose of the first meeting of the Ad hoc Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens was to review and validate the Codex priority allergen list through risk assessment. This report focuses on the deliberations and conclusions of this meeting. Resumen: El etiquetado de los alérgenos alimentarios en los alimentos preenvasados ​​juega un papel clave en la protección personas alérgicas a los alimentos, ya que actualmente no se dispone de un tratamiento clínico preventivo. Se incluyó la lista de los principales alimentos e ingredientes que causan hipersensibilidad en la Norma General del Codex para el Etiquetado de Alimentos Envasados ​​(GSLPF) en 1999. Ha habido muchos avances científicos en la comprensión de alérgenos alimentarios y su gestión desde la redacción original de la GSLPF. Por lo tanto, en respuesta a la solicitud del Codex de asesoramiento científico, incluida la actual evidencia de la comprensión del consumidor de los alérgenos, la FAO y la OMS convocaron una serie de tres reuniones de expertos para proporcionar asesoramiento científico sobre este tema. El propósito de la primera reunión de la Consulta Conjunta Especial de Expertos FAO/OMS sobre evaluación de riesgos de los alérgenos alimentarios fue revisar y validar la prioridad del Codex lista de alérgenos a través de la evaluación de riesgos. Este informe se centra en las deliberaciones y conclusiones de esta reunión.Instituto de Investigación de Tecnología de Alimentos (ITA)Fil: Baumert, Joseph. Universidad de Nebraska-Lincoln. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos; Estados UnidosFil: Brooke-Taylor, Simon. Imperial College London. Instituto Nacional del Corazón y los Pulmones; Reino Unido.Fil: Che, Huilian. Universidad de Agricultura de China. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación e Ingeniería Nutricional; China.Fil: Chen, Hongbing. Nanchang Universidad. Instituto Conjunto de Investigación Chino-Alemán; China.Fil: Crevel, René W.R. René Crevel Consulting Limited; Reino Unido.Fil: Houben, Geert F. Alergia alimentaria e inmunotoxicología. Científico principal de TNO; Países Bajos.Fil: Jackson, Lauren. Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos. División de Ciencia y Tecnología del Procesamiento de Alimentos. Ingeniería de Procesos; Estados UnidosFil: Kyriakidis, Symeon. Autoridad Independiente de Ingresos Públicos. Laboratorio Estatal de Química General; Grecia.Fil: La Vieille, Sébastien. Salud Canadá. Dirección de Alimentos; Canadá.Fil: Lee, N Alice. Universidad de Nueva Gales del Sur. Escuela de Química e Ingeniería. Ciencia e ingeniería de los alimentos; Australia.Fil: López, María Cristina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Ingeniería de Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Luccioli, Stefano. Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos. Centro de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Aplicada; Estados UnidosFil: O’Mahony, Patrick. Autoridad de Seguridad Alimentaria de Irlanda . Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos; Irlanda.Fil: Polenta, Gustavo Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Investigación Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Pöpping, Bert. Food Consulting Strategically (FOCO); Alemania.Fil: Remington, Benjamin C. Grupo BV. Consultoría Remington; Holanda.Fil: Södergren, Eva. Agencia Sueca de Alimentos. Equipo de Encuestas Dietéticas y Departamento de Nutrición para Beneficio de Riesgo Evaluación; Suecia.Fil: Srikulnath, Sirinrat. Universidad de Kasetsart (UKaset). Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de Productos Alimentarios. Centro de Servicio de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de los Alimentos. Unidad de Alérgenos Alimentarios; Tailandia.Fil: Taylor, Stephen L. Universidad de Nebraska-Lincoln. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos; Estados UnidosFil: Turner, Paul J. Colegio Imperial de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medicina. Alergia e Inmunología Pediátricas; Inglaterra

    The cellular modifier MOAG-4/SERF drives amyloid formation through charge complementation.

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    While aggregation-prone proteins are known to accelerate aging and cause age-related diseases, the cellular mechanisms that drive their cytotoxicity remain unresolved. The orthologous proteins MOAG-4, SERF1A, and SERF2 have recently been identified as cellular modifiers of such proteotoxicity. Using a peptide array screening approach on human amyloidogenic proteins, we found that SERF2 interacted with protein segments enriched in negatively charged and hydrophobic, aromatic amino acids. The absence of such segments, or the neutralization of the positive charge in SERF2, prevented these interactions and abolished the amyloid-promoting activity of SERF2. In protein aggregation models in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, protein aggregation and toxicity were suppressed by mutating the endogenous locus of MOAG-4 to neutralize charge. Our data indicate that MOAG-4 and SERF2 drive protein aggregation and toxicity by interactions with negatively charged segments in aggregation-prone proteins. Such charge interactions might accelerate primary nucleation of amyloid by initiating structural changes and by decreasing colloidal stability. Our study points at charge interactions between cellular modifiers and amyloidogenic proteins as potential targets for interventions to reduce age-related protein toxicity

    Ad hoc Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens Part 2: Review and establish threshold levels in foods of the priority allergens

