865 research outputs found

    One Strike and You\u27re Out: Alcohol in the Major League Baseball Clubhouse

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    In the past decade, much has been written about Major League Baseball\u27s (MLB) mistaken policies regarding performance-enhancing substance abuse by players. MLB executives are shortsighted, however, if they believe that steroids are the only substances being abused by players. Along with performance-enhancing drugs, professional baseball has a long-standing history of alcohol abuse. Steroids may provide better headlines--Congress has never held an investigation into alcohol abuse by professional athletes--but professional baseball faces a real danger from the unchecked liability of allowing players to overindulge at the ballpark and drive home shortly thereafter. By serving beer in the clubhouse after games, clubs are subjecting themselves, their players, and the public to undue danger. This Note asks whether an MLB club would be vicariously liable for injuries to third parties resulting from the drunk driving of players who drank club-provided alcohol following a game. To address this question, the Note first will show that baseball and alcohol have a long and often negative history. Subsequently, it discusses the legal framework for third-party liability, describing three formulations of vicarious liability that may create liability for the clubs. Next, this Note argues that MLB clubs could be held liable under both standard theories of third-party liability as well as respondeat superior employer liability. Finally, this Note proposes potential and easy solutions to MLB\u27s problem

    Navigating the Bankruptcy Waters in a Domain Name Rowboat, 3 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 61 (2003)

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    The combination of rapidly emerging technologies and changes in intellectual property and information technology law has resulted in new species of property and contract rights, such as Internet domain names. While some laws that were enacted before the rise of the Internet cannot be reconciled with the issues raised by domain names, the Bankruptcy Code appears to be equipped with the tools to handle most issues raised by this new species of property. This article discusses how domain names are treated during bankruptcy, how the Bankruptcy Code can be used to protect the function and value of a debtor\u27s domain name, and finally, how a non-debtor\u27s interests in a domain name can be protected during bankruptcy

    DNA methylase activity associated with rous sarcoma virus

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    A Critique of Hausman’s Interpretation of Revealed Preference Theory

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    The main purpose of the essay is to criticize Hausman’s characterization of the economic notion of preference, which he referred to as “preference*”. My main objection is that it is misleading to define preference* according to only two elements: preference and belief. Instead, I will argue that even if we were able to assume belief as given, choices would still not reveal preference. Therefore, although it might be true that both belief and preferences are necessary for choices, I will argue that they are not sufficient as conditions. First, I will argue that efficacy should also be included as another element of the set preferences*. Then I will propose that, even if including efficacy, it could be misguided to conclude that we have reached a complete definition of preference*. Finally, I will suggest that there could exist a misunderstanding around the notion of belief

    EpistemologĂ­a en su contexto

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    En medio de un complejo escenario económico con graves consecuencias sobre la economía real, tras continuos años en que las principales economías del mundo han vuelto a sufrir fuertes crisis de magnitudes que parecían haber quedado en el pasado, los ojos de la sociedad se volvieron hacía la manera en que los economistas desarrollan su conocimiento. En este escenario, los miembros del Centro de Investigación en Epistemología de las Ciencias Económicas han convenido la necesidad de publicar una edición enfocada en profundizar el debate filosófico y epistemológico. Este trabajo logra reunir gran parte del abanico temático que está teniendo lugar en el debate epistemológico contemporáneo, entre los que vale destacar las clásicas discusiones de la economía como ciencia independiente, el problema de la representación de los modelos económicos, el desarrollo de la actual metodología mainstream en relación con la economía ortodoxa- heterodoxa, las discusiones en torno a la literatura mecanicista y un muy interesante aporte en torno a la noción de causalidad en cuanto a su impacto en las decisiones de política económica

