317 research outputs found

    Boiler feed water purification at the Gorge Power Plant, Akron, Ohio

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    The conditions of operation at the Gorge Power Plant were such that raw water was used in all the boilers. The boilers were operated at an average of about one-hundred and seventy-five percent rating and considerable scale formed in the tubes of the boilers. It was evident that this caused a large loss in fuel and increased the expense of maintenance. It was necessary to employ a number of men to remove the scale. An investigation was made to determine as nearly as possible the loss caused by the use of impure water. After the investigation, an attempt was made to prevent the formation of scale in the boilers. The complete results of the investigation and the methods adapted for the elimination of scale should be of interest to engineers who have a problem in feed water purification --Pages 2-3

    The cost of producing electricity at the Hamilton, Missouri Light and Power Company

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    For those seeking information on the cost of producing electricity in steam plants, an unlimited amount of data may be found in the technical journals and text books. This information, however, is obtained from a careful analysis of the daily and hourly records kept by the largest central stations, hence, production costs are available only where the yearly out-put is several million kilowatt-hours. the small isolated stations of from one hundred to two hundred kilowatt capacity have not as a rule, become progressive enough to keep a complete record of operating costs...The test hereinafter reported was conducted from August 3rd. to August 23rd. 1915. This time of year may be taken as a fair average season --Introduction, page 1

    Adoption of Banana (Musa spp) Production Technology among SmallScale Farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya

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    The study examined the effects of adoption of recommended technologies and input application on banana productivity among small-scale farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya. Data was obtained from a sample of 384 small-scale banana farmers that were proportionately selected from four wards of the study area. A structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in data analysis. The study used a logarithmic multiple linear regression model based on Cobb-Douglas production function. The results of multiple regression revealed that the amount of credit accessed, cost of the banana plantlets, fertilizer and manure had significant effects on banana output per unit area. In addition, adoption of tissue culture banana, use of irrigation, debudding, desuckering, deleafing and banana value addition had positive and significant effects on banana productivity. The study recommends enhanced sensitization of small-scale banana farmers on the importance of adopting these and other recommended technologies for improved banana yields per unit area


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    Poznato je da agrotehnički i ampelotehnički zahvati mogu značajno utjecati na kvalitativni sastav grožđa, mošta i vina. U cilju istraživanja utjecaja djelomične defolijacije, tijekom dvije godine praćen je sadržaj aromatskih komponenti u vinu Traminca mirisavog, Zagrebačkoga vinogorja, podregije Prigorje-Bilogora. Djelomična defolijacija u vidu odstranjivanja četiri (D1) i osam (D2) bazalnih listova obavljena je ručno u trenutku šare grožđa, dok su trsovi bez defolijacije poslužili kao kontrola. Uzorci za analizu uzimani su nakon provedenoga filtriranja, stabilizacije i buteljiranja vina. Pokazalo se da je sadržaj slobodno hlapivih (SHT), kao i potencijalno hlapivih terpena (PHT), u obje godine istraživanja bio najveći u vinu D2 varijante defolijacije, dakle u vinu dobivenom od suncu potpuno izloženih grozdova.It is well known that different viticultural practices have an important influence on the quality of grapes, must and wine. Aiming to examine impact of partial defoliation we were measured composition of the aromatic components in the wine of Gewurztraminer, winegrowing hills of Zagreb, subregion Prigorje-Bilogora. Partial defoliation, i.e. removing of 4 (D1) and 8 (D2) basal leaves, conducted manually at veraison and grapevines without defoliation (ND-non defoliated) were used as control. Samples for analyses were taken after filtration, stabilization and bottling of wine. It was shown that the wine made from completely sun exposed grapes (D2), were the richest in the content of free volatile terpenes (FVT) and potentially volatile terpenes (PVT) respectively

    Adoption of Banana (Musa spp) Production Technology among SmallScale Farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya