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    The main purpose of this second meeting was to establish threshold levels in foods of the priority allergens. Based on the defined approach, the Expert Committee discussed and agreed on the safety objective, which could be described as “to minimise, to a point where further refinement does not meaningfully reduce health impact, the probability of any clinically relevant objective allergic response, as defined by dose distribution modelling of minimum eliciting doses (MEDs) and supported by data regarding severity of symptoms in the likely range of envisioned Reference Doses (RfD)”. The Committee further identified several important considerations to guide decision-making. These included a clear definition of criteria to be met by quantitative data on which reference doses (RfD) are based, supporting data on health manifestations (severity) at the proposed RfD, quality, quantity, availability and accessibility of data (for priority allergens), as well as how to deal with priority allergens for which information supporting one or more of those considerations was lacking.El objetivo principal de esta segunda reunión fue establecer niveles umbral en los alimentos de los alérgenos prioritarios. Sobre la base del enfoque definido, el Comité de Expertos discutió y acordó el objetivo de seguridad, que podría describirse como “minimizar, hasta un punto en el que un mayor refinamiento no reduzca significativamente el impacto en la salud, la probabilidad de cualquier respuesta alérgica objetiva clínicamente relevante, como definido por el modelo de distribución de dosis de dosis mínimas provocadoras (MED) y respaldado por datos sobre la gravedad de los síntomas en el rango probable de dosis de referencia previstas (RfD) ”. El Comité identificó además varias consideraciones importantes para orientar la toma de decisiones. Estos incluyeron una definición clara de los criterios que deben cumplir los datos cuantitativos en los que se basan las dosis de referencia (RfD), datos de apoyo sobre manifestaciones de salud (gravedad) en la RfD propuesta, calidad, cantidad, disponibilidad y accesibilidad de los datos (para alérgenos prioritarios). , así como cómo tratar los alérgenos prioritarios para los que faltaba información que respaldara una o más de esas consideraciones.Instituto de Investigación de Tecnología de AlimentosFil: Baumert, Joseph. Universidad de Nebraska-Lincoln. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos; Estados UnidosFil: Brooke-Taylor, Simon. Brooke-Taylor & Co. Consultor australiano de regulación alimentaria y análisis de riesgos (Pty Ltd); Australia.Fil: Crevel, René W.R. René Crevel Consulting Limited; Reino Unido.Fil: Houben, Geert F. Imperial College London. Instituto Nacional del Corazón y los Pulmones; Reino Unido.Fil: Jackson, Lauren. Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos. División de Ciencia y Tecnología del Procesamiento de Alimentos. Ingeniería de Procesos; Estados UnidosFil: Kyriakidis, Symeon. Laboratorio Estatal de Química General (GCSL).Autoridad Independiente de Ingresos Públicos (IAPR); Grecia.Fil: La Vieille, Sébastien. Universidad Laval. Departamento de Ciencias de los Alimentos; Canadá.Fil: Lee, N Alice. Universidad de Nueva Gales del Sur. Escuela de Química e Ingeniería. Ciencia e ingeniería de los alimentos; Australia.Fil: López, María Cristina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Ingeniería de Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Luccioli, Stefano. Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos. Centro de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Aplicada; Estados UnidosFil: O’Mahony, Patrick. Autoridad de Seguridad Alimentaria de Irlanda; Irlanda.Fil: O’Mahony, Patrick. Universidad College Dublin; Irlanda.Fil: Polenta, Gustavo Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Investigación Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Polenta, Gustavo Alberto. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Sistemas Alimentarios Sustentables (ICyTeSAS) UEDD INTA-CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Pöpping, Bert. Food Consulting Strategically (FOCO); Alemania.Fil: Pöpping, Bert. Comités de Normalización ISO - CEN. Grupo de trabajo CEN Alérgenos Alimentarios (CEN TC 275 WG 12).); Alemania.Fil: Remington, Benjamin C. Remington Consulting Group B.V.; Holanda.Fil: Remington, Benjamin C. Universidad de Nebraska–Lincoln. Programa de Recursos e Investigación de Alergias Alimentarias. Estados UnidosFil: Srikulnath, Sirinrat. Universidad de Kasetsart (UKaset). Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de Productos Alimentarios. Centro de Servicio de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de los Alimentos. Unidad de Alérgenos Alimentarios; Tailandia.Fil: Taylor, Stephen L. Universidad de Nebraska-Lincoln. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos; Estados UnidosFil: Turner, Paul J. Colegio Imperial de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medicina. Alergia e Inmunología Pediátricas; Inglaterra

    Engineering the acidity and accessibility of the zeolite ZSM-5 for efficient bio-oil upgrading in catalytic pyrolysis of lignocellulose

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    The properties of the zeolite ZSM-5 have been optimised for the production and deoxygenation of the bio-oil∗ (bio-oil on water-free basis) fraction by lignocellulose catalytic pyrolysis. Two ZSM-5 supports possessing high mesopore/external surface area, and therefore enhanced accessibility, have been employed to promote the conversion of the bulky compounds formed in the primary cracking of lignocellulose. These supports are a nanocrystalline material (n-ZSM-5) and a hierarchical sample (h-ZSM-5) of different Si/Al ratios and acid site concentrations. Acidic features of both zeolites have been modified and adjusted by incorporation of ZrO2, which has a significant effect on the concentration and distribution of both Brønsted and Lewis acid sites. These materials have been tested in the catalytic pyrolysis of acid-washed wheat straw (WS-ac) using a two-step (thermal/catalytic) reaction system at different catalyst/biomass ratios. The results obtained have been assessed in terms of oxygen content, energy yield and composition of the produced bio-oil∗, taking also into account the selectivity towards the different deoxygenation pathways. The ZrO2/n-ZSM-5 sample showed remarkable performance in the biomass catalytic pyrolysis, as a result of the appropriate combination of accessibility and acidic properties. In particular, modification of the zeolitic support acidity by incorporation of highly dispersed ZrO2 effectively decreased the extent of secondary reactions, such as severe cracking and coke formation, as well as promoted the conversion of the oligomers formed initially by lignocellulose pyrolysis, thus sharply decreasing the proportion of the components not detected by GC-MS in the upgraded bio-oil∗