48 research outputs found

    Desarrollo gradual de las competencias transversales en el grado de farmacia. Metodologías y herramientas de evaluación para el “profesional en formación”

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    Aim: To set different levels of acquisition of some cross-curricular competencies in the Pharmacy Degree and to design and implement methodologies and tools to allow their development and evaluation along the whole curriculum.Matherial and Method: Different active methodologies have been used, and tasks and evaluation rubrics have been prepared to be applied in the different levels defined for the cross-curricular competencies selected: written communication skills, information seeking, and teamwork. Similarly, a student satisfaction survey has been designed in order to evaluate the implementation of the experience.Results: The results obtained in the core subjects of the 1st and 2nd year of the Pharmacy Degree (Physical Chemistry, Immunology and General Microbiology and Parasitology) for the competences of written communication skills, teamwork and information seeking, in levels 1 and 2, have been very successful in terms of the acquisition of competences and in the suitability of the different tasks and evaluation tools proposed.Conclusions: The tools designed to evaluate these cross-curricular competencies can be adapted to any subject and knowledge field, in addition, they allow the student to be aware of the criteria used for his evaluation. The present work has strengthened the formation and development of teaching groups and has eased the coordination among the different subjects of the Pharmacy Degree.Objetivo: Establecer niveles de dominio de algunas competencias transversales del Grado de Farmacia y diseñar e implementar metodologías y herramientas que permitan su desarrollo y evaluación a lo largo de la Titulación.Material y Método: Se han utilizado metodologías activas, diseñado actividades y elaborado rúbricas de evaluación para utilizar en los distintos niveles definidos para las competencias transversales elegidas: comunicación escrita, búsqueda de información y trabajo en equipo. Se ha elaborado una encuesta de satisfacción, que ha permitido valorar la experiencia realizada.Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos en tres asignaturas de primer y segundo curso de Farmacia (Fisicoquímica, Inmunología y Microbiología y Parasitología General) para las competencias de la comunicación escrita, trabajo en equipo y búsqueda de información, en los niveles de dominio 1 y 2, han sido muy positivos en la adquisición de las competencias y en la adecuación de actividades y herramientas de evaluación.Conclusiones: Las herramientas diseñadas, se pueden adaptar a cualquier materia y área de conocimiento para valorar estas competencias transversales, además, permiten al alumno conocer los criterios con los que va a ser evaluado. El presente trabajo ha potenciado la creación y desarrollo de grupos docentes y favorecido la coordinación entre asignaturas de la titulación

    Daratumumab in combination with urelumab to potentiate anti-myeloma activity in lymphocytedeficient mice reconstituted with human NK cells

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    Daratumumab is an anti-CD38 fully human IgG1 mAb approved for multiple myeloma treatment. One of the proposed mechanisms of action is the induction of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mediated by NK cells. NK cells acquire surface CD137 expression in the presence of solid-phase-attached daratumumab and when encountering a daratumumab-coated CD38+ tumor cell line. In this setting, addition of the agonist anti-CD137 mAb urelumab enhances NK-cell activation increasing CD25 expression and IFNɣ production. However, in vitro ADCC is not increased by the addition of urelumab both in 4h or 24h lasting experiments. To study urelumab-increased daratumumab-mediated ADCC activity in vivo, we set up a mouse model based on the intravenous administration of a luciferase-transfected multiple myeloma cell line of human origin, human NK cells and daratumumab to immuno-deficient NSG mice. In this model, intravenous administration of urelumab 24h after daratumumab delayed tumor growth and prolonged mice survival

    Desarrollo gradual de las competencias transversales en el Grado en Farmacia. Metodologías y herramientas de evaluación para el “profesional en formación”

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    Objetivo: Establecer niveles de dominio de algunas competencias transversales del Grado en Farmacia y diseñar e implementar metodologías y herramientas que permitan su desarrollo y evaluación a lo largo de la Titulación. Material y Método: Se han utilizado metodologías activas, diseñado actividades y elaborado rúbricas de evaluación para utilizar en los distintos niveles definidos para las competencias transversales elegidas: comunicación escrita, búsqueda de información y trabajo en equipo. Se ha elaborado una encuesta de satisfacción, que ha permitido valorar la experiencia realizada. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos en tres asignaturas de primer y segundo curso de Farmacia (Fisicoquímica, Inmunología y Microbiología y Parasitología General) para las competencias de la comunicación escrita, trabajo en equipo y búsqueda de información, en los niveles de dominio 1 y 2, han sido muy positivos en la adquisición de las competencias y en la adecuación de actividades y herramientas de evaluación. Conclusiones: Las herramientas diseñadas, se pueden adaptar a cualquier materia y área de conocimiento para valorar estas competencias transversales, además, permiten al alumno conocer los criterios con los que va a ser evaluado. El presente trabajo ha potenciado la creación y desarrollo de grupos docentes y favorecido la coordinación entre asignaturas de la titulación.Aim: To set different levels of acquisition of some cross-curricular competencies in the Pharmacy Degree and to design and implement methodologies and tools to allow their development and evaluation along the whole curriculum. Material and Method: Different active methodologies have been used, and tasks and evaluation rubrics have been prepared to be applied in the different levels defined for the cross-curricular competencies selected: written communication skills, information seeking, and teamwork. Similarly, a student satisfaction survey has been designed in order to evaluate the implementation of the experience. Results: The results obtained in the core subjects of the 1st and 2nd year of the Pharmacy Degree (Physical Chemistry, Immunology and General Microbiology and Parasitology) for the competences of written communication skills, teamwork and information seeking, in levels 1 and 2, have been very successful in terms of the acquisition of competences and in the suitability of the different tasks and evaluation tools proposed. Conclusions: The tools designed to evaluate these cross-curricular competencies can be adapted to any subject and knowledge field, in addition, they allow the student to be aware of the criteria used for his evaluation. The present work has strengthened the formation and development of teaching groups and has eased the coordination among the different subjects of the Pharmacy Degree.El trabajo forma parte de un programa piloto que se está desarrollando en el Grado de Farmacia de la UPV/EHU (PIE 12-14 6536, financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Estudios de Grado e Innovación, Servicio de Asesoramiento Educativo)

    Statistical analysis to perform improvement actions in Final Degree Projects. A proposal for the Degree in Pharmacy

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    [EN] A statistical analysis of the most important characteristics of the Final Degree Projects (FDP) of the Degree in Pharmacy at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) has been carrying out. The sample analyzed was 264 FDP. The results of the analysis, a multivariate logistic regression, have confirmed, among other aspects, that a great majority of the FDP contain knowledge of a single module of the curriculum, and their content is usually not directly linked to any of job opportunities of the Degree. To reverse this trend, this paper proposes an intervention that resolves the observed deficiencies and improves the execution dynamics of the FDP. The proposal includes a working methodology of a teaching team that is involved and participates in the approach, elaboration, direction and evaluation of the FDP. In addition, an example of the methodology applied to job opportunity of the Community Pharmacy is presenting. The teaching team is multidisciplinary, formed by specialists in different subjects of all the courses of the Degree, of five areas of knowledge belonging to four of the six modules developed in the curriculum. The teaching team and the participating students work with a methodology of Problem Based Learning (PBL). This proposal strengthens the coordination of teaching teams, the originality and creativity of the FDP, the active role of students and teachers and a direct relationship with professional opportunities, which can be implementing in any degree. This work was financing by the UPV / EHU[ES] Se ha realizado un análisis estadístico de las características más importantes de los Trabajos de Fin de Grado (TFG) del Grado en Farmacia en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). La muestra analizada ha sido de 264 TFG. Los resultados del análisis, una regresión logística multivariante, han constatado, entre otros aspectos, que una gran mayoría de los TFG, contienen conocimientos de un único módulo del plan de estudios, y su contenido no suele estar directamente ligado a alguna de las salidas profesionales del Grado. Para revertir esta tendencia, en este trabajo se plantea una intervención que resuelva las carencias observadas y mejore la dinámica de ejecución de los TFG. La propuesta incluye una metodología de trabajo de un equipo docente que se involucra y participa en el planteamiento, elaboración, dirección y evaluación de los TFG. Además, se presenta un ejemplo de la metodología aplicada a la salida profesional de la Farmacia Comunitaria. El equipo docente es multidisciplinar, formado por especialistas en diversas materias de todos los cursos del Grado, de cinco áreas de conocimiento pertenecientes a cuatro de los seis módulos desarrollados en el plan de estudios. El equipo docente y el alumnado participante trabajan con una metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). Esta propuesta, potencia la coordinación de equipos docentes, la originalidad y creatividad de los TFG, el protagonismo activo del alumnado y profesorado y una relación directa con las salidas profesionales, que puede implementarse en cualquier Grado. Este trabajo contó con la financiación de la UPV/EHU.Berraondo Juaristi, M.; Fernández De Aránguiz Guridi, MY.; Fernández De Aránguiz Guridi, A.; Ruiz Ortega, J.; Ayerbe Diaz, M.; Lecea Arana, B.; Martínez De Marigorta Izaga, E.... (2018). Análisis estadístico para realizar acciones de mejora en los Trabajos Fin de Grado. Una propuesta para el Grado en Farmacia. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 16(2):17-38. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.9847SWORD173816

    Intratumoral virotherapy with 4-1BBL armed modified vaccinia Ankara eradicates solid tumors and promotes protective immune memory

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    Background Human cancers are extraordinarily heterogeneous in terms of tumor antigen expression, immune infiltration and composition. A common feature, however, is the host ' s inability to mount potent immune responses that prevent tumor growth effectively. Often, naturally primed CD8(+) T cells against solid tumors lack adequate stimulation and efficient tumor tissue penetration due to an immune hostile tumor microenvironment. Methods To address these shortcomings, we cloned tumor-associated antigens (TAA) and the immune-stimulatory ligand 4-1BBL into the genome of modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) for intratumoral virotherapy. Results Local treatment with MVA-TAA-4-1BBL resulted in control of established tumors. Intratumoral injection of MVA localized mainly to the tumor with minimal leakage to the tumor-draining lymph node. In situ infection by MVA-TAA-4-1BBL triggered profound changes in the tumor microenvironment, including the induction of multiple proinflammatory molecules and immunogenic cell death. These changes led to the reactivation and expansion of antigen-experienced, tumor-specific cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells that were essential for the therapeutic antitumor effect. Strikingly, we report the induction of a systemic antitumor immune response including tumor antigen spread by local MVA-TAA-4-1BBL treatment which controlled tumor growth at distant, untreated lesions and protected against local and systemic tumor rechallenge. In all cases, 4-1BBL adjuvanted MVA was superior to MVA. Conclusion Intratumoral 4-1BBL-armed MVA immunotherapy induced a profound reactivation and expansion of potent tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells as well as favorable proinflammatory changes in the tumor microenvironment, leading to elimination of tumors and protective immunological memory

    Making water work for local governments and helping local governments work for water: ten top tips for integration in water management

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    The set of materials entitled “Local Government and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)” aims to assist Local Governments with active participation in IWRM. The information provided addresses both the theory and practice of developing and implementing a process through which the IWRM principles of social equity, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability can be applied. The materials are primarily targeted at Local Government officials, but are considered equally useful for individuals and organisations that work with Local Governments in the management of water resources. The IWRM set of materials consists of the following four parts: Part I: Reaping the Benefits – How Local Governments Gain from IWRM Part II: Understanding the Context – The Role of Local Government in IWRM Part III: Engaging in IWRM – Practical Steps and Tools for Local Governments Part IV: Making Water Work for Local Governments – Ten Top Tips for Integration in Water Management The materials are an output of LoGo Water1, a research project aimed at improving the capacity of Local Governments to implement IWRM, thus contributing to the achievement of waterrelated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The complete set is available to download from www.iclei-europe.org/logowater

    Reaping the benefits - how local governments gain from IWRM

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    The set of materials entitled “Local Government and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)” aims to assist Local Governments with active participation in IWRM. The information provided addresses both the theory and practice of developing and implementing a process through which the IWRM principles of social equity, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability can be applied. The materials are primarily targeted at Local Government officials, but are considered equally useful for individuals and organisations that work with Local Governments in the management of water resources. The IWRM set of materials consists of the following four parts: Part I: Reaping the Benefits – How Local Governments Gain from IWRM Part II: Understanding the Context – The Role of Local Government in IWRM Part III: Engaging in IWRM – Practical Steps and Tools for Local Governments Part IV: Making Water Work for Local Governments – Ten Top Tips for Integration in Water Management The materials are an output of LoGo Water1, a research project aimed at improving the capacity of Local Governments to implement IWRM, thus contributing to the achievement of waterrelated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The complete set is available to download from www.iclei-europe.org/logowater