793 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigation of the Evolution of Gaussian Quantum Discord in an Open System

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    Gaussian quantum discord is a measure of quantum correlations in Gaussian systems. Using Gaussian discord we quantify the quantum correlations of a bipartite entangled state and a separable two-mode mixture of coherent states. We experimentally analyze the effect of noise addition and dissipation on Gaussian discord and show that the former noise degrades the discord while the latter noise for some states leads to an increase of the discord. In particular, we experimentally demonstrate the near-death of discord by noisy evolution and its revival through dissipation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluation of the single jet flow rate for a multi-hole GDI nozzle

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    Fuel injectors featuring differentiated hole-to-hole dimensions improve the fuel distribution in the cylinder ensuring a more efficient and cleaner combustion for GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) engines. A proper diagnostic system able to detect the actual fuel flow rate exiting each hole of a GDI nozzle is requested in order to optimize the matching between the spray and the combustion chamber. Measuring the spray impact force of a single plume allows the detection of the momentum flux exiting the single hole and, under appropriate hypotheses, the evaluation of the corresponding mass flow rate time-profile. In this paper two methodologies for the hole-specific flow rate evaluation, both based on the spray momentum technique, were applied to two different GDI nozzles, one featuring equal hole dimensions and one with two larger holes. Three different energizing times at 100 bar of fuel pressure were tested in order to cover a wide range of operating conditions. The results were validated in terms of injected mass by means of a proper device able to collect and weigh the fuel injected by each single nozzle hole, and in terms of mass flow rate using a Zeuch-method flow meter as reference. Both the proposed methodologies showed an excellent accuracy in the fuel amount detection with percentage error lower than 5% for standard energizing times and lower than 10% for very short injections working in ballistic conditions. The mass flow rate time-profile proved a good accuracy in the detection of the start and end of injection and the static flow rate level

    Multichannel photomultiplier for multipass thomson scattering diagnostics

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    The application of a new multichannel 64 parallel amplification 10 stage photomultiplier arranged in 8 x 8 matrix of 20.32 mm x 20.32 mm, detector XP1752 from Philips, for laser light scattering diagnostics is now under development. Signal intensity calibration curve for eight parallel and individual channels, as well as cross talk between channels was measured. Also, Rayleigh scattering on nitrogen gas, normally used as optical calibration method for electron density measurements in Thomson scattering was realized, and the intensity of both detectors was compared making measurements with a tungsten lamp.5457Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Direct Simulation Monte Carlo for Thin Film Bearings

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    The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) scheme is used to study the gas flow under a read/write head positioned nanometers above a moving disk drive platter (the slider bearing problem). In most cases, impressive agreement is found between the particle-based simulation and numerical solutions of the continuum hydrodynamic Reynolds equation which has been corrected for slip. However, at very high platter speeds the gas is far from equilibrium, and the load capacity for the slider bearing cannot be accurately computed from the hydrodynamic pressure

    Estimativa de danos causados pela brusone na produtividade de arroz de terras altas.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar as perdas na produtividade de arroz causadas pela brusone (Pyricularia grisea) e estabelecer as relações entre a severidade da doença e alguns componentes de produtividade, nas condições naturais de infecção no campo

    An integrated 0D/1D/3D numerical framework to predict performance, emissions, knock and heat transfer in ICEs fueled with NH3–H2 mixtures: The conversion of a marine Diesel engine as case study

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    In the maritime transportation, e-fuels represent a valid alternative to fossil energy sour- ces, in order to accomplish the European Union goals in terms of climate neutrality. Among the e-fuels, the ammonia-hydrogen mixtures can play a leading role, as the combination of the two allows to exploit the advantages of each one, simultaneously compensating their gaps. The main goal of the present publication is the proposal of a robust numerical frame- work based on 0D, 1D and 3D tools for CFD analyses of internal combustion engines fueled with ammonia-hydrogen mixtures. The 1D engine model provides boundary conditions for the multi-dimensional in- vestigations and estimates the overall engine performance. 3D in-cylinder detailed ana- lyses are proficiently used to predict combustion efficiency (via the well-established G-equation model supported by laminar flame speed correlations for both ammonia and hydrogen) and emissions (with a detailed chemistry based approach). Heat transfer and knock tendency are evaluated as well, by in-house developed models. As for the 0D/1D chemical kinetics calculations, firstly they support 3D analyses (for example via the gen- eration of ignition delay time tables). Moreover, they allow insights on aspects such as NOx formation, to individuate mixture qualities able to strongly reduce the emissions

    Focal-plane generation of multi-resolution and multi-scale image representation for low-power vision applications

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    Comunicación presentada al "XXXVII Infrared Technology and Applications" celebrado en Orlando (USA) el 25 de Abril del 2011.Early vision stages represent a considerably heavy computational load. A huge amount of data needs to be processed under strict timing and power requirements. Conventional architectures usually fail to adhere to the specifications in many application fields, especially when autonomous vision-enabled devices are to be implemented, like in lightweight UAVs, robotics or wireless sensor networks. A bioinspired architectural approach can be employed consisting of a hierarchical division of the processing chain, conveying the highest computational demand to the focal plane. There, distributed processing elements, concurrent with the photosensitive devices, influence the image capture and generate a pre-processed representation of the scene where only the information of interest for subsequent stages remains. These focal-plane operators are implemented by analog building blocks, which may individually be a little imprecise, but as a whole render the appropriate image processing very efficiently. As a proof of concept, we have developed a 176x144-pixel smart CMOS imager that delivers lighter but enriched representations of the scene. Each pixel of the array contains a photosensor and some switches and weighted paths allowing reconfigurable resolution and spatial filtering. An energy-based image representation is also supported. These functionalities greatly simplify the operation of the subsequent digital processor implementing the high level logic of the vision algorithm. The resulting figures, 5.6m W@30fps, permit the integration of the smart image sensor with a wireless interface module (Imote2 from Memsic Corp.) for the development of vision-enabled WSN applications.This work is partially funded by the Andalusian regional government (Junta de Andalucía-CICE) through project 2006-TIC-2352 and the Spanish Ministry of Science (MICINN) through project TEC 2009-11812, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, and also supported by the Office of Naval Research (USA), through grant N000141110312.Peer Reviewe

    Cancer of the Thyroid in patients over the age of fifty.

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    Aim. The authors performed a retrospective investigation of patients over thè age of 50, in order to detect any peculiarities of cancer of thè thyroid possibly affecting surgical treatment and whether age itself represented an independent prognostic factor. Methods. A total of 152 patients were examined at thè Department of Surgical Science of "La Sapienza" University of Rome with a minimum follow- up of 10 years. The 152 subjects recruited were divided into 3 age groups: from 51 to 60 years, (74 patients); from 61 to 70 years, (57 patients); from 71 to 80 years, (21 patients). Resulti. Relating thè different histologic types to age group, there was found to be a lower incidence of well-differentiated carcinoma and a relative increase in thè epidermoid and undifferentiated forms in older patients. In thè 51-60 age group 80% of thè patients were at stages I and II, while in thè 71-80 age group 56.2% of cases were at stages III and IV. Conclusion. In thè elderly patient undifferentiated, anaplastic or epidermoid forms and those with a higher biologica! aggressiveness are more frequently found. We believe that prompt diagnosis would present thè surgeon with neoplasms at an early stage and with less aggressive histotypes, thus ensuring greater scope for radicai surgical treatment and appreciably enhancing prognosis