13 research outputs found

    El recuerdo de los caídos: una memoria hemipléjica

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    El present article repassa la memòria històrica dels vencedors. Amb una exhaustiva recopilació de dades i referències ens mostra totes les iniciatives portades a terme durant la dictadura per aconseguir recordar les víctimes de la guerra del bàndol franquista.This work reviews the historic memory of the winners. An exhaustive compilation of data and references shows us the initiatives that the dictatorship headed, in order to remember the war casualties of the Franco’s side

    A vueltas con los papeles de Salamanca

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    A vueltas con los papeles de Salamanca

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    Hace unos anos fui al ahora famoso archivo de Salamanca, pidiendo documentación relativa a Burgos durante la guerra civil....

    El recuerdo de los caídos: una memoria hemipléjica

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    El present article repassa la memòria històrica dels vencedors. Amb una exhaustiva recopilació de dades i referències ens mostra totes les iniciatives portades a terme durant la dictadura per aconseguir recordar les víctimes de la guerra del bàndol franquista.This work reviews the historic memory of the winners. An exhaustive compilation of data and references shows us the initiatives that the dictatorship headed, in order to remember the war casualties of the Franco’s side

    A run time adaptive architecture to trade-off performance for fault tolerance applied to a DVB on-board processor

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    Reliability is one of the key issues in space applications. Although highly flexible and generally less expensive than predominantly used ASICs, SRAM-based FPGAs are very susceptible to radiation effects. Hence, various fault tolerant techniques have to be applied in order to handle faults and protect the design. This paper presents a reconfigurable on-board processor capable of run-time adaptation to harsh environmental conditions and different functional demands. Run-time reconfigurability is achieved applying two different reconfiguration methodologies. We propose a novel self-reconfigurable architecture able to on demand duplicate or triplicate part of the design in order to form DMR and TMR structures. Moreover, we introduce two different approaches for voting the correct output. The first one is a traditional voter that adapts to different DMR/TMR domain positions whereas the second implies comparing the captured flip-flop values directly from the configuration memory read through ICAP. The comparison is done periodically by an embedded processor thus completely excluding the voting mechanism in hardware. The proposed run-time reconfiguration methodology provides savings in terms of device utilization, reconfiguration time, power consumption and significant reductions in the amount of rad-hard memory used by partial configurations

    Analysis of design alternatives on using dynamic and partial reconfiguration in a space application

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    Some of the biggest concerns in space systems are power consumption and reliability due to the limited power generated by the system's energy harvesters and the fact that once deployed, it is almost impossible to perform maintenance or repairs. Another consideration is that during deployment, the high exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause single event damage effects including SEUs, SEFIs, SETs and others. In order to mitigate these problems inherent to the space environment, a system with dynamic and partial reconfiguration capabilities is proposed. This approach provide s the flexibility to reconfigure parts of the FPGA while still in operation, thus making the system more flexible, fault tolerant and less power-consuming. In this paper, several partial reconfiguration approaches are proposed and compared in terms of device occupation, power consumption, reconfiguration speed and size of memory footprints

    A vueltas con los papeles de Salamanca

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    Tres versiones sobre el golpe del 23-F…, o alguna más

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    Resumen: Este trabajo plantea la problemática del acceso a los archivos y documentos sobre periodos recientes de la historia de España (dictadura franquista y transición democrática sobre todo), señalando trabas legales y limitaciones que dificultan o hacen imposible la labor del investigador. Se ejemplifica esta situación –impropia de una sociedad democrática avanzada– con el estudio del caso del golpe del 23-F, el cual, 33 años después, carece de visión histórica solvente debido a esa dificultad de acceso a las fuentes, siendo además ocasión de versiones especulativas o fantasiosas. Palabras clave: golpe del 23-F, archivos españoles del s. XX, derecho a la libre investigación, la imaginación y la historia. Abstract: This paper lays out the problems of access to the archives and documentation on recent periods of Spanish history (mainly Francoism and transition to democracy) pointing out the legal difficulties and obstacles that complicate or impede free search about these items. This essay illustrates this situation –inappropriate of an advanced democratic society– with the example of the military coup of February 23 (1981). This event lacks even now, 33 years after, a correct historic version because of these difficulties and becomes a subject of speculative and fantastic visions. Keywords: coup of February 23 (1981), Spanish archives of the XXth century, right to free research, history vs. imagination

    Enseñanza media

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    Se consideran las leyes que rigen el movimiento de un cuerpo sometido a fuerzas centrales. Después, siguiendo las leyes de Kepler, se observa que el movimiento de los planetas es de este tipo. Y, por último, se llega a la deducción de la ley de Newton.Ministerio Educación CIDEBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]