    L’éco-conception : Quels retours économiques pour l’entreprise

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    L’éco-conception est un processus d’intégration des aspects environnementaux dans la conception et le développement de produits (biens et services) qui a pour objectif la réduction des impacts environnementaux des produits tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Pour en faire la promotion, il importe de savoir si la démarche d’éco-conception est rentable pour l’entreprise. Très peu de travaux ont été réalisés sur le sujet. Nous tentons de combler cette lacune en examinant systématiquement, au moyen d’entrevues semi-structurées, les impacts commerciaux de 30 expériences d’éco-conception, 15 en France et 15 au Québec (Canada). Entre autres, nos résultats montrent que, dans 28 cas sur 30, l’éco-conception a contribué à augmenter en termes absolus les profits de l’entreprise; dans les deux autres cas, l’impact a été neutre. De plus, dans 11 cas sur 30, la marge bénéficiaire du produit éco-conçu s’avère supérieure à celle d’un produit conçu de façon traditionnelle. Nous constatons aussi, de façon générale, que les cas français semblent un peu plus rentables que les cas québécois. Enfin, nous avons étudié d’autres retombées positives pour les entreprises s’adonnant à l’éco-conception, mais plus difficiles à chiffrer, comme une meilleure créativité ou une plus grande mobilisation de la main-d’œuvre. Plusieurs des entreprises de notre échantillon ont pu bénéficier de telles retombées suite à leur démarche d’éco-conception.éco-conception, analyse de cycle de vie, rentabilité

    L’éco-conception : Quels retours économiques pour l’entreprise?

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    Ecodesign is a method of designing products (goods and services) that takes into account their impact on the environment at all stages of their life cycle so as to minimize them. In order to promote ecodesign, it is necessary to see if it is profitable for the enterprises. Very little work has been done on this topic. This paper aims at filling this gap. We examine systematically, through semi-structured interviews, 30 experiences of ecodesign, 15 in France and 15 in Quebec (Canada). In particular, our results show that, in 28 cases out of 30, ecodesign has increased the absolute level of profits in the firm; in the two other cases, the impact was neutral. Moreover, in 11 cases out of 30, we find that the profit margin of the ecodesigned product was greater than that of a product designed in a traditional fashion. We also notice that, in general, the French cases were a bit more profitable than the Quebec cases. We have also investigated other positive benefits for companies involved in ecodesign, but that are more difficult to quantify, such as better creativity or more mobilized workforce. Many firms that we studied have been able to enjoy such benefits. L’éco-conception est un processus d’intégration des aspects environnementaux dans la conception et le développement de produits (biens et services) qui a pour objectif la réduction des impacts environnementaux des produits tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Pour en faire la promotion, il importe de savoir si la démarche d’éco-conception est rentable pour l’entreprise. Très peu de travaux ont été réalisés sur le sujet. Nous tentons de combler cette lacune en examinant systématiquement, au moyen d’entrevues semi-structurées, les impacts commerciaux de 30 expériences d’éco-conception, 15 en France et 15 au Québec (Canada). Entre autres, nos résultats montrent que, dans 28 cas sur 30, l’éco-conception a contribué à augmenter en termes absolus les profits de l’entreprise; dans les deux autres cas, l’impact a été neutre. De plus, dans 11 cas sur 30, la marge bénéficiaire du produit éco conçu s’avère supérieure à celle d’un produit conçu de façon traditionnelle. Nous constatons aussi, de façon générale, que les cas français semblent un peu plus rentables que les cas québécois. Enfin, nous avons étudié d’autres retombées positives pour les entreprises s’adonnant à l’éco-conception, mais plus difficiles à chiffrer, comme une meilleure créativité ou une plus grande mobilisation de la main-d’œuvre. Plusieurs des entreprises de notre échantillon ont pu bénéficier de telles retombées suite à leur démarche d’éco-conception.ecodesign, life cycle analysis, profitability., éco-conception, analyse de cycle de vie, rentabilité.

    Modeling and control of 5-DoF boom crane

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    Automation of cranes can have a direct impact on the productivity of construction projects. In this paper, we focus on the control of one of the most used cranes, the boom crane. Tower cranes and overhead cranes have been widely studied in the literature, whereas the control of boom cranes has been investigated only by a few works. Typically, these works make use of simple models making use of a large number of simplifying assumptions (e.g. fixed length cable, assuming certain dynamics are uncoupled, etc.) A first result of this paper is to present a fairly complete nonlinear dynamic model of a boom crane taking into account all coupling dynamics and where the only simplifying assumption is that the cable is considered as rigid. The boom crane involves pitching and rotational movements, which generate complicated centrifugal forces, and consequently, equations of motion highly nonlinear. On the basis of this model, a control law has been developed able to perform position control of the crane while actively damping the oscillations of the load. The effectiveness of the approach has been tested in simulation with realistic physical parameters and tested in the presence of wind disturbances.Comment: the paper was published in 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2020
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