84 research outputs found

    Approximate Solutions to Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems in Astrodynamics

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    A method to solve nonlinear optimal control problems is proposed in this work. The method implements an approximating sequence of time-varying linear quadratic regulators that converge to the solution of the original, nonlinear problem. Each subproblem is solved by manipulating the state transition matrix of the state-costate dynamics. Hard, soft, and mixed boundary conditions are handled. The presented method is a modified version of an algorithm known as "approximating sequence of Riccati equations." Sample problems in astrodynamics are treated to show the effectiveness of the method, whose limitations are also discussed

    Collision avoidance maneuver design based on multi-objective optimization

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    The possibility of having collision between a satellite and a space debris or another satellite is becoming frequent. The amount of propellant is directly related to a satellite’s operational lifetime and revenue. Thus, collision avoidance maneuvers should be performed in the most efficient and effective manner possible. In this work the problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization. The first objective is the Δv, whereas the second and third one are the collision probability and relative distance between the satellite and the threatening object in a given time window after the maneuver. This is to take into account that multiple conjunctions might occur in the short-term. This is particularly true for the GEO regime, where close conjunction between a pair of object can occur approximately every 12h for a few days. Thus, a CAM can in principle reduce the collision probability for one event, but significantly increase it for others. Another objective function is then added to manage mission constraint. To evaluate the objective function, the TLE are propagated with SGP4/SDP4 to the current time of the maneuver, then the Δv is applied. This allow to compute the corresponding “modified” TLE after the maneuver and identify (in a given time window after the CAM) all the relative minima of the squared distance between the spacecraft and the approaching object, by solving a global optimization problem rigorously by means of the verified global optimizer COSY-GO. Finally the collision probability for the sieved encounters can be computed. A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimizer is used to compute the set of Pareto optimal solutions.The method has been applied to two test cases, one that considers a conjunction in GEO and another in LEO. Results show that, in particular for the GEO case, considering all the possible conjunctions after one week of the execution of a CAM can prevent the occurrence of new close encounters in the short-term

    Spacecraft magnetic attitude control using approximating sequence Riccati equations

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    This paper presents the results of a spacecraft attitude control system based on magnetic actuators designed for low Earth orbits. The control system is designed by using a nonlinear control technique based on the approximating sequence of Riccati equations. The behavior of the satellite is discussed under perturbations and model uncertainties. Simulation results are presented when the control system is able to guide the spacecraft to the desired attitude in a variety of different conditions

    Long term nonlinear propagation of uncertainties in perturbed geocentric dynamics using automatic domain splitting

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    Current approaches to uncertainty propagation in astrodynamics mainly refer tolinearized models or Monte Carlo simulations. Naive linear methods fail in nonlinear dynamics, whereas Monte Carlo simulations tend to be computationallyintensive. Differential algebra has already proven to be an efficient compromiseby replacing thousands of pointwise integrations of Monte Carlo runs with thefast evaluation of the arbitrary order Taylor expansion of the flow of the dynamics. However, the current implementation of the DA-based high-order uncertainty propagator fails in highly nonlinear dynamics or long term propagation. We solve this issue by introducing automatic domain splitting. During propagation, the polynomial of the current state is split in two polynomials when its accuracy reaches a given threshold. The resulting polynomials accurately track uncertainties, even in highly nonlinear dynamics and long term propagations. Furthermore, valuable additional information about the dynamical system is available from the pattern in which those automatic splits occur. From this pattern it is immediately visible where the system behaves chaotically and where its evolution is smooth. Furthermore, it is possible to deduce the behavior of the system for each region, yielding further insight into the dynamics. In this work, the method is applied to the analysis of an end-of-life disposal trajectory of the INTEGRAL spacecraft

    Low-Thrust Minimum-Fuel Optimization in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem

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    A study was conducted to demonstrate low-thrust minimum-fuel optimization in the circular restricted three-body problem. The study solved the problem of geostationary transfer orbit (GTO)-to-halo transfer for the first time. This result was achieved with an indirect approach and constant specific impulse engine. Thrust-to-mass ratios in agreement with currently available technology were considered. Some effective techniques were applied to cope with problem complexity. These methods involved solving the minimum-fuel, minimum energy, and minimum-time problems, implementing energy-to-fuel homotopy, continuing the maximum thrust magnitude, and computing the analytic Jacobians

    Evolution of (AERO)Space Engineering Studies in Italy in the Past 20 Years

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    The paper presents the evolution and trends in the Master’s-level studies in aerospace engineering in Italy, looking at the past 20 years. In the year 2000, a major reform of the higher education in engineering took place in Italy, with the introduction of the so-called ‘Bologna system’ and the clear separation of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree studies. With this reform, a relatively high flexibility was given to universities to define their programme structures. the ministerial rules defined only broad subject areas within which courses and credits should be allocated. This reform allowed the diversification of the educational profile within each university and, even more relevant, allowed the creation of mobility across the country between Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes. The paper will show the basic facts and figures in the six Italian universities participating in the Partnership of a european Group of Aeronautics and Space UniversitieS (PeGASUS) network (Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Pisa, Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘Federico II’, Sapienza Università di Roma and Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna), elaborating on the impact of the potential workforce for the sector. Data have been collected from the official open data repository of the Italian Ministry of University, supplemented by information provided by the six universities under analysis. the comparative analysis shows two major results: the positive impact of the reform on the overall Italian higher education and, specifically, a greater appreciation of the aerospace curricula proposed in accordance with the new system