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    The study examined the effects of adoption of recommended technologies and input application on banana productivity among small-scale farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya. Data was obtained from a sample of 384 small-scale banana farmers that were proportionately selected from four wards of the study area. A structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in data analysis. The study used a logarithmic multiple linear regression model based on Cobb-Douglas production function. The results of multiple regression revealed that the amount of credit accessed, cost of the banana plantlets, fertilizer and manure had significant effects on banana output per unit area. In addition, adoption of tissue culture banana, use of irrigation, debudding, desuckering, deleafing and banana value addition had positive and significant effects on banana productivity. The study recommends enhanced sensitization of small-scale banana farmers on the importance of adopting these and other recommended technologies for improved banana yields per unit area

    Adoption of Banana (Musa spp) Production Technology among SmallScale Farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya

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    The study examined the effects of adoption of recommended technologies and input application on banana productivity among small-scale farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya. Data was obtained from a sample of 384 small-scale banana farmers that were proportionately selected from four wards of the study area. A structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in data analysis. The study used a logarithmic multiple linear regression model based on Cobb-Douglas production function. The results of multiple regression revealed that the amount of credit accessed, cost of the banana plantlets, fertilizer and manure had significant effects on banana output per unit area. In addition, adoption of tissue culture banana, use of irrigation, debudding, desuckering, deleafing and banana value addition had positive and significant effects on banana productivity. The study recommends enhanced sensitization of small-scale banana farmers on the importance of adopting these and other recommended technologies for improved banana yields per unit area

    Preclinical corrective gene transfer in Xeroderma pigmentosum human skin stem cells

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    Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a devastating disease associated with dramatic skin cancer proneness. XP cells are deficient in nucleotide excision repair (NER) of bulky DNA adducts including ultraviolet (UV)-induced mutagenic lesions. Approaches of corrective gene transfer in NER-deficient keratinocyte stem cells hold great hope for the long-term treatment of XP patients. To face this challenge, we developed a retrovirus-based strategy to safely transduce the wild-type XPC gene into clonogenic human primary XP-C keratinocytes. De novo expression of XPC was maintained in both mass population and derived independent candidate stem cells (holoclones) after more than 130 population doublings (PD) in culture upon serial propagation (> 10(40) cells). Analyses of retrovirus integration sequences in isolated keratinocyte stem cells suggested the absence of adverse effects such as oncogenic activation or clonal expansion. Furthermore, corrected XP-C keratinocytes exhibited full NER capacity as well as normal features of epidermal differentiation in both organotypic skin cultures and in a preclinical murine model of human skin regeneration in vivo. The achievement of a long-term genetic correction of XP-C epidermal stem cells constitutes the first preclinical model of ex vivo gene therapy for XP-C patients.F.L. was supported in part by grants PI081054 from ISCIII and PBIO-0306-2006 from Comunidad de Madrid (CAM). M.D.R. was supported by grant SAF2010-16976 from MICINN. The authors declared no conflict of interest

    Different Oxidative Stress Response in Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts of Reconstructed Skin Exposed to Non Extreme Daily-Ultraviolet Radiation

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    Experiments characterizing the biological effects of sun exposure have usually involved solar simulators. However, they addressed the worst case scenario i.e. zenithal sun, rarely found in common outdoor activities. A non-extreme ultraviolet radiation (UV) spectrum referred as “daily UV radiation” (DUVR) with a higher UVA (320–400 nm) to UVB (280–320 nm) irradiance ratio has therefore been defined. In this study, the biological impact of an acute exposure to low physiological doses of DUVR (corresponding to 10 and 20% of the dose received per day in Paris mid-April) on a 3 dimensional reconstructed skin model, was analysed. In such conditions, epidermal and dermal morphological alterations could only be detected after the highest dose of DUVR. We then focused on oxidative stress response induced by DUVR, by analyzing the modulation of mRNA level of 24 markers in parallel in fibroblasts and keratinocytes. DUVR significantly modulated mRNA levels of these markers in both cell types. A cell type differential response was noticed: it was faster in fibroblasts, with a majority of inductions and high levels of modulation in contrast to keratinocyte response. Our results thus revealed a higher sensitivity in response to oxidative stress of dermal fibroblasts although located deeper in the skin, giving new insights into the skin biological events occurring in everyday UV exposure